Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Craft Masonry.
AV . F . Smith ( the widow of Major AV . F . Smith , AV . M . ) , who died in July last , forwardiug [ the jewel granted to him as Steward . of the inauguration festival . MIDDLESEX . TJXBEIDGE . —Moi / al Union Lodge ( No . 382 ) . —On Monday tho 15 th inst . this old lodec met at the Masonic Hall . Bro . G .
, ; Fehrenbach , AV . M ., presided . Bros . AV . H . Coulton . S . AA . ; Jaquiu , J . AV . ; Lonsdale , S . D . ; J . L . Coulton , J . D .: Cloake , I . G . ; Wm . Coombes , P . M ., Hon . See . ; Limbert , S . ; Adams , P . O ., Purst ..- Weedon , P . M . ; Wiutmgueld . P . M . ; Cuiiseu , P . M . ; Horsley , P . M . ; Codner , P . M . ; Line , Heale , Blockley , King , jun ., E . C . AVoodward , & c , A isitor : Bro . Baber , P . M ., 4-52 . The lodge having been openedthe minutes of the last
, lodge meeting and lodge of emergency were read and confirmed . Tlie ballot was taken for three gentlemen as candidates , which proved unanimous . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . Chisholme , Heale , and Lunt , were questioned as to their proficiency in their degree , and their answers were very satisfactory . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and these three brothers were raised to tho degree of M . M . ' s . The
lodge was resumed to the first degree , and Mr . Kost was initiated . The election of AV . M . aud Treas . then took place , when the S . AV ., Bro . W . H . Coulton was duly elected W . M ., and Bro . E . C . AVoodward , Treas . for the ensuing year . Tlie business of the evening being concluded , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the Chequers Hotel for refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed . The harmony of the evening was greatly enhanced by the vocal abilities of Bros . Horsley and Limbert . The brethren separated at au early ¦ hour .
PROVINCIAL . DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —The monthly meeting was held on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., at tho Masonic Rooms . In the unavoidable absence of the AA . M . and the I . P . M ., tlie chair was taken bBro . HeathPMand the lodwas opened soon
y , .., ge after 5 p . m . Bros . Gumming , S . AV ., Bro . Niner , J . W ., Stafford , S . D ., Dr . HViins , J . D ., occupied thoir respective chairs . By request , Bro . Dr . Hopkins took that of I . P . M ., and Bro . , T . H-. uns that of I . G . The acting AA . M . gave the charge in the first degree to four brethren , who , on account of the length of thc other proceedings , had not received it at their initiation at a previous meeting . They retiredand the lod having been
, ge opened in the second degree . Bros . Rowse , Blacking , and Rattray , were raised to tlie rank of M . M . by the acting AV . MThey then retired , and the lodge having been resumed in the first degree , in the absence of tlicSecrctary , who had sent a note of apology , the minutes of the previous ' meeting were read by Bro . Watson , P . M ., aud , with the understanding that or two omissions should he supplied , were confirmed , the lodge was resumed in the third
degree , the newly-mnde Master Masons were invested , and the first part of the traditionary history was given them by Bro . J . Heath , the remainder and the charge by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , and tlie working tools were explained bv the
J . AV . The lodge was again resumed by the acting W . M . in the first degree , and a ballot was taken for Bro . Henry J . Presswell as a candidate , which , after testimony from several brethren as to his character and worthiness , proved unanimous in his favour . Bro . Eldrer proposed a gentleman fir initiation al the next mectiu ; ' -, seconded by Bro . Rattray . Bros . Elliott , Coldcn , Wnddim'ton , ' and Woolridge were passed to the degree of F . C . by Bro ? Dr . Hopkinswho called on Bro . NinerJAV . to explain tlie working
, , ., tool ? . Tlie lodge was resumed in tho first degree by Bro . , f . Heath . On the proposition of the acting I . P . M and tlie AV . M ., it was determined to purchase the set of drawings of the Masonic Schools which had been sent for approval . Mr . Presswell was admitted , properly prepared , and duly initiated by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , Bro . Ni ' ncr , as before , explaining the working tools The acting I . P . M ., at the request of Bro . Owen , P . M ., who had been unable to remain
, suggested that steps should bo taken to form a regular lodge of instruction . After some little discussion , Bro . J . Heath directed that a notice on the subject should be placed on the next circular summons . It may be ' added that in obedience to the command of the Prov . G . M ., that none but P . M . 's of a lodge can under any circumstances occupy the chair , during the ceremonies of the first and second degree tlie pedestal was moved aud placed opposite the chair of the acting I . P . M .,
he being a P . M . of other lodges , but not of 710 . Tho lodge was closed at 9 . 15 p . m ., and thy brethren adjourned for an hour ' s social intercourse .
ESSEX . SAFFRON WAEDEN . — Consecration of Sajfrovr WaXA ' ea Lodge ( No . 1 , 780 ) . —On Tuesday , the 16 fch inst ., a new--Masonic Lodge was consecrated at Saffron Walden ; and 3 Ir . Joseph Bellj of that town , was chosen as the first Master . Upoif this occasion assistance was rendered by several ofthe Prov . G . Officers , and also by members ofthe Craft residing in the adjacent conn tiea or
Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire . Among those present were s Bros . Robert John Bagshaw , Prov . G . M . ; Andrew Msggy , Dep-Prov . G . M . The following were also present , viz .: Eros . John Wright Can-, G . See . of the province ,- J . W . Myer , VM ' ., G . Reg . ; Arthur Goodchild , P . M . and P . J . G . D ., 276 ; Frederick Bailey , 441 ; James Nicholl , G . Sec , 276 ; M . H . AVinder , l , 2 S 0 ; Thos . Since , G . S ., 276 ; Edward Taylor , S . AA . 409 ; Eev . J . Fred . AA . Bullock , S . AA . ; H . S . ATymmi , AV . M ., 409 ; Henry
Archer ; Henry Clubb , S . D . 409 ; Francis AV . Bell , P . M . 441 ' , 8 S ; George W ' ildcrspin , S . AV . 441 , 88 , 1 , 280 ; Robert T . Grief , AA ' . M ., 441 , 88 , 1 , 280 ; Joseph Bell , P . M ., 441 , AV . M ., 1 , 280 ; . AVilliam Bays , SS ; John Vial , J . AV ., 441 ; and others . The consecration took place in the large room ofthe lodge , and the presiding officer , pro . tern ., A . Goodchild , P . M ., with his AVardens , opened in the three degrees ; the Chaplain ( Hro . the Rev . J . F . AA . Bullock ) invoked a blessing on thc undertaking the Grand
; Secretary of the province then read the warrant from the Grand . Lodge of England ,- after which thc ceremony of consecration was performed strictly in accordance with the ancient usages and customs , the censer being carried by the Chaplain , and the vessels of corn , wine , and oil by three P . M . ' s ; during the anthems Bro . George AVilderspin presided as Organist . The lodge having been duly consecrated , tlie R . W . Prov . G . M . proceeded to invest Bro . Joseph Bell as the first W . M . ofthe Saffron AA alden Lodge ,
No . 1 , 280 , who . invested Bro . the Rev . J . F . AV . Bullock , S . W ., and Bro . Matthew II . Winder , J . AA . ; the other officers were also appointed before the closing of the lodge , At a later period ofthe day . the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Mr . Spieer , at the Rose and Crown Hotel . During tlie evening allusion was made to the names of those desiring cf being elected members , aud from what transpired there is ground to anticipate considerable prosperity for the new Saffron AValden Lodge , number twelve hundred and eighty .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . BOCHDAM :. —St , Chad ' s Lodge ( No . 1 , 129 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge was held at the Roebuck Hotel , on AVednesday . Thc lodge was opened at 4 . 15 p . m . in due form aud solemn prayer , by Bro . Jas . Hadfield , P . M ., when the minutes of the former lodge and meeting of committee were read and confirmed . It was moved bBr . 0 . MJonesseconded bBro
y . , y . J . Fothergill , and resolved , that Bro . E . G . Henpe represent the Charity Committee , which was carried unanimously . Tlie lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . J . M . AVike , P . G . S . W . took tlie chair , and Bro . E . G . Heapo was then presented by Bro . 3 . Hadfield , P . M ., for installation as AV . M . for the ensuing year , which ceremony was performed in a most efficient and solemn manner by Bvo . J . M . AA ike , P . G . S . AV .
Bro . E . G . Heape , AV . M ., then appointed , and Bro . J . M . AVike , P . G . S . AV . invested the following officers , delivering to each of them an address suitable to the occasion : —Bros . H . H . Moore , S . AAs ; Jno . Fothergill , J . AA . ; Jno . Briggs , S . D . ; Andrew Eastwood , J . D . ; J . 11 . Mofl ' att , I . G . ; C . ' M . Jones , Prov . Dir . of Cers . ; James Hadfield , P . M ., 1 , 129 , Treas . ; H . Turner , P . M ., 54 , Sec . ; Edw . Clegg , Tyler . The lodge was closed in due form and solemn prayer at the hour of 5 . 40 p . m . The brethren adjourned to celebrate the annual festival .
ROCHDALE . —lloyd's Lodgo ( No . 816 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge , held at Spring Gardens , Wardle , took place on Monday thc 18 th inst . Bro . Joel Rigg , AA . M ., presided , and supported by Bros . James Jackson , jun . ; John Jackson , P . G . S . W . ; James Kershaw , P . M . ; James Mid gley , P . M ., Sec . ; AVm . Kershaw , P . Af ., & c . The visitors present were ; Bros . AVilliam Davies , P . M ., 54 ; Abraham Rigg , S . W ., 367 ; George Roth well , Sec . 367 . Bro . Lawrence Lord was advanced to a higher degree . The election of AA . M . for the ensuing year then took place , when hro . James Jackson was unanimously elected by ballot .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
AV . F . Smith ( the widow of Major AV . F . Smith , AV . M . ) , who died in July last , forwardiug [ the jewel granted to him as Steward . of the inauguration festival . MIDDLESEX . TJXBEIDGE . —Moi / al Union Lodge ( No . 382 ) . —On Monday tho 15 th inst . this old lodec met at the Masonic Hall . Bro . G .
, ; Fehrenbach , AV . M ., presided . Bros . AV . H . Coulton . S . AA . ; Jaquiu , J . AV . ; Lonsdale , S . D . ; J . L . Coulton , J . D .: Cloake , I . G . ; Wm . Coombes , P . M ., Hon . See . ; Limbert , S . ; Adams , P . O ., Purst ..- Weedon , P . M . ; Wiutmgueld . P . M . ; Cuiiseu , P . M . ; Horsley , P . M . ; Codner , P . M . ; Line , Heale , Blockley , King , jun ., E . C . AVoodward , & c , A isitor : Bro . Baber , P . M ., 4-52 . The lodge having been openedthe minutes of the last
, lodge meeting and lodge of emergency were read and confirmed . Tlie ballot was taken for three gentlemen as candidates , which proved unanimous . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . Chisholme , Heale , and Lunt , were questioned as to their proficiency in their degree , and their answers were very satisfactory . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and these three brothers were raised to tho degree of M . M . ' s . The
lodge was resumed to the first degree , and Mr . Kost was initiated . The election of AV . M . aud Treas . then took place , when the S . AV ., Bro . W . H . Coulton was duly elected W . M ., and Bro . E . C . AVoodward , Treas . for the ensuing year . Tlie business of the evening being concluded , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the Chequers Hotel for refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed . The harmony of the evening was greatly enhanced by the vocal abilities of Bros . Horsley and Limbert . The brethren separated at au early ¦ hour .
PROVINCIAL . DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —The monthly meeting was held on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., at tho Masonic Rooms . In the unavoidable absence of the AA . M . and the I . P . M ., tlie chair was taken bBro . HeathPMand the lodwas opened soon
y , .., ge after 5 p . m . Bros . Gumming , S . AV ., Bro . Niner , J . W ., Stafford , S . D ., Dr . HViins , J . D ., occupied thoir respective chairs . By request , Bro . Dr . Hopkins took that of I . P . M ., and Bro . , T . H-. uns that of I . G . The acting AA . M . gave the charge in the first degree to four brethren , who , on account of the length of thc other proceedings , had not received it at their initiation at a previous meeting . They retiredand the lod having been
, ge opened in the second degree . Bros . Rowse , Blacking , and Rattray , were raised to tlie rank of M . M . by the acting AV . MThey then retired , and the lodge having been resumed in the first degree , in the absence of tlicSecrctary , who had sent a note of apology , the minutes of the previous ' meeting were read by Bro . Watson , P . M ., aud , with the understanding that or two omissions should he supplied , were confirmed , the lodge was resumed in the third
degree , the newly-mnde Master Masons were invested , and the first part of the traditionary history was given them by Bro . J . Heath , the remainder and the charge by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , and tlie working tools were explained bv the
J . AV . The lodge was again resumed by the acting W . M . in the first degree , and a ballot was taken for Bro . Henry J . Presswell as a candidate , which , after testimony from several brethren as to his character and worthiness , proved unanimous in his favour . Bro . Eldrer proposed a gentleman fir initiation al the next mectiu ; ' -, seconded by Bro . Rattray . Bros . Elliott , Coldcn , Wnddim'ton , ' and Woolridge were passed to the degree of F . C . by Bro ? Dr . Hopkinswho called on Bro . NinerJAV . to explain tlie working
, , ., tool ? . Tlie lodge was resumed in tho first degree by Bro . , f . Heath . On the proposition of the acting I . P . M and tlie AV . M ., it was determined to purchase the set of drawings of the Masonic Schools which had been sent for approval . Mr . Presswell was admitted , properly prepared , and duly initiated by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , Bro . Ni ' ncr , as before , explaining the working tools The acting I . P . M ., at the request of Bro . Owen , P . M ., who had been unable to remain
, suggested that steps should bo taken to form a regular lodge of instruction . After some little discussion , Bro . J . Heath directed that a notice on the subject should be placed on the next circular summons . It may be ' added that in obedience to the command of the Prov . G . M ., that none but P . M . 's of a lodge can under any circumstances occupy the chair , during the ceremonies of the first and second degree tlie pedestal was moved aud placed opposite the chair of the acting I . P . M .,
he being a P . M . of other lodges , but not of 710 . Tho lodge was closed at 9 . 15 p . m ., and thy brethren adjourned for an hour ' s social intercourse .
ESSEX . SAFFRON WAEDEN . — Consecration of Sajfrovr WaXA ' ea Lodge ( No . 1 , 780 ) . —On Tuesday , the 16 fch inst ., a new--Masonic Lodge was consecrated at Saffron Walden ; and 3 Ir . Joseph Bellj of that town , was chosen as the first Master . Upoif this occasion assistance was rendered by several ofthe Prov . G . Officers , and also by members ofthe Craft residing in the adjacent conn tiea or
Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire . Among those present were s Bros . Robert John Bagshaw , Prov . G . M . ; Andrew Msggy , Dep-Prov . G . M . The following were also present , viz .: Eros . John Wright Can-, G . See . of the province ,- J . W . Myer , VM ' ., G . Reg . ; Arthur Goodchild , P . M . and P . J . G . D ., 276 ; Frederick Bailey , 441 ; James Nicholl , G . Sec , 276 ; M . H . AVinder , l , 2 S 0 ; Thos . Since , G . S ., 276 ; Edward Taylor , S . AA . 409 ; Eev . J . Fred . AA . Bullock , S . AA . ; H . S . ATymmi , AV . M ., 409 ; Henry
Archer ; Henry Clubb , S . D . 409 ; Francis AV . Bell , P . M . 441 ' , 8 S ; George W ' ildcrspin , S . AV . 441 , 88 , 1 , 280 ; Robert T . Grief , AA ' . M ., 441 , 88 , 1 , 280 ; Joseph Bell , P . M ., 441 , AV . M ., 1 , 280 ; . AVilliam Bays , SS ; John Vial , J . AV ., 441 ; and others . The consecration took place in the large room ofthe lodge , and the presiding officer , pro . tern ., A . Goodchild , P . M ., with his AVardens , opened in the three degrees ; the Chaplain ( Hro . the Rev . J . F . AA . Bullock ) invoked a blessing on thc undertaking the Grand
; Secretary of the province then read the warrant from the Grand . Lodge of England ,- after which thc ceremony of consecration was performed strictly in accordance with the ancient usages and customs , the censer being carried by the Chaplain , and the vessels of corn , wine , and oil by three P . M . ' s ; during the anthems Bro . George AVilderspin presided as Organist . The lodge having been duly consecrated , tlie R . W . Prov . G . M . proceeded to invest Bro . Joseph Bell as the first W . M . ofthe Saffron AA alden Lodge ,
No . 1 , 280 , who . invested Bro . the Rev . J . F . AV . Bullock , S . W ., and Bro . Matthew II . Winder , J . AA . ; the other officers were also appointed before the closing of the lodge , At a later period ofthe day . the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Mr . Spieer , at the Rose and Crown Hotel . During tlie evening allusion was made to the names of those desiring cf being elected members , aud from what transpired there is ground to anticipate considerable prosperity for the new Saffron AValden Lodge , number twelve hundred and eighty .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . BOCHDAM :. —St , Chad ' s Lodge ( No . 1 , 129 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge was held at the Roebuck Hotel , on AVednesday . Thc lodge was opened at 4 . 15 p . m . in due form aud solemn prayer , by Bro . Jas . Hadfield , P . M ., when the minutes of the former lodge and meeting of committee were read and confirmed . It was moved bBr . 0 . MJonesseconded bBro
y . , y . J . Fothergill , and resolved , that Bro . E . G . Henpe represent the Charity Committee , which was carried unanimously . Tlie lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . J . M . AVike , P . G . S . W . took tlie chair , and Bro . E . G . Heapo was then presented by Bro . 3 . Hadfield , P . M ., for installation as AV . M . for the ensuing year , which ceremony was performed in a most efficient and solemn manner by Bvo . J . M . AA ike , P . G . S . AV .
Bro . E . G . Heape , AV . M ., then appointed , and Bro . J . M . AVike , P . G . S . AV . invested the following officers , delivering to each of them an address suitable to the occasion : —Bros . H . H . Moore , S . AAs ; Jno . Fothergill , J . AA . ; Jno . Briggs , S . D . ; Andrew Eastwood , J . D . ; J . 11 . Mofl ' att , I . G . ; C . ' M . Jones , Prov . Dir . of Cers . ; James Hadfield , P . M ., 1 , 129 , Treas . ; H . Turner , P . M ., 54 , Sec . ; Edw . Clegg , Tyler . The lodge was closed in due form and solemn prayer at the hour of 5 . 40 p . m . The brethren adjourned to celebrate the annual festival .
ROCHDALE . —lloyd's Lodgo ( No . 816 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge , held at Spring Gardens , Wardle , took place on Monday thc 18 th inst . Bro . Joel Rigg , AA . M ., presided , and supported by Bros . James Jackson , jun . ; John Jackson , P . G . S . W . ; James Kershaw , P . M . ; James Mid gley , P . M ., Sec . ; AVm . Kershaw , P . Af ., & c . The visitors present were ; Bros . AVilliam Davies , P . M ., 54 ; Abraham Rigg , S . W ., 367 ; George Roth well , Sec . 367 . Bro . Lawrence Lord was advanced to a higher degree . The election of AA . M . for the ensuing year then took place , when hro . James Jackson was unanimously elected by ballot .