Article SCOTTISH FREEMASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Scottish Freemasonry.
Upon the occasion of the installation of the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B ., as the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason of Scotland , the following appointments of Grand Officers were made : —Bros , the R . W . J . Whyte
Melville , as Past Grand Master ; the Right Hon . Earl Haddington , as R . W . Deputy Grand Master ; Henry Inglis , as Substitute Grand Master ; His Grace the Duke of Athole , as Senior Grand Warden ; Ri ght Hon . the Earl of Dunmore , as
J . G . W . ; Samuel Hay , Grand Treasurer ; AV . A . Laurie ( W . S . ) , Grand Secretary ; A . J . Stewart ( W . S . ) , Grand Clerk ; David Amot , D . D ., and the Rev . V . G . Faithful , M . A ., as joint V . W . Grand
Chaplains ; William Mann , Senior Grand Deacon ; Colonel A . Campbell , Junior Grand Deacon ; David Bryce , as Architect to Grand Lodge ; Alexander Hay , as Grand Jeweller ; Daniel Robertson , as Grand Bible Bearer ; Captain P .
Deuchar , R . N ., and Charles S . Law , as joint Grand Dir . of Cers . ; James Ballantine , Grand Bard ; Colonel Housioun , as Grand Sword Bearer ; C . W . M . Miller , as Grand Director of Music ; R . Davidson , as Grand Organist ; James Coghill , as
Chief Grand Mareschal ; John Laurie , as Grand Mareschal , aud William Miller Bryce , as Grand Tyler . In this list is comprised the whole of the offices held under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and the names of the new office bearers .
To many , if not to most of our English readers , some of these Grand offices will be new , and contrast with those in the Grand Lodo-e of England . Besides the Grand Officers appointed by the Grand Master , the following are Honorary
Members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , viz ., His Majesty Charles the XV ., King of Sweden and Norway ; H . R . H . Prince Frederick of the Netherlands ; His Majesty William I ., the King of Prussia ; aud His Majesty George IV ., the
ex-King of Hanover . The Grand Lodge is further graced by the following very distinguished brethren , viz ., the Marquis of Tweeddale , K . T . ; the Earl of Wemyss and March ; Baron Kinnaird and Rossie , K . T ., of Rossie Priory , and John
Whyte Melville , of Bennochy , who by virtue of being Past Grand Masters are members of Grand Lodge . With such an array of noblemen and men of high social status as office bearers , the Grand
Lodge of Scotland is second to none in that respect , and it is a well-knoivn | fact that without exception the appointments to Grand office are based upon a prior knowledge of the fitness of the man for his duties , not only in Grand Lodge
but as a ruler in the Craft , being selected not from personal regard alone , bnt for their thorough Masonic knoivledge and ability to conduct the affairs of the Order in private and piwincial lodges , and elsewhere .
In like maimer the other members of the Grand Committee are selected , and amongst the names are to be found those of several brethren ivho are well-known on this side of the Tweed as perfect Masters of the Noble Art . The Grand
Committee for the present year consists of thirfcy-nine members , eighteen being the Masters of all lodges in Edinburgh , Leith , and PortobeMo ; the following being the numbers of the lodges represented , viz ., Nos . 1 , 2 , 5 , 8 , 36 , 44 , 48 , 97 , 145 , 151 , 160 ,
223 , 226 , 291 , 349 , 392 , 405 , and 429 . In addition to these latter there are also eighteen " proxy Masters" representing otherj . dodges , viz ., Mother Kilwinning , Nos . 3 , 11 , 22 , ^ 32 , 56 , 65 , 75 , 148 , 162 , 182 , 252 , 299 , 333 , 360 , 385 , 413 , and 421 .
These , together with the Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the Substitute Grand Master , complete the complement of thirty-nine members . The committee is elected at the Grand Lodge quarterly communication in | February in each
year . There is also a Board of Grand Stewards , appointed in November . It consists of a President and Vice President , and forty-five members , making a really goodly display in Grand Lodge ,
and representing , not metropolitan lodges only , but every province in Scotland . Some of the differences which exist in the
construction and mode of ivorkmo' the Grand Lodge of Scotland as compared with the English Grand Lodge ivill be readily perceived , and to these ' we propose to refer hereafter at some convenient opportunity .
The only charitable fund established in connection with the Grand Lodge is the" Fund of Scottish Masonic Benevolence , " which was instituted as lately as 1846 , and there are no Masonic alms houses or benevolent institution buildings , in
Avhich decayed and indigent Freemasons , and the Avidows of Freemasons are housed , fed , and clothed ; nor does Scotland yet boast of such noble institutions as that at Wood Green , near
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Scottish Freemasonry.
Upon the occasion of the installation of the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B ., as the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason of Scotland , the following appointments of Grand Officers were made : —Bros , the R . W . J . Whyte
Melville , as Past Grand Master ; the Right Hon . Earl Haddington , as R . W . Deputy Grand Master ; Henry Inglis , as Substitute Grand Master ; His Grace the Duke of Athole , as Senior Grand Warden ; Ri ght Hon . the Earl of Dunmore , as
J . G . W . ; Samuel Hay , Grand Treasurer ; AV . A . Laurie ( W . S . ) , Grand Secretary ; A . J . Stewart ( W . S . ) , Grand Clerk ; David Amot , D . D ., and the Rev . V . G . Faithful , M . A ., as joint V . W . Grand
Chaplains ; William Mann , Senior Grand Deacon ; Colonel A . Campbell , Junior Grand Deacon ; David Bryce , as Architect to Grand Lodge ; Alexander Hay , as Grand Jeweller ; Daniel Robertson , as Grand Bible Bearer ; Captain P .
Deuchar , R . N ., and Charles S . Law , as joint Grand Dir . of Cers . ; James Ballantine , Grand Bard ; Colonel Housioun , as Grand Sword Bearer ; C . W . M . Miller , as Grand Director of Music ; R . Davidson , as Grand Organist ; James Coghill , as
Chief Grand Mareschal ; John Laurie , as Grand Mareschal , aud William Miller Bryce , as Grand Tyler . In this list is comprised the whole of the offices held under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and the names of the new office bearers .
To many , if not to most of our English readers , some of these Grand offices will be new , and contrast with those in the Grand Lodo-e of England . Besides the Grand Officers appointed by the Grand Master , the following are Honorary
Members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , viz ., His Majesty Charles the XV ., King of Sweden and Norway ; H . R . H . Prince Frederick of the Netherlands ; His Majesty William I ., the King of Prussia ; aud His Majesty George IV ., the
ex-King of Hanover . The Grand Lodge is further graced by the following very distinguished brethren , viz ., the Marquis of Tweeddale , K . T . ; the Earl of Wemyss and March ; Baron Kinnaird and Rossie , K . T ., of Rossie Priory , and John
Whyte Melville , of Bennochy , who by virtue of being Past Grand Masters are members of Grand Lodge . With such an array of noblemen and men of high social status as office bearers , the Grand
Lodge of Scotland is second to none in that respect , and it is a well-knoivn | fact that without exception the appointments to Grand office are based upon a prior knowledge of the fitness of the man for his duties , not only in Grand Lodge
but as a ruler in the Craft , being selected not from personal regard alone , bnt for their thorough Masonic knoivledge and ability to conduct the affairs of the Order in private and piwincial lodges , and elsewhere .
In like maimer the other members of the Grand Committee are selected , and amongst the names are to be found those of several brethren ivho are well-known on this side of the Tweed as perfect Masters of the Noble Art . The Grand
Committee for the present year consists of thirfcy-nine members , eighteen being the Masters of all lodges in Edinburgh , Leith , and PortobeMo ; the following being the numbers of the lodges represented , viz ., Nos . 1 , 2 , 5 , 8 , 36 , 44 , 48 , 97 , 145 , 151 , 160 ,
223 , 226 , 291 , 349 , 392 , 405 , and 429 . In addition to these latter there are also eighteen " proxy Masters" representing otherj . dodges , viz ., Mother Kilwinning , Nos . 3 , 11 , 22 , ^ 32 , 56 , 65 , 75 , 148 , 162 , 182 , 252 , 299 , 333 , 360 , 385 , 413 , and 421 .
These , together with the Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the Substitute Grand Master , complete the complement of thirty-nine members . The committee is elected at the Grand Lodge quarterly communication in | February in each
year . There is also a Board of Grand Stewards , appointed in November . It consists of a President and Vice President , and forty-five members , making a really goodly display in Grand Lodge ,
and representing , not metropolitan lodges only , but every province in Scotland . Some of the differences which exist in the
construction and mode of ivorkmo' the Grand Lodge of Scotland as compared with the English Grand Lodge ivill be readily perceived , and to these ' we propose to refer hereafter at some convenient opportunity .
The only charitable fund established in connection with the Grand Lodge is the" Fund of Scottish Masonic Benevolence , " which was instituted as lately as 1846 , and there are no Masonic alms houses or benevolent institution buildings , in
Avhich decayed and indigent Freemasons , and the Avidows of Freemasons are housed , fed , and clothed ; nor does Scotland yet boast of such noble institutions as that at Wood Green , near