Article MASONIC MEMS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 4 →
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Masonic Mems.
4 . " That in future the- issue of fret' votes in consequence of the grants from Grand Lodge and Grapd ' Chapter be hereafter discontinued , and that the rules and regulations of tho Institution be amended as follows , viz ..: —Rule W , expunged ; Rule 31 , to -omit the words 'Lodge , Chapter , and ' sa the seventh line . " By Bro . James Stevens , P . M . No . 720 . —5- " That with a view
to securing greater ' uniformity of working and observance of the ' same -usages ar , d customs' throughout the several lodges held under the authority of the Grand Lodge of England , a committee of Post Masters be appointed to inquire into the merits of'the respective systems of working now in practice , and to report to Grand Lodge thereon , with such -recommendations
as they may think necessary to prevent deviation , fr-ora tho established , mode such deviations being , according to tlie Constitutions of Freemasonry , improper and not to he justifiedor countenanced ^" By Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing , P . G . D . —6 . " That iu the opinion of thisiGrand Lodge no future Grand Master should liold that
office for more than three years in succession , unless in tho case of a Royal Prince , when-the-restriction should apply to the Pro-Grand Master . " By Bro . Raynham AV . Stewart , W . M . Nos . 12 cud 453 . —7 . " That no brother ( except a Prince of the Blood Royal ) shall be eligible as Grand Master for a longer period in succession than
five years . " By Bro . iEnens J . Mclnfcvre , G . Registrar . —S . "Tbattto Book of Constitutions , poge 46 , article 4 , be altered by expunging the words ' until the next meeting of the Grand Lodge . '" By Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Pursuivant . —9 . "That the office of Grand Master shall not be held by any brother for a longer period in succession than seven years , except in the case of a Pri nce of the Blood . "
By Bro . John Savage , P . G . D—10 . "That the office of M . W . Grand Master shall not be held by any "brother for a longer period than four years in succession . This law shall not extend to a Prince of the Blood Royal , but it shall extend to any brother whom he may appoint as the M . W . Pro-Grand Master . "
9 . Appeal of Bro . George Bease against his expulsion from the Order , by the District Grand Lodge of Bombay . —N . B . papers relating to this appeal will be in the Grand Secretary's office till the meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for the inspection of the brethren durinsr office hours .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . METROPOLITAN . LODGE OE FIDE - CITY ( NO . 3 ) . —This ancient lodge met at Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 11 th inst ., Bro . G . Cording , W . M ., in the chair , supported by his officers and a number of tlie brethren . The minutes of the formar lodhaving been read
ge and confirmed , the W . M . raised Bros , lloff , Mordin , Young , and Bar-ten to tho sublime degree of M . M . Mr . Frodsham was proposed for initiation and was unanimously approved of . The business disposed of , the brethren adjourned to the banquet . Bro . Donald King was present as a visitor . MOEIA LODGE ( No . 92 ) . —Tlie regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., when the
following brethren were present : —Bros . Thome , AV . M . ; Home , S . W . ; Latter , J . W . ; Pen-in , S . D . ; Ledger , J . D . ; Jacob , I . G . ; Atkins , Palmer , Potter , Webster , AVhite , AVilliams , and Houle , P . M . 's . The following visitors were also present .- —Bros . J . R . Stevens , P . M . IS , S . Chaplin , 108 ; AV . Pettnfor . 892 ; and A . A . Morler , 108 . Tlie business included the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when the choice of the brethren fell upon Bro . HorneV Bro , G , W , K . Potter was re-elected Treasurer .
EASTEKN STAE LODGE ( NO . 95 ) . —On Monday , " the 16 th inst ., this lodge mot at the Ship and Turtle Hotel , Leadenhallstreet . Bro . R . Bateman occupied the chair , supported by Bros . G . S . Avres , S . AV . ; P . Edinger , J . AV . ; T . Ducas , S . D . ; E . AV . Davis , P . M ., Treas . ; F . L . Goode , P . M . ; J . Marriott , P . M . Bros . Firth , Roberts , aud AVioks were passed to the second degree . A petition to Grand Lodge on behalf of the widow of a brother formerly a member of this lodge was signed . Business
concluded , the lodge was closed in due form . ST . GEOEGE ' S LODGE ( No . 140 ) . —On AVednesday , the 17 th inst ., the regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Trafalgar ,. Greenwich . The following were present : —Bros . E . AV . Pook , AV . M . ; C . Hudson . S . W . ; E . Johnson , J . AV . ; R . B . AVebsfcer , S . D . ; AV . E . Laurence , I . G . ; A . H . Tattershall , P . M . & Sec ; GWEdmgtonP . M . & Treas . E . HubbuekP . M . ; AV . Noak
. . , ; , , P . M . There were also present as visitors : —Bros . W . Downing , 119 ; E . Downing , 149 ; C . AVaydeline , 193 ; Perridge , S . AV . 79 ; Palmer , 79 ; Halsey , P . M . 134 ; AVebb , P . M . 72 , 103 , 890 ; Bumpstead , 548 ; J . Roper , 147 . Bros . Jardine and AVebb were passed to the degree of F . C . Ten pounds were given from the Benevolent Fund of the lodge to jBro . Noak , P . M ., to be added to his list on the occasion of his acting as Steward at the
Festival for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows in January next . One guinea was given from the general funds of the lodge to a widow of a distressed Mason . The lodge being closed , the brethren partook of a sumptuous banquet of the usual style ,
provided by the manager of the Trafalgar . PANJIUEE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . —This lodge held its regular monthly meeting at Bro . Lilley's , Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday , the . 15 th inst . The AV . M ., Bro . AVolport , presided , assisted by his officers aud a fair attendance of brethren . One brother was passed to tho degree of F . C ., aud another WPS raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The business concludedthe brethren adjourned to the banquetafter which ,
, , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , Bro . Dr . Harrison was present as a visitor , and kindly officiated as I . P . M . Tho AV . M . alluded to the absence , through iiluess , of Bro . Thomas , P . M . & Treas ., which announcement was received by the brethren with evident expressions of regret , that brother being so thoroughly identified with all that concerns the interests of the Panmure . Afcer the Tyler's toast had
been duly honoured , the brethren separated . YAETJOKOUGH LODGE ( NO . 554 ) . —This lodge met at the Green Dragon , Stepney , on Thursday , the 4 th inst . Bro .. George Roberts , AA . M ., w as in the chair , assisted by Bros . Stevens , Hamilton , and Mosely , P . M . ' s ; Barnes , S . W . ; Chad-Avick , J . AV . ; Kerry , S . D . ; Morrison , J . D . ; Coards , I . G , ; Speight , Tyler , and many other brethren . Bros . Saqui , Lo . cey , and
Curtis were present as visitors . Bros . Seatie and Allen were passed to the degree of F . C . Josiah Green , Sec , tendered his resignation on account of serious indisposition . Bvo . Isaac Saqui presided at the harmonium in his usual masterly manner .
NEW CONCOBD LODGE ( No . 813 ) . — This lodge held their regular meeting at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , on Friday the 19 th inst . There were present : Bros . J . Hart ,. W . M . ; T . Bartlett , S . W . ; M . J . Atkins , J . AV . ; J . Salisbury . S . D . ; J . Blyth , J . D . ; G . Abseil , I . G . ; McDavitt , Org . ; Lloyd , Steward ; Wilson , I . P . M . ; AV . H . Main , P . M ., and Hon .. Sec ; Jno . Emmens , P . G . P ., and P . M . and Treas . The visitors were : Bros . AVildOld ConcordGabbJubilee ;
ForbesPros-, ; , , perity ; McLea , Egyptian , and Linn . Bro . Mountford was raised to the degree of M . M . ; aud Bro . Cain was passed to the degree of F . C . ; and Messrs . Taylor , Gabb , jun ., Hofbauer , and Shellard , were initiated . Five pounds were voted towards the list of Bro . Bartlett , S . W ., who has consented to stand as Steward to the Benevolent Institution . The whole of the cremonies was most ably performed by the AA . M .
BUCKINGHAM AND CHANDOS LODGE ( NO . 1 , 150 ) . —This lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Wednesday , the 17 th inst . Bro . J . B . Mirichton , I . P . M ., acted as AV . M ., and was supported by Bros . G . Hunt , S . AV . ; S . Mullens , J . W .. ; J . AVhiebm-sfc , Treas . and P . M . ; J . S . Charlton , Sec ; P . de C . Louf , S . D . ; R . Dixon , J . D . ; J . G . Dobbs , I . G . ; C . W . Creed , P . M . J . D . CauleherProv . G . Steward . Bro .
LaingStrong-; , , man Lodge , was present as a visitor . The business of the evening included the election of AV . M ., the choice of the brethren fulling upon Bro . Hunt , S . W . Bro . J . AVhichurst , Treas ., and Bros . Louf , Whitmarsh , and Atkins , auditors , were reappointed . A letter of condolence was ordered to bo sent to Mrs .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
4 . " That in future the- issue of fret' votes in consequence of the grants from Grand Lodge and Grapd ' Chapter be hereafter discontinued , and that the rules and regulations of tho Institution be amended as follows , viz ..: —Rule W , expunged ; Rule 31 , to -omit the words 'Lodge , Chapter , and ' sa the seventh line . " By Bro . James Stevens , P . M . No . 720 . —5- " That with a view
to securing greater ' uniformity of working and observance of the ' same -usages ar , d customs' throughout the several lodges held under the authority of the Grand Lodge of England , a committee of Post Masters be appointed to inquire into the merits of'the respective systems of working now in practice , and to report to Grand Lodge thereon , with such -recommendations
as they may think necessary to prevent deviation , fr-ora tho established , mode such deviations being , according to tlie Constitutions of Freemasonry , improper and not to he justifiedor countenanced ^" By Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing , P . G . D . —6 . " That iu the opinion of thisiGrand Lodge no future Grand Master should liold that
office for more than three years in succession , unless in tho case of a Royal Prince , when-the-restriction should apply to the Pro-Grand Master . " By Bro . Raynham AV . Stewart , W . M . Nos . 12 cud 453 . —7 . " That no brother ( except a Prince of the Blood Royal ) shall be eligible as Grand Master for a longer period in succession than
five years . " By Bro . iEnens J . Mclnfcvre , G . Registrar . —S . "Tbattto Book of Constitutions , poge 46 , article 4 , be altered by expunging the words ' until the next meeting of the Grand Lodge . '" By Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Pursuivant . —9 . "That the office of Grand Master shall not be held by any brother for a longer period in succession than seven years , except in the case of a Pri nce of the Blood . "
By Bro . John Savage , P . G . D—10 . "That the office of M . W . Grand Master shall not be held by any "brother for a longer period than four years in succession . This law shall not extend to a Prince of the Blood Royal , but it shall extend to any brother whom he may appoint as the M . W . Pro-Grand Master . "
9 . Appeal of Bro . George Bease against his expulsion from the Order , by the District Grand Lodge of Bombay . —N . B . papers relating to this appeal will be in the Grand Secretary's office till the meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for the inspection of the brethren durinsr office hours .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
ENGLISH CONSTITUTION . METROPOLITAN . LODGE OE FIDE - CITY ( NO . 3 ) . —This ancient lodge met at Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 11 th inst ., Bro . G . Cording , W . M ., in the chair , supported by his officers and a number of tlie brethren . The minutes of the formar lodhaving been read
ge and confirmed , the W . M . raised Bros , lloff , Mordin , Young , and Bar-ten to tho sublime degree of M . M . Mr . Frodsham was proposed for initiation and was unanimously approved of . The business disposed of , the brethren adjourned to the banquet . Bro . Donald King was present as a visitor . MOEIA LODGE ( No . 92 ) . —Tlie regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., when the
following brethren were present : —Bros . Thome , AV . M . ; Home , S . W . ; Latter , J . W . ; Pen-in , S . D . ; Ledger , J . D . ; Jacob , I . G . ; Atkins , Palmer , Potter , Webster , AVhite , AVilliams , and Houle , P . M . 's . The following visitors were also present .- —Bros . J . R . Stevens , P . M . IS , S . Chaplin , 108 ; AV . Pettnfor . 892 ; and A . A . Morler , 108 . Tlie business included the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when the choice of the brethren fell upon Bro . HorneV Bro , G , W , K . Potter was re-elected Treasurer .
EASTEKN STAE LODGE ( NO . 95 ) . —On Monday , " the 16 th inst ., this lodge mot at the Ship and Turtle Hotel , Leadenhallstreet . Bro . R . Bateman occupied the chair , supported by Bros . G . S . Avres , S . AV . ; P . Edinger , J . AV . ; T . Ducas , S . D . ; E . AV . Davis , P . M ., Treas . ; F . L . Goode , P . M . ; J . Marriott , P . M . Bros . Firth , Roberts , aud AVioks were passed to the second degree . A petition to Grand Lodge on behalf of the widow of a brother formerly a member of this lodge was signed . Business
concluded , the lodge was closed in due form . ST . GEOEGE ' S LODGE ( No . 140 ) . —On AVednesday , the 17 th inst ., the regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Trafalgar ,. Greenwich . The following were present : —Bros . E . AV . Pook , AV . M . ; C . Hudson . S . W . ; E . Johnson , J . AV . ; R . B . AVebsfcer , S . D . ; AV . E . Laurence , I . G . ; A . H . Tattershall , P . M . & Sec ; GWEdmgtonP . M . & Treas . E . HubbuekP . M . ; AV . Noak
. . , ; , , P . M . There were also present as visitors : —Bros . W . Downing , 119 ; E . Downing , 149 ; C . AVaydeline , 193 ; Perridge , S . AV . 79 ; Palmer , 79 ; Halsey , P . M . 134 ; AVebb , P . M . 72 , 103 , 890 ; Bumpstead , 548 ; J . Roper , 147 . Bros . Jardine and AVebb were passed to the degree of F . C . Ten pounds were given from the Benevolent Fund of the lodge to jBro . Noak , P . M ., to be added to his list on the occasion of his acting as Steward at the
Festival for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows in January next . One guinea was given from the general funds of the lodge to a widow of a distressed Mason . The lodge being closed , the brethren partook of a sumptuous banquet of the usual style ,
provided by the manager of the Trafalgar . PANJIUEE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . —This lodge held its regular monthly meeting at Bro . Lilley's , Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday , the . 15 th inst . The AV . M ., Bro . AVolport , presided , assisted by his officers aud a fair attendance of brethren . One brother was passed to tho degree of F . C ., aud another WPS raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The business concludedthe brethren adjourned to the banquetafter which ,
, , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , Bro . Dr . Harrison was present as a visitor , and kindly officiated as I . P . M . Tho AV . M . alluded to the absence , through iiluess , of Bro . Thomas , P . M . & Treas ., which announcement was received by the brethren with evident expressions of regret , that brother being so thoroughly identified with all that concerns the interests of the Panmure . Afcer the Tyler's toast had
been duly honoured , the brethren separated . YAETJOKOUGH LODGE ( NO . 554 ) . —This lodge met at the Green Dragon , Stepney , on Thursday , the 4 th inst . Bro .. George Roberts , AA . M ., w as in the chair , assisted by Bros . Stevens , Hamilton , and Mosely , P . M . ' s ; Barnes , S . W . ; Chad-Avick , J . AV . ; Kerry , S . D . ; Morrison , J . D . ; Coards , I . G , ; Speight , Tyler , and many other brethren . Bros . Saqui , Lo . cey , and
Curtis were present as visitors . Bros . Seatie and Allen were passed to the degree of F . C . Josiah Green , Sec , tendered his resignation on account of serious indisposition . Bvo . Isaac Saqui presided at the harmonium in his usual masterly manner .
NEW CONCOBD LODGE ( No . 813 ) . — This lodge held their regular meeting at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , on Friday the 19 th inst . There were present : Bros . J . Hart ,. W . M . ; T . Bartlett , S . W . ; M . J . Atkins , J . AV . ; J . Salisbury . S . D . ; J . Blyth , J . D . ; G . Abseil , I . G . ; McDavitt , Org . ; Lloyd , Steward ; Wilson , I . P . M . ; AV . H . Main , P . M ., and Hon .. Sec ; Jno . Emmens , P . G . P ., and P . M . and Treas . The visitors were : Bros . AVildOld ConcordGabbJubilee ;
ForbesPros-, ; , , perity ; McLea , Egyptian , and Linn . Bro . Mountford was raised to the degree of M . M . ; aud Bro . Cain was passed to the degree of F . C . ; and Messrs . Taylor , Gabb , jun ., Hofbauer , and Shellard , were initiated . Five pounds were voted towards the list of Bro . Bartlett , S . W ., who has consented to stand as Steward to the Benevolent Institution . The whole of the cremonies was most ably performed by the AA . M .
BUCKINGHAM AND CHANDOS LODGE ( NO . 1 , 150 ) . —This lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Wednesday , the 17 th inst . Bro . J . B . Mirichton , I . P . M ., acted as AV . M ., and was supported by Bros . G . Hunt , S . AV . ; S . Mullens , J . W .. ; J . AVhiebm-sfc , Treas . and P . M . ; J . S . Charlton , Sec ; P . de C . Louf , S . D . ; R . Dixon , J . D . ; J . G . Dobbs , I . G . ; C . W . Creed , P . M . J . D . CauleherProv . G . Steward . Bro .
LaingStrong-; , , man Lodge , was present as a visitor . The business of the evening included the election of AV . M ., the choice of the brethren fulling upon Bro . Hunt , S . W . Bro . J . AVhichurst , Treas ., and Bros . Louf , Whitmarsh , and Atkins , auditors , were reappointed . A letter of condolence was ordered to bo sent to Mrs .