Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
on the spot appears the best and most acceptable reward to the producer . " Dost Mahomed Khan is reported to have taken Herat and since died . One of Mr . Renter ' s telegram conveys to us , from Shanghai , the important intelligence that , according to advices from Japan , the English Admiral had allowed the Japanese government fifteen days to consider and accept the British ultimatum . It was thought that war was probable , and
the European residents in Japan were preparing , by embarking on shipboard , for the outbreak of hostilities . The American merchants were said to be engaged in supplying the Japanese with arms and ammunition . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . — -There have been for some tim past rumours of Ministerial changes in Paris , and these rumours
have now culminated into facts . M . Billault has been appointed Minister of State in place of M . AA elewski . There are some important modifications of the functions of Ministers , and the following appointments have also been made : — -M . Baroche , Minister of Justice ; M . Boudet , Minister of the Interior ; M . Duruy , Minister of Education ; M . Bebic , Minister of
Agriculture , Commerce and Public AA orks ; M . Rouher , Minister President of the Council of State ; and M . cle Momy , Presdent of the Corps Legislatif . A rumour current in Paris—to which an audience is reported to have been granted by the Emperor Napoleon to the Confederate Commissioner has lent : 30 me corroboration—affirms that the Emperor Napoleon is about to
make some fresh proposals to tbe British Cabinet with a view to mediation between the American belligerents , or recognition of the Southern Confederacy . The notes in which the English , French , and Austrian Cabinets simultaneonsly make fresh representations and suggestions in favour of the Poles have been despatched to St . Petersburg . The various accounts from Poland show how fiercely the insurrection still rages and how
widespread are its ramifications . Amongst other news we learn that the insurgent leader , Frankowski , having recovered from the wounds he received in the encounter wherein he was captured , has been executed at Lublin ; that Prince William Radzivill has been arrested at Lemberg , and that Archbishop Felinski has been exiled . The session of the Austrian Reiehsrath was opened on the 18 th inst . ty the Emperor Francis
Joseph , who in his speech expressed a hope that Transylvania will soon send representatives to the Reichsrath , declared that his government will endeavour to maintain peace , assured his hearers that no loan will be required during the current year , and invited their attention to bills for imposing taxes in order to restore the national currency , and for reforming the criminal
law by introducing trial by jury and publicity of procedure . All the Czech members have agreed to absent themselves from the Austrian Reichsrath , and have sent to the President a collective note informing the House of Deputies of their reasons . The long debate in tho Italian Chamber of Deputies upon the policy of the Ministers was concluded on Saturday , when a vote
of entire confidence in the policy of the Government was carried by 202 votes against 52 . A telegram received in Turin from Rome states that Tristany , the celebrated brigand chief , has heen arrested by the French gendarmes in the Papal city . Tie Official Gazette ot Turin announces that 14 , 000 f . have beiri received from Rome as a contribution to the national subscript
tion in favour of the victims of brigandage . Don Juan de Bourbon , who probably desires that some allowance may be made for his support , has addressed to Queen Isabella his submission and his abandonment of any pretensions which he may have made to the Spanish Crown . AA ' e learn from Brussels that the King of the Belgians on Sunday dispatched to the Ministers of England and Brazil his decision on the matters submitted to him by those two countries . The decision is
The Week.
believed at Brussels to be more favourable to Brazil than to England . A telegram from Corfu states that on Wednesdaylast the Lord High Commissioner issued a proclamation announcing the proposed annexation of the Ionian Islands to Greece , and that the announcement was followed by illuminations and other tokens of a popular joy which the experience of a few years may possibly moderate or even change into vain
regrets . The French are beginning to take advantage of their foothold in Mexico . General Forey , a telegram from Paris states , has decided that merchandise consigned to ports occupied by the French in Mexico shall only pay half of the import duty to which it is liable . There are renewed rumours in France of a visit to Jerusalem to be paid before long by the
Empress of the French . The drafts of the addresses of both Houses of the Austrian Reichsrath , in reply to the speech from , the Throne , have been published . Both addresses advocate German Federal reform , and a policy of justice for Poland . AMERICA . —The Jura brings news fron New York to the evening of the 13 th inst . So far as the military movements
are concerned there is nothing very definite . At Vicksburgh the siege was stated to be progressing favourably for the Federals , but at latest accounts it was considered probable that Grant would be attacked in the rear . Johnston was said to have received reinforcements , and it was added that others were on their way to join him . There are some singular stories in the telegrams about the movements of the Confederate General Kirby Smith . First , he is said to be at Miliken ' s Bend , a place
some distance above A icksburg , on the other side of the river , where he was able to cut off Grant ' s supplies . So far as the latter part of this story goes it is obviously absurd . So long as Grant retained his communications with the gunboats his supplies could not be cut off , and the presence of Kirby Smith with 10 , 000 men at a place twenty miles away could not have much effect on those communications . But , stranger still , the latest
accounts speak of Kirby Smith as having attacked General Banks at Port Hudson , and driven him off . How Kirby Smith got from Miliken ' s Bend to Port Hudson , ancl across the river is not stated , and it is needless to say that very little reliance can . be placed upon , the rumour . Other Southern despatches , assert that Banks had been repulsed at Port Hudson , and that
he had lost an arm . AA e have some details of the cavalry action on the Rappahannock , which seems to have been a hotly contested affair . Lee was daily expected to assume the offensive . At latest accounts , however , it was said that his forward movement had been anticipated by General Hooker , who had advanced against him , and a battle was believed to be progressing
on the Rappahannock . The Conferates had made a cavalry raid into Maryland . In Indiana there had been resistance to the enrolment of recruits , and in North Carolina tho Confederate conscription had been opposed . Mr . A , illandigham has been nominated for governor of Ohio . The New Yorh Herald suppojis-jifrjjjincoln for re-election as President of the United $ Be § fev Gf ? -4 MnYCV
To Correspondents.
<^^ m ^ THE A ' OLEME . —Owing to an accident wc are unable to publish our index to day , but will do so with our next number . J . S . —The notice alluded to never reached us . AV . S . BOLTON . —The subject shall be attended to . J . R . —An emergency meeting of a lodge may be called whenever the AA ' . M . thinks proper . He cannot , however , legally initiate any one into the lodge , without a full week's notice is given to each of the brethren of the lodgo .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
on the spot appears the best and most acceptable reward to the producer . " Dost Mahomed Khan is reported to have taken Herat and since died . One of Mr . Renter ' s telegram conveys to us , from Shanghai , the important intelligence that , according to advices from Japan , the English Admiral had allowed the Japanese government fifteen days to consider and accept the British ultimatum . It was thought that war was probable , and
the European residents in Japan were preparing , by embarking on shipboard , for the outbreak of hostilities . The American merchants were said to be engaged in supplying the Japanese with arms and ammunition . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . — -There have been for some tim past rumours of Ministerial changes in Paris , and these rumours
have now culminated into facts . M . Billault has been appointed Minister of State in place of M . AA elewski . There are some important modifications of the functions of Ministers , and the following appointments have also been made : — -M . Baroche , Minister of Justice ; M . Boudet , Minister of the Interior ; M . Duruy , Minister of Education ; M . Bebic , Minister of
Agriculture , Commerce and Public AA orks ; M . Rouher , Minister President of the Council of State ; and M . cle Momy , Presdent of the Corps Legislatif . A rumour current in Paris—to which an audience is reported to have been granted by the Emperor Napoleon to the Confederate Commissioner has lent : 30 me corroboration—affirms that the Emperor Napoleon is about to
make some fresh proposals to tbe British Cabinet with a view to mediation between the American belligerents , or recognition of the Southern Confederacy . The notes in which the English , French , and Austrian Cabinets simultaneonsly make fresh representations and suggestions in favour of the Poles have been despatched to St . Petersburg . The various accounts from Poland show how fiercely the insurrection still rages and how
widespread are its ramifications . Amongst other news we learn that the insurgent leader , Frankowski , having recovered from the wounds he received in the encounter wherein he was captured , has been executed at Lublin ; that Prince William Radzivill has been arrested at Lemberg , and that Archbishop Felinski has been exiled . The session of the Austrian Reiehsrath was opened on the 18 th inst . ty the Emperor Francis
Joseph , who in his speech expressed a hope that Transylvania will soon send representatives to the Reichsrath , declared that his government will endeavour to maintain peace , assured his hearers that no loan will be required during the current year , and invited their attention to bills for imposing taxes in order to restore the national currency , and for reforming the criminal
law by introducing trial by jury and publicity of procedure . All the Czech members have agreed to absent themselves from the Austrian Reichsrath , and have sent to the President a collective note informing the House of Deputies of their reasons . The long debate in tho Italian Chamber of Deputies upon the policy of the Ministers was concluded on Saturday , when a vote
of entire confidence in the policy of the Government was carried by 202 votes against 52 . A telegram received in Turin from Rome states that Tristany , the celebrated brigand chief , has heen arrested by the French gendarmes in the Papal city . Tie Official Gazette ot Turin announces that 14 , 000 f . have beiri received from Rome as a contribution to the national subscript
tion in favour of the victims of brigandage . Don Juan de Bourbon , who probably desires that some allowance may be made for his support , has addressed to Queen Isabella his submission and his abandonment of any pretensions which he may have made to the Spanish Crown . AA ' e learn from Brussels that the King of the Belgians on Sunday dispatched to the Ministers of England and Brazil his decision on the matters submitted to him by those two countries . The decision is
The Week.
believed at Brussels to be more favourable to Brazil than to England . A telegram from Corfu states that on Wednesdaylast the Lord High Commissioner issued a proclamation announcing the proposed annexation of the Ionian Islands to Greece , and that the announcement was followed by illuminations and other tokens of a popular joy which the experience of a few years may possibly moderate or even change into vain
regrets . The French are beginning to take advantage of their foothold in Mexico . General Forey , a telegram from Paris states , has decided that merchandise consigned to ports occupied by the French in Mexico shall only pay half of the import duty to which it is liable . There are renewed rumours in France of a visit to Jerusalem to be paid before long by the
Empress of the French . The drafts of the addresses of both Houses of the Austrian Reichsrath , in reply to the speech from , the Throne , have been published . Both addresses advocate German Federal reform , and a policy of justice for Poland . AMERICA . —The Jura brings news fron New York to the evening of the 13 th inst . So far as the military movements
are concerned there is nothing very definite . At Vicksburgh the siege was stated to be progressing favourably for the Federals , but at latest accounts it was considered probable that Grant would be attacked in the rear . Johnston was said to have received reinforcements , and it was added that others were on their way to join him . There are some singular stories in the telegrams about the movements of the Confederate General Kirby Smith . First , he is said to be at Miliken ' s Bend , a place
some distance above A icksburg , on the other side of the river , where he was able to cut off Grant ' s supplies . So far as the latter part of this story goes it is obviously absurd . So long as Grant retained his communications with the gunboats his supplies could not be cut off , and the presence of Kirby Smith with 10 , 000 men at a place twenty miles away could not have much effect on those communications . But , stranger still , the latest
accounts speak of Kirby Smith as having attacked General Banks at Port Hudson , and driven him off . How Kirby Smith got from Miliken ' s Bend to Port Hudson , ancl across the river is not stated , and it is needless to say that very little reliance can . be placed upon , the rumour . Other Southern despatches , assert that Banks had been repulsed at Port Hudson , and that
he had lost an arm . AA e have some details of the cavalry action on the Rappahannock , which seems to have been a hotly contested affair . Lee was daily expected to assume the offensive . At latest accounts , however , it was said that his forward movement had been anticipated by General Hooker , who had advanced against him , and a battle was believed to be progressing
on the Rappahannock . The Conferates had made a cavalry raid into Maryland . In Indiana there had been resistance to the enrolment of recruits , and in North Carolina tho Confederate conscription had been opposed . Mr . A , illandigham has been nominated for governor of Ohio . The New Yorh Herald suppojis-jifrjjjincoln for re-election as President of the United $ Be § fev Gf ? -4 MnYCV
To Correspondents.
<^^ m ^ THE A ' OLEME . —Owing to an accident wc are unable to publish our index to day , but will do so with our next number . J . S . —The notice alluded to never reached us . AV . S . BOLTON . —The subject shall be attended to . J . R . —An emergency meeting of a lodge may be called whenever the AA ' . M . thinks proper . He cannot , however , legally initiate any one into the lodge , without a full week's notice is given to each of the brethren of the lodgo .