Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 9 of 9 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 11 →
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regretted that the Lodge was in its infancy , aud unable to support the many charities ; but in due time the High Cross Lodge , although last , would not bo the least in that respect . The business having been disposed of , tho Lodge was closed in ancient form , and with solemn prayer . The Brethren then adjourned to refreshment , and after the cloth ' had been drawn , the AA . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were duly honoured , and the evening was spent in great cordiality . The first banquet of this Lodge for the present year will be on Friday ,
the 28 th inst ., at the Railway Hotel , Northumberland Pari , Tottenham . The prospects of this country Lodge are most promising . Its arrangements for the summer , with its delightful situation , will be attractive to many Brethren , the more especially , being established near the Park station , Tottenham , it is only a short distance from Lordship-lane , where the Royal Masonic Institution for the Sons of Indigent and Deceased Freemasons is now established . To the support of this charitable institution the High Cross Lodge are about to devote their utmost energy .
BEIGKAVE LODGE ( NO . 1 , 652 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , held at the Gun Tavern , Lupus-street , Belgravia South , on AA echiesday , Jan . 12 th , Mr . Ough ancl Mr . AA " . Grogau were admitted into the mysteries of the Craft by the AV . M ., ( Bro . AVoodstock ) in his usual correct and truly Masonic mauuer ; after which the three first sections of the first lecture were worked , a practice we should like to see more frequently adopted . The visitors were Bros . Queely , P . M ., No . 219 ; McManus , P . M ., No . 165 ; ancl Taylor , of the Old Dundee Lodge . About twenty Jlrethren sat down to the banquet , and the evening was spent iu the most delightful maimer .
INSTRUCTION . CONFIDENCE LODGE ( NO . 228 ) . —A large number of the members of this Lodge met at the Bengal Arms , Birchin Lane , on AVednesday last , Bro . Brett presiding as AV . M . ; Bros . Jackson , S . AV . ; AAlirne , J . AV . ; Chancellor , S . D . ; Baker , J . D . ; Bertrand , I . G . The Lodge was opened in clue form , and the minutes of tho former meeting havhig been confirmed , the sections of the first lecture were worked severally by Bros . BakerAVaclcsonChancellorBertramAA aiTenDrukker
, , , , , , and Anslow . The Lodge then opened iu the second degree , and the sections of this lecture wore worked by Bros . Brewer , Moss , Thomas , Jackson , and Haynes . The Lodge was then opened iu the third degree , and the sections of this lecture were worked by Bros . Braham , Drukker ancl Moss . The AV . M . resumed the Lodge to the first degree , and the following Brethren being proposed and seconded , were admitted members . Bros . Meekham , No . 206 ; AYatson , No . 91 ; Beckett , No . 206 ; Phelps , No . 53 ; Julian , No . 9 ; Heard , No . 96 ; The W . M , rose to propose that a
vote of thanks be recorded on tho minutes to those Brethren who hacl worked the fifteen sections , aud remarked that the answers were delivered to his entire satisfaction , for seldom had he heard the lectures given in so perfect a manner , and he also thanked the Brethren generally for the support they had given him in meeting so numerously on this occasion . It was proposed by Bro . Jaelcson aud secoudcel by Bro . Moss , "That a vote of thanks should be awarded the AA . M ., who hacl ou this as on all other occasions so ably performed the duties of the chair , and the ability with which he hacl put the several questions . " The Lodgo closed iu perfect harmouy about ten o ' clock .
BRISTOL . ArroiNTMENIS . —Lodyc—Wednesday , January 26 ih , Itoyal Sussei ( 321 ) , M-eemascms' Hall , at 7 ; Friday , 28 th—Instruction . —Ditto , at 7 j . Chapter . —lieaufort ( 120 ) , ditto , at 7 .
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regretted that the Lodge was in its infancy , aud unable to support the many charities ; but in due time the High Cross Lodge , although last , would not bo the least in that respect . The business having been disposed of , tho Lodge was closed in ancient form , and with solemn prayer . The Brethren then adjourned to refreshment , and after the cloth ' had been drawn , the AA . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were duly honoured , and the evening was spent in great cordiality . The first banquet of this Lodge for the present year will be on Friday ,
the 28 th inst ., at the Railway Hotel , Northumberland Pari , Tottenham . The prospects of this country Lodge are most promising . Its arrangements for the summer , with its delightful situation , will be attractive to many Brethren , the more especially , being established near the Park station , Tottenham , it is only a short distance from Lordship-lane , where the Royal Masonic Institution for the Sons of Indigent and Deceased Freemasons is now established . To the support of this charitable institution the High Cross Lodge are about to devote their utmost energy .
BEIGKAVE LODGE ( NO . 1 , 652 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , held at the Gun Tavern , Lupus-street , Belgravia South , on AA echiesday , Jan . 12 th , Mr . Ough ancl Mr . AA " . Grogau were admitted into the mysteries of the Craft by the AV . M ., ( Bro . AVoodstock ) in his usual correct and truly Masonic mauuer ; after which the three first sections of the first lecture were worked , a practice we should like to see more frequently adopted . The visitors were Bros . Queely , P . M ., No . 219 ; McManus , P . M ., No . 165 ; ancl Taylor , of the Old Dundee Lodge . About twenty Jlrethren sat down to the banquet , and the evening was spent iu the most delightful maimer .
INSTRUCTION . CONFIDENCE LODGE ( NO . 228 ) . —A large number of the members of this Lodge met at the Bengal Arms , Birchin Lane , on AVednesday last , Bro . Brett presiding as AV . M . ; Bros . Jackson , S . AV . ; AAlirne , J . AV . ; Chancellor , S . D . ; Baker , J . D . ; Bertrand , I . G . The Lodge was opened in clue form , and the minutes of tho former meeting havhig been confirmed , the sections of the first lecture were worked severally by Bros . BakerAVaclcsonChancellorBertramAA aiTenDrukker
, , , , , , and Anslow . The Lodge then opened iu the second degree , and the sections of this lecture wore worked by Bros . Brewer , Moss , Thomas , Jackson , and Haynes . The Lodge was then opened iu the third degree , and the sections of this lecture were worked by Bros . Braham , Drukker ancl Moss . The AV . M . resumed the Lodge to the first degree , and the following Brethren being proposed and seconded , were admitted members . Bros . Meekham , No . 206 ; AYatson , No . 91 ; Beckett , No . 206 ; Phelps , No . 53 ; Julian , No . 9 ; Heard , No . 96 ; The W . M , rose to propose that a
vote of thanks be recorded on tho minutes to those Brethren who hacl worked the fifteen sections , aud remarked that the answers were delivered to his entire satisfaction , for seldom had he heard the lectures given in so perfect a manner , and he also thanked the Brethren generally for the support they had given him in meeting so numerously on this occasion . It was proposed by Bro . Jaelcson aud secoudcel by Bro . Moss , "That a vote of thanks should be awarded the AA . M ., who hacl ou this as on all other occasions so ably performed the duties of the chair , and the ability with which he hacl put the several questions . " The Lodgo closed iu perfect harmouy about ten o ' clock .
BRISTOL . ArroiNTMENIS . —Lodyc—Wednesday , January 26 ih , Itoyal Sussei ( 321 ) , M-eemascms' Hall , at 7 ; Friday , 28 th—Instruction . —Ditto , at 7 j . Chapter . —lieaufort ( 120 ) , ditto , at 7 .