Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Craft Masonry.
Norman , J . Dixon , T . D . Parker . M . D . ; J . N . Sharp , J . B . Padden , B . Copo , M . D . ; A . G . Browning , F . A . Paget , F . Pendred , Jas . "Ricks , G . W . Stevenson , K . B . Belir , W . P . "Boclrl y . Amongst tho numerous ancl distinguished body of visiting brethren we noticed tho following : —Bros . Montague , D . P . G . M ., Dorset ; Hudson , P . P . G . D ., Sussex ; Smith , P . M ., No . 165 ; Gardiner , P . M ., No . 453 ; Brown , P . M ., No . 723 ; Wilson , No . 2 ; Bishop , No . 2 ; Spice , No . 21 ; Scarth , No . 1-12 ; Woods ,
No . 157 ; Weenfordsley , No . 412 ; Hammond , No . 605 ; Hallowes , Driver , and Bro . Watson , visiting brothers from a foreign lodge , introduced by Bro . H . Bridges . Tlie business , as per summons , included the initiation of Messrs . A . E . Hodge , J . B . Hewitt , and P . W . Willcox ; the passing of Bros . Humphreys and Blooro ; and the raising of Bros . Boddy , Unguis , and Hetloy , the whole of the ceremonies being performed in an excellent manner hy Bro . Church , the W . M ., and his officers . Tlie
business of the lodge being concluded , the bretliren adjourned to refreshment . On the removal of the cloth the customary loyal ancl masonic toasts were given and duly honoured ; and during the evening the proceedings were enlivened by some admirabl y rendered selections from Dr . Caledeott , Bishop , Hatton , Walmsley , and other great masters iu " tbe realms of song . " The meeting was in every respect one of the most auspicious iu the annals of No . 33 .
VITKTTVIAN LODGE , ( NO . 87 ) . —This old lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , Sth inst ., at Bvo . Frampton ' s , the White Hart Tavern , College Street , Lambeth . Bro . Vorley , the W . M ., in the chair . This being the night of election for the W . M . and Treasurer for the ensuing year , caused a great muster of the brethren . Two gentlemen were initiated into the order , four were passed to the second degree , and four raised to the third degree . Bro . Baulinm was elected to the c ' - 'air .
Bvo . rJolse , P . M ., who has been Treasurer to tho lodge for tbe last eight years , bavins ? declined to be re-elected . Bro . Bond , P . M ., was appointed tofulfil the oflice . The I . P . M ., Bro . Carey , in a brief speech proposed that a Past Master's jewel should he voted to Bro . Vorley . Tbe proposition being seconded was carried . The Incise was afterwards closed , and the brethren sat down to supper ( this not being a regular banquet night ) , and the rest of the evening was spent in a very enjoyable manner .
TEN URBAN LODGE , ( NO . 1196 ) . —This Lodge held their regular meeting on the 31 st ult ., Bro . Sawyer , W . M ., presiding . The ceremonies of initiation , appointment of officers , & e ., vrei-e gone through , ancl a banquet followed and the brethren separated .
LODGE OI ? JUSTICE ( No . 147 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening the Sth inst ., at the White Swan , Deptford . Bro . Whiffen , W . M . in tho chair , supported by Bros . Sadler , S . W . ; Bartlett , J . W . ; Riley , S . D . ; Eoper , J . D . ; Ligbtfoofc Treas . ; Chapman , Sec , and the following Past Masters : —Bros . BoMon , Percival , Cavell , Bovin , and Batt . There was a goodly attendance of the members of the lodge , including Bros . Wiugfleid , Golding . Sheltou , Porter
, Church , Guest , Tyler and several others , and amongst the visi - tors present we noticed Bro . Simmons , S 71 . and Whiffen , 518 . Bro . Tyler was passed to tho degree of Fellow-Craft , and Mr . John Partington was impressively initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , tbe ceremony being performed , ( at the request ofthe W . M ., ) by Bro . Percival , I . P . M ., in a most masterly
manner . PoLisn NATIONAL LODGE ( NO . 531 ) . —The regular meeting was held at the Freemasons' Hal ) , on Thursday , the 2 nd inst . Bro . J . Boyd , P . M . and Treas ., presiding for the W . M ., Bros . Dissy , S . W . ; Vidcky , J . W . ; Chorrill , S . D . ; John Pans , Sec ; stone , P . M . Bro . Major Finney was present as a visitor . Mr . F . Ruth was initiated , and Bros . Weatherhog and Csomor woro passed to the degree of Fellow-Craft .
LODGE OE ST . JAMES , ( SO . 765 ) . —This excellent lodge met on Wednesday , Sth inst ., at Bro . Kennedy's , the Leather Market Tavern , New Weston Street , Bormondsey , the W . M . Bro . George Hyde , in the chair . After the loelge had been opened , Bro . Tofield was raised to the degree of a Master Mason , and the ballot was taken for four candidates for the honour of initiation ; this being favourable in every instance and all being in attendance , they were severall y introduced and the light of Freemasonry was bestowed upon them by the W . M ., the ceremony in this degree and also in the former , being most impres-
Craft Masonry.
sively rendered by Bro . Hyde ; The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet table . DALHOUSIE ' LODGE ( NO . 860 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at Anderton's Hotol , Fleet-street , on Thursday 9 th inst . There wore present Bros . J . W . Williams , W . M . ; ' Hardy S . W . ; Thomson , J . W . ; Senecal , S . D . ; Dalwood , J . 1 ) . ; ' Underwood , P . M . ; W . Bristo , P . M . and Treas . Ingram , I . G . and Secretary ; Smithorganist ; and Bros . Burns
, , AVhite , Bristo , Wellington , Allen , Knox , Burn , Herman , Prance , & c , Bro . John Campbell White wis passed to the second degree . MONTEFIORE LODGE ( 1017 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met on Wednesday , Feb . 8 th ., at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . S . A . Kisch , W . M ., in the chair , supported by Bros . S . N . Abraham , P . M . ; E . P . Albert , P . M ., Sec ; S . Pollitzer , P . M . ; S . Lazarus . P . M . ; J . De SollaP . M . ; L . Jacobs , Treas . ; Eln-man , I . G . ; J . Blum
, , Steward . Meyer D . Lowenstark , E . H . G . Dalton , Knight ancl Danziger . Bro . Arthur S . Eraut , Freres Union Marseilles was present as a visitor . The lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed . Bro . Klingenlstoin was passed to the degree of F . C . ; Bro . Blum and Watkins were raised to the degree of M . M . ; and Bro . Lionel Pyke initiated b y the I . P . M . Bro . Pollitzer in bis accustomed able manner .
LODGE OE Asirn , ( No . 1 , 319 . )—At tho last regular meeting of this young lodge held in the Moira Room , Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen Street , Bro . E . Stanton Jones , W . M ., was assisted bv the following officers : —Bros . Charles Coote , S . W . ; J . M . Chamberlain , J . W . ; James Weaver , S . D . ; E . C . Frewin , J . D . ; C . S . Jcykill , I . G . ; G . W . Martin , O . G . The business consisted of bullotting for Messrs . Joseph Baker and John Tiplady Carrodus for initiation , and Bros . Frederick
Burgess , 205 , and Edward Terry , 382 , as joining members . The ballot proved unanimous in their favour , aud Mr . J . Baker being in attendance was duly initiated into Freemasonry . The lodge haying been opened in tho second degree , Bros . H . J . Cinney , II . T . Snelling , and J . Egerton were passed to the degree of F . C . The loelge was then opened iu the third degree , and Bros . W . A . Tinney , J . M . Ball , H . Snyders , W . H . Weston , and W . II . Easton ivere raised to the degree of M . M . All the candidates
for the second ancl third degrees answered satisfactorily the usual questions in the examination . The respective ceremonies were given b y the M . M . in bis usual impressive manner . Mr . John Strachan , dramatic author , was proposed for initiation , ancl Bro J " . L . Toole , comedian , as a joining member .
INSTRUCTION . EASTEENLODGEOF iNSTitircriON , ( No . 95 ) . —At the last regular meeting held at tlie Royal Hotel , Mile-end , Bro . Wainwi-ight , W . M . ; Taylor , S . W . j Musto , J . W . ; M . Davis , S . D . ; Kennett , I . G . ; Bros . Bussus , Trustees ; J . Rugg , Sec . ; and E . Gottheil , Preceptor . The ceremony of Installation was very ably worked by the W . M ., the first ancl second sections of the first section were worked b y Bro . E . Gottheil and the brethren .
Bro . Mallet was elected a joining member .- There were also present Bros . Stevens , Austin , Scurr , Hogg , Weatherhall , Field , Felton , B . nvron , Dempsey , Bradbury , Sannders , Mallet , & c The lodge was then closed until Monday next at half-past nine .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LANCASTER—Lodge of Fortitude , ( No . 281 ) . —The regular meeting of this old established and prosperous lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the Sth insfc ., at the Masonic Rooms , Atbonreum . There were present : W . Bro . Dr . Moore , W . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Wks . ; Bros . John Hatch , I . P . M . ; William Hall , S . W . ; W . Fleming , J . W .,- James Hatch , P . M . mid Treas .,-Edmund Simpson , P . M . Sec ; Edward Airey , S . D . ; Williim J .
Sly , J . D . ; John Harrison , I . G . ; J . Watson , Tyler ; H . Summer , Steward , and about 25 brethren . Tho lodge was opened and general business transacted . Bro . John Barrow proposed that the use of tbe lodge-room and furniture should bo let to a newlodge upon the same terms as they had been to Lodgo , No . 1051 . Every probability was held forth that the request would be acceded to but the question was deferred until such a time as the lodge should have received its warrant . Bro . Barrow then asked that the recommendation of the lodge should he given to a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
Norman , J . Dixon , T . D . Parker . M . D . ; J . N . Sharp , J . B . Padden , B . Copo , M . D . ; A . G . Browning , F . A . Paget , F . Pendred , Jas . "Ricks , G . W . Stevenson , K . B . Belir , W . P . "Boclrl y . Amongst tho numerous ancl distinguished body of visiting brethren we noticed tho following : —Bros . Montague , D . P . G . M ., Dorset ; Hudson , P . P . G . D ., Sussex ; Smith , P . M ., No . 165 ; Gardiner , P . M ., No . 453 ; Brown , P . M ., No . 723 ; Wilson , No . 2 ; Bishop , No . 2 ; Spice , No . 21 ; Scarth , No . 1-12 ; Woods ,
No . 157 ; Weenfordsley , No . 412 ; Hammond , No . 605 ; Hallowes , Driver , and Bro . Watson , visiting brothers from a foreign lodge , introduced by Bro . H . Bridges . Tlie business , as per summons , included the initiation of Messrs . A . E . Hodge , J . B . Hewitt , and P . W . Willcox ; the passing of Bros . Humphreys and Blooro ; and the raising of Bros . Boddy , Unguis , and Hetloy , the whole of the ceremonies being performed in an excellent manner hy Bro . Church , the W . M ., and his officers . Tlie
business of the lodge being concluded , the bretliren adjourned to refreshment . On the removal of the cloth the customary loyal ancl masonic toasts were given and duly honoured ; and during the evening the proceedings were enlivened by some admirabl y rendered selections from Dr . Caledeott , Bishop , Hatton , Walmsley , and other great masters iu " tbe realms of song . " The meeting was in every respect one of the most auspicious iu the annals of No . 33 .
VITKTTVIAN LODGE , ( NO . 87 ) . —This old lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Wednesday , Sth inst ., at Bvo . Frampton ' s , the White Hart Tavern , College Street , Lambeth . Bro . Vorley , the W . M ., in the chair . This being the night of election for the W . M . and Treasurer for the ensuing year , caused a great muster of the brethren . Two gentlemen were initiated into the order , four were passed to the second degree , and four raised to the third degree . Bro . Baulinm was elected to the c ' - 'air .
Bvo . rJolse , P . M ., who has been Treasurer to tho lodge for tbe last eight years , bavins ? declined to be re-elected . Bro . Bond , P . M ., was appointed tofulfil the oflice . The I . P . M ., Bro . Carey , in a brief speech proposed that a Past Master's jewel should he voted to Bro . Vorley . Tbe proposition being seconded was carried . The Incise was afterwards closed , and the brethren sat down to supper ( this not being a regular banquet night ) , and the rest of the evening was spent in a very enjoyable manner .
TEN URBAN LODGE , ( NO . 1196 ) . —This Lodge held their regular meeting on the 31 st ult ., Bro . Sawyer , W . M ., presiding . The ceremonies of initiation , appointment of officers , & e ., vrei-e gone through , ancl a banquet followed and the brethren separated .
LODGE OI ? JUSTICE ( No . 147 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening the Sth inst ., at the White Swan , Deptford . Bro . Whiffen , W . M . in tho chair , supported by Bros . Sadler , S . W . ; Bartlett , J . W . ; Riley , S . D . ; Eoper , J . D . ; Ligbtfoofc Treas . ; Chapman , Sec , and the following Past Masters : —Bros . BoMon , Percival , Cavell , Bovin , and Batt . There was a goodly attendance of the members of the lodge , including Bros . Wiugfleid , Golding . Sheltou , Porter
, Church , Guest , Tyler and several others , and amongst the visi - tors present we noticed Bro . Simmons , S 71 . and Whiffen , 518 . Bro . Tyler was passed to tho degree of Fellow-Craft , and Mr . John Partington was impressively initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , tbe ceremony being performed , ( at the request ofthe W . M ., ) by Bro . Percival , I . P . M ., in a most masterly
manner . PoLisn NATIONAL LODGE ( NO . 531 ) . —The regular meeting was held at the Freemasons' Hal ) , on Thursday , the 2 nd inst . Bro . J . Boyd , P . M . and Treas ., presiding for the W . M ., Bros . Dissy , S . W . ; Vidcky , J . W . ; Chorrill , S . D . ; John Pans , Sec ; stone , P . M . Bro . Major Finney was present as a visitor . Mr . F . Ruth was initiated , and Bros . Weatherhog and Csomor woro passed to the degree of Fellow-Craft .
LODGE OE ST . JAMES , ( SO . 765 ) . —This excellent lodge met on Wednesday , Sth inst ., at Bro . Kennedy's , the Leather Market Tavern , New Weston Street , Bormondsey , the W . M . Bro . George Hyde , in the chair . After the loelge had been opened , Bro . Tofield was raised to the degree of a Master Mason , and the ballot was taken for four candidates for the honour of initiation ; this being favourable in every instance and all being in attendance , they were severall y introduced and the light of Freemasonry was bestowed upon them by the W . M ., the ceremony in this degree and also in the former , being most impres-
Craft Masonry.
sively rendered by Bro . Hyde ; The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet table . DALHOUSIE ' LODGE ( NO . 860 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at Anderton's Hotol , Fleet-street , on Thursday 9 th inst . There wore present Bros . J . W . Williams , W . M . ; ' Hardy S . W . ; Thomson , J . W . ; Senecal , S . D . ; Dalwood , J . 1 ) . ; ' Underwood , P . M . ; W . Bristo , P . M . and Treas . Ingram , I . G . and Secretary ; Smithorganist ; and Bros . Burns
, , AVhite , Bristo , Wellington , Allen , Knox , Burn , Herman , Prance , & c , Bro . John Campbell White wis passed to the second degree . MONTEFIORE LODGE ( 1017 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met on Wednesday , Feb . 8 th ., at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . S . A . Kisch , W . M ., in the chair , supported by Bros . S . N . Abraham , P . M . ; E . P . Albert , P . M ., Sec ; S . Pollitzer , P . M . ; S . Lazarus . P . M . ; J . De SollaP . M . ; L . Jacobs , Treas . ; Eln-man , I . G . ; J . Blum
, , Steward . Meyer D . Lowenstark , E . H . G . Dalton , Knight ancl Danziger . Bro . Arthur S . Eraut , Freres Union Marseilles was present as a visitor . The lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed . Bro . Klingenlstoin was passed to the degree of F . C . ; Bro . Blum and Watkins were raised to the degree of M . M . ; and Bro . Lionel Pyke initiated b y the I . P . M . Bro . Pollitzer in bis accustomed able manner .
LODGE OE Asirn , ( No . 1 , 319 . )—At tho last regular meeting of this young lodge held in the Moira Room , Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen Street , Bro . E . Stanton Jones , W . M ., was assisted bv the following officers : —Bros . Charles Coote , S . W . ; J . M . Chamberlain , J . W . ; James Weaver , S . D . ; E . C . Frewin , J . D . ; C . S . Jcykill , I . G . ; G . W . Martin , O . G . The business consisted of bullotting for Messrs . Joseph Baker and John Tiplady Carrodus for initiation , and Bros . Frederick
Burgess , 205 , and Edward Terry , 382 , as joining members . The ballot proved unanimous in their favour , aud Mr . J . Baker being in attendance was duly initiated into Freemasonry . The lodge haying been opened in tho second degree , Bros . H . J . Cinney , II . T . Snelling , and J . Egerton were passed to the degree of F . C . The loelge was then opened iu the third degree , and Bros . W . A . Tinney , J . M . Ball , H . Snyders , W . H . Weston , and W . II . Easton ivere raised to the degree of M . M . All the candidates
for the second ancl third degrees answered satisfactorily the usual questions in the examination . The respective ceremonies were given b y the M . M . in bis usual impressive manner . Mr . John Strachan , dramatic author , was proposed for initiation , ancl Bro J " . L . Toole , comedian , as a joining member .
INSTRUCTION . EASTEENLODGEOF iNSTitircriON , ( No . 95 ) . —At the last regular meeting held at tlie Royal Hotel , Mile-end , Bro . Wainwi-ight , W . M . ; Taylor , S . W . j Musto , J . W . ; M . Davis , S . D . ; Kennett , I . G . ; Bros . Bussus , Trustees ; J . Rugg , Sec . ; and E . Gottheil , Preceptor . The ceremony of Installation was very ably worked by the W . M ., the first ancl second sections of the first section were worked b y Bro . E . Gottheil and the brethren .
Bro . Mallet was elected a joining member .- There were also present Bros . Stevens , Austin , Scurr , Hogg , Weatherhall , Field , Felton , B . nvron , Dempsey , Bradbury , Sannders , Mallet , & c The lodge was then closed until Monday next at half-past nine .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LANCASTER—Lodge of Fortitude , ( No . 281 ) . —The regular meeting of this old established and prosperous lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the Sth insfc ., at the Masonic Rooms , Atbonreum . There were present : W . Bro . Dr . Moore , W . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Wks . ; Bros . John Hatch , I . P . M . ; William Hall , S . W . ; W . Fleming , J . W .,- James Hatch , P . M . mid Treas .,-Edmund Simpson , P . M . Sec ; Edward Airey , S . D . ; Williim J .
Sly , J . D . ; John Harrison , I . G . ; J . Watson , Tyler ; H . Summer , Steward , and about 25 brethren . Tho lodge was opened and general business transacted . Bro . John Barrow proposed that the use of tbe lodge-room and furniture should bo let to a newlodge upon the same terms as they had been to Lodgo , No . 1051 . Every probability was held forth that the request would be acceded to but the question was deferred until such a time as the lodge should have received its warrant . Bro . Barrow then asked that the recommendation of the lodge should he given to a