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Ancient And Accepted Rite.
insensible to their kind congratulations . If he hacl by carrying out tho principles of then- beautiful rite , and by throwing his whole mind into the ceremonies , been the means of satisfying the members , he hacl his reward in the great increase of the members . The M . AV . Sov . then proposed the health of "the Treasurer , " which Bro . Dr . Goldie acknowledged . The M . AV . Sov . next gave "the First General aud the rest of the officers , " observing that he knew he had in Dr . Harcourt an officer on whom he miht rely for a faithful attentiou to his duty . Bro . Harcourtin reply
g , , said although he had been a Mason many years , it was but recently he hacl been admitted into the degrees under this rite . He aud others considered that although Craft Masonry was sufficient for the earlier ages of the world , something more was desired in the present era . In consequence of these degrees being added to the institution , many members of the church had entered into Freemasonry , who might otherwise not have done so . For himself he could only say that his most energetic efforts should be devoted to the duties of his officeand he hoped that
, the other officers would be equally zealous . The M . AV . Sov . said they had tho honour of receiving as joining members two Brethren who hacl received the degree under the Grand Orient of France , Bros . Hyde Clarke and Bernhard , whose health he proposed . Brp . Hyde Clarke , in responding , gave utterance to his surprise at finding that here , in the first Rose Croix Chapter of the metropolis of the world , but twenty members assembled . The Chapter hacl the high encouragement of those illustrious members of the Supreme Council , who—it must be considered as a
great act of duty—had taken part in the ceremonies of the degree . He called tho attention of the newly admitted members to the importance of the degree , which in other countries gave its members the power of initiating , passing , and raising in the symbolic degrees . In some countries it was left to the Sov . Prince Masons to preserve ancl continue Masom-y . He hoped that the efforts of the Brethren , if they really valued the institution , would enable the M . AA . Sov . to transmit to his successor a proof that his services have largely contributed to the increase of the Order .
NOVA SCOTIA . CELEBRATION OF THE FESTIVAL OP SAINT ANDREW . AVE have received the Halifax Evening Express , from which we condense an account of the proceedings on St . Andrew ' s clay : — The festival of Scotland ' s tutelar saint , was duly observed in this city by tho Masonic body under Scottish jurisdiction . At hih twelve the Lodassembled
g ges at the Masonic Hall for the installation of office bearers . Having performed this duty , they adjourned to meet in the evening at tiie same place , for the purpose of celebrating the day by a public banquet . The dinner was presided over by the Provincial Grand Master , the Hon . Alexander Keith , assisted by Bro . E . J . Lordly , Deputy Grand Master . The chairman was supported on his right by his excellency the Earl of Mulgrave , Gen . Trollopo , and Captain Hay , FN . j aud on the left by his excellency A ice Admiral Sir Houston
Stewart , ancl Colonel Bathurst . Atfer the cloth was removed , the company were called to order by the Grand Master , who proceeded to give tho following toasts , in a brief and suitable stylo : — ' Her most gracious Majesty the Queen , the daughter of a Freemason . She lives in the hearts of the Craft ; may her reign be long , glorious , victorious and happy . " " His Excellency the Bight Hon . the Earl of Mulgrave , our worthy Lieutenant Governor . May his exertions for the prosperity and happiness of the people of this province be crowned with success , "
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Ancient And Accepted Rite.
insensible to their kind congratulations . If he hacl by carrying out tho principles of then- beautiful rite , and by throwing his whole mind into the ceremonies , been the means of satisfying the members , he hacl his reward in the great increase of the members . The M . AV . Sov . then proposed the health of "the Treasurer , " which Bro . Dr . Goldie acknowledged . The M . AV . Sov . next gave "the First General aud the rest of the officers , " observing that he knew he had in Dr . Harcourt an officer on whom he miht rely for a faithful attentiou to his duty . Bro . Harcourtin reply
g , , said although he had been a Mason many years , it was but recently he hacl been admitted into the degrees under this rite . He aud others considered that although Craft Masonry was sufficient for the earlier ages of the world , something more was desired in the present era . In consequence of these degrees being added to the institution , many members of the church had entered into Freemasonry , who might otherwise not have done so . For himself he could only say that his most energetic efforts should be devoted to the duties of his officeand he hoped that
, the other officers would be equally zealous . The M . AV . Sov . said they had tho honour of receiving as joining members two Brethren who hacl received the degree under the Grand Orient of France , Bros . Hyde Clarke and Bernhard , whose health he proposed . Brp . Hyde Clarke , in responding , gave utterance to his surprise at finding that here , in the first Rose Croix Chapter of the metropolis of the world , but twenty members assembled . The Chapter hacl the high encouragement of those illustrious members of the Supreme Council , who—it must be considered as a
great act of duty—had taken part in the ceremonies of the degree . He called tho attention of the newly admitted members to the importance of the degree , which in other countries gave its members the power of initiating , passing , and raising in the symbolic degrees . In some countries it was left to the Sov . Prince Masons to preserve ancl continue Masom-y . He hoped that the efforts of the Brethren , if they really valued the institution , would enable the M . AA . Sov . to transmit to his successor a proof that his services have largely contributed to the increase of the Order .
NOVA SCOTIA . CELEBRATION OF THE FESTIVAL OP SAINT ANDREW . AVE have received the Halifax Evening Express , from which we condense an account of the proceedings on St . Andrew ' s clay : — The festival of Scotland ' s tutelar saint , was duly observed in this city by tho Masonic body under Scottish jurisdiction . At hih twelve the Lodassembled
g ges at the Masonic Hall for the installation of office bearers . Having performed this duty , they adjourned to meet in the evening at tiie same place , for the purpose of celebrating the day by a public banquet . The dinner was presided over by the Provincial Grand Master , the Hon . Alexander Keith , assisted by Bro . E . J . Lordly , Deputy Grand Master . The chairman was supported on his right by his excellency the Earl of Mulgrave , Gen . Trollopo , and Captain Hay , FN . j aud on the left by his excellency A ice Admiral Sir Houston
Stewart , ancl Colonel Bathurst . Atfer the cloth was removed , the company were called to order by the Grand Master , who proceeded to give tho following toasts , in a brief and suitable stylo : — ' Her most gracious Majesty the Queen , the daughter of a Freemason . She lives in the hearts of the Craft ; may her reign be long , glorious , victorious and happy . " " His Excellency the Bight Hon . the Earl of Mulgrave , our worthy Lieutenant Governor . May his exertions for the prosperity and happiness of the people of this province be crowned with success , "