Article ON LODGES AND THEIR FURNITURE. ← Page 4 of 4 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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On Lodges And Their Furniture.
portion and part of the labour—assigning to each his province and his Order . And such is his Mastership , that each part when asunder , seemeth irregular and without form ; yet , when put together , like the building of the temple at Jerusalem , is connected and framed in true symmetry , beauty ,
and order . The moral implication of which is , that the Master in his lodge sits dictating those salutary laws , for the regulation thereof , as his prifdence directs , assigning to each brother his proper province ; limiting the rashness of some , and circumscribing the imprudence of others ; restraining
all licentiousness and drunkenness , discord and malice , envy and reproach , and promoting brotherly love , morality , charity , benevolence , cordiality , and innocent mirth ; and that the assembly of the brethren may be with order , harmony , and love .
To try the works of every Mason , the square is presented , as the probation of his life , proving Avhether his manners are regular and uniform . This instrument" is worn by all Masters of lodges ; for Masons should be of one principle and one rank , without the distinctions of pride and pageantry ;
intimating that from high to low the minds of Masons should be inclined to good works , above which no man stands exalted by his fortune . Bufc superior to all , fche lodge is furnished Avith three luminaries ; as the golden candlestick in the tabernacle of Moses was once emblematical of the
spirit of God , Avhereby his chosen people Avere enlightened , and prophetical of the churches ; or otherwise , as Josephus says , representative of the planets and the poAverful Avorks of God ; so our three li ghts show to us the great stages of Masonry , or otherwise our lights are typical of the Holy
Trinity . Such is the furniture of the lodge : such are the principles dictated to us as Masons ; let us rejoice in the exercise of those excellences , Avhich should set us above the rank of other men , and prove that Ave are brought out of darkness into
light . And let us show our good Avorks unto the Avoi-ld , that through our light so shining unto men , they may glorify the great Master ofthe Universe ; and , therefore , do justice , love mercy , and Avalk humbly wifch their God . —Scottish Freemasons ' Magazine .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
POPES ESSAY ON MAN ' . " A brother , Avho Avrifces from Brussels , has sent me a Trench translation of sundry lines of Pope's "Essay on Man . " The translation is not new to me . It is by the Marquis cle Saint Simon , and Avas privately printed at llarlem in 1771 . I am not
aware that ifc has been reprinted .- In the very serious and important matter which my correspondent is considering , poetical beauties are irrelevant and Avorthless ; and yet he has allowed . them to get possession of his mind , because his understanding the "Essay on Man" occasioned charges against its
Masonic Notes And Queries.
author of fatalism and naturalism . It should be read with caution hy an individual embarassed in the choice of a creed . It was in consequence of those charges that Pope composed his " Universal Prayer " . Ifc may nofc be useless to remark that every word of this prayer accords Avith the religion of
Preemasonry . I hesitate not to recommend it as a morning and evening orison to one who , it seems , unhappily for his mental quiet , has laid aside his New Testament . In reference to the particular lines upon which my correspondent comments in a postscripthe should read the article "Ame du Monde "
, in the " Dictionuaire des Sciences Philosophiques . " He will afterwards , if I am not deceived , take a very different view of those lines from that which he appears to take now . In my communication to the FEET-MASONS' MAGAZINE , vol . X ., page 21 , I have stated that , in my opinion , " the God of Preemasonry
is essentially a personal God ; " and , in another communication to the same MAGAZINE , vol . XL , page 32-1 , I have stated that " Hegelians belonging to the party Avhich founds on Hegelian doctrine a negation of the personality of God , ought , in my judgment , to be excluded from our lodges . "— -CHAKLES PUETON COOPEE .
FEEEBOBN . Can a Turk or Arab , who was sold as a slave , or whose father Avas a slave , become a Mason ? There are some distinguished men in Turkey , Syria , and Egypt , who in the good old times when slavery was honoured , were brought from Circassia , or are the sons of Circassian slaves , and , in the spread of Masonry in the East , Ave may have such candidates . — PEEEBOEN .
MASONIC CTPHEB , IN NO . 326 . I do not feel at liberty to furnish a "key" to the cypher writing forwarded by " A , " hut will offer a solution , premising first that the 36 th letter should be Q instead of E . This typographical error , together Avifch tbe difficulty in deciphering the cypher ,
required not a little time and patience . I make the letters to ask the following question , Have you never Avilfully revealed any of the secrets of Masonry ? Sorry to find as yet there has been no answer to my letter , in No . 325 , in regard to the " Book of Elucidations , " by Bro . Pinch of Canterbury . — "WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN , IS ? , Truro , 16 th October , 1865 .
The Editor is not responsible for thc opinions expressed by Cowespondenis . MASONIC REGISTRATION . TO TBI ! BBirOB OI THE FJ ! EEjrAS < Hfs' JUOAZIH'l' AND HA . 80 XIC MIEBOB . DEAE SIE AND BEOTHEE , —I had proposed to myself the laborious task of obtaining from all
Masonic lodges holding under the Grand Lodges of England , Scotland , and Ireland , a roll of their Matriculated Apprentices since the year 1820 , with , so far as could be obtained , notices of their advancement , and an srmuni -obituary .
Csacn a work , from its voluminous character , although in general arrangement assimilated to the present clergy list , would entail in its publication
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On Lodges And Their Furniture.
portion and part of the labour—assigning to each his province and his Order . And such is his Mastership , that each part when asunder , seemeth irregular and without form ; yet , when put together , like the building of the temple at Jerusalem , is connected and framed in true symmetry , beauty ,
and order . The moral implication of which is , that the Master in his lodge sits dictating those salutary laws , for the regulation thereof , as his prifdence directs , assigning to each brother his proper province ; limiting the rashness of some , and circumscribing the imprudence of others ; restraining
all licentiousness and drunkenness , discord and malice , envy and reproach , and promoting brotherly love , morality , charity , benevolence , cordiality , and innocent mirth ; and that the assembly of the brethren may be with order , harmony , and love .
To try the works of every Mason , the square is presented , as the probation of his life , proving Avhether his manners are regular and uniform . This instrument" is worn by all Masters of lodges ; for Masons should be of one principle and one rank , without the distinctions of pride and pageantry ;
intimating that from high to low the minds of Masons should be inclined to good works , above which no man stands exalted by his fortune . Bufc superior to all , fche lodge is furnished Avith three luminaries ; as the golden candlestick in the tabernacle of Moses was once emblematical of the
spirit of God , Avhereby his chosen people Avere enlightened , and prophetical of the churches ; or otherwise , as Josephus says , representative of the planets and the poAverful Avorks of God ; so our three li ghts show to us the great stages of Masonry , or otherwise our lights are typical of the Holy
Trinity . Such is the furniture of the lodge : such are the principles dictated to us as Masons ; let us rejoice in the exercise of those excellences , Avhich should set us above the rank of other men , and prove that Ave are brought out of darkness into
light . And let us show our good Avorks unto the Avoi-ld , that through our light so shining unto men , they may glorify the great Master ofthe Universe ; and , therefore , do justice , love mercy , and Avalk humbly wifch their God . —Scottish Freemasons ' Magazine .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
POPES ESSAY ON MAN ' . " A brother , Avho Avrifces from Brussels , has sent me a Trench translation of sundry lines of Pope's "Essay on Man . " The translation is not new to me . It is by the Marquis cle Saint Simon , and Avas privately printed at llarlem in 1771 . I am not
aware that ifc has been reprinted .- In the very serious and important matter which my correspondent is considering , poetical beauties are irrelevant and Avorthless ; and yet he has allowed . them to get possession of his mind , because his understanding the "Essay on Man" occasioned charges against its
Masonic Notes And Queries.
author of fatalism and naturalism . It should be read with caution hy an individual embarassed in the choice of a creed . It was in consequence of those charges that Pope composed his " Universal Prayer " . Ifc may nofc be useless to remark that every word of this prayer accords Avith the religion of
Preemasonry . I hesitate not to recommend it as a morning and evening orison to one who , it seems , unhappily for his mental quiet , has laid aside his New Testament . In reference to the particular lines upon which my correspondent comments in a postscripthe should read the article "Ame du Monde "
, in the " Dictionuaire des Sciences Philosophiques . " He will afterwards , if I am not deceived , take a very different view of those lines from that which he appears to take now . In my communication to the FEET-MASONS' MAGAZINE , vol . X ., page 21 , I have stated that , in my opinion , " the God of Preemasonry
is essentially a personal God ; " and , in another communication to the same MAGAZINE , vol . XL , page 32-1 , I have stated that " Hegelians belonging to the party Avhich founds on Hegelian doctrine a negation of the personality of God , ought , in my judgment , to be excluded from our lodges . "— -CHAKLES PUETON COOPEE .
FEEEBOBN . Can a Turk or Arab , who was sold as a slave , or whose father Avas a slave , become a Mason ? There are some distinguished men in Turkey , Syria , and Egypt , who in the good old times when slavery was honoured , were brought from Circassia , or are the sons of Circassian slaves , and , in the spread of Masonry in the East , Ave may have such candidates . — PEEEBOEN .
MASONIC CTPHEB , IN NO . 326 . I do not feel at liberty to furnish a "key" to the cypher writing forwarded by " A , " hut will offer a solution , premising first that the 36 th letter should be Q instead of E . This typographical error , together Avifch tbe difficulty in deciphering the cypher ,
required not a little time and patience . I make the letters to ask the following question , Have you never Avilfully revealed any of the secrets of Masonry ? Sorry to find as yet there has been no answer to my letter , in No . 325 , in regard to the " Book of Elucidations , " by Bro . Pinch of Canterbury . — "WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN , IS ? , Truro , 16 th October , 1865 .
The Editor is not responsible for thc opinions expressed by Cowespondenis . MASONIC REGISTRATION . TO TBI ! BBirOB OI THE FJ ! EEjrAS < Hfs' JUOAZIH'l' AND HA . 80 XIC MIEBOB . DEAE SIE AND BEOTHEE , —I had proposed to myself the laborious task of obtaining from all
Masonic lodges holding under the Grand Lodges of England , Scotland , and Ireland , a roll of their Matriculated Apprentices since the year 1820 , with , so far as could be obtained , notices of their advancement , and an srmuni -obituary .
Csacn a work , from its voluminous character , although in general arrangement assimilated to the present clergy list , would entail in its publication