Article AUSTRALIA. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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the purpose of receiving benefit therefrom , he must confess that , when a brother had been a good and deserving member of the Craft , and had subscribed to the funds of the Order in this country , probably for many years , he had every right to expect , should his circumstances require it , that the fraternity should stretch forth a helping hand to assist him or his family . Then , with respect to the management and government of the Craft , although having Provincial Grand Lodges , it was well known
that every important question had to be remitted home for the decision of the Grand Lodges , thereby involving a delay of several months , no matter how pressing the subject might be . The formation of a Grand Lodge would consequently give them the right of framing their own laws ancl regulations , the control of their own funds , and—though last , not least—the power of electing their own Grand Master . In touching upon the latter question he was quite aware that he was treading upon very delicate ground , and he wished to approach the subject in a truly Masonic spirit , and without any reference whatever to the gentlemen who were now holding the important position of Provincial Grand Masters in Victoria . It was well known that
tiie prerogative of appointing Provincial Grand Masters was vested in the three Grand Masters , ancl they might be appointed with or without any referenee whatever to those over whom they were to preside . Now , circumstances might arise—although he did not wish to infer that such was the case in this country—when for the interests of the Craft it would be desirable that these gentlemen should retire ; but in such a case they were utterlpowerlessas it would be an
y , extremely delicate thing to ask any gentleman to retire . He was satisfied that if they had the right of electing their own Grand Masters it would be the means of many gentlemen of liigh social standing and position taking an interest in the Craft , who now never entered a lodge , from the fact that Masonry , as jet , had not tended to any practical results , and , as at present constituted , there was not the slightest probability of their
attaining any position in the fraternity ; but let them be in a position to offer these gentlemen the chance of becoming the liead of the Order and many would come , and by their council and assistance enable the body to do some good , and he must say that in placing a gentlemen at the head of a society so numerous as the Freemasons in Alctoria , they were conferring an honour on him , no matter what his social position might be ,
of which he might well be proud . It was now for them to say , should they affirm the desirability of establishing a Grand Lodge , low they were to proceed to attain that object . There were two courses open to them . First , by appointing a committee , and empowering them to communicate with the various lodges on the subject , and if the replies were sufficiently favourable , then to address a respectful memorial to the Grand Lodges , stating their desires , and praying them to accede to their request ;
if , on the other hand they were of opinion that such a proceeding would not be likely to be attended with success , and only involve a long and useless correspondence , then the brethren had the alternative , if they chose to adopt it , of throwing off their allegiance to the present Constitutions , and at once establishing a Grand Lodge ; but he must remind them that whatever course they adopted , the first duty of the committee , if they appointed one , would be to address a respectful letter to the Provincial
Grand Master , stating the reasons that had induced them to meet—that they were not in any way actuated hy a spirit of hostility towards them , but desired only to heal the ¦ difierences which so unhappily existed amongst the various Constitutions . It would ill become them , on the eve of the most important movement in connection with the craft that had ever taken place in this country , to set an example of discourtesy to the gentlemen at the head of the fraternitand who had
cony , ducted the duties of their important offices with credit to themselves and to tho benefit of the society . He would occupy their time for a few moments longer , by making some observations personal to himself . They were aware that in Masonry , as in ¦ every other society , there were always a number of persons ready to impute improper motives to those who take any part in proceedings of this nature . AVhen he was spoken to on this subject some two or three years sincehe declined to join in the
, movement , as he did not think the time had then arrived for such an important question to be discussed . Latterly , the subject had again been brought forward , and he at once suggested that the only way to ascertain the wishes of the brethren was to call them together to discuss the matter , and if they were favourable , then to use every proper means to bring it to a successful conclusion , and if on the other hand they were not
favourable , then to let the matter drop , as continual agitation on the subject would only tend to the injury of the fraternity . It was the duty of those present to pay every possible respect to those gentlemen who were at the head of their order , and he trusted that in any discussion that might take place , nothing would be said that could reflect upon the character of the meeting , either as Masons or gentlemen , for if they desired to have respect paid in their Masonic positiou to themselves , they must do to others as they would be done by . So far as he was personally concerned he would lend his humble aid in endeavouring to bring their object to a successful termination , and he hoped that the matter would now be discussed in a calm and Masonic
spirit . Bro . CHARLES AA niTE would wish to have one question answered . Is the meeting open for discussion of the necessity of a Grand Lodge ? It would be well if this were understood at once , as , if a negation of such necessity could not be put , several present might wish to retire . The CHAIRMAN stated that the meeting was called for the purpose of having the co-operotion of those favourable to the
requisition , but it would be very desirable to have an open discussion . Bro . ROSE thought it most desirable that the . opinion of all should be taken for and against ; it was only by doing so that the true feelings of the Masonic brethren could be known ; he therefore proposed , " That this meeting be open for discussion on the question whether a Grand Lodge of Victoria , is required by the brethren or not . "
Bro . SAMUEL LAZARUS had much pleasure in seconding the proposition . Any attempt to prevent free discussion would only weaken a good cause . Bro . C . JOHNSTON most strongly objected to the proposition , and referred to the terms of the advertisement . He would move as an amendment " That the meeting shall be in accordance with the requisition , for the purpose of hearing those favourable to the formation of a Grand Lodge . "
Bro . HALE seconded the amendment . He did not think any one not favourable to the requisition should be admitted . It would be most irregular to do so . Let those unfavourable get up a meeting of their own , and take their own course of proceeding .
Bro . ROSE , in bringing forward his motion , knew that none were requested to attend unless those favourable ; but in opinion the advertisement should have called on every brother whether favourable or not . What was wanted , was to test the feelings of tbe craft , whether a Grand Lodge was requisite or not . He would , therefore , press his motion . Bro . BRADSHAW thought the terms of the advertisement was plain enough , but at the same time believed that the
interest of the craft required a full discussion . If a great majority were not favourable all their exertions made would fail to the ground . They came there to test the truth ; and if the question before them was for the benefit of the craft he was sure it would be carried after free discussion . The CHAIRMAN then put the amendment of Bro . Johnston , and only two hands were held up , and the original motion of Bros . Rose and Lazarus for free discussion was carried with
applause . Bro . CROWELL proposed the first resolution : " That this meeting of Freemasons believing that the formation of a Grand Lodge , to be called the Grand Lodge of Victoria , by the union of the three different Constitutions at present existing in this colony , would be for the best interest of the Craft , hereby pledge ourselves to use every legitimate means to accomplish that object . " He would use few wordshis arguments would not
in-, fluence the opinion of many in the matter . He moved the resolution because he thought Masonic justice cannot be administered well , on account of the great delay that must take place in submitting questions of importance to the judgment of the home authorities ; and secondly , because a unanimity does not exist between the three Constitutions . One Constitution may suspend a brother , and the other Constitutions may not acknowledge that suspension . Each Constitution has a book of
laws for themselves and not for all . Things are so managed that if a brother was suspended by the Prov . G . M . under the Irish Constitution , that suspension may not be acknowledged by the head of tbe English Constitution ; and if that brother is a member of either the English or Scotch Constitution , he may present himself for admission as a visitor at the door of the same lodge from which he was suspended . The resolutiou was seconded by Bro . A , J , Gibb .
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the purpose of receiving benefit therefrom , he must confess that , when a brother had been a good and deserving member of the Craft , and had subscribed to the funds of the Order in this country , probably for many years , he had every right to expect , should his circumstances require it , that the fraternity should stretch forth a helping hand to assist him or his family . Then , with respect to the management and government of the Craft , although having Provincial Grand Lodges , it was well known
that every important question had to be remitted home for the decision of the Grand Lodges , thereby involving a delay of several months , no matter how pressing the subject might be . The formation of a Grand Lodge would consequently give them the right of framing their own laws ancl regulations , the control of their own funds , and—though last , not least—the power of electing their own Grand Master . In touching upon the latter question he was quite aware that he was treading upon very delicate ground , and he wished to approach the subject in a truly Masonic spirit , and without any reference whatever to the gentlemen who were now holding the important position of Provincial Grand Masters in Victoria . It was well known that
tiie prerogative of appointing Provincial Grand Masters was vested in the three Grand Masters , ancl they might be appointed with or without any referenee whatever to those over whom they were to preside . Now , circumstances might arise—although he did not wish to infer that such was the case in this country—when for the interests of the Craft it would be desirable that these gentlemen should retire ; but in such a case they were utterlpowerlessas it would be an
y , extremely delicate thing to ask any gentleman to retire . He was satisfied that if they had the right of electing their own Grand Masters it would be the means of many gentlemen of liigh social standing and position taking an interest in the Craft , who now never entered a lodge , from the fact that Masonry , as jet , had not tended to any practical results , and , as at present constituted , there was not the slightest probability of their
attaining any position in the fraternity ; but let them be in a position to offer these gentlemen the chance of becoming the liead of the Order and many would come , and by their council and assistance enable the body to do some good , and he must say that in placing a gentlemen at the head of a society so numerous as the Freemasons in Alctoria , they were conferring an honour on him , no matter what his social position might be ,
of which he might well be proud . It was now for them to say , should they affirm the desirability of establishing a Grand Lodge , low they were to proceed to attain that object . There were two courses open to them . First , by appointing a committee , and empowering them to communicate with the various lodges on the subject , and if the replies were sufficiently favourable , then to address a respectful memorial to the Grand Lodges , stating their desires , and praying them to accede to their request ;
if , on the other hand they were of opinion that such a proceeding would not be likely to be attended with success , and only involve a long and useless correspondence , then the brethren had the alternative , if they chose to adopt it , of throwing off their allegiance to the present Constitutions , and at once establishing a Grand Lodge ; but he must remind them that whatever course they adopted , the first duty of the committee , if they appointed one , would be to address a respectful letter to the Provincial
Grand Master , stating the reasons that had induced them to meet—that they were not in any way actuated hy a spirit of hostility towards them , but desired only to heal the ¦ difierences which so unhappily existed amongst the various Constitutions . It would ill become them , on the eve of the most important movement in connection with the craft that had ever taken place in this country , to set an example of discourtesy to the gentlemen at the head of the fraternitand who had
cony , ducted the duties of their important offices with credit to themselves and to tho benefit of the society . He would occupy their time for a few moments longer , by making some observations personal to himself . They were aware that in Masonry , as in ¦ every other society , there were always a number of persons ready to impute improper motives to those who take any part in proceedings of this nature . AVhen he was spoken to on this subject some two or three years sincehe declined to join in the
, movement , as he did not think the time had then arrived for such an important question to be discussed . Latterly , the subject had again been brought forward , and he at once suggested that the only way to ascertain the wishes of the brethren was to call them together to discuss the matter , and if they were favourable , then to use every proper means to bring it to a successful conclusion , and if on the other hand they were not
favourable , then to let the matter drop , as continual agitation on the subject would only tend to the injury of the fraternity . It was the duty of those present to pay every possible respect to those gentlemen who were at the head of their order , and he trusted that in any discussion that might take place , nothing would be said that could reflect upon the character of the meeting , either as Masons or gentlemen , for if they desired to have respect paid in their Masonic positiou to themselves , they must do to others as they would be done by . So far as he was personally concerned he would lend his humble aid in endeavouring to bring their object to a successful termination , and he hoped that the matter would now be discussed in a calm and Masonic
spirit . Bro . CHARLES AA niTE would wish to have one question answered . Is the meeting open for discussion of the necessity of a Grand Lodge ? It would be well if this were understood at once , as , if a negation of such necessity could not be put , several present might wish to retire . The CHAIRMAN stated that the meeting was called for the purpose of having the co-operotion of those favourable to the
requisition , but it would be very desirable to have an open discussion . Bro . ROSE thought it most desirable that the . opinion of all should be taken for and against ; it was only by doing so that the true feelings of the Masonic brethren could be known ; he therefore proposed , " That this meeting be open for discussion on the question whether a Grand Lodge of Victoria , is required by the brethren or not . "
Bro . SAMUEL LAZARUS had much pleasure in seconding the proposition . Any attempt to prevent free discussion would only weaken a good cause . Bro . C . JOHNSTON most strongly objected to the proposition , and referred to the terms of the advertisement . He would move as an amendment " That the meeting shall be in accordance with the requisition , for the purpose of hearing those favourable to the formation of a Grand Lodge . "
Bro . HALE seconded the amendment . He did not think any one not favourable to the requisition should be admitted . It would be most irregular to do so . Let those unfavourable get up a meeting of their own , and take their own course of proceeding .
Bro . ROSE , in bringing forward his motion , knew that none were requested to attend unless those favourable ; but in opinion the advertisement should have called on every brother whether favourable or not . What was wanted , was to test the feelings of tbe craft , whether a Grand Lodge was requisite or not . He would , therefore , press his motion . Bro . BRADSHAW thought the terms of the advertisement was plain enough , but at the same time believed that the
interest of the craft required a full discussion . If a great majority were not favourable all their exertions made would fail to the ground . They came there to test the truth ; and if the question before them was for the benefit of the craft he was sure it would be carried after free discussion . The CHAIRMAN then put the amendment of Bro . Johnston , and only two hands were held up , and the original motion of Bros . Rose and Lazarus for free discussion was carried with
applause . Bro . CROWELL proposed the first resolution : " That this meeting of Freemasons believing that the formation of a Grand Lodge , to be called the Grand Lodge of Victoria , by the union of the three different Constitutions at present existing in this colony , would be for the best interest of the Craft , hereby pledge ourselves to use every legitimate means to accomplish that object . " He would use few wordshis arguments would not
in-, fluence the opinion of many in the matter . He moved the resolution because he thought Masonic justice cannot be administered well , on account of the great delay that must take place in submitting questions of importance to the judgment of the home authorities ; and secondly , because a unanimity does not exist between the three Constitutions . One Constitution may suspend a brother , and the other Constitutions may not acknowledge that suspension . Each Constitution has a book of
laws for themselves and not for all . Things are so managed that if a brother was suspended by the Prov . G . M . under the Irish Constitution , that suspension may not be acknowledged by the head of tbe English Constitution ; and if that brother is a member of either the English or Scotch Constitution , he may present himself for admission as a visitor at the door of the same lodge from which he was suspended . The resolutiou was seconded by Bro . A , J , Gibb .