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A CORRESPONDENT , who gives us his name and the locality he alludes to , writes the following anecdote , tending to show how Masons may baffle persecution by prudent conduct : — " A Lodge working in Spain under the English constitution [ tho exact locality I for obvious reasons suppress ] meets at the house of the Master , a merchant of the place . Now , somehow the police got information of it , and as Masonry is strictly prohibited in Spain , the fraternity were in great consternation .
The Master , however , gave out that he should hold a Lodge on the next Thursday , and instead of doing so asked the alcalde aud all the principal persons ofthe place to dinner on that evening . Well , the evening came , ancl so did tho alcalde ; the police also were lurking about to take down the name of every person who entered the house ; but when the officer of police saw the list , he was astounded , and said to himself , ' Dear me , if all these influential people are Masons , the less I say about it the better , or I shall lose my place ! ' So the Masons are suffered to meet undisturbed . "
The Week.
THE royal family are all well at AVindsor . Her Majesty and her daughters walk in the Home Park daily , accompanied by the Prince Consort . The week lias been a very quiet one at the castle . The Prince of AVales arrived at Brussels on Tuesday , and went on a visit to the King of the Belgians at Lacken . There were great entertainments given in his honour . His Royal Highness left Brussels for Rome , on Thursday . In France , the word most constantly on the lip is war . At a late ball at the Tuileries , it was remarked that strategic
talk was heard throughout the night . At all the government military workshops there is unceasing activity -. in the percussion cap manufactories , for example , where neither gas nor lamps are permitted , the hands are working double tides so long as daylight lasts . At Toulon the greatest poasible expedition is made to get ready a number of steam-transports ; and for this purpose every sbipearpenter that can be spared from Brest or Cherbourg is sent by rail to Toulon , General Macmahon , it is understood , is to he commander-in-chief of the amice dTtalie ; anc ! of the African contingent , 30 , 000 men are to embark forthwith and land in Italy . In the mean time orders have been sent round to the varions
newspapers , either to cease blowing the war trumpet for the present , or to lower the war notes as much as possible . The approaching marriage of Prince Napoleon with the Princess Clotilde of Savoy , daughter of King Victor Emmanuel , is officially announced . The prince has left Paris for Turin . The priricess is in her sixteenth year , and the prince in his thirty-seventh . The political bearings of the match are at this moment amply suggestive . It is affirmed that the Emperor gives a donation of l , 000 , 000 f . to his cousin . The last is , of course , but a trifleif the state of the financesas described in the flowery report of M
, , . Magne the other day , be correct- Austria is profoundly sensible of the dangers ol the time ; hence her vast military activity , the leinforc-emeBts of her garrisons in Verona , Mantua ; and Milan , her military councils at Venice , and the despatch of an entire corps d ' armee into Italy , in addition to the large force already there ; hence her anxiety to perfect her military resources and to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A CORRESPONDENT , who gives us his name and the locality he alludes to , writes the following anecdote , tending to show how Masons may baffle persecution by prudent conduct : — " A Lodge working in Spain under the English constitution [ tho exact locality I for obvious reasons suppress ] meets at the house of the Master , a merchant of the place . Now , somehow the police got information of it , and as Masonry is strictly prohibited in Spain , the fraternity were in great consternation .
The Master , however , gave out that he should hold a Lodge on the next Thursday , and instead of doing so asked the alcalde aud all the principal persons ofthe place to dinner on that evening . Well , the evening came , ancl so did tho alcalde ; the police also were lurking about to take down the name of every person who entered the house ; but when the officer of police saw the list , he was astounded , and said to himself , ' Dear me , if all these influential people are Masons , the less I say about it the better , or I shall lose my place ! ' So the Masons are suffered to meet undisturbed . "
The Week.
THE royal family are all well at AVindsor . Her Majesty and her daughters walk in the Home Park daily , accompanied by the Prince Consort . The week lias been a very quiet one at the castle . The Prince of AVales arrived at Brussels on Tuesday , and went on a visit to the King of the Belgians at Lacken . There were great entertainments given in his honour . His Royal Highness left Brussels for Rome , on Thursday . In France , the word most constantly on the lip is war . At a late ball at the Tuileries , it was remarked that strategic
talk was heard throughout the night . At all the government military workshops there is unceasing activity -. in the percussion cap manufactories , for example , where neither gas nor lamps are permitted , the hands are working double tides so long as daylight lasts . At Toulon the greatest poasible expedition is made to get ready a number of steam-transports ; and for this purpose every sbipearpenter that can be spared from Brest or Cherbourg is sent by rail to Toulon , General Macmahon , it is understood , is to he commander-in-chief of the amice dTtalie ; anc ! of the African contingent , 30 , 000 men are to embark forthwith and land in Italy . In the mean time orders have been sent round to the varions
newspapers , either to cease blowing the war trumpet for the present , or to lower the war notes as much as possible . The approaching marriage of Prince Napoleon with the Princess Clotilde of Savoy , daughter of King Victor Emmanuel , is officially announced . The prince has left Paris for Turin . The priricess is in her sixteenth year , and the prince in his thirty-seventh . The political bearings of the match are at this moment amply suggestive . It is affirmed that the Emperor gives a donation of l , 000 , 000 f . to his cousin . The last is , of course , but a trifleif the state of the financesas described in the flowery report of M
, , . Magne the other day , be correct- Austria is profoundly sensible of the dangers ol the time ; hence her vast military activity , the leinforc-emeBts of her garrisons in Verona , Mantua ; and Milan , her military councils at Venice , and the despatch of an entire corps d ' armee into Italy , in addition to the large force already there ; hence her anxiety to perfect her military resources and to