Article THE GRAND LODGE PROPERTY. Page 1 of 1 Article THE NEW GRAND OFFICERS. Page 1 of 3 Article THE NEW GRAND OFFICERS. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Grand Lodge Property.
We beg to direct the attention of the brethren to the report of the committee of the Board of General Purposes , relative to the Grand Lodge property , ivhich appears in another part of our Magazine , and the details of which Ave propose io discuss , hefore it can
he brought under consideration in Grand Lodge . We shall , therefore , content ourselves on the jiresent occasion , by congratulating the brethren on the fact that they have at last obtained a report—on the merits of which Ave now express no opinion—from the Board , as
whatever its value , it is a step in the right direction ; and we trust it will never go back again to the Board , but whatever may be determined upon by Grand Lodge , Avill be left to an independent committee appointed for the purpose io carry out .
The New Grand Officers.
According to annual custom , we proceed to give our readers a slight sketch of the standing and Masonic services of the new Grand Officers , beginning with Sir HEDAVOKTH WZLZIXMSOUT , Bart , S . G . W ., our information relative to Avhom is of the scantiest nature . He was initiated in Lodge Palatine ( No . 114 ) ,
Sunderland , on the 14 th , January , 1 S 47 , and has , Ave believe , passed the chair . Ho ivas exalted in the Palatine Chapter ( So . 114 ) , on the 81 st January , 1 S 5 G , ancl lias continued a member of both lodge and chapter up to the present time . Sir Iiedivorth is a life governor to the Girls' School .
Bro . Jons' HAVEES , J . G . W . —Having given a memoir of this brother in page 163 of our last volume , we need not do more than state that the appointment has afforded general satisfaction . Eev . Jons" HTJXSHE , If . A ., G . Chap ., rector of
Clysthydon , Collumpton , Devonshire , was initiated in the Apollo University Lodge ( No . 480 ) Oxford , in Pehruary 1222 , he being then a member of Brasenose College . In 1 S 34 lie joined the St . George's Lodge ( No . 129 ) Exeter , and continues a member up to the
present , being a Past Master . He was exalted in the Alfred Chapter ( No . 425 ) Oxford , in March , 1824 , and joined the St . George ' s Chapter ( No . 129 ) , Exeter , in 1834 , and the Fidelity Chapter ( No . 280 ) in 1837 . Bro . Huyshe has been for many years
D . Prov . Grand Master for Devonshire , where he is highly popular . In Arch Masonry he is Prov . Grand Supt ., and in Templar Masonry Prov . G . Commander , being highly respected in each order . He is now second Assist . Grand Soj . in Grand Chapter . Bro . Huyshe is a Life Governor of the Girls' School .
The New Grand Officers.
Bro . Huyshe is the author of A Treatise on Logic , which has been well spoken of . Bro . J . LLEAVSLT . YS" ETASS , S . G . D . —Although Bro . Evans is a P . Grand Officer , the time ivhen he was appointed was before we began onr
si-retchesand we therefore introduce him to our readers as though he were a new Grand Officer . Bro . Evans was initiated in the Old Union Lodge ( No . 5-4 ) , then 02 , in March , 1831 ; and is now its senior member and P . M . He has served the office of W . M . of 54 three
times , and has had presented to him by the lodge a P . M . jeivel with three clasps . Bro . Evans was exalted to the degree of Eoyal Arch in May , 1833 , in St . John's Chapter , Hampstead ( lAo . IdG ) , which , noiv meet at Eadley ' s Hotel . He has twice passed
through the office of Z ., ancl is the senior P . Z ., and member of the chapter . He took his degrees of Knight Templar , llnight of Malta and Sose Croix , in the encampment of Faith and Fidelity . He afterwards left that encampment and joined the Observance ,
and was a member for some years , but resigned ia 1851 . Bro . Evans was Grand Sword Bearer under the Duke of Sussex one year , and under the Earl of Zetland one year . In Grand Chapter , Comp . Evans has served the offices of Sword Bearer ancl Grand
Scribe N . In the Templars he was appointed Grand Hospitaller when Colonel Tynte was installed Grand Master . Bro . Evans has served Steward to
the Boys' School , to the Girls' School , and to the Eoyal Benevolent Institution twice , and is a Life Governor and annual subscriber to all . He has been a member of the Board of General Purposes for about twenty-three or four years , and was vice-President for three years . In 1857 Bro . Evans mainly assisted in
resuscitating the Surrey Lodge ( 603 ) , at Eeigate , and was "W . M . for two years , and received a very handsome P . M . jewel , which ivas the more . flatteringas the only other P . M . Avho had ever received a P . M . jewel in that lodge , ivas the late Lord Monson , Prov . G . M .
for Surrey , and a P . M . of 603 . This lodge now musters some 25 members , and meets in its OAVU Masonic Boom apart from any tavern . Bro . Evans is also a member , and has been for many years , of the Eoyal Alpha Lodge ( No . 18 ) , the membership
of which is confined to a restricted number of Grand orT . Grand Officers . Bro . CIIASI . ES EAVEJTS DEACON , S . G . D ., of Lordswood , near Southampton , was initiated in Eoyal Gloster Lodge ( No . 152 ) , of that town , on the 12 th
October , 1826 , and is now the father of the lodge . In 1 S 35-3 G he served the oiEce of W . M . and on one or more occasions since that time . He has also filled the office of W . M . of the Southampton Lodge ( No . 555 ) for two years , and is a- member of the Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 442 ) , Southampton , and the Twelve Brothers , of the same place , of the New
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Grand Lodge Property.
We beg to direct the attention of the brethren to the report of the committee of the Board of General Purposes , relative to the Grand Lodge property , ivhich appears in another part of our Magazine , and the details of which Ave propose io discuss , hefore it can
he brought under consideration in Grand Lodge . We shall , therefore , content ourselves on the jiresent occasion , by congratulating the brethren on the fact that they have at last obtained a report—on the merits of which Ave now express no opinion—from the Board , as
whatever its value , it is a step in the right direction ; and we trust it will never go back again to the Board , but whatever may be determined upon by Grand Lodge , Avill be left to an independent committee appointed for the purpose io carry out .
The New Grand Officers.
According to annual custom , we proceed to give our readers a slight sketch of the standing and Masonic services of the new Grand Officers , beginning with Sir HEDAVOKTH WZLZIXMSOUT , Bart , S . G . W ., our information relative to Avhom is of the scantiest nature . He was initiated in Lodge Palatine ( No . 114 ) ,
Sunderland , on the 14 th , January , 1 S 47 , and has , Ave believe , passed the chair . Ho ivas exalted in the Palatine Chapter ( So . 114 ) , on the 81 st January , 1 S 5 G , ancl lias continued a member of both lodge and chapter up to the present time . Sir Iiedivorth is a life governor to the Girls' School .
Bro . Jons' HAVEES , J . G . W . —Having given a memoir of this brother in page 163 of our last volume , we need not do more than state that the appointment has afforded general satisfaction . Eev . Jons" HTJXSHE , If . A ., G . Chap ., rector of
Clysthydon , Collumpton , Devonshire , was initiated in the Apollo University Lodge ( No . 480 ) Oxford , in Pehruary 1222 , he being then a member of Brasenose College . In 1 S 34 lie joined the St . George's Lodge ( No . 129 ) Exeter , and continues a member up to the
present , being a Past Master . He was exalted in the Alfred Chapter ( No . 425 ) Oxford , in March , 1824 , and joined the St . George ' s Chapter ( No . 129 ) , Exeter , in 1834 , and the Fidelity Chapter ( No . 280 ) in 1837 . Bro . Huyshe has been for many years
D . Prov . Grand Master for Devonshire , where he is highly popular . In Arch Masonry he is Prov . Grand Supt ., and in Templar Masonry Prov . G . Commander , being highly respected in each order . He is now second Assist . Grand Soj . in Grand Chapter . Bro . Huyshe is a Life Governor of the Girls' School .
The New Grand Officers.
Bro . Huyshe is the author of A Treatise on Logic , which has been well spoken of . Bro . J . LLEAVSLT . YS" ETASS , S . G . D . —Although Bro . Evans is a P . Grand Officer , the time ivhen he was appointed was before we began onr
si-retchesand we therefore introduce him to our readers as though he were a new Grand Officer . Bro . Evans was initiated in the Old Union Lodge ( No . 5-4 ) , then 02 , in March , 1831 ; and is now its senior member and P . M . He has served the office of W . M . of 54 three
times , and has had presented to him by the lodge a P . M . jeivel with three clasps . Bro . Evans was exalted to the degree of Eoyal Arch in May , 1833 , in St . John's Chapter , Hampstead ( lAo . IdG ) , which , noiv meet at Eadley ' s Hotel . He has twice passed
through the office of Z ., ancl is the senior P . Z ., and member of the chapter . He took his degrees of Knight Templar , llnight of Malta and Sose Croix , in the encampment of Faith and Fidelity . He afterwards left that encampment and joined the Observance ,
and was a member for some years , but resigned ia 1851 . Bro . Evans was Grand Sword Bearer under the Duke of Sussex one year , and under the Earl of Zetland one year . In Grand Chapter , Comp . Evans has served the offices of Sword Bearer ancl Grand
Scribe N . In the Templars he was appointed Grand Hospitaller when Colonel Tynte was installed Grand Master . Bro . Evans has served Steward to
the Boys' School , to the Girls' School , and to the Eoyal Benevolent Institution twice , and is a Life Governor and annual subscriber to all . He has been a member of the Board of General Purposes for about twenty-three or four years , and was vice-President for three years . In 1857 Bro . Evans mainly assisted in
resuscitating the Surrey Lodge ( 603 ) , at Eeigate , and was "W . M . for two years , and received a very handsome P . M . jewel , which ivas the more . flatteringas the only other P . M . Avho had ever received a P . M . jewel in that lodge , ivas the late Lord Monson , Prov . G . M .
for Surrey , and a P . M . of 603 . This lodge now musters some 25 members , and meets in its OAVU Masonic Boom apart from any tavern . Bro . Evans is also a member , and has been for many years , of the Eoyal Alpha Lodge ( No . 18 ) , the membership
of which is confined to a restricted number of Grand orT . Grand Officers . Bro . CIIASI . ES EAVEJTS DEACON , S . G . D ., of Lordswood , near Southampton , was initiated in Eoyal Gloster Lodge ( No . 152 ) , of that town , on the 12 th
October , 1826 , and is now the father of the lodge . In 1 S 35-3 G he served the oiEce of W . M . and on one or more occasions since that time . He has also filled the office of W . M . of the Southampton Lodge ( No . 555 ) for two years , and is a- member of the Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 442 ) , Southampton , and the Twelve Brothers , of the same place , of the New