Article AUSTRALIA. ← Page 4 of 4 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article FRIENDSHIP. Page 1 of 1 Article FRIENDSHIP. Page 1 of 1 Article THE QUEEN AND THE SCOTCH FREEMASONS. Page 1 of 1
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Several expressed themselves ready to assist by subscribing large sums , but the Chairman decided that a small sum only at present was required , which was at once subscribed . Bro . Thomas Reed was appointed Treasurer . Bro . JAMES knew the gratification the meeting had in being presided over by a brother so capable of guiding them to a successful termination as Bro . M'Clure , he therefore proposed a vote of thanks to him . Bro . M'GAAN seconded the motion , which was carried with acclamation .
Royal Arch.
INSTRUCTION . DOMATIC CHAPTER . —The removal of this chapter from the " Horns , " at Kennington , to the more central and generally accessible place of meeting , Comp . Ireland ' s , Masonic Hall , Fetter Lane , appears to be appreciated by a large number of companions desirous of studying the mysteries of Royal Arch Masonry , and becoming practically acquainted with its ritual and working . The parent chapterwhich also meets at the
, Masonic Hall , having recently received a large accession of members , renders this removal still more a propos . Dr . Todd , whose singular skill in , and devotion to , the cause of Royal Arch Masonry , will be gratefully remembered , has with the ¦ certainty of incurring considerable personal inconvenience , kindly undertaken to continue his valuable services to tho chapter , being ably seconded in bis exertions by Comp . Brett ,
the M . E . Z . of the parent chapter , to whom Masonic gocd works are now a labour of love . On Friday evening , June 19 th , there was a large gathering of earnest companions , when several sections were worked , and interesting explanations given . Royal Arch Masons seeking instruction , will obtain all they require at the Domatic , which , it should be impressed on all Masons , meets every Friday evening throughout the year , at eight o'clock precisely .
NORFOLK . KINGS LYNN . —Philanthropic Chapter ( No . 124 ) Consecration . —Tbe first meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., in the Masonic Room , Duke ' s Head Hotel . The consecration was fixed for three o'clock , and a sufficient number of Companions being present , Comp . Henry John Mason , P . Prov . G . S . Bearer , and P . Z . of Cabbell Chapter ( No . 1109 ) , assumed the chair , and directed Comp . A . F . Morgan , presiding
Z . of Cabbell Chapter , to act as H . Comp . Joseph Marshall , H . of Perseverance Chapter , No . ^ 58 , as J . ; and Comp . F . Colsey , J . of the same chapter , as E . The chapter was opened in ancient form and solemn prayer , the permission of the M . E . Prov . G . Supt . of Norfolk , Comp . B . B . Cabbell , F . Z . S ., for Comp . H . J . Mason to act on his behalf was read , likewise the petition to the Grand Chapter of England and Charter of Constitutions . The consecration was iu ancient form , after which
the M . E . Z . designate installed the Principals in their respective chairs . The M . E . Z . then resigned the chair to Comp . Morgan , who oofficiated as Z . in the exaltation of four brethren of Philanthropic Lodge to this sublime degree . Comp . H . J . Mason officiated as Principal Sojourner , the whole of the ceremonies with the lecures being efficiently gone through , the Chapter was closed in solemn prayer , the companions present gathered round their newly-installed principal Z . Comp . John Hart at the ibanquet , and spent a joyous evening .
"Nothing is so sure a guarantee for us to ourselves , and nothing a greater security towards others , than an estimable friend . We cannot allow ourselves to appear imperfect in his eyes ; and thus you never see vice attach itself to virtue . AVe do not love to find ourselves iu contact with those who judge only to condemn us . " Let us select our friends cautiously ; it is they who determine our character ; others look for us in them . It is giving
to the public our own portrait , and an avowal of what we really are . " AA e find in friendship the assurance of good advice , the emulation of good example , participation in sorrow , help iu time of need , all without being sought , waited for , or purchased . "—Madame de Lambert .
ADVANTAGES OE FEEEMASONEY ABROAD . —On Thursday morning , 18 tb inst ., at a meeting of the Liverpool Local Marine Board , Captain Sproule , wlio presided , presented , on bebalf of the Emperor Napoleon , a gold medal and diploma to Captain Joseph Michel , of tbe brig Mary Waugh , of tbat port , for services rendered by Capt .
Micbel to lib e French army in . Mexico . The Mary Wangb , belonging to Messrs . Longton & Longrigg , of Liverpool , was coaling tbe Frencb 84 , Navarin , off tbe Island of Sacrificio , near Vera Cruz , on the 25 th of October last ,
having on board 20 French sailors to assist the crew . A strong north wind suddenly coming on , Capt . Michel was unable to communicate with tho Navarin , and in the course of the same evening his bowsprit and fore rigging were injured by a collision with a French ship . Captain Michel on this made all possible sail for the Bay of
Meddelin , three leagues and a half from Yera Cruz , where the Mary Waugh went on shore on tho morning of the 26 th of October . By daylight the shore was found to be lined by a band of Mexican guerillas who forced those on board the ship to land . Captain Michel having forbidden the Frenchmen to
speak lest their nationality should be discovered , communicated with the captain of the guerillas , and , finding him to be a mason , he with some difficulty persuaded him to permit the crew of the Mary Waugh and the French sailors to enter the French lines in safety . But for this the Frenchmen would all have been murdered , as the guerillas were partially intoxicated , a number of wine
casks from the wreck having been taken on shore and broached . The Chairman having suitably addressed Captain Michel , presented him Avith the medal ( a very handsome gold one , attached to a tricoloured ribbon ) , and a diploma from the French Minister of Marine . Captain Michel , in reply , said that he had merely done his dutyancl he felt bound to speak in the highest terms
, of the gallantry and good conduct of the French sailors on board his vessel , under circumstances requiring great courage and coolness . He begged the Board to thank the Emperor of the French for his handsome present , which he should always prize . This the Chairman promised to do , and the proceedings terminated .
The Queen And The Scotch Freemasons.
The following address appeared in the Gazette of Tuesday last . Her Majesty "has lieen pleased to receive the same very graciously " : — MOST GRACIOUS M AJESTY , — " AA e , your Majesty's loyal subjects , George Augustus Frederick John , Duke of Athol , K . T ., John AVhite Melville , Esq ., of Bennochy and Shathkinness , Francis RobertLord Lougboroughfor ourselves and the other
, , office-bearers and members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , as well as in the name of the whole fraternity of Scottish Freemasons , beg leave to approach your Royal presence with our dutiful and most cordial congratulations on the marriage of his Royal Highness the Prince of AVales with the Princess Alexandra of Denmark . AVe avail ourselves of this very auspicious occasion to convey our expressions of loyalty and attachment to
your Majesty's Royal person ancl family with feelings of that true , paternal , ancl sincere sympathy which we , as Freemasons , welcome every event which conduces to the happiness of so excellent and exemplary a Sovereign . That it may please Him by whom kings reign to shower down upon your Majesty and your Royal House His Divine blessing , and continue to prosper with long life and happiness a union so very grateful to the Masonic
Craft , as well as to the whole nation , is our humble but sincere prayer . Given at Edinburgh , in full Grand Lodge assembled , this 4 th day of May , A . D . 1863 , A . L . 5863 . —ATHOLE , Grand Master . AVm . A . Laurie , Grand Secretary , Grand Lodge of Scotland . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Several expressed themselves ready to assist by subscribing large sums , but the Chairman decided that a small sum only at present was required , which was at once subscribed . Bro . Thomas Reed was appointed Treasurer . Bro . JAMES knew the gratification the meeting had in being presided over by a brother so capable of guiding them to a successful termination as Bro . M'Clure , he therefore proposed a vote of thanks to him . Bro . M'GAAN seconded the motion , which was carried with acclamation .
Royal Arch.
INSTRUCTION . DOMATIC CHAPTER . —The removal of this chapter from the " Horns , " at Kennington , to the more central and generally accessible place of meeting , Comp . Ireland ' s , Masonic Hall , Fetter Lane , appears to be appreciated by a large number of companions desirous of studying the mysteries of Royal Arch Masonry , and becoming practically acquainted with its ritual and working . The parent chapterwhich also meets at the
, Masonic Hall , having recently received a large accession of members , renders this removal still more a propos . Dr . Todd , whose singular skill in , and devotion to , the cause of Royal Arch Masonry , will be gratefully remembered , has with the ¦ certainty of incurring considerable personal inconvenience , kindly undertaken to continue his valuable services to tho chapter , being ably seconded in bis exertions by Comp . Brett ,
the M . E . Z . of the parent chapter , to whom Masonic gocd works are now a labour of love . On Friday evening , June 19 th , there was a large gathering of earnest companions , when several sections were worked , and interesting explanations given . Royal Arch Masons seeking instruction , will obtain all they require at the Domatic , which , it should be impressed on all Masons , meets every Friday evening throughout the year , at eight o'clock precisely .
NORFOLK . KINGS LYNN . —Philanthropic Chapter ( No . 124 ) Consecration . —Tbe first meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday , the 18 th inst ., in the Masonic Room , Duke ' s Head Hotel . The consecration was fixed for three o'clock , and a sufficient number of Companions being present , Comp . Henry John Mason , P . Prov . G . S . Bearer , and P . Z . of Cabbell Chapter ( No . 1109 ) , assumed the chair , and directed Comp . A . F . Morgan , presiding
Z . of Cabbell Chapter , to act as H . Comp . Joseph Marshall , H . of Perseverance Chapter , No . ^ 58 , as J . ; and Comp . F . Colsey , J . of the same chapter , as E . The chapter was opened in ancient form and solemn prayer , the permission of the M . E . Prov . G . Supt . of Norfolk , Comp . B . B . Cabbell , F . Z . S ., for Comp . H . J . Mason to act on his behalf was read , likewise the petition to the Grand Chapter of England and Charter of Constitutions . The consecration was iu ancient form , after which
the M . E . Z . designate installed the Principals in their respective chairs . The M . E . Z . then resigned the chair to Comp . Morgan , who oofficiated as Z . in the exaltation of four brethren of Philanthropic Lodge to this sublime degree . Comp . H . J . Mason officiated as Principal Sojourner , the whole of the ceremonies with the lecures being efficiently gone through , the Chapter was closed in solemn prayer , the companions present gathered round their newly-installed principal Z . Comp . John Hart at the ibanquet , and spent a joyous evening .
"Nothing is so sure a guarantee for us to ourselves , and nothing a greater security towards others , than an estimable friend . We cannot allow ourselves to appear imperfect in his eyes ; and thus you never see vice attach itself to virtue . AVe do not love to find ourselves iu contact with those who judge only to condemn us . " Let us select our friends cautiously ; it is they who determine our character ; others look for us in them . It is giving
to the public our own portrait , and an avowal of what we really are . " AA e find in friendship the assurance of good advice , the emulation of good example , participation in sorrow , help iu time of need , all without being sought , waited for , or purchased . "—Madame de Lambert .
ADVANTAGES OE FEEEMASONEY ABROAD . —On Thursday morning , 18 tb inst ., at a meeting of the Liverpool Local Marine Board , Captain Sproule , wlio presided , presented , on bebalf of the Emperor Napoleon , a gold medal and diploma to Captain Joseph Michel , of tbe brig Mary Waugh , of tbat port , for services rendered by Capt .
Micbel to lib e French army in . Mexico . The Mary Wangb , belonging to Messrs . Longton & Longrigg , of Liverpool , was coaling tbe Frencb 84 , Navarin , off tbe Island of Sacrificio , near Vera Cruz , on the 25 th of October last ,
having on board 20 French sailors to assist the crew . A strong north wind suddenly coming on , Capt . Michel was unable to communicate with tho Navarin , and in the course of the same evening his bowsprit and fore rigging were injured by a collision with a French ship . Captain Michel on this made all possible sail for the Bay of
Meddelin , three leagues and a half from Yera Cruz , where the Mary Waugh went on shore on tho morning of the 26 th of October . By daylight the shore was found to be lined by a band of Mexican guerillas who forced those on board the ship to land . Captain Michel having forbidden the Frenchmen to
speak lest their nationality should be discovered , communicated with the captain of the guerillas , and , finding him to be a mason , he with some difficulty persuaded him to permit the crew of the Mary Waugh and the French sailors to enter the French lines in safety . But for this the Frenchmen would all have been murdered , as the guerillas were partially intoxicated , a number of wine
casks from the wreck having been taken on shore and broached . The Chairman having suitably addressed Captain Michel , presented him Avith the medal ( a very handsome gold one , attached to a tricoloured ribbon ) , and a diploma from the French Minister of Marine . Captain Michel , in reply , said that he had merely done his dutyancl he felt bound to speak in the highest terms
, of the gallantry and good conduct of the French sailors on board his vessel , under circumstances requiring great courage and coolness . He begged the Board to thank the Emperor of the French for his handsome present , which he should always prize . This the Chairman promised to do , and the proceedings terminated .
The Queen And The Scotch Freemasons.
The following address appeared in the Gazette of Tuesday last . Her Majesty "has lieen pleased to receive the same very graciously " : — MOST GRACIOUS M AJESTY , — " AA e , your Majesty's loyal subjects , George Augustus Frederick John , Duke of Athol , K . T ., John AVhite Melville , Esq ., of Bennochy and Shathkinness , Francis RobertLord Lougboroughfor ourselves and the other
, , office-bearers and members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , as well as in the name of the whole fraternity of Scottish Freemasons , beg leave to approach your Royal presence with our dutiful and most cordial congratulations on the marriage of his Royal Highness the Prince of AVales with the Princess Alexandra of Denmark . AVe avail ourselves of this very auspicious occasion to convey our expressions of loyalty and attachment to
your Majesty's Royal person ancl family with feelings of that true , paternal , ancl sincere sympathy which we , as Freemasons , welcome every event which conduces to the happiness of so excellent and exemplary a Sovereign . That it may please Him by whom kings reign to shower down upon your Majesty and your Royal House His Divine blessing , and continue to prosper with long life and happiness a union so very grateful to the Masonic
Craft , as well as to the whole nation , is our humble but sincere prayer . Given at Edinburgh , in full Grand Lodge assembled , this 4 th day of May , A . D . 1863 , A . L . 5863 . —ATHOLE , Grand Master . AVm . A . Laurie , Grand Secretary , Grand Lodge of Scotland . "