Article SCOTLAND. ← Page 2 of 2 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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sat down to an excellent supper , which reflected great credit on the part of Bro . Dewar . Amongst those present were deputations from sister lodges , viz .: St . John ' s , Glasgow . 32 , headed by Bro . Thomas Ramsay , W . M . ; Thistle Lodge , 87 , headed by Bro . Walter Linn ; Union Crown , 103 , headed by Bro . James Gillies , "W . M . ; Shamrock and Thistle , 275 , Bridgeton , headed by Bro . James M'Farlane , W . M . ; and St . Thomas ' s Lodge , Larkhall . After supper the lodge was opened in the apprentice
degree . A letter of apology ivas then read from Bro . Sir Archibald Alison , Prov . G . M . of Glasgow Province , who was to have taken the chair , which intimated : — " Fossil House , Feb . 14 , 1867 . —Dear Sir and Bro , —It is with extreme regret that I find myself forced to forego the pleasure of joining your hospitable board to-morrow . I am oppressed with a severe cold , bordering on bronchitis , and my medical advisers
absolutely forbid my going out in the evening till it is better . Wishing you a happy meeting , and hoping that I may be so fortunate as to be able to join you on some future occasion , I remain , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , A . ADISON . " Letters were also read from Bro . Sir M . Shaw Stewart , Prov . G . M . Renfrewshire West , and Bro . Smollett , Prov . G . M . Dumbartonshire , in which they said that previous engagements prevented their presence . After the usual routine toasts were given from
the chair , Bro . ex-Baillie Lamb , of Paisley , gave the toast of " The Three Grand Lodges , " coupled with Bro . Colonel Campbell for the Grand Lodge of Scotland ; " The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , " by Bro . Jas . Somerville , replied to by Bro . Jas . Leith , P . G . D . G . M . The Junior Warden , Bro . J . M'Ewan , then proposed " The Lord Provost , Magistrates , and Town Council . " The Chairman then proposed "The Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire , and Bro . Col . Campbell , of Blythswood , " to which
the latter replied . The Chairman , then , in a few complimentary remarks , presented Bro . Connecher , Treasurer of the lodge , with a splendid diamond ring , for which Bro . Connecher expressed his thanks , and gave an outline of the position of the lodge , which he stated was in a very flourishing state . " The Provincial Grand Benevolent Fund" was proposed by Bro . Weir , and responded to by Bro . James Thomson , Treasurer . "The St . Clair Lodge" was proposed by Bro . Col . Campbelland
, responded to by the W . M . Other toasts were given and duly responded to . During the toasts various songs were sung by Bros . Jas . Campbell , D . M ., Ballantyne , Forest , and Barr , which added largely to the hilarity of the evening . We may add that Bro . the Marquis Chisholm presided at the piano , with others . After a pleasant evening the lodge broke up at an early hour , all highly pleased with the evening's proceedings .
LIMERICK . LraiEBlCK . —Uden Lodge ( No . 73 ) . —On'Wednesday evening , the 6 th inst ., a large number of the members of this lodge met at the Lodge Rooms . Bros . W . H . M'Quaide , P . M . ; T . Adams , S . W . ; Stuart , J . W . ; Peacocke , P . M ., Treas . ; Bassett , P . M . , Sec ; Owen , S . D . ; Drinkwater , J . D . ; MacNie , I . G . Bros . Browne , Burdge , and Mullock received the F . C . degree . After the working of the lodge had been concludedthe J . W .
, announced to the brethren that refreshments were ready . The W . M . presided . Several speeches were delivered , songs sung , including " Garryowen , " hy Bro . Trousdell , and a most agreeable evening spent . The brethren separated in peace , love , and harmony .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESABEE ( NO . 590 ) . —The regular meefcng of this lodge was held on Thursday , January 31 , at the Masonic Temple , St . Heliers . The lodge was opened in due form by Bro . C . Le Sueur , I . P . M ., assisted by Bros . J . Oatley , S . W . ; Abraham Viel , J . W . ; J . Durrell , as I . P . M . ; A . Schmitt , P . M . Sec ; P . Binet , P . M . as J . D . ; P . Starik , I . G . ; Win . Croad , Dir of Cers . The attendance of members and visitors wasas usual
nume-, , very rous . Amongst the latter we observed Bros . Win . Adams , P . M . 244 ; J . F . Draper , P . M . 243 ; J . LeSueur , J . W . 491 . At the request of the W . M . the minutes of the previous meeting were read and subsequently confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . Brindejoub passed a very satisfactory examination as a candidate for the third
Channel Islands.
degree , aud after having been entrusted , retired for preparation .. During his absence the lodge was opened in the third degree . The candidate was then admitted , duly received and impressively raised to the degree of M . M . Bro . H . L- Manuel , W . M . delivered an instruction address to the newly-raised brother , bearing on the import and nature of this sublime degree . It is almost superfluous to add , that a breathless silence prevailed the lod during its deliverywhich greatly
ge , enhanced lis effect . Bro . Brindejoub and all the brethren present were highly pleased with and thankful for so eloquent a lecture . The lodge was then resumed in the first degree , when Bros . Ph . J . Picot , J . Romeril , and F . Ahier were examined , and having acquitted themselves satisfactorily , were passed out for preparation . The lodge having been opened in the second degreethe candidates were admitted and duly
, passed as fellow Crafts . On the completion of the ceremony , the lodge was resumed in the first degree . For the information of the brethren , Bro . A . Scbmitt read a report extracted from a French review , Le Monde Macomiique , which , for the benefit of the FEEEJIASON ' S MAGAZINE , has been translated into English by our esteemed Bro . . Dr . Hopkins , and which will be found in another and from a perusal of which will be
page , obtained an insight into the malicious intolerance of the Ultramontane party , the ignorant and despotic bigotry of some of the public functionaries in France , as exhibited in their treatment of brethren in that country , who therefore deserve our best sympathy and moral support which they have earned by a
display of undaunted courage , zeal , and perseverance in upholding the great principles and the dignity of the Craft , and in fearlessly combating against views aud acts so enslaving both to mind and body . Two Canadian brethren , Moses F . Gibaut and Chas . Renouf , were proposed as joining members . After some matters of routine having been disposed of , the lodge was closed at half-past nine in love and perfect harmony-—An meeting of the Cesaree Lodge was held on
emergency Thursday , February 7 , at the Masonic Temple , for the purpose of initiating two candidates in English , which was impossible in this lodge previous to the last revision of the bye-laws . The lodge was opened by Bro . C . LeSueur , I . P . M ., assisted by Bros . J . Oatley , S . AV . ; A . Oatley , J . W . ; Jn . Th' du Jardin , I . P . M . ; Durrell , P . M ., Sec . ; M . Tracv , W . M . 244 ; Wm . Adams , P . M » 491 , as J . D ; J . F . Draper , P . M . 273 , as I . G ., in the presence
of nearly fifty members and visitors . At the request of the W . M ., Bro . J . Th' du Jardin assumed the chair , when by bit command the ballot was taken for Captain Albert G . Cantall , which having proved unanimous in his favour , he being in attendance , as well as Mr . Nathan W . Moyse , who had been previously accepted , these two were duly announced , admitted and initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The whole of the ceremony was performed in the most impressive
manner by the acting W . M . and his officers . A vote of cordial thanks to Bros . M . Tracy , Adams , and Draper was carried by acclamation , for their assistance , and ordered to be recorded in the minutes . The lodge was closed at nine o ' clock in perfect , ove and harmony .
Royal Arch.
BERKS AND BUCKS . LINSXADE — St . Barnahas Chapter ( No . 948 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the Elephant and Castle , on Thursday , Feb . 14 . Present : Cotnps . Thos . Horwood , M . E . Z . ; H . Lovell , H . ; F . Gotto , J . ; W . Lean , E . ; J . B . Dixon ; N- A . Whyley , First A . S . ; B . Fountains ; J . McCubbin ; and Comp . W . Watsoti , P . Z . 25 , as a visitor . The only business before the chapter was the exaltation of Bro . Edward StreetLodge 948 ,,
, which beautiful ceremony was ably performed , each officer doing his respective office in a creditable manner . This young chapter is increasing in numbers very rapidly , there having been no meeting without one or more exaltations . DEVONSHIRE . DEVONPOBT . — Fidelit Chapter ( No . 230 ) . —The regular
y quarterly convocation of this chapter was held at the Chapel Rooms , Chapel-street , Devonport , on Thursday evening , the 14 th February , 1867 , the business being to nominate the officers for the ensuing year , when the following companions were nominated : —Ex-Commanders T . Linde , as P . Z . ; B . Stoneman , as P . H . ; J . Pursey , as P . J . ; Comps . F . Codd , as Scribe E
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
sat down to an excellent supper , which reflected great credit on the part of Bro . Dewar . Amongst those present were deputations from sister lodges , viz .: St . John ' s , Glasgow . 32 , headed by Bro . Thomas Ramsay , W . M . ; Thistle Lodge , 87 , headed by Bro . Walter Linn ; Union Crown , 103 , headed by Bro . James Gillies , "W . M . ; Shamrock and Thistle , 275 , Bridgeton , headed by Bro . James M'Farlane , W . M . ; and St . Thomas ' s Lodge , Larkhall . After supper the lodge was opened in the apprentice
degree . A letter of apology ivas then read from Bro . Sir Archibald Alison , Prov . G . M . of Glasgow Province , who was to have taken the chair , which intimated : — " Fossil House , Feb . 14 , 1867 . —Dear Sir and Bro , —It is with extreme regret that I find myself forced to forego the pleasure of joining your hospitable board to-morrow . I am oppressed with a severe cold , bordering on bronchitis , and my medical advisers
absolutely forbid my going out in the evening till it is better . Wishing you a happy meeting , and hoping that I may be so fortunate as to be able to join you on some future occasion , I remain , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , A . ADISON . " Letters were also read from Bro . Sir M . Shaw Stewart , Prov . G . M . Renfrewshire West , and Bro . Smollett , Prov . G . M . Dumbartonshire , in which they said that previous engagements prevented their presence . After the usual routine toasts were given from
the chair , Bro . ex-Baillie Lamb , of Paisley , gave the toast of " The Three Grand Lodges , " coupled with Bro . Colonel Campbell for the Grand Lodge of Scotland ; " The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , " by Bro . Jas . Somerville , replied to by Bro . Jas . Leith , P . G . D . G . M . The Junior Warden , Bro . J . M'Ewan , then proposed " The Lord Provost , Magistrates , and Town Council . " The Chairman then proposed "The Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire , and Bro . Col . Campbell , of Blythswood , " to which
the latter replied . The Chairman , then , in a few complimentary remarks , presented Bro . Connecher , Treasurer of the lodge , with a splendid diamond ring , for which Bro . Connecher expressed his thanks , and gave an outline of the position of the lodge , which he stated was in a very flourishing state . " The Provincial Grand Benevolent Fund" was proposed by Bro . Weir , and responded to by Bro . James Thomson , Treasurer . "The St . Clair Lodge" was proposed by Bro . Col . Campbelland
, responded to by the W . M . Other toasts were given and duly responded to . During the toasts various songs were sung by Bros . Jas . Campbell , D . M ., Ballantyne , Forest , and Barr , which added largely to the hilarity of the evening . We may add that Bro . the Marquis Chisholm presided at the piano , with others . After a pleasant evening the lodge broke up at an early hour , all highly pleased with the evening's proceedings .
LIMERICK . LraiEBlCK . —Uden Lodge ( No . 73 ) . —On'Wednesday evening , the 6 th inst ., a large number of the members of this lodge met at the Lodge Rooms . Bros . W . H . M'Quaide , P . M . ; T . Adams , S . W . ; Stuart , J . W . ; Peacocke , P . M ., Treas . ; Bassett , P . M . , Sec ; Owen , S . D . ; Drinkwater , J . D . ; MacNie , I . G . Bros . Browne , Burdge , and Mullock received the F . C . degree . After the working of the lodge had been concludedthe J . W .
, announced to the brethren that refreshments were ready . The W . M . presided . Several speeches were delivered , songs sung , including " Garryowen , " hy Bro . Trousdell , and a most agreeable evening spent . The brethren separated in peace , love , and harmony .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESABEE ( NO . 590 ) . —The regular meefcng of this lodge was held on Thursday , January 31 , at the Masonic Temple , St . Heliers . The lodge was opened in due form by Bro . C . Le Sueur , I . P . M ., assisted by Bros . J . Oatley , S . W . ; Abraham Viel , J . W . ; J . Durrell , as I . P . M . ; A . Schmitt , P . M . Sec ; P . Binet , P . M . as J . D . ; P . Starik , I . G . ; Win . Croad , Dir of Cers . The attendance of members and visitors wasas usual
nume-, , very rous . Amongst the latter we observed Bros . Win . Adams , P . M . 244 ; J . F . Draper , P . M . 243 ; J . LeSueur , J . W . 491 . At the request of the W . M . the minutes of the previous meeting were read and subsequently confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . Brindejoub passed a very satisfactory examination as a candidate for the third
Channel Islands.
degree , aud after having been entrusted , retired for preparation .. During his absence the lodge was opened in the third degree . The candidate was then admitted , duly received and impressively raised to the degree of M . M . Bro . H . L- Manuel , W . M . delivered an instruction address to the newly-raised brother , bearing on the import and nature of this sublime degree . It is almost superfluous to add , that a breathless silence prevailed the lod during its deliverywhich greatly
ge , enhanced lis effect . Bro . Brindejoub and all the brethren present were highly pleased with and thankful for so eloquent a lecture . The lodge was then resumed in the first degree , when Bros . Ph . J . Picot , J . Romeril , and F . Ahier were examined , and having acquitted themselves satisfactorily , were passed out for preparation . The lodge having been opened in the second degreethe candidates were admitted and duly
, passed as fellow Crafts . On the completion of the ceremony , the lodge was resumed in the first degree . For the information of the brethren , Bro . A . Scbmitt read a report extracted from a French review , Le Monde Macomiique , which , for the benefit of the FEEEJIASON ' S MAGAZINE , has been translated into English by our esteemed Bro . . Dr . Hopkins , and which will be found in another and from a perusal of which will be
page , obtained an insight into the malicious intolerance of the Ultramontane party , the ignorant and despotic bigotry of some of the public functionaries in France , as exhibited in their treatment of brethren in that country , who therefore deserve our best sympathy and moral support which they have earned by a
display of undaunted courage , zeal , and perseverance in upholding the great principles and the dignity of the Craft , and in fearlessly combating against views aud acts so enslaving both to mind and body . Two Canadian brethren , Moses F . Gibaut and Chas . Renouf , were proposed as joining members . After some matters of routine having been disposed of , the lodge was closed at half-past nine in love and perfect harmony-—An meeting of the Cesaree Lodge was held on
emergency Thursday , February 7 , at the Masonic Temple , for the purpose of initiating two candidates in English , which was impossible in this lodge previous to the last revision of the bye-laws . The lodge was opened by Bro . C . LeSueur , I . P . M ., assisted by Bros . J . Oatley , S . AV . ; A . Oatley , J . W . ; Jn . Th' du Jardin , I . P . M . ; Durrell , P . M ., Sec . ; M . Tracv , W . M . 244 ; Wm . Adams , P . M » 491 , as J . D ; J . F . Draper , P . M . 273 , as I . G ., in the presence
of nearly fifty members and visitors . At the request of the W . M ., Bro . J . Th' du Jardin assumed the chair , when by bit command the ballot was taken for Captain Albert G . Cantall , which having proved unanimous in his favour , he being in attendance , as well as Mr . Nathan W . Moyse , who had been previously accepted , these two were duly announced , admitted and initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry . The whole of the ceremony was performed in the most impressive
manner by the acting W . M . and his officers . A vote of cordial thanks to Bros . M . Tracy , Adams , and Draper was carried by acclamation , for their assistance , and ordered to be recorded in the minutes . The lodge was closed at nine o ' clock in perfect , ove and harmony .
Royal Arch.
BERKS AND BUCKS . LINSXADE — St . Barnahas Chapter ( No . 948 ) . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the Elephant and Castle , on Thursday , Feb . 14 . Present : Cotnps . Thos . Horwood , M . E . Z . ; H . Lovell , H . ; F . Gotto , J . ; W . Lean , E . ; J . B . Dixon ; N- A . Whyley , First A . S . ; B . Fountains ; J . McCubbin ; and Comp . W . Watsoti , P . Z . 25 , as a visitor . The only business before the chapter was the exaltation of Bro . Edward StreetLodge 948 ,,
, which beautiful ceremony was ably performed , each officer doing his respective office in a creditable manner . This young chapter is increasing in numbers very rapidly , there having been no meeting without one or more exaltations . DEVONSHIRE . DEVONPOBT . — Fidelit Chapter ( No . 230 ) . —The regular
y quarterly convocation of this chapter was held at the Chapel Rooms , Chapel-street , Devonport , on Thursday evening , the 14 th February , 1867 , the business being to nominate the officers for the ensuing year , when the following companions were nominated : —Ex-Commanders T . Linde , as P . Z . ; B . Stoneman , as P . H . ; J . Pursey , as P . J . ; Comps . F . Codd , as Scribe E