Article MASONIC FACTS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article MASONIC FACTS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Masonic Facts.
En tesmoynaunce de quele chose , a ceste lcttre d ' aqnitaimce , " moy avaundit Henry ay inys monn seal . Done a Couiyng- le jour seynt Michael farehaungele , Ian du rengne le Eoy Eichard secounde puis le conqueste quintte . ( Seal : red wax , —a dog seinnt "S " . )
( Indorsed . ) Aquitaunce , Henry Ivelegh de xx ? i . paye par Thomas Wrewlc . 225 . Eeceipt of £ 270 10 s . id . on account of £ 456 Os . Off . ( This is a very interesting document , sheAving the antiquitof the practice of calling in one masonto
y , settle tiie measurement and amount due to another mason for work done . The Henry Tevele , who is mentioned in this document , was an important personage , his name often occurring in medieval documents . He ivas connected with the King ' s works at the Palace of Westminster in 1365 ( 151 ) ;* in 1370
he Avas sent to various parts of the kingdom to obtain Masons to bo sent over in the King ' s retinue ( see 178 ); in 13 SS , lie ivas master mason at Westminster Abbey , and his name again occurs as chief mason in the Fabric Eoll for 17 ancl IS Eichard 2 nd , 1394-5 ( see 164 ) . In 1395 , he devised " a form and model" for the
alteration of Westminster H . aU ( 222 ); and , in conjunction with Stephen Lote , he executed the tomb of Anne , the first queen of Eichard 2 nd . Preston says that he was one of the five deputies appointed hy Edward IH . to inspect the proceedings of the fraternity of Freemasons . This name is spelt
in various ways : —Tevele ; Teuele ; Yeilee ; Zeneley . ( 23 July , 6 Eie . 2 nd , 1382 ) . —Ceste endente fait parentre mons . Johan de Cobeham , signeur de Cobeham , dune parte , et William Sharnnale , dantre part , tesmoyne que laA'aimtdit mons . Johan et lavauntdit William , ount aceompte et mesure les murs et tours deinz le mote de Couiyng , par mestre Henry Tevele ,
. Cestassavoir , del tour en le Southest corner tannic al mur del graunt chambre en le north corner , one les deuz rondes tours del hautesse cle deux perches one crest et toup , qui amounte a cynkaunte et quatre perches , prenaimt pour le perche viijZi . Et le hautement de les deux tours viij pees et j
quart dun pee plus haute que les murs , q ' am onte treys perches , issuit que la somme des perches amounte , en tout , a Cynkaunt et sept perches , qui amounte en argent quatre Centz Cynkaunt et Sj's libres . De quele somme lavauntdit monsr . Johan ad paie al dit William Sharnhaleen partie cle paiement de la
, somme suissdite , deux Centz Cessaunt et dys livres , dys south , et quatre deners ; des queux CClxvZi ., xs . iiiji . lavauntdit William Sharnhale soy reconuz estre paiez , et lavauntdit monsr . Johan , ses heires et executours , quites a touz jours par eestes presentes aquitaunces endentes , et entre chaungeablement enseales
et baillez entre les parties suisdites . Done lendemayne de la maucleleyne , Ian du regne le Eoi Eichard secounde puis le conquete sisme . ( Indorsed . ) Eudentur come aquitaunce de Schamhalle de payment de eclxx / i . xs-. iiijc ? . 226 . Eeceit of £ S Os . Odfor the Great Gate .
p , Nov . 25 th , 1882 . —Sachount toutez genz , moy Thos . Crompe , masoun , avoyr ressu de monsr . Johan cle Cobeham , syngnr . de Cobeham , oyt libres desterlyug , en per payement de toute la graunde porte del outerwarde cle Couiyng , le quel moy avaundit Thomas et
Masonic Facts.
Laurenz atte Wode avouns prys pour fayre , come apert par les clittez endenturs canselles , des queuz oyt libres , en perpayement del clit overayne , come avaunt est expresse moy avaundit Thomas reconuz estre perpaj'es , et lavaunclit monsr . Johan , seys heyrs et executours quietes a touz jours par eestes presentys aquitauncesur quel moy avaundit Thomas ay mys
, inon sceal . Done le jour seynte Katerine , Ian de rengne le roy Eicharde secounde , puis le conqueste sysme . 227 . Eeceipt of William Bestchercehe , mason , for £ 3 . 16 th Oct ., 1384 . — -Sachount toutez genz moy William Bestcherchemasounavoyr ressu de monsieur
, , Johan de Cobeham , seigneur de Cobeham , cessaunte south desterlyng , en perpayement de toutes maneres dettez que lavaunclit monsr . Johan estoit al avaundit William Bestcherche tenuz pour soun overayne fet de masonerye a chastel cle Couiyng , ties queux cessaunte southen pavementcome avaunt est ditmoy
, per , , avaundit William Bestcherche me reconuz estre perpayes , et perpayes , et lavaunclit monsr . Johan , ses heyrs et executours estre quitez a touz jours . En tesmoynaunce de quele chose a yceste let-tre de aquitaunce ay mys mon sceal . Done a Lounch-es le seszime jour d'Octobre 1 ' an de
rengne le Eoy Eichard secounde oytisme . ( Indorsed ) : Laquitaunce William Bestcherche masoun , de son overayne de Couiyng . 228 . The following is a translation of the receipt of Thomas Crompe , ( 214 . ) : —
( 29 th Septr . 9 Eie . 2 nd . 1385 . )—Ivnoivn all men by these presents , that I , Thomas Crompe , mason , have received , on the day of making of these presents , of Sir John de Cobeham , Lord of Cobeham , six pounds , thirteen shillings , and four pence sterling , in payment of my work at the Castle of Couiyng , of which six poundsthirteen shillings and four pence
, , in part payment , as is premised paid to me , I acknoivledge myself to be paid , and that the aforesaidLord of Cobeham , his heirs and executors , are acquitted thereof by these presents sealed Avith my seal . Dated on the feast of St . Michael , in the ninth year of the reign of the King of EnglandEichard the
, Second , after the conquest . Indorsed . Acquittance of Thomas Cromp , mason , of ten marks paid to him , in part payment of his work of Couiyng , in the ninth year . —Surreiiden Papers . 229 . I am indebted to the Eev . L . B . Larking , for
the following extracts , from the Compotus of the Master of Works , of Eochester Castle , in 1368-69 . The Eoll is at present in the Public Eecord Office . There are a many entries of the purchase of stone amongst them are the following : — Paid to Henri / cle Ye / lee , for 13 tons of stapleton r
freestone , bought of him for the said AVorks , at Ss . per ton 1 18 0 To brother Eobert Donyngton , for 195 tons of freestone from Farlegh , bought of him for the said Avorks at 3 s . 4 c ? . per ton . ' . ' 32 10 0
To Ealph Crompe , for 6 large pieces of stone from Bocton , bought of him for making lintels for the said Avorks at 3 s . 4 c ? . the piece -. 0 20 0 To the said Ealph for one large piece of stone , called " Nowel" bought of him for the said works 0 2 6
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Facts.
En tesmoynaunce de quele chose , a ceste lcttre d ' aqnitaimce , " moy avaundit Henry ay inys monn seal . Done a Couiyng- le jour seynt Michael farehaungele , Ian du rengne le Eoy Eichard secounde puis le conqueste quintte . ( Seal : red wax , —a dog seinnt "S " . )
( Indorsed . ) Aquitaunce , Henry Ivelegh de xx ? i . paye par Thomas Wrewlc . 225 . Eeceipt of £ 270 10 s . id . on account of £ 456 Os . Off . ( This is a very interesting document , sheAving the antiquitof the practice of calling in one masonto
y , settle tiie measurement and amount due to another mason for work done . The Henry Tevele , who is mentioned in this document , was an important personage , his name often occurring in medieval documents . He ivas connected with the King ' s works at the Palace of Westminster in 1365 ( 151 ) ;* in 1370
he Avas sent to various parts of the kingdom to obtain Masons to bo sent over in the King ' s retinue ( see 178 ); in 13 SS , lie ivas master mason at Westminster Abbey , and his name again occurs as chief mason in the Fabric Eoll for 17 ancl IS Eichard 2 nd , 1394-5 ( see 164 ) . In 1395 , he devised " a form and model" for the
alteration of Westminster H . aU ( 222 ); and , in conjunction with Stephen Lote , he executed the tomb of Anne , the first queen of Eichard 2 nd . Preston says that he was one of the five deputies appointed hy Edward IH . to inspect the proceedings of the fraternity of Freemasons . This name is spelt
in various ways : —Tevele ; Teuele ; Yeilee ; Zeneley . ( 23 July , 6 Eie . 2 nd , 1382 ) . —Ceste endente fait parentre mons . Johan de Cobeham , signeur de Cobeham , dune parte , et William Sharnnale , dantre part , tesmoyne que laA'aimtdit mons . Johan et lavauntdit William , ount aceompte et mesure les murs et tours deinz le mote de Couiyng , par mestre Henry Tevele ,
. Cestassavoir , del tour en le Southest corner tannic al mur del graunt chambre en le north corner , one les deuz rondes tours del hautesse cle deux perches one crest et toup , qui amounte a cynkaunte et quatre perches , prenaimt pour le perche viijZi . Et le hautement de les deux tours viij pees et j
quart dun pee plus haute que les murs , q ' am onte treys perches , issuit que la somme des perches amounte , en tout , a Cynkaunt et sept perches , qui amounte en argent quatre Centz Cynkaunt et Sj's libres . De quele somme lavauntdit monsr . Johan ad paie al dit William Sharnhaleen partie cle paiement de la
, somme suissdite , deux Centz Cessaunt et dys livres , dys south , et quatre deners ; des queux CClxvZi ., xs . iiiji . lavauntdit William Sharnhale soy reconuz estre paiez , et lavauntdit monsr . Johan , ses heires et executours , quites a touz jours par eestes presentes aquitaunces endentes , et entre chaungeablement enseales
et baillez entre les parties suisdites . Done lendemayne de la maucleleyne , Ian du regne le Eoi Eichard secounde puis le conquete sisme . ( Indorsed . ) Eudentur come aquitaunce de Schamhalle de payment de eclxx / i . xs-. iiijc ? . 226 . Eeceit of £ S Os . Odfor the Great Gate .
p , Nov . 25 th , 1882 . —Sachount toutez genz , moy Thos . Crompe , masoun , avoyr ressu de monsr . Johan cle Cobeham , syngnr . de Cobeham , oyt libres desterlyug , en per payement de toute la graunde porte del outerwarde cle Couiyng , le quel moy avaundit Thomas et
Masonic Facts.
Laurenz atte Wode avouns prys pour fayre , come apert par les clittez endenturs canselles , des queuz oyt libres , en perpayement del clit overayne , come avaunt est expresse moy avaundit Thomas reconuz estre perpaj'es , et lavaunclit monsr . Johan , seys heyrs et executours quietes a touz jours par eestes presentys aquitauncesur quel moy avaundit Thomas ay mys
, inon sceal . Done le jour seynte Katerine , Ian de rengne le roy Eicharde secounde , puis le conqueste sysme . 227 . Eeceipt of William Bestchercehe , mason , for £ 3 . 16 th Oct ., 1384 . — -Sachount toutez genz moy William Bestcherchemasounavoyr ressu de monsieur
, , Johan de Cobeham , seigneur de Cobeham , cessaunte south desterlyng , en perpayement de toutes maneres dettez que lavaunclit monsr . Johan estoit al avaundit William Bestcherche tenuz pour soun overayne fet de masonerye a chastel cle Couiyng , ties queux cessaunte southen pavementcome avaunt est ditmoy
, per , , avaundit William Bestcherche me reconuz estre perpayes , et perpayes , et lavaunclit monsr . Johan , ses heyrs et executours estre quitez a touz jours . En tesmoynaunce de quele chose a yceste let-tre de aquitaunce ay mys mon sceal . Done a Lounch-es le seszime jour d'Octobre 1 ' an de
rengne le Eoy Eichard secounde oytisme . ( Indorsed ) : Laquitaunce William Bestcherche masoun , de son overayne de Couiyng . 228 . The following is a translation of the receipt of Thomas Crompe , ( 214 . ) : —
( 29 th Septr . 9 Eie . 2 nd . 1385 . )—Ivnoivn all men by these presents , that I , Thomas Crompe , mason , have received , on the day of making of these presents , of Sir John de Cobeham , Lord of Cobeham , six pounds , thirteen shillings , and four pence sterling , in payment of my work at the Castle of Couiyng , of which six poundsthirteen shillings and four pence
, , in part payment , as is premised paid to me , I acknoivledge myself to be paid , and that the aforesaidLord of Cobeham , his heirs and executors , are acquitted thereof by these presents sealed Avith my seal . Dated on the feast of St . Michael , in the ninth year of the reign of the King of EnglandEichard the
, Second , after the conquest . Indorsed . Acquittance of Thomas Cromp , mason , of ten marks paid to him , in part payment of his work of Couiyng , in the ninth year . —Surreiiden Papers . 229 . I am indebted to the Eev . L . B . Larking , for
the following extracts , from the Compotus of the Master of Works , of Eochester Castle , in 1368-69 . The Eoll is at present in the Public Eecord Office . There are a many entries of the purchase of stone amongst them are the following : — Paid to Henri / cle Ye / lee , for 13 tons of stapleton r
freestone , bought of him for the said AVorks , at Ss . per ton 1 18 0 To brother Eobert Donyngton , for 195 tons of freestone from Farlegh , bought of him for the said Avorks at 3 s . 4 c ? . per ton . ' . ' 32 10 0
To Ealph Crompe , for 6 large pieces of stone from Bocton , bought of him for making lintels for the said Avorks at 3 s . 4 c ? . the piece -. 0 20 0 To the said Ealph for one large piece of stone , called " Nowel" bought of him for the said works 0 2 6