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Hum . Bro . E . AVILMAMS proposed "The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " for which Sergeant GKirrn . - , 6 th Essex , returned thanks . Then followed the Masonic toasts—health of Earl Zetland , G . M . of England , proposed by the AV . M . ; and Earl De Grey and Ripon , D . G . M ., with the Grand Officers , proposed by Bro . SLANEY . Bro . PATTISON said he had been taught by Free--masonry to obey without any hesitation the Master's gave , iaud also to obey all lawfullconstituted authorities whether civil or
y masonic . They had the pleasure of seeing among them to-night -a brother who had not only occupied the position of AV . M . of this lodge , but who had been three times called upon by his fellow-townsmen to preside over them as chief civil magistrate . He had great pleasure in proposing , without further -preface , "long life , health , and happiness , to BroT Dr Williams , Mayor of Colchester . " ( Drank with honours . )
—The MAYOR , in returning thanks , said he was scarcely prepared on this occasion for the encomiums which Bro . Pattison liad been pleased to ' pay him in his public capacity ; but whether or not he deserved these encomiums he could only say that he had always endeavoured to do his duty in whatever situation it had pleased his fellow-townsmen to place him . ( Hear , hear ) . At the same time he must also say that whether in a public or
-social point of view there was no position that he more valued "than that of being a brother mason of the Angel Lodge . ( Applause . ) Although he had not of late been a frequent attendant at their meetings , he assured them his thoughts often reverted "to the pleasurable hours he had spent in this lodge , and he hoped the time might return when he should again have the opportunity of enjoying the sociability and kindness of the
brethren who were members of it . ( Hear , hear . ) He felt a sincere sympathy with Masonry in general ancl with the lodges of this town in particular ; and he believed there was hardly a ¦ class of men who deserved a hi gher character for charity and the social virtues than the Masons of Ehgland . ( Applause ) . —The "health of the R . W . Prov . Grand Master Bro . R . Bagshaw , " proposed by Bro . A . E . CHUVKCK , was drank with honours
¦ . —Bro . COPPIN proposed "The health of Bro . Major Skinner , the deputy Prov . G . M ., and the officers of tke Prov . Lodge , coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Church , Prov . G . J . W . " ( Honours . )—Bro . CHURCH , in returning thanks ,
had great satisfaction in finding that the Provincial Lodge was in a flourishing state ; and he believed he might say of its officers , and particularly the S . AV . ( Dr . Hilliard , of Chelmsford ) , that they were all men who had Masonry at heart , and who would do all in their power to uphold and extend its principles , not only in the province of Essex , but wherever their example or influence could reach . ( Applause . )—Bro . AVIILIAMS said he now approached a toast which he was sure would be received
-with every mark of esteem and respect ; and he had no doubt they regret with him that they had not had an earlier opportunity of manifesting their feelings of regard for the brother ¦ who was the subject of it , viz ., the W . M . of the Angel Lodge . ( Much applause . ) He was quite sure that the mere mention of Bro . Collier ' s name would ensure for it an enthusiastic welcome ; ¦ and that he need not dwell upon the possession btheir
y Worshipful Master of that deep interest in Masonry , that well-grounded acquaintance with its principles and ceremonies , and all those other qualifications which so well fitted him for the post he had been called npon to fill . ( Hear , hear . ) He ( Bro . AVilliams ) had no doubt that Bro . Collier would do all in his power to increase the prosperity of the Angel Lodge , and "that at the termination of his year of office he would merit ancl
-receive from the brethren of the Angel Lodge a mede of ¦ approbation proportioned to the pleasure with which they welcomed his accession to office . ( Hear , hear , ) The Angel Lodge , like many other institutions , had been subject to fluctuations in its prosperity , and it had been undergoing some degree of prostration , arising from the excessive zeal with which it had previously been developed ; but of late matters had been
fending to an equilibrium , and he had no doubt it would now ¦ emerge not only from a state of apathy to a state of reaction , but that a great revival would bo witnessed in Lodge 59 . At all ¦ events it was most satisfactory to know that Bro . Collier , by his researches in Masonry , had entitled himself to the high honour conferred upon him ; and he was sure they should all most sincerely wish him health and strength to pass through a
snost successful year of office . ( Drunk with honours . )—The W . MASTER said he felt quite overcome by the handsome way in which his health had been proposed by Dr . Williams , although he could not but be- sensible that it was a compliment to his position rather than to himself individually . ( No . no . ) During
his year of office all the little ability he possessed , and all the diligence and care he could exercise , should be at the service of the Angel Lodge . He hoped it would be a year in which there would be many initiations , passings , and raisings , and that he be found capable of performing the ceremonies applicable to those various degrees . ( Hear hear . ) He did not wish to make any personal boast of that qualification , but rather to give credit to the much respected Past Master , to whom not only himself , but
several other young Masons had been indebted for their instruction ; who had taken a great deal of trouble with his pupils ; ancl whose perseverence he was sure could not be more acceptably repaid than by witnessing increased efficiency in the working of the Angel Lodge . ( Hear , hear . ) He had the deeper attachment to the principles cf Freemasonry because he felt that since he had been a Mason he had become a better man ; and he believed that that was the effect that might be looked for in any
individual upon whose heart those beautiful principles should have indelibly impressed themselves . ( Hear , hear . ) He would only say in conclusion that he hoped . they would find him at all times ready and willing to do his duty as Master of the Angel Lodge . ( Applause . ) The W . M . begged to give the health of his immediate predecessor in the chair , Bro . Church . It was a great thing to be able to say that he had not been absent from any one meeting during his year of officeand he ( Bro .
, Collier ) , only hoped that when it should he his turn to vacate the chair , he should retire with the same amount of respect and gratitude to which Bro . Church had entitled himself during the last twelve months . ( Drunk with honours . ) Bro . Cnuitcn , in returning thanks , said he felt extremely proud in having been placed in the highest position in this lodge , and while he did not hesitate to assert individually that there was no human institution to which he was more devoted
than to Masonry , he could not but reiterate what he said when they elected him to that position a year ago—that Masonry was the best human institution for bringing together on a common footing of brotherly love the different classes of society , not excepting Royalty itself . ( Hear , hear . ) During his year of office he had received numerous acts of friendship and kindness from the brethren generally ; and as regarded his officers no Master could ever be more fortunate . His Senior Warden
had just been most worthily elevated to the chair , and the officers below him had obtained the promotion to which they were entitled , not merely by custom , but by their real attainments in Masonry . ( Hear , hear . ) He could not retire from such an office without some feelings of regret ; but as the endeavour to do one ' s duty was one of the great ends which every brother ought to have at heart , he was consoled by the kind assurance they had given him that his exertions during the past
year , though falling far short of what he could have wished , had not been altogether without satisfaction to the lodge generally . ( Applause . )—The W . MASTEB expressed the pleasure it gave the brethren of the Angel Lodge to receive a visit from the W . M . and a P . M . of the Rochford Lodge , more especially as the distance between their places of meeting was a bar to very frequent intercourse . It was a proof of their zeal in Masonry
, as well as their good feeling towards this lodge , to which he believed the Rochford Lodge stood next in antiquity as far as their own county was concerned ( Hear , hear ) , and he could only say that he should endeavour to requite their courtesy by making a point of attending , he hoped in company with some other brethren , the festival of the Rochford Lodge on the 30 th inst . ( Applause . ) Bro . Wiseman returned thanks for the
compliment paid to himself and Bvo . Browning , and assured the brethren of the Angel Lodge that the visit had given them so much pleasure that they should endeavour to attend again next year . ( Applanse . ) As regarded the Rochford Lodge , he was happy to say that it was in a satisfactory state , although he was sorry to say the number of initiations during his year of office had not been nearly equal to those of former years . —
The WM . next gave " The Health of the Visiting Brethren of Brightlingsea Lodge , " with whom they the pleasure of being so closely connected , that they almost looked upon them as belonging to the same lodge . ( Hear , hear . ) He could not help saying one word upon the loss the Lodge of Hope had sustained in the death of Bro . Webb , as worthy a Mason as ever livedand always a most welcome guest at their festive
, board . During a long life his aim had been to do his duty here below ; and they could only hope that the Great Architect of the Universe had been pleased to receive him into the celestial lodge above . ( Applause . ) Bro . Francis returned thanks for the compliment . The W . MASTEE said there was still one
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Hum . Bro . E . AVILMAMS proposed "The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " for which Sergeant GKirrn . - , 6 th Essex , returned thanks . Then followed the Masonic toasts—health of Earl Zetland , G . M . of England , proposed by the AV . M . ; and Earl De Grey and Ripon , D . G . M ., with the Grand Officers , proposed by Bro . SLANEY . Bro . PATTISON said he had been taught by Free--masonry to obey without any hesitation the Master's gave , iaud also to obey all lawfullconstituted authorities whether civil or
y masonic . They had the pleasure of seeing among them to-night -a brother who had not only occupied the position of AV . M . of this lodge , but who had been three times called upon by his fellow-townsmen to preside over them as chief civil magistrate . He had great pleasure in proposing , without further -preface , "long life , health , and happiness , to BroT Dr Williams , Mayor of Colchester . " ( Drank with honours . )
—The MAYOR , in returning thanks , said he was scarcely prepared on this occasion for the encomiums which Bro . Pattison liad been pleased to ' pay him in his public capacity ; but whether or not he deserved these encomiums he could only say that he had always endeavoured to do his duty in whatever situation it had pleased his fellow-townsmen to place him . ( Hear , hear ) . At the same time he must also say that whether in a public or
-social point of view there was no position that he more valued "than that of being a brother mason of the Angel Lodge . ( Applause . ) Although he had not of late been a frequent attendant at their meetings , he assured them his thoughts often reverted "to the pleasurable hours he had spent in this lodge , and he hoped the time might return when he should again have the opportunity of enjoying the sociability and kindness of the
brethren who were members of it . ( Hear , hear . ) He felt a sincere sympathy with Masonry in general ancl with the lodges of this town in particular ; and he believed there was hardly a ¦ class of men who deserved a hi gher character for charity and the social virtues than the Masons of Ehgland . ( Applause ) . —The "health of the R . W . Prov . Grand Master Bro . R . Bagshaw , " proposed by Bro . A . E . CHUVKCK , was drank with honours
¦ . —Bro . COPPIN proposed "The health of Bro . Major Skinner , the deputy Prov . G . M ., and the officers of tke Prov . Lodge , coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Church , Prov . G . J . W . " ( Honours . )—Bro . CHURCH , in returning thanks ,
had great satisfaction in finding that the Provincial Lodge was in a flourishing state ; and he believed he might say of its officers , and particularly the S . AV . ( Dr . Hilliard , of Chelmsford ) , that they were all men who had Masonry at heart , and who would do all in their power to uphold and extend its principles , not only in the province of Essex , but wherever their example or influence could reach . ( Applause . )—Bro . AVIILIAMS said he now approached a toast which he was sure would be received
-with every mark of esteem and respect ; and he had no doubt they regret with him that they had not had an earlier opportunity of manifesting their feelings of regard for the brother ¦ who was the subject of it , viz ., the W . M . of the Angel Lodge . ( Much applause . ) He was quite sure that the mere mention of Bro . Collier ' s name would ensure for it an enthusiastic welcome ; ¦ and that he need not dwell upon the possession btheir
y Worshipful Master of that deep interest in Masonry , that well-grounded acquaintance with its principles and ceremonies , and all those other qualifications which so well fitted him for the post he had been called npon to fill . ( Hear , hear . ) He ( Bro . AVilliams ) had no doubt that Bro . Collier would do all in his power to increase the prosperity of the Angel Lodge , and "that at the termination of his year of office he would merit ancl
-receive from the brethren of the Angel Lodge a mede of ¦ approbation proportioned to the pleasure with which they welcomed his accession to office . ( Hear , hear , ) The Angel Lodge , like many other institutions , had been subject to fluctuations in its prosperity , and it had been undergoing some degree of prostration , arising from the excessive zeal with which it had previously been developed ; but of late matters had been
fending to an equilibrium , and he had no doubt it would now ¦ emerge not only from a state of apathy to a state of reaction , but that a great revival would bo witnessed in Lodge 59 . At all ¦ events it was most satisfactory to know that Bro . Collier , by his researches in Masonry , had entitled himself to the high honour conferred upon him ; and he was sure they should all most sincerely wish him health and strength to pass through a
snost successful year of office . ( Drunk with honours . )—The W . MASTER said he felt quite overcome by the handsome way in which his health had been proposed by Dr . Williams , although he could not but be- sensible that it was a compliment to his position rather than to himself individually . ( No . no . ) During
his year of office all the little ability he possessed , and all the diligence and care he could exercise , should be at the service of the Angel Lodge . He hoped it would be a year in which there would be many initiations , passings , and raisings , and that he be found capable of performing the ceremonies applicable to those various degrees . ( Hear hear . ) He did not wish to make any personal boast of that qualification , but rather to give credit to the much respected Past Master , to whom not only himself , but
several other young Masons had been indebted for their instruction ; who had taken a great deal of trouble with his pupils ; ancl whose perseverence he was sure could not be more acceptably repaid than by witnessing increased efficiency in the working of the Angel Lodge . ( Hear , hear . ) He had the deeper attachment to the principles cf Freemasonry because he felt that since he had been a Mason he had become a better man ; and he believed that that was the effect that might be looked for in any
individual upon whose heart those beautiful principles should have indelibly impressed themselves . ( Hear , hear . ) He would only say in conclusion that he hoped . they would find him at all times ready and willing to do his duty as Master of the Angel Lodge . ( Applause . ) The W . M . begged to give the health of his immediate predecessor in the chair , Bro . Church . It was a great thing to be able to say that he had not been absent from any one meeting during his year of officeand he ( Bro .
, Collier ) , only hoped that when it should he his turn to vacate the chair , he should retire with the same amount of respect and gratitude to which Bro . Church had entitled himself during the last twelve months . ( Drunk with honours . ) Bro . Cnuitcn , in returning thanks , said he felt extremely proud in having been placed in the highest position in this lodge , and while he did not hesitate to assert individually that there was no human institution to which he was more devoted
than to Masonry , he could not but reiterate what he said when they elected him to that position a year ago—that Masonry was the best human institution for bringing together on a common footing of brotherly love the different classes of society , not excepting Royalty itself . ( Hear , hear . ) During his year of office he had received numerous acts of friendship and kindness from the brethren generally ; and as regarded his officers no Master could ever be more fortunate . His Senior Warden
had just been most worthily elevated to the chair , and the officers below him had obtained the promotion to which they were entitled , not merely by custom , but by their real attainments in Masonry . ( Hear , hear . ) He could not retire from such an office without some feelings of regret ; but as the endeavour to do one ' s duty was one of the great ends which every brother ought to have at heart , he was consoled by the kind assurance they had given him that his exertions during the past
year , though falling far short of what he could have wished , had not been altogether without satisfaction to the lodge generally . ( Applause . )—The W . MASTEB expressed the pleasure it gave the brethren of the Angel Lodge to receive a visit from the W . M . and a P . M . of the Rochford Lodge , more especially as the distance between their places of meeting was a bar to very frequent intercourse . It was a proof of their zeal in Masonry
, as well as their good feeling towards this lodge , to which he believed the Rochford Lodge stood next in antiquity as far as their own county was concerned ( Hear , hear ) , and he could only say that he should endeavour to requite their courtesy by making a point of attending , he hoped in company with some other brethren , the festival of the Rochford Lodge on the 30 th inst . ( Applause . ) Bro . Wiseman returned thanks for the
compliment paid to himself and Bvo . Browning , and assured the brethren of the Angel Lodge that the visit had given them so much pleasure that they should endeavour to attend again next year . ( Applanse . ) As regarded the Rochford Lodge , he was happy to say that it was in a satisfactory state , although he was sorry to say the number of initiations during his year of office had not been nearly equal to those of former years . —
The WM . next gave " The Health of the Visiting Brethren of Brightlingsea Lodge , " with whom they the pleasure of being so closely connected , that they almost looked upon them as belonging to the same lodge . ( Hear , hear . ) He could not help saying one word upon the loss the Lodge of Hope had sustained in the death of Bro . Webb , as worthy a Mason as ever livedand always a most welcome guest at their festive
, board . During a long life his aim had been to do his duty here below ; and they could only hope that the Great Architect of the Universe had been pleased to receive him into the celestial lodge above . ( Applause . ) Bro . Francis returned thanks for the compliment . The W . MASTEE said there was still one