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The Threatened Secession From The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter Of Scotland.—No. V .
" Signed , in name and by authority of the Supreme Committee , "WM . CAMPBELL , Chairman . "L . MACKEBSY , G . S . B . "Edinburgh , 20 th September , 1862 . " APPENDIX .
" Convened , a General Meeting of the Royal Arch Masons of the Western District , in St . Mark's Hall , 213 , Buchanan Street , Glasgow , on Friday , the 12 th clay of September , 1862 . Comp . E . W . Pritchard , M . D ; , ' in the Chair .
" The circular convemng the meeting having been read , the Chairman called on Companion Robert Wallace to read the decisions of the several Chapters of this province having reference to the late interference of Supreme Committee and Supreme Chapter Avith Companion Dr . Walker
Arnott , Provincial Grand Superintendent , and the . Provincial Grand Chapter of the Western Districts , in his and its deliverance respecting the disjunction of the Ayrshire Chapters from the Provincial Grand Chapter of the Western Districts . "It Avas moved by Companion James Bannatyne
, seconded by Companion David Sutherland , " That haAring heard the decisions ofthe Chapters ivho have sent in excerpts of their minutes , as . they seem to be all of one opinion , We , the Royal Arch Masons of the West of Scotland , Resolve" 1 . To demand from Supreme Chapter and
Committee a full retraction of their interference Avith the Provincial Grand Superintendent and the Provincial Chapter in the discharge of his and their duties ; also that they apologise to Companion Dr . Walker Arnott for the said interference , and delete from the records of Supreme Chapter
all minutes having reference thereto . " 2 . That , for the insulting and unbecoming " language used towards Companion Dr . Walker Arnott by Companions David Murray Lyon and George Good , these Companions be suspended for such period as may be deemed
sufficient—, such suspension to continue in force until a suitable apology has been tendered , and that the Supreme Chapter shall cause the Ayr KilAvinning Chapter , No . 80 , to delete from their Minute-. Book the minute referring to Companion Dr . Walker Arnott .
" 3 . That Supreme Chapter request Companion Dr Walker Arnott to resume all the offices formerl y held by him . " 4 . That , for the future better government of the body , the meetings of Supreme Chapter and Supreme Committee shall be held in Edinburgh
and GlasgoAv alternately , and that the half of the office-bearers of Supreme Chapter and members of Supreme . Committee be chosen from the West of Scotland . " 5 . That Supreme Chapter be requested to take action Avith regard to the foregoing resolutions Anthin thirty days from the date of receiving ,
The Threatened Secession From The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter Of Scotland.—No. V .
Avhen the Royal Arch Masons of the Western Districts will be prepared to receive a definite answer to , their demands , either in Avriting or orally , by a committee sent here with full poAvers to settle the case . " 6 . That a copy of the decisions of the several
chapters be sent Avith the foregoing resolutions to the Grand Scribe E , for presentation to Supreme Chapter . " Extracted from minute of meeting . " ROB . WALLACE , Int . Secy .
" Supreme Grand Eoyal Arch Chapter of Scotland , " 50 , George-street , Edinburgh , Sept . 20 , 1862 . " Dear Sir and Companion , — -I am favoured with yours of the 19 th inst ., enclosing a document to be laid before the Supreme Chapter , and to which you request an answer Avithin thirty days . " The date of this document is the 12 th , tho Supreme met the 17 fch
Chapter , as you are aware , on , and you do not despatch the paper till the 19 th , and the Supreme Chapter does not meet again for three months . "I will lay the matter before the Committee , and I have no doubt you will get an answer very shortly . In the meantime I will be obliged by your sending me as many copies as you can spare of the Eeport ( I mean your printed one ) for the use of the Members of Committee . " I am , & c ., L . MiCKE-asv , G . S . E . " Mr . E . AVallace , 45 , Eenfield-street , Glasgow . "
A Roman Catholic's Notion Of Freemasonry.
( Concluded from page 225 . J ' In our last issue Ave brought our remarks on Mr . Robertson's pamphlet to a close , and have noAv to turn our attention to the Appendix Avith Avhich he ends his publication . It Avould be idle to reply to every one of the propositions laid down
in this document , because much of it is connected Avith the debateable ground of theological controversy , and must be vieAved according * to the bias of each of the persons , for or against it . Therefore , as far as possible , Ave shall only confine our feAv observations to those portions of it which are
opposed to the spirit of Freemasonry . Yet Ave think it necessary to quote the Appendix entire , and thus present it to our readers : —
Brief Exposition of the Principal Heads of Papal Legislation on Secret Soeieties . " 1 . " The whole legislation of the Church on the subject of the secret societies of modern ages is , so far as knoAvn to me , contained in the following documentsthe Constitutions of Clement the Twelfth , In Fminenti ,
1738 ; of Benedict the Fourteenth , Frovidas , 1851 ; of Pius the Seventh , Fcdesiam a Josit Gliristo , 1821 ; of Leo the Twelfth , Quo graviora , 1825 . This last constitution contains in extenso the three prceeding , and is found in . the continuation of the Sullariurn Romamt / m , tome xvi p . 345 , etc .: or in Heilig ' s edition of Sfc . A . Liguori ' s Moral Theology Appendixde UPontiffcnm DecretisAll
, . . these constitutions have been confirmed by our present Holy Father , Pius the Ninth , in the Encyclical , Qui pluribus , November 9 , 1846 , Acta , p . 11 , 12 . To these may be added the ansAvers of the Sacred Penitentiary , November 9 , 1821 , to certain questions proposed by the Archbishop of Naples and other bishops of the Neapol-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Threatened Secession From The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter Of Scotland.—No. V .
" Signed , in name and by authority of the Supreme Committee , "WM . CAMPBELL , Chairman . "L . MACKEBSY , G . S . B . "Edinburgh , 20 th September , 1862 . " APPENDIX .
" Convened , a General Meeting of the Royal Arch Masons of the Western District , in St . Mark's Hall , 213 , Buchanan Street , Glasgow , on Friday , the 12 th clay of September , 1862 . Comp . E . W . Pritchard , M . D ; , ' in the Chair .
" The circular convemng the meeting having been read , the Chairman called on Companion Robert Wallace to read the decisions of the several Chapters of this province having reference to the late interference of Supreme Committee and Supreme Chapter Avith Companion Dr . Walker
Arnott , Provincial Grand Superintendent , and the . Provincial Grand Chapter of the Western Districts , in his and its deliverance respecting the disjunction of the Ayrshire Chapters from the Provincial Grand Chapter of the Western Districts . "It Avas moved by Companion James Bannatyne
, seconded by Companion David Sutherland , " That haAring heard the decisions ofthe Chapters ivho have sent in excerpts of their minutes , as . they seem to be all of one opinion , We , the Royal Arch Masons of the West of Scotland , Resolve" 1 . To demand from Supreme Chapter and
Committee a full retraction of their interference Avith the Provincial Grand Superintendent and the Provincial Chapter in the discharge of his and their duties ; also that they apologise to Companion Dr . Walker Arnott for the said interference , and delete from the records of Supreme Chapter
all minutes having reference thereto . " 2 . That , for the insulting and unbecoming " language used towards Companion Dr . Walker Arnott by Companions David Murray Lyon and George Good , these Companions be suspended for such period as may be deemed
sufficient—, such suspension to continue in force until a suitable apology has been tendered , and that the Supreme Chapter shall cause the Ayr KilAvinning Chapter , No . 80 , to delete from their Minute-. Book the minute referring to Companion Dr . Walker Arnott .
" 3 . That Supreme Chapter request Companion Dr Walker Arnott to resume all the offices formerl y held by him . " 4 . That , for the future better government of the body , the meetings of Supreme Chapter and Supreme Committee shall be held in Edinburgh
and GlasgoAv alternately , and that the half of the office-bearers of Supreme Chapter and members of Supreme . Committee be chosen from the West of Scotland . " 5 . That Supreme Chapter be requested to take action Avith regard to the foregoing resolutions Anthin thirty days from the date of receiving ,
The Threatened Secession From The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter Of Scotland.—No. V .
Avhen the Royal Arch Masons of the Western Districts will be prepared to receive a definite answer to , their demands , either in Avriting or orally , by a committee sent here with full poAvers to settle the case . " 6 . That a copy of the decisions of the several
chapters be sent Avith the foregoing resolutions to the Grand Scribe E , for presentation to Supreme Chapter . " Extracted from minute of meeting . " ROB . WALLACE , Int . Secy .
" Supreme Grand Eoyal Arch Chapter of Scotland , " 50 , George-street , Edinburgh , Sept . 20 , 1862 . " Dear Sir and Companion , — -I am favoured with yours of the 19 th inst ., enclosing a document to be laid before the Supreme Chapter , and to which you request an answer Avithin thirty days . " The date of this document is the 12 th , tho Supreme met the 17 fch
Chapter , as you are aware , on , and you do not despatch the paper till the 19 th , and the Supreme Chapter does not meet again for three months . "I will lay the matter before the Committee , and I have no doubt you will get an answer very shortly . In the meantime I will be obliged by your sending me as many copies as you can spare of the Eeport ( I mean your printed one ) for the use of the Members of Committee . " I am , & c ., L . MiCKE-asv , G . S . E . " Mr . E . AVallace , 45 , Eenfield-street , Glasgow . "
A Roman Catholic's Notion Of Freemasonry.
( Concluded from page 225 . J ' In our last issue Ave brought our remarks on Mr . Robertson's pamphlet to a close , and have noAv to turn our attention to the Appendix Avith Avhich he ends his publication . It Avould be idle to reply to every one of the propositions laid down
in this document , because much of it is connected Avith the debateable ground of theological controversy , and must be vieAved according * to the bias of each of the persons , for or against it . Therefore , as far as possible , Ave shall only confine our feAv observations to those portions of it which are
opposed to the spirit of Freemasonry . Yet Ave think it necessary to quote the Appendix entire , and thus present it to our readers : —
Brief Exposition of the Principal Heads of Papal Legislation on Secret Soeieties . " 1 . " The whole legislation of the Church on the subject of the secret societies of modern ages is , so far as knoAvn to me , contained in the following documentsthe Constitutions of Clement the Twelfth , In Fminenti ,
1738 ; of Benedict the Fourteenth , Frovidas , 1851 ; of Pius the Seventh , Fcdesiam a Josit Gliristo , 1821 ; of Leo the Twelfth , Quo graviora , 1825 . This last constitution contains in extenso the three prceeding , and is found in . the continuation of the Sullariurn Romamt / m , tome xvi p . 345 , etc .: or in Heilig ' s edition of Sfc . A . Liguori ' s Moral Theology Appendixde UPontiffcnm DecretisAll
, . . these constitutions have been confirmed by our present Holy Father , Pius the Ninth , in the Encyclical , Qui pluribus , November 9 , 1846 , Acta , p . 11 , 12 . To these may be added the ansAvers of the Sacred Penitentiary , November 9 , 1821 , to certain questions proposed by the Archbishop of Naples and other bishops of the Neapol-