Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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and girls , and set them fairly on the highway of life , in their progress through it they were still the objects of her benevolence if occasion should require , and if at an advanced age , after a series of years well spent in acts of piety and virtue , misfortune shonlcl overtake them , the doors of her asylum were open to them to soothe their cares and smooth the path of their declining years . These were the great features of Freemasonry , and afforded a sufficient answer to the sneers which were
sometimes raised against their institution by those who were too ready to revile what was done by others , and to condemn what they had not capacity to understand . He had been reminded of Cornelia , the Roman matron , who on being visited at her home , was asked to show her jewels , upon which she immediately . collected her children , and pointing to them with all a mother ' spride , exclaimed , "These are my jewels . " Applying that to Freemasonry whenever a sneer was raised , or an attempt was made to throw a
stone at them , they might he perfectly content to point to their three noble institutions , saying , these are our jewels , and we are very proud of them . Their brother initiates had that ni g ht entered their order , and , no doubt , they were very proud of being called Freemasons ; but they must not he content to be so merely in name , as they were called upon to carry out one of theiurportant duties which they had undertaken in their obligation , by which they would become Freemasons not merelin
y name , but in practice , and so enable Bro . Emmens to carry out the great work which he had that night explained to them . He thanked them cordiall y for having drunk his health , and for the patience with which they had listened to him . Several other toasts were given , ancl the evening was spent in the most complete harmony . DALHOUSIE LODGE ( NO . 1167 ) . —This lodge held its last general meeting for the year 1 S 62 at the Town Hall , Hounslow ,
on AVednesday , the 15 th inst . The chair was taken by Bro . Hardey , P . M ., in the absence of the AV . M ., Bro . Gilbard , who was unavoidably detained on Her Majesty ' s service with his regiment ( the 16 th Lancers ) in Yorkshire . The acting AV . M . was ably supported by Bros . Frost , who officiated as S . AV . ; Syms , J . AV . ; Richards , S . B . ; Hoeknell , J . D . ; Stacey , P . M . ; and Thomason , S . There were present , as visitors , Bros . Neville , of No . 3 ; Evans , of No . 8 ; John Lane , of No . 213 ; Syms , S . W ., of No . 1155 ; Clark , AV . M . of the Richmond Lodge ; Donald King , Kyezor , Mircheson , and John Pitt Kennedy , of Lodge No . 46 , of Ireland . There were also present the following members of the lodge , namely—Bros . Pellatt , Hopwood ,
Hedges , Walmisley , Holloway , Ford , Cave , Bohn , Power , ancl several other brethren . After having been duly examined and entrusted , Bros . Henry Bohn and Power were raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , the beautiful and impressive ceremony having been done hy the acting AV . M . ( Bro . P . M . Hardey ) in a more than usually effective manner . On the motion of Bro . AVillett , seconded by Bro . Richards , Mr . Albert Day , of Isleworth , M . R . C . S ., was unanimously elected a member
of the lodge ; and on the motion of Bro . Hardey , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Lieutenant-Colonel Murray , Captain A . G . E . Murray , R . N ., was also unanimously elected a member . After all Masonic business had heen disposed of , and the lodge closed with solemn prayer , the brethren adjourned to the Red Lion Hotel , where an excellent banquet was provided by Bro . Timothy Leu-is , to which the brethren did ample justice , and strongly commended both the viands and the winewhich were
, pronounced to be excellent . After tho banquet , and the performance of the National Anthem , the brethren were entertained with some delightful music b y Bro . Land and Bro . Donald King , whose style of singing some of the beautiful melodies of Moore was perfectly enchanting . It was announced by Bro . Hardey , acting AA . M ., to the great delight of all the brethren , that Bro . Donald King had kindly consented to become an honorary member of the Lodge , which , however , must be
done in due form , according to the Poole of Constitutions This will be a very great acquisition to thelodge . The progress of Freemasonry at Hounslow , and the success of the Dalhousie Lodge , is really surprising , for , although it is only about sixteen months since it was first established , it now numbers upwards of fort y members , and includes some of tho most respectable gentlemen in that part of the county . ROYAL . OAK LODGE ( NO 1173 )—This select lod held its
. . ge usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , September 24 th , at Bro . Stevens ' s , Boyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford . The W . M ., Bro . Scott , assisted by his officers , Bros . Wilton , Stahr , £ tevens , _ AA alters , AVeir , P . M ., and Mills , opened the lo ^ the business of the evening consisted of the initiation of MfersT
G . S . Hodgson and J . Rosenstock . The W . M . went through the ceremony in his usual style , and gave the entire explanation of the lecture on the tracing board in such an able manner as to call forth the unanimous approbation of the brethren . It is sincerely to be wished we could even occasionally hear of the tracing boards being explained in all lodges . There are some few lodges where there is reason to believe these explanations have never heen given for some yearsand it is to be hoped a spirit
, of emulation will be aroused on this point . After the business was finished the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , replete with every comfort and luxury . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros . E . M . Hubbuck , AV . M . 66 , J . F . Delany , 164 , Tattershall , 13 , & c .
DEVONSHIRE . DEVOSTORT . —Lodge Fidelity ( No . 280 ) . —At the bi-monthly meeting held on the 16 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Chapelstreet , the W . Bro . Clase , P . M ., in the chair as AV . M ., Bros . Bannerman and Liscombe presented themselves as E . A ., and , proving their proficiency in that degree , were duly passed . Bro . Harfoot , AV . M . 83 , after examining Bro . Elliott , raised him to the sublime degree of a M . M . During the evening Bro . Murch
gave the lecture on the tracing hoard , ancl also the charge of the Fellow-Craft degree . The lodge adjourned for refreshment at half-past nine . LANCASHIRE . LIVERPOOL . —Merchant ' s Lodge ( No . 294 ) . —The regular meeting of the above lodge was held at the Masonic Temple on Tuesday , the 14 th inst . ; Bro . W . J . MeCormanAV . M . in the
, , chair . There was a very full attendance of the brethren and visitors , and amongst them Bros . Gambell , Prov . G . J . AV . ; Hamer , Prov . G . T . ; and Pepper , Prov . G . A . D . C . The business of the evening was regularly gone through by the W . M . Several petitions for relief were brought forward , which being disposed o £ , Bro . Younghusband , P . M ., alluded in feeling terms to the great distress at present prevailing in the manufacturing districts , and proposed that the sum of twenty guineas he voted , by this lodge
towards the fund for the relief of the distressed operatives ( of which he was appointed Treasurer by the Provincial Grand Lodge ) , which was seconded by Bro . Mott , S . AV ., and carried hy acclamation . Bro . Younghusband then thanked the brethren for their unanimous decision , and remarked that it was well calculated to strengthen his hands in his application to the other lodges in the province . The proceedings were then regularl y brought to a close . LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —John of G-aunt Lodge ( No . 766 ) . —The regular
monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , Halford-strcet ; but owing to the severe indisposition of several brethren , and the unavoidable absence of many others from various causes , the meeting was a small one . The following brethren were present : —Bros . AV . Johnson , AV . M ., presiding ; T . Sheppard , P . M ., S . AV ., pro tern . ; AV . S . Bithrey , Sec , J . W ., pro tern . ; Knight , Sec , pro tern . ; Barwell , S . D . ; Green , J . D . ; Bolton , I . G . ; ancl Hodges . The lodge was opened
in the first degree . The minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Mr . AVeldon Underwood , of Lichfield , and was unanimously elected ; Bro . Hodges having satisfactorily answered the necessary questions , retired . The lodge was opened in the second degree ; Bro . Hodges was passed into the degree of F . C . by the AV . M . The lodge was closed in the second degree . Bro . F . Manning , late of the Limerick Lodge , No . 73 was proposed as a joining , member ;
, the business of the evening being ended , the lodge was closed in harmony , and the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment . SOMERSETSHIRE . KETUSimr . —Royal Albert Edward Lodge ( No . 1208 ) . —The consecration of this lodge took place at the Lamb and Lark
Hotel on Thursday , the 16 th inst . The occasion being a rare one to the brethren of this and adjacent provinces , caused an IjJjjftsHKilly large assemblage of the members of the Craft , amongst wfefSrVere the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . II . Bridges , Prov .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and girls , and set them fairly on the highway of life , in their progress through it they were still the objects of her benevolence if occasion should require , and if at an advanced age , after a series of years well spent in acts of piety and virtue , misfortune shonlcl overtake them , the doors of her asylum were open to them to soothe their cares and smooth the path of their declining years . These were the great features of Freemasonry , and afforded a sufficient answer to the sneers which were
sometimes raised against their institution by those who were too ready to revile what was done by others , and to condemn what they had not capacity to understand . He had been reminded of Cornelia , the Roman matron , who on being visited at her home , was asked to show her jewels , upon which she immediately . collected her children , and pointing to them with all a mother ' spride , exclaimed , "These are my jewels . " Applying that to Freemasonry whenever a sneer was raised , or an attempt was made to throw a
stone at them , they might he perfectly content to point to their three noble institutions , saying , these are our jewels , and we are very proud of them . Their brother initiates had that ni g ht entered their order , and , no doubt , they were very proud of being called Freemasons ; but they must not he content to be so merely in name , as they were called upon to carry out one of theiurportant duties which they had undertaken in their obligation , by which they would become Freemasons not merelin
y name , but in practice , and so enable Bro . Emmens to carry out the great work which he had that night explained to them . He thanked them cordiall y for having drunk his health , and for the patience with which they had listened to him . Several other toasts were given , ancl the evening was spent in the most complete harmony . DALHOUSIE LODGE ( NO . 1167 ) . —This lodge held its last general meeting for the year 1 S 62 at the Town Hall , Hounslow ,
on AVednesday , the 15 th inst . The chair was taken by Bro . Hardey , P . M ., in the absence of the AV . M ., Bro . Gilbard , who was unavoidably detained on Her Majesty ' s service with his regiment ( the 16 th Lancers ) in Yorkshire . The acting AV . M . was ably supported by Bros . Frost , who officiated as S . AV . ; Syms , J . AV . ; Richards , S . B . ; Hoeknell , J . D . ; Stacey , P . M . ; and Thomason , S . There were present , as visitors , Bros . Neville , of No . 3 ; Evans , of No . 8 ; John Lane , of No . 213 ; Syms , S . W ., of No . 1155 ; Clark , AV . M . of the Richmond Lodge ; Donald King , Kyezor , Mircheson , and John Pitt Kennedy , of Lodge No . 46 , of Ireland . There were also present the following members of the lodge , namely—Bros . Pellatt , Hopwood ,
Hedges , Walmisley , Holloway , Ford , Cave , Bohn , Power , ancl several other brethren . After having been duly examined and entrusted , Bros . Henry Bohn and Power were raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , the beautiful and impressive ceremony having been done hy the acting AV . M . ( Bro . P . M . Hardey ) in a more than usually effective manner . On the motion of Bro . AVillett , seconded by Bro . Richards , Mr . Albert Day , of Isleworth , M . R . C . S ., was unanimously elected a member
of the lodge ; and on the motion of Bro . Hardey , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Lieutenant-Colonel Murray , Captain A . G . E . Murray , R . N ., was also unanimously elected a member . After all Masonic business had heen disposed of , and the lodge closed with solemn prayer , the brethren adjourned to the Red Lion Hotel , where an excellent banquet was provided by Bro . Timothy Leu-is , to which the brethren did ample justice , and strongly commended both the viands and the winewhich were
, pronounced to be excellent . After tho banquet , and the performance of the National Anthem , the brethren were entertained with some delightful music b y Bro . Land and Bro . Donald King , whose style of singing some of the beautiful melodies of Moore was perfectly enchanting . It was announced by Bro . Hardey , acting AA . M ., to the great delight of all the brethren , that Bro . Donald King had kindly consented to become an honorary member of the Lodge , which , however , must be
done in due form , according to the Poole of Constitutions This will be a very great acquisition to thelodge . The progress of Freemasonry at Hounslow , and the success of the Dalhousie Lodge , is really surprising , for , although it is only about sixteen months since it was first established , it now numbers upwards of fort y members , and includes some of tho most respectable gentlemen in that part of the county . ROYAL . OAK LODGE ( NO 1173 )—This select lod held its
. . ge usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , September 24 th , at Bro . Stevens ' s , Boyal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford . The W . M ., Bro . Scott , assisted by his officers , Bros . Wilton , Stahr , £ tevens , _ AA alters , AVeir , P . M ., and Mills , opened the lo ^ the business of the evening consisted of the initiation of MfersT
G . S . Hodgson and J . Rosenstock . The W . M . went through the ceremony in his usual style , and gave the entire explanation of the lecture on the tracing board in such an able manner as to call forth the unanimous approbation of the brethren . It is sincerely to be wished we could even occasionally hear of the tracing boards being explained in all lodges . There are some few lodges where there is reason to believe these explanations have never heen given for some yearsand it is to be hoped a spirit
, of emulation will be aroused on this point . After the business was finished the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , replete with every comfort and luxury . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros . E . M . Hubbuck , AV . M . 66 , J . F . Delany , 164 , Tattershall , 13 , & c .
DEVONSHIRE . DEVOSTORT . —Lodge Fidelity ( No . 280 ) . —At the bi-monthly meeting held on the 16 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Chapelstreet , the W . Bro . Clase , P . M ., in the chair as AV . M ., Bros . Bannerman and Liscombe presented themselves as E . A ., and , proving their proficiency in that degree , were duly passed . Bro . Harfoot , AV . M . 83 , after examining Bro . Elliott , raised him to the sublime degree of a M . M . During the evening Bro . Murch
gave the lecture on the tracing hoard , ancl also the charge of the Fellow-Craft degree . The lodge adjourned for refreshment at half-past nine . LANCASHIRE . LIVERPOOL . —Merchant ' s Lodge ( No . 294 ) . —The regular meeting of the above lodge was held at the Masonic Temple on Tuesday , the 14 th inst . ; Bro . W . J . MeCormanAV . M . in the
, , chair . There was a very full attendance of the brethren and visitors , and amongst them Bros . Gambell , Prov . G . J . AV . ; Hamer , Prov . G . T . ; and Pepper , Prov . G . A . D . C . The business of the evening was regularly gone through by the W . M . Several petitions for relief were brought forward , which being disposed o £ , Bro . Younghusband , P . M ., alluded in feeling terms to the great distress at present prevailing in the manufacturing districts , and proposed that the sum of twenty guineas he voted , by this lodge
towards the fund for the relief of the distressed operatives ( of which he was appointed Treasurer by the Provincial Grand Lodge ) , which was seconded by Bro . Mott , S . AV ., and carried hy acclamation . Bro . Younghusband then thanked the brethren for their unanimous decision , and remarked that it was well calculated to strengthen his hands in his application to the other lodges in the province . The proceedings were then regularl y brought to a close . LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . —John of G-aunt Lodge ( No . 766 ) . —The regular
monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , Halford-strcet ; but owing to the severe indisposition of several brethren , and the unavoidable absence of many others from various causes , the meeting was a small one . The following brethren were present : —Bros . AV . Johnson , AV . M ., presiding ; T . Sheppard , P . M ., S . AV ., pro tern . ; AV . S . Bithrey , Sec , J . W ., pro tern . ; Knight , Sec , pro tern . ; Barwell , S . D . ; Green , J . D . ; Bolton , I . G . ; ancl Hodges . The lodge was opened
in the first degree . The minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Mr . AVeldon Underwood , of Lichfield , and was unanimously elected ; Bro . Hodges having satisfactorily answered the necessary questions , retired . The lodge was opened in the second degree ; Bro . Hodges was passed into the degree of F . C . by the AV . M . The lodge was closed in the second degree . Bro . F . Manning , late of the Limerick Lodge , No . 73 was proposed as a joining , member ;
, the business of the evening being ended , the lodge was closed in harmony , and the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment . SOMERSETSHIRE . KETUSimr . —Royal Albert Edward Lodge ( No . 1208 ) . —The consecration of this lodge took place at the Lamb and Lark
Hotel on Thursday , the 16 th inst . The occasion being a rare one to the brethren of this and adjacent provinces , caused an IjJjjftsHKilly large assemblage of the members of the Craft , amongst wfefSrVere the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . II . Bridges , Prov .