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The Grave S Of Bros. Jackson And Polk.
career of that other noblo son of Tennessee , who in after years was elevated to the Presidency . As it was the pride of President Polk that he had been called to assume the arduous duties of the Chief Magistracy when his country was at the noontide of prosperity , so it was his good fortune to leave it to his successor , made doubly honourable by the distinguished ability wifch ivhich he administered ifc .
Onr distinguished Brother did nofc long live to enjoj- the domestic , quiet to which he retired at the close of his presidential term . " Life ' s fitful dream ended . " He was buried in the grounds surrounding the family mansion , almost beneath the shadow of the lofty capital of his beloved State . A stone structure , consisting of a dome supported by columns and ornamented with a simple balustrade and
frieze , protects a plain obelisk , upon ivhich are preserved to posterity in eulogistic inscription the many services of the honoured dead . Funeral cypress trees lend their solemn shade , while the busy hum of the surrounding city is nofc in unpleasant contrast wifch the quietness of the enclosure wherein rests all that is mortal of JAMES KNOX POLK . His widow still survives ; bufc soon she , too , will find
calm repose in the now vacant vault , by the side of him who has gone before . Then , by the provisions of her deceased husband ' s will , the title ofthe homestead vests in fche State of Tennessee , —a noble State , that will feel proud to have in her watchful keejiing the remains of the two Patriot Presidents whom she so often honoured while living , and who in turn honoured her by the purity of their lives and
conduct ; and well may the pilgrim to their graves whisper , in the apt language of poesy—¦ " Seek nofc for those a separate doom , Whom fate made brothers in the tomb : But search the "band of living men , Where shall lve find their like again . "
Masonic Notes And Queries.
BllO . P . C DANIEL . Who was Bro . F . 0 . Daniel , the founder of the Masonic Institution for Clothing , Educating , and Apprenticing the Sons of indigent and deceased Freemasons ? The memory of such brethren should always be cherished in the hearts of Masons . —E . Daniel .
nosE cnoix CTPHEK . - Does any Ex . and Perf . Prince possess a copy of the Eose Croix Cypher ? and , if so , would he favour me with a transcript , addressed under cover to the Editor of THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE . —Sov . P . E . —[ The alphabet may bo seen inLenoir ' s La Franclic-Maconueric ( 4 to . Paris , 1814 ) , a very rare and valuable work . ]
HELE , on HAIL . Which is the proper use ofthe word Rule , or Rail , ? it is as frequently used the one way as the other . P . E . D . — [ "To hele" is an Anglo-Saxon verb , signifying" to hide . " It is properly pronounced like licel , the anterior portion of the human foot . In Doomsday-book there is mention of ' a village called Hele , in the West of England , and its retiring and hidden scenery shows that those who originally gave it tho name derived their nomenclature from its position . ]
A EHEEMASOX ' s WIFE . Ingleby Scott is writing a series of papers on Representative Women " in Once a . Weel ,: Ono tale ho tells is so touching that ifc should be preserved among your choicest notes , and I forward ifc accordingly . —J . J .
" We have some of us heard a story latel y full of solemn sweetness —a story as animating as it is mournful , of a wife with her husband at sea . Each age lias its own mode of disclosure of the moral greatness of the men and women of the time ; and in this case , through the ways and circumstances of onr century—of even the latter half of it—we see in Mrs . Patton the mind and soul ofthe best wife of the noblest Crusader of six centuries ago . " One February clayfour sincethe le who
, years , jieop happened to be on the Battery at Xew ' York , saw that a sick person was being carried in a litter from a ship to the Battery Hotel . Beside the litter walked a young girl , as a careless passenger might have supposed ; but others were struck by the . strangeness of such youthfulness in one ivith so careworn a ' fiice . . She was also obviously near lier confinement . She was twenty in fact , and had been married
three years to the man m the utter . Sue had been brought up in gaiety and indulgence in a prosperous home in East Boston , and had married a gallant young sea captain . In the first days of the honeymoon , Captain Patton was ottered the command of the Neptune's Car , a ship fitted out for the circumnavigation of the globe , and delayed by the illness of the commander . Captain Patton declined this great piece of professional advancement , on the ground that he could nofc leave his bride , for so long a time , at an
hour's warning . He was told she might go with him ; she was willing , and they were established on board within twelve hours from the first proposal being" made . "They were absent a year and five months ; and from the outset she made herself her husband ' s pupil , companion and helper , to his great delight . She studied navigation , and learned everything that lie could teach her , and was soon habituated to take observations , steer by the chartand keep the ship ' s reckoning . In August
, , 1856 , they sailed again in their beloved vessel for California , making sure that the ship they were so proud of , and so familiar with , would beat two others which started at the same time . The race which ensued disclosed to Captain Patton the evil temper and designs of his first mate , who was evidently bent on defeating his purpose , and , for some unknown reason , on carrying the ship into Valparaiso . Before Cape Horn was reached , the captain was suffering from anxiety anil viilance . There it was necessary to depose
g the mate ; anil under the toil of supplying his place , Captain Patton's health gave way entirely . A fever was followed by congestion of the brain ; but he had had time to put his wife in full possession of his purposes . The ship was by no means to go to Valparaiso ; for the crew would desert , and the cargo be lost before the consignees could arrive . His honour and conscience were concerned , he saidin going to the right port . This settled everything in his
, wife's mind . The ship should go to her destined port , and no other . " Her husband became hopelessly delirious ; ancl the mate seized the opportunity to assume authority . He wrote a letter to Mrs . Patton , warning her not to oppose him , and charging her with the responsibility- of the fate of every man in the vessel , if she presumed to interfere . She replied that her husband had not trusted
him while he was well ; and she should not trust him now that her husband was ill . She assembled the crew , told them fche facts , and appealed to them . AVould they accept her authority in her husband's place , disregard the first mate , and work the ship under the orders of the second ? livery man of them agreed , and she had nothing to complain of from them , They did what they could to sustain her . They saw her at her studies , as they passed the cabin windows , and regarded her with reverence and pity , —a young
wife , soon to be a mother , alone among men , with her husband to nurse and control , the crew to command , anil their lives to preserve by her learning and professional skill ! . There she sat at her desk by lamplight , —now studying medical books which could instruct her on hor husband's case ; now keeping the reckoning , and making entries in the log . At noon and at midnight she was on deck , taking an observation . She marked the charts , made no mistakesand carried the ship into port in fine condition on the
, 13 th of iSTovember . " Captain Patton was a Freemason ; and the Freemasons at San Francisco were kind , sending * them back to ! N " ew York hy the first ship that could take them . They arrived wholly destitute , —the husband , blind , deaf , delirious , dying;—the wife grave ancl composed , but bent upon reaching Boston before her confinement . This aim she could not accomplish : her husband was too ill to be removed ,
and her child was born in a strango place . The New York underwriters immediately sent her 1000 dollars as a gift ; and the owners of the vessel and cargo afc once took steps to testify their sense of her conduct . Under singular extremity , she had considered the interests of the crew , ancl saved a vast amount of property to the owners ; and the valour and conscientiousness of this lonely young creature were thoroughly appreciated . The truth was , it ' was to her husband that she devoted herself . She wrought out his
purpose , and saved his honour . " From the verge of his grave she disappears from si ght . We may never hear of her again ; but we scarcely need to know more . AVhat could we ask further , after being presented with the true image of a perfect wife , heroic in proportion to the extremity of her trial ? I , for one , am thankful to know that a Mary Patton has shown the full glory ancl beauty of wifehood in our day . "
THE DECEEE 01 ' MARK 3 IASTE 11 S . Bro . Tweddell must have overlooked tho fact ( and his attention is thus called to it ) that the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , at its establishment , passed a resolution to admit all Mark Lodges , working from time immemorial , free of expense , and permit them to rank at the top ofthe roll without a number . The members of the lodge to which Bro . Tweddell alludes have but a poor opportunity of iuds-hig of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Grave S Of Bros. Jackson And Polk.
career of that other noblo son of Tennessee , who in after years was elevated to the Presidency . As it was the pride of President Polk that he had been called to assume the arduous duties of the Chief Magistracy when his country was at the noontide of prosperity , so it was his good fortune to leave it to his successor , made doubly honourable by the distinguished ability wifch ivhich he administered ifc .
Onr distinguished Brother did nofc long live to enjoj- the domestic , quiet to which he retired at the close of his presidential term . " Life ' s fitful dream ended . " He was buried in the grounds surrounding the family mansion , almost beneath the shadow of the lofty capital of his beloved State . A stone structure , consisting of a dome supported by columns and ornamented with a simple balustrade and
frieze , protects a plain obelisk , upon ivhich are preserved to posterity in eulogistic inscription the many services of the honoured dead . Funeral cypress trees lend their solemn shade , while the busy hum of the surrounding city is nofc in unpleasant contrast wifch the quietness of the enclosure wherein rests all that is mortal of JAMES KNOX POLK . His widow still survives ; bufc soon she , too , will find
calm repose in the now vacant vault , by the side of him who has gone before . Then , by the provisions of her deceased husband ' s will , the title ofthe homestead vests in fche State of Tennessee , —a noble State , that will feel proud to have in her watchful keejiing the remains of the two Patriot Presidents whom she so often honoured while living , and who in turn honoured her by the purity of their lives and
conduct ; and well may the pilgrim to their graves whisper , in the apt language of poesy—¦ " Seek nofc for those a separate doom , Whom fate made brothers in the tomb : But search the "band of living men , Where shall lve find their like again . "
Masonic Notes And Queries.
BllO . P . C DANIEL . Who was Bro . F . 0 . Daniel , the founder of the Masonic Institution for Clothing , Educating , and Apprenticing the Sons of indigent and deceased Freemasons ? The memory of such brethren should always be cherished in the hearts of Masons . —E . Daniel .
nosE cnoix CTPHEK . - Does any Ex . and Perf . Prince possess a copy of the Eose Croix Cypher ? and , if so , would he favour me with a transcript , addressed under cover to the Editor of THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE . —Sov . P . E . —[ The alphabet may bo seen inLenoir ' s La Franclic-Maconueric ( 4 to . Paris , 1814 ) , a very rare and valuable work . ]
HELE , on HAIL . Which is the proper use ofthe word Rule , or Rail , ? it is as frequently used the one way as the other . P . E . D . — [ "To hele" is an Anglo-Saxon verb , signifying" to hide . " It is properly pronounced like licel , the anterior portion of the human foot . In Doomsday-book there is mention of ' a village called Hele , in the West of England , and its retiring and hidden scenery shows that those who originally gave it tho name derived their nomenclature from its position . ]
A EHEEMASOX ' s WIFE . Ingleby Scott is writing a series of papers on Representative Women " in Once a . Weel ,: Ono tale ho tells is so touching that ifc should be preserved among your choicest notes , and I forward ifc accordingly . —J . J .
" We have some of us heard a story latel y full of solemn sweetness —a story as animating as it is mournful , of a wife with her husband at sea . Each age lias its own mode of disclosure of the moral greatness of the men and women of the time ; and in this case , through the ways and circumstances of onr century—of even the latter half of it—we see in Mrs . Patton the mind and soul ofthe best wife of the noblest Crusader of six centuries ago . " One February clayfour sincethe le who
, years , jieop happened to be on the Battery at Xew ' York , saw that a sick person was being carried in a litter from a ship to the Battery Hotel . Beside the litter walked a young girl , as a careless passenger might have supposed ; but others were struck by the . strangeness of such youthfulness in one ivith so careworn a ' fiice . . She was also obviously near lier confinement . She was twenty in fact , and had been married
three years to the man m the utter . Sue had been brought up in gaiety and indulgence in a prosperous home in East Boston , and had married a gallant young sea captain . In the first days of the honeymoon , Captain Patton was ottered the command of the Neptune's Car , a ship fitted out for the circumnavigation of the globe , and delayed by the illness of the commander . Captain Patton declined this great piece of professional advancement , on the ground that he could nofc leave his bride , for so long a time , at an
hour's warning . He was told she might go with him ; she was willing , and they were established on board within twelve hours from the first proposal being" made . "They were absent a year and five months ; and from the outset she made herself her husband ' s pupil , companion and helper , to his great delight . She studied navigation , and learned everything that lie could teach her , and was soon habituated to take observations , steer by the chartand keep the ship ' s reckoning . In August
, , 1856 , they sailed again in their beloved vessel for California , making sure that the ship they were so proud of , and so familiar with , would beat two others which started at the same time . The race which ensued disclosed to Captain Patton the evil temper and designs of his first mate , who was evidently bent on defeating his purpose , and , for some unknown reason , on carrying the ship into Valparaiso . Before Cape Horn was reached , the captain was suffering from anxiety anil viilance . There it was necessary to depose
g the mate ; anil under the toil of supplying his place , Captain Patton's health gave way entirely . A fever was followed by congestion of the brain ; but he had had time to put his wife in full possession of his purposes . The ship was by no means to go to Valparaiso ; for the crew would desert , and the cargo be lost before the consignees could arrive . His honour and conscience were concerned , he saidin going to the right port . This settled everything in his
, wife's mind . The ship should go to her destined port , and no other . " Her husband became hopelessly delirious ; ancl the mate seized the opportunity to assume authority . He wrote a letter to Mrs . Patton , warning her not to oppose him , and charging her with the responsibility- of the fate of every man in the vessel , if she presumed to interfere . She replied that her husband had not trusted
him while he was well ; and she should not trust him now that her husband was ill . She assembled the crew , told them fche facts , and appealed to them . AVould they accept her authority in her husband's place , disregard the first mate , and work the ship under the orders of the second ? livery man of them agreed , and she had nothing to complain of from them , They did what they could to sustain her . They saw her at her studies , as they passed the cabin windows , and regarded her with reverence and pity , —a young
wife , soon to be a mother , alone among men , with her husband to nurse and control , the crew to command , anil their lives to preserve by her learning and professional skill ! . There she sat at her desk by lamplight , —now studying medical books which could instruct her on hor husband's case ; now keeping the reckoning , and making entries in the log . At noon and at midnight she was on deck , taking an observation . She marked the charts , made no mistakesand carried the ship into port in fine condition on the
, 13 th of iSTovember . " Captain Patton was a Freemason ; and the Freemasons at San Francisco were kind , sending * them back to ! N " ew York hy the first ship that could take them . They arrived wholly destitute , —the husband , blind , deaf , delirious , dying;—the wife grave ancl composed , but bent upon reaching Boston before her confinement . This aim she could not accomplish : her husband was too ill to be removed ,
and her child was born in a strango place . The New York underwriters immediately sent her 1000 dollars as a gift ; and the owners of the vessel and cargo afc once took steps to testify their sense of her conduct . Under singular extremity , she had considered the interests of the crew , ancl saved a vast amount of property to the owners ; and the valour and conscientiousness of this lonely young creature were thoroughly appreciated . The truth was , it ' was to her husband that she devoted herself . She wrought out his
purpose , and saved his honour . " From the verge of his grave she disappears from si ght . We may never hear of her again ; but we scarcely need to know more . AVhat could we ask further , after being presented with the true image of a perfect wife , heroic in proportion to the extremity of her trial ? I , for one , am thankful to know that a Mary Patton has shown the full glory ancl beauty of wifehood in our day . "
THE DECEEE 01 ' MARK 3 IASTE 11 S . Bro . Tweddell must have overlooked tho fact ( and his attention is thus called to it ) that the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , at its establishment , passed a resolution to admit all Mark Lodges , working from time immemorial , free of expense , and permit them to rank at the top ofthe roll without a number . The members of the lodge to which Bro . Tweddell alludes have but a poor opportunity of iuds-hig of