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Poetry .
FREEMASONRY . ( Dedicated to a Masonic Lodge by the Daughter of an . American Boya * Areh Mason . ) The Mighty Architect gave forth the word , And worlds arose at His command , Each line and square correctly laid ,
Designed by His unerring hand . * - With strict , omniscent eye He stood , Ancl gazed upon the wondrous plan , His work He then pronounced as good , And placed o ' er all His creature , man . The Master then to earth came clown ,
And spake with Adam , face to face , Till he transgressed the Master ' s laws , And forfeited his happy place . Yet still His great and boundless love To Adam hopes of pardon gave , And promised that the word made flesh ,
Should visit earth , man ' s race to save . Though waters once in wrath he sent , To mar the beauty of the land ; Since then , the rainbow ' s Royal Arch , The world from end to end has spanned . And still the Lodge on earth was safe ;
An ark of refuge he designed ; The patern from which Noah built Was planned by the great Master's mind . The dove sent forth from Noah ' s ark
To mark the water's swift decrease , Brought back to him within her mouth , The olive leaf—the type of peace . And Noah walked upon this earth In true Masonic peace and love , Until the Master's summons came ,
To call him to the Lodge above . And then to build a mighty plan The unenlightened Masons tried ; The Master came to Babel ' s plain , Ancl mocked at their presumptuous pride . When through Sinai's wilderness ,
There passed the band which Moses led , The Master deigned to be their guide , With fiery pillar at their head . He to them types and symbols gave , AVhich still are used in Masonry , And the enlightened brethren can
The meaning of these symbols see . With , many wronclrous signs he led His Masons through that wilderness ; - The brazen serpent raised his head , And saved them when in dire distress .
* * w "tfF ¦?{¦ He led them safe to David ' s throne , AVhich Solomon so nobly filled , And , aided by the Hirams—twain , A noble structure they did build .
The Week.
THE COURT . —A drawing room was held on Saturday hy the Princess of AA ' ales , ou behalf of the Queen , and in honour of her accession . On Monday the Prince attended a review at Woolwich , and in the evening was entertained by the Dake and Duchess of Buccleugh . The Prince and Princess" of AVales honoured the Earl and Countess of Derby with their company at dinner , on Wednesday . The Queen of Prussia has been the
guest of the Queen at AVindsor , and proceeded to London , on AA ' cdnesday , where she visited the Duchess and Princess Mary of Cambridge . H . R . H . the Princess Helena visited the Duke and Duchess of Aumale at Twickenham on Wednesday . Her Majesty and family are at AVindsor . IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —In the HOUSE OE LORDS , on
Thursday , the 18 th inst ., the Duke of Rutland protested against the proposed purchase of the Exhibition building . The building , he submitted , was not well adapted for the purposes to which it was intended to devote it , and he considered that the price agreed upon was extravagant . —Lord Granville defended the proposal of the Government , and , after a short conversation ,
the subject dropped . —Several measures were advanced a stage . On Friday , Lord Stratford de Redcliffe asked Lord Russell whether he could inform the House of the result of the recent communications between the three Powers and Russia on the Polish question . The noble lord gave the Government credit for good intentions in this matter , but he was not at all sanguine
that diplomacy would effect a satisfactory solution of the question . —Lord Russell , who stated that on Wednesday last , Austria , France , and England sent despatches to St . Petersburg , promised shortly to lay some further correspondence on the table . —Lord Malmesbury made an elaborate attack on the conduct of the Government in reference to the dispute with Brazil . He
charged Lord Russell with using arbitrary and imperious language to the Brazilian government , and with having resorted to illegal and impolitic reprisals . With regard both to the alleged murder of the crew of the Prince of Wales and the insult offered to two officers of Her Majesty's ship Forte , he submitted that the government of Brazil had done all that it could have been expected to do . Lord Russell made a spirited
speech in defence of the course taken by the Government , but expressed a hope that diplomatic relations with Brazil would be speedily restored . After some remarks from Lords Chelmsford and Lyttelton , the subject dropped . On Monday , Lord Stvatheden laid on the table a bill , with reference to the oaths at present required to be taken by members of the Legislature .
The noble lord stated , however , that it was not his intention to proceed with the measure this session . —After a conversation on the proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Commission , the Volunteers Bill was read a second time , the Duke of Richmond remarking , in the course of the discussion which took place on the measure , that some of its provisions would require amendment in
Committee . Lord Melville , who some time ago obtained a little notoriety from some remarks he made in depreciation of the volunteer movement , strongly opposed the clause empowering commanding officers summarily to dismiss privates . —The Prison Ministers' Bill was read a third time and passed . On Tuesday , the Marquis of Normanby again introduced the
case of Mr . Bishop , and Earl Russell said tbe Italian government would probably do something for that individual when brigandage was put down in Southern Italy . —After some bills had been advanced a stage , Lord Donoughmore brought forward the case of the AVest Hartlepool Harbour and Dock Company . He moved two resolutions—one , that the report and evidence on the subject be referred to the Attorney-General in order
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Poetry .
FREEMASONRY . ( Dedicated to a Masonic Lodge by the Daughter of an . American Boya * Areh Mason . ) The Mighty Architect gave forth the word , And worlds arose at His command , Each line and square correctly laid ,
Designed by His unerring hand . * - With strict , omniscent eye He stood , Ancl gazed upon the wondrous plan , His work He then pronounced as good , And placed o ' er all His creature , man . The Master then to earth came clown ,
And spake with Adam , face to face , Till he transgressed the Master ' s laws , And forfeited his happy place . Yet still His great and boundless love To Adam hopes of pardon gave , And promised that the word made flesh ,
Should visit earth , man ' s race to save . Though waters once in wrath he sent , To mar the beauty of the land ; Since then , the rainbow ' s Royal Arch , The world from end to end has spanned . And still the Lodge on earth was safe ;
An ark of refuge he designed ; The patern from which Noah built Was planned by the great Master's mind . The dove sent forth from Noah ' s ark
To mark the water's swift decrease , Brought back to him within her mouth , The olive leaf—the type of peace . And Noah walked upon this earth In true Masonic peace and love , Until the Master's summons came ,
To call him to the Lodge above . And then to build a mighty plan The unenlightened Masons tried ; The Master came to Babel ' s plain , Ancl mocked at their presumptuous pride . When through Sinai's wilderness ,
There passed the band which Moses led , The Master deigned to be their guide , With fiery pillar at their head . He to them types and symbols gave , AVhich still are used in Masonry , And the enlightened brethren can
The meaning of these symbols see . With , many wronclrous signs he led His Masons through that wilderness ; - The brazen serpent raised his head , And saved them when in dire distress .
* * w "tfF ¦?{¦ He led them safe to David ' s throne , AVhich Solomon so nobly filled , And , aided by the Hirams—twain , A noble structure they did build .
The Week.
THE COURT . —A drawing room was held on Saturday hy the Princess of AA ' ales , ou behalf of the Queen , and in honour of her accession . On Monday the Prince attended a review at Woolwich , and in the evening was entertained by the Dake and Duchess of Buccleugh . The Prince and Princess" of AVales honoured the Earl and Countess of Derby with their company at dinner , on Wednesday . The Queen of Prussia has been the
guest of the Queen at AVindsor , and proceeded to London , on AA ' cdnesday , where she visited the Duchess and Princess Mary of Cambridge . H . R . H . the Princess Helena visited the Duke and Duchess of Aumale at Twickenham on Wednesday . Her Majesty and family are at AVindsor . IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —In the HOUSE OE LORDS , on
Thursday , the 18 th inst ., the Duke of Rutland protested against the proposed purchase of the Exhibition building . The building , he submitted , was not well adapted for the purposes to which it was intended to devote it , and he considered that the price agreed upon was extravagant . —Lord Granville defended the proposal of the Government , and , after a short conversation ,
the subject dropped . —Several measures were advanced a stage . On Friday , Lord Stratford de Redcliffe asked Lord Russell whether he could inform the House of the result of the recent communications between the three Powers and Russia on the Polish question . The noble lord gave the Government credit for good intentions in this matter , but he was not at all sanguine
that diplomacy would effect a satisfactory solution of the question . —Lord Russell , who stated that on Wednesday last , Austria , France , and England sent despatches to St . Petersburg , promised shortly to lay some further correspondence on the table . —Lord Malmesbury made an elaborate attack on the conduct of the Government in reference to the dispute with Brazil . He
charged Lord Russell with using arbitrary and imperious language to the Brazilian government , and with having resorted to illegal and impolitic reprisals . With regard both to the alleged murder of the crew of the Prince of Wales and the insult offered to two officers of Her Majesty's ship Forte , he submitted that the government of Brazil had done all that it could have been expected to do . Lord Russell made a spirited
speech in defence of the course taken by the Government , but expressed a hope that diplomatic relations with Brazil would be speedily restored . After some remarks from Lords Chelmsford and Lyttelton , the subject dropped . On Monday , Lord Stvatheden laid on the table a bill , with reference to the oaths at present required to be taken by members of the Legislature .
The noble lord stated , however , that it was not his intention to proceed with the measure this session . —After a conversation on the proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Commission , the Volunteers Bill was read a second time , the Duke of Richmond remarking , in the course of the discussion which took place on the measure , that some of its provisions would require amendment in
Committee . Lord Melville , who some time ago obtained a little notoriety from some remarks he made in depreciation of the volunteer movement , strongly opposed the clause empowering commanding officers summarily to dismiss privates . —The Prison Ministers' Bill was read a third time and passed . On Tuesday , the Marquis of Normanby again introduced the
case of Mr . Bishop , and Earl Russell said tbe Italian government would probably do something for that individual when brigandage was put down in Southern Italy . —After some bills had been advanced a stage , Lord Donoughmore brought forward the case of the AVest Hartlepool Harbour and Dock Company . He moved two resolutions—one , that the report and evidence on the subject be referred to the Attorney-General in order