Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 2 →
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* * AU communications to he addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury . street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
Tins Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales will be held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Tuesday , the 30 th inst ., at 5 o'clock . TVIEBS of Lodges , Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encampments , & c , in England , Scotland , and Ireland , are requested to forward their names and addresses to the Publisher of THE FUEE / MASONS' MA & AZISE , SO that a complete Register and Directory may be compiled .
WE are happy to announce to our readers that the R . W . tlie Prov . G . M . of Monmouthshire , Bro . John Etherington Welsh EolJ , of the Hcndre , has given the magnificent sum of one thousand pounds to the funds of the Monmouth Infirmary . THE Prov . G . Lodge for Hampshire and tho Isle of Wight , will be held at the H . irtly Hall , Southampton , on Tuesday 30 th
inst . at 11 o ' clock , under tho presidency of the R . W . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon . ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED KITE . —Consecration of Base Croiv Chapter at Bournemouth . —Several members having petitioned for a warrant to open a Rose Croix Chapter at Bournemouth , the Supremo Grand Council of tho 33 ° of the Ancient and
Accepted Rite for England and Wales , and the dependencies of tho British Crown , have granted a dispensation to hack this degree for a twelvemonth , at the end of which time , if a satisfactory progress has been made , they aye prepared to grant the warrant . On Tuesday 16 th inst ., the Illustrious Bros . C . TVigne , Sovereign Grand Commander ; II . C . Vernon ,
Lieut-Grand Commander ,- Captain N . G . Philips , Grand Treasurers Members ofthe Supreme Grand Council , assisted by Bro . J . M . P . Montague , and Hyde Pullen , ofthe 32 " , attended at Bournemouth and conseciated the chapter . The brethren of the Bournemouth Chapter of Rose Croix afterwards entertained their illustrious visitors at a banquet , given at the Belle Vue Hotel . The
members of the Supreme Grand Council loft early , having to visit and consecrate other chapters in the west of England . AVe are informed , that the chapter furniture and the knight's clothing and regalia , supplied by Bro . J . J . Cancy , gave the greatest satisfaction .
WE are informed that the lodges iu the Isle of Wight do not intend to recognize the junction of tlie Isle of Wight with the province of Hampshire , but intend to appeal against it at Grand Lodge , on the ground that the M . W . the Grand Master had not authorit y to join the two Prov . G . Lodges without the sanction of Grand Lodo-e .
GRAND LODGE , The following is tlie agenda of business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday , 1 st December , 1 SG 9 . 1 . The minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 1 st September , I 860 , for confirmation . 2 . The M . W . Grand Master will announce that it is his
Lordship ' s desire to retire from the Grand Mastership at the end of his present year of office . 3 . Ab omination , of a Grand Master for the ensuing year . 4 . Election of twelve Past Masters to serve on the Board of
Benevolence for the j-enr ensuing .
5 . Report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter , 6 . Report of the Board of General Purposes . "To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to report—1 . A complaint was preferred against lira , Robert Daly , thc W . M . of the New
Wandsworth Lodge ( No . 1 , 044 ) , New Wandsworth , for having promoted ami permitted the removal of the lodge into London without having previously obtained or even applied for the sanction of tho Most Worshipful Grand Master ; and of having summoued a meeting of thc lodge in London , and of having there opened the lodge and proceeded with Masonic business .
The Master was also charged with having permitted members of the lodge , in arrear with their subscriptions , to vote , in contravention of the by-laws . Thc Master and Wardens were summoned to attend and produce the warrant and books . Bro . Robert Oi-d , a P . M . ofthe lodge , attended for the Master , who , it was stated , was too ill to be present , and stated he had the
entire authority of the Master to act for him , and to submit to the . judgment of the Board . The complainants also attended to support the charges . The Board having heard the evidence adduced on both sides , and having carefully considered the matter , resolved— ' That the charge of illegal removal to London and there entering ou Masonic business was fully proved ,, and that the lodge be admonished to resume its meetings at the authorised place at Now Wandsworth . ' Thc Board further resolved— 'That the Master , Bro . Robert Daly , for his conduct
iu the matter , be fined the sum of three guineas , and be admonished to bo moro careful in his future Masonic proceedings . With regard to the other charge , the Board were of opinion that it wss not proved . ' 2 . The Board have had a catalogue of the books in the library at tho hall prepared under the supervisor ! of Bro . Henry W . Hemsworth , a member of the Board , who kindly undertook tho duty . The catalogue has
been printed , and copies are deposited in thc office of the Grand Secretary . To tire report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on tho 11 th November , 1 SG 9 , showing a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of £ 1 , G 30 lis . 5 d ., and in the hands of the Grand
Secretary , for petty cash , £ 75 . 7 . Report ol the Committee on the Fund of Benevolence ,, thc further consideration of which was deferred from the last Quarterly Communication . S . Proposed motions : —By Bro . John II . Wynne , P . M . 101 ., 1 . " That those brethren , who were candidates at the last
election , and did not succeed to be elected on the Annuity Fund , shall receive £ 15 rra- annum from the Benevolent Fund , until they shall be elected on the Annuity Fund . " By Bro . Joshua Nimn , G . S . B ., 2 . "That provided the resolution , proposed by Committee on the Fund of Benevolence , to " replace the last paragraph of No . C Fund of Benevolence ( in the Book of Constitutions ) , be passed by Grand Lodge . "
To move— " That the form of the certificate required to he sent to tho Lodge of Benevolence with all petitions ( and to be signed by the visitor , a member of the lodge , or some other brother ) be referred back to the said Committee on the Fund of Benevolence for details and adjustment . By Bro . John Udall , P . G . D ., 3 . "That the sum of £ 50 be
given from the Fund for General Purposes . —That the money b placed in the hands of the Secretary of the Asylum of the Royal Masonic Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , to supply tho inmates at Croydon with , coals during ; the winter season . "
By Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , W . M . Nos . 12 and 453 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
* * AU communications to he addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury . street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
Tins Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England and Wales will be held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Tuesday , the 30 th inst ., at 5 o'clock . TVIEBS of Lodges , Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encampments , & c , in England , Scotland , and Ireland , are requested to forward their names and addresses to the Publisher of THE FUEE / MASONS' MA & AZISE , SO that a complete Register and Directory may be compiled .
WE are happy to announce to our readers that the R . W . tlie Prov . G . M . of Monmouthshire , Bro . John Etherington Welsh EolJ , of the Hcndre , has given the magnificent sum of one thousand pounds to the funds of the Monmouth Infirmary . THE Prov . G . Lodge for Hampshire and tho Isle of Wight , will be held at the H . irtly Hall , Southampton , on Tuesday 30 th
inst . at 11 o ' clock , under tho presidency of the R . W . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon . ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED KITE . —Consecration of Base Croiv Chapter at Bournemouth . —Several members having petitioned for a warrant to open a Rose Croix Chapter at Bournemouth , the Supremo Grand Council of tho 33 ° of the Ancient and
Accepted Rite for England and Wales , and the dependencies of tho British Crown , have granted a dispensation to hack this degree for a twelvemonth , at the end of which time , if a satisfactory progress has been made , they aye prepared to grant the warrant . On Tuesday 16 th inst ., the Illustrious Bros . C . TVigne , Sovereign Grand Commander ; II . C . Vernon ,
Lieut-Grand Commander ,- Captain N . G . Philips , Grand Treasurers Members ofthe Supreme Grand Council , assisted by Bro . J . M . P . Montague , and Hyde Pullen , ofthe 32 " , attended at Bournemouth and conseciated the chapter . The brethren of the Bournemouth Chapter of Rose Croix afterwards entertained their illustrious visitors at a banquet , given at the Belle Vue Hotel . The
members of the Supreme Grand Council loft early , having to visit and consecrate other chapters in the west of England . AVe are informed , that the chapter furniture and the knight's clothing and regalia , supplied by Bro . J . J . Cancy , gave the greatest satisfaction .
WE are informed that the lodges iu the Isle of Wight do not intend to recognize the junction of tlie Isle of Wight with the province of Hampshire , but intend to appeal against it at Grand Lodge , on the ground that the M . W . the Grand Master had not authorit y to join the two Prov . G . Lodges without the sanction of Grand Lodo-e .
GRAND LODGE , The following is tlie agenda of business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday , 1 st December , 1 SG 9 . 1 . The minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 1 st September , I 860 , for confirmation . 2 . The M . W . Grand Master will announce that it is his
Lordship ' s desire to retire from the Grand Mastership at the end of his present year of office . 3 . Ab omination , of a Grand Master for the ensuing year . 4 . Election of twelve Past Masters to serve on the Board of
Benevolence for the j-enr ensuing .
5 . Report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter , 6 . Report of the Board of General Purposes . "To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to report—1 . A complaint was preferred against lira , Robert Daly , thc W . M . of the New
Wandsworth Lodge ( No . 1 , 044 ) , New Wandsworth , for having promoted ami permitted the removal of the lodge into London without having previously obtained or even applied for the sanction of tho Most Worshipful Grand Master ; and of having summoued a meeting of thc lodge in London , and of having there opened the lodge and proceeded with Masonic business .
The Master was also charged with having permitted members of the lodge , in arrear with their subscriptions , to vote , in contravention of the by-laws . Thc Master and Wardens were summoned to attend and produce the warrant and books . Bro . Robert Oi-d , a P . M . ofthe lodge , attended for the Master , who , it was stated , was too ill to be present , and stated he had the
entire authority of the Master to act for him , and to submit to the . judgment of the Board . The complainants also attended to support the charges . The Board having heard the evidence adduced on both sides , and having carefully considered the matter , resolved— ' That the charge of illegal removal to London and there entering ou Masonic business was fully proved ,, and that the lodge be admonished to resume its meetings at the authorised place at Now Wandsworth . ' Thc Board further resolved— 'That the Master , Bro . Robert Daly , for his conduct
iu the matter , be fined the sum of three guineas , and be admonished to bo moro careful in his future Masonic proceedings . With regard to the other charge , the Board were of opinion that it wss not proved . ' 2 . The Board have had a catalogue of the books in the library at tho hall prepared under the supervisor ! of Bro . Henry W . Hemsworth , a member of the Board , who kindly undertook tho duty . The catalogue has
been printed , and copies are deposited in thc office of the Grand Secretary . To tire report is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on tho 11 th November , 1 SG 9 , showing a balance in the hands of the Treasurer of £ 1 , G 30 lis . 5 d ., and in the hands of the Grand
Secretary , for petty cash , £ 75 . 7 . Report ol the Committee on the Fund of Benevolence ,, thc further consideration of which was deferred from the last Quarterly Communication . S . Proposed motions : —By Bro . John II . Wynne , P . M . 101 ., 1 . " That those brethren , who were candidates at the last
election , and did not succeed to be elected on the Annuity Fund , shall receive £ 15 rra- annum from the Benevolent Fund , until they shall be elected on the Annuity Fund . " By Bro . Joshua Nimn , G . S . B ., 2 . "That provided the resolution , proposed by Committee on the Fund of Benevolence , to " replace the last paragraph of No . C Fund of Benevolence ( in the Book of Constitutions ) , be passed by Grand Lodge . "
To move— " That the form of the certificate required to he sent to tho Lodge of Benevolence with all petitions ( and to be signed by the visitor , a member of the lodge , or some other brother ) be referred back to the said Committee on the Fund of Benevolence for details and adjustment . By Bro . John Udall , P . G . D ., 3 . "That the sum of £ 50 be
given from the Fund for General Purposes . —That the money b placed in the hands of the Secretary of the Asylum of the Royal Masonic Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons , to supply tho inmates at Croydon with , coals during ; the winter season . "
By Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , W . M . Nos . 12 and 453 .