Article SOUTH AMERICA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article FRATRES ROSICRUCIAISTÆ SOCIETATIS. Page 1 of 2 →
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South America.
the W . M . had given the second and third degrees to som e candidates , aud the lodge had been lowered to the first , he was requested to retire for a season as the members were going to treat of some business in which he was interested . He did so delivering the gavel to Bro . P . M . Van Oppen . The business being concluded , tbe W . M . was re-admitted , and Bro . Van Oppen calling tbe brethren to order , made an eloquent speech in which he said that at some of the former
meetings the members of the lodge had decided to give to Bro . Murray a testimonial suited to his Masonic merits , to the great -zeal he had shown in forwarding the interests of the lodge during his preceding years of office , and the Craft in general , and for his praiseworthy efforts te relieve and assist the sick during the Cholera epidemic , and finally that he felt great -pleasure in being chosen by tbe lodge to deliver a P . M . 's . jewel
to him . Bro . Murray returned thanks for the great honour conferred on him , assuring the brethren that the best testimonial they had given him for his work in the lodge , was , in his idea , his re-election to the important post he held , that he did not deserve any other testimonial , as he had only done his duty , and had no doubt but that any other brother elected to the post would
have done exactly the same as he had , and finally , that it should ever be worn by him , not only as a mark of honour , but also as tbe distinctive badge of tbe lodge , Star of tbe South . Bro . Battila , 33 ° P . M . ot the lodge Unione Italiana , then rose on behalf of his lodge , and said that as he knew such a ceremony was going to take place , his lodge bad thought proper to name a committee of four of high Masonic rank to attend ; that he considered it an honour well deserved , and that he had
still greater pleasure in saluting Bro . Murray , as a distinguished member and honorary Past Master of the lodge Unione Italiana ' The testimonial presented to Bro . Murray , was designed by a committee composed of Bros . Van Oppen , Ryan , and Walker , and made up by Mr . Falire , tbe leading jeweller of Buenos Ayresits value being £ 25 sterling . It is in the form of a five
, pointed star , emblematical of the lodge Star of the South , and of the five points of fellowship . In the centre of the star is the Past Master ' s Medallion in gold , and on the reverse is the following inscription : — " Presented to P . M . Charles Murray , of the Lodge Star of the South , No . 1 , 025 , as a token of esteem , respect , and high appreciation of his Masonic virtues , July 6 tb , 1868 .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . BRITANNIC CHAPTER ( NO . 33 ) . —A meeting of this flourishing chapter was held on the 9 th inst . The M . E . Z ., Comp . Battye , presided , supported by his officers , After the transaction of business , which was not of a very important character , the chapter was closed and the companions retired to the banquet . A pleasant and enjoyable evening was spent . The
companions present were Comps . Battve , M . E . Z ., Woodman , Strapp , Shields , Ohren , C . W . Wood , W . Smith , C . E ., L . Crombie , Clouston , Dixon , Wilson , and Bennett . Visitors : W . Watson , P . Z . ( 25 ); Walters , P . Z . ( 73 ); Younghusband , P . Z . ( 32 ); J . S . Peirce , P . Z . ( 2 ) . TEMPERANCE CHAPTER ( No . 169 ) . —At the "White Swan " Tavern , High-street , Deptford , the regular convocation of this
prosperous chapter was held on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., the chapter was opened by Comps . G . Brown , M . E . Z . ; J . II . Searle , H .: F . Walters , P . Z . as J . ; afterwards Comp . J . T . Tibbals , P . Z ., presided in the chair of J . The minutes only were confirmed , and as time was short , the rehearsal of the ceremony of exaltation was not performed . Two members of 169 were proposed for exaltation at the next meeting . There were not any visitors . Besides the members mentioned there were
prosent , Comps . G . Bolton , P . Z . Treas . ; W . Simmons , P . Z . ; N . vVingfield , S . E . ; Payne , 2 nd A . S . ; Smith . Bartlett , Shaw , Dussek , Tinslow , Tippett , and others . JERUSALEM CHATTER . — ( No . 185 ) . — This old established prosperous and flourishing chapter met at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on Tuesday , tbe I 3 th inst ., Comps . A . D . Loewenstark , M . E . Z . ; F . Walters , P . Z . as H . ; J . Stevens , J . ; and other past principals opened the chapter . Minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The addresses of the
Royal Arch.
three chairs were given for rehearsal and most admirably done . The Zetland Testimonial was brought under the notice of the chapter , and received some support from the members . The chapter was duly closed . Amongst the large number of members present we noticed Comps . E . H . Patten , J . R .- Sheen , R . Watts , Dyer , Robinson , & c , P . Z . 's , Pollaky , and others . Visitors , F . Walters , P . Z ., 73 ; B . Isaacs , P . Z . & e . Tbe usual good banquet followedserved up under the able management of
, the indefatigable Bro . C . Gosden , who as usual exerted himself to secure the comfort of all . MOUNT SINAI CHAPTER OE INSTRUCTION . —This Chapter of Instruction , held at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Piccadilly , bus now resumed its meetings for the season , and met on Saturday evening , October 10 th . Bro . Adams was unanimously elected M . E . Z . for the ensuing fortniht . This excellent
g chapter of instruction has also the advantage of having the services of Comp . Brett , past M . E . Z ., whose well-known capabilities , in conjunction with several well-known companions , has caused so many past Principals and numerous companions having So thorough a knowledge in 1 ! . A . Masonry . We should recommend all the newly-exalted to visit the above chapter of instruction .
Fratres Rosicruciaistæ Societatis.
A quarterly meeting of the Anglican branch of this renowned society was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday the 8 _ h inst ., and was in every respect a most successful reunion of the brotherhood . The most worthy chief Fra ter Robert Wentwortli Little , ( President of the London Literary Union ) was as usual , seated in the orient , and the council of ancients wore well represented by five out of seven members . Frater J . Newton , F 13 Spresided at the Gate of LifeFrater Rawley at
..... , S . H . the Gate of Mystery , and Fratres H . C . Levander , IT . A ., and A . A . Pendlebury defended the entrances to the Houses of Sanctification and Perfection . Among other Fratres present we noticed II . G . Buss , Treas . ; Gen . W . E . Woodman , M . D . Sec . ; Gen . J . Brett , 2 nd Ancient- H . E . Frances , W . Hambly , G . Kenning , W . Carpenter , L . L . D ., A . Frickenhaus , T . Kayler . J . G . Thompson 5 th AncientJ . WebbE . F . BurryW . F . N
, , , , Quilty , Chamberlin , Butler , Anderson , Jones , Howell , Walford , Bird , Ferguson , Percival , Banning , Austin , & c . & c . The notice convening the meeting which appeared in the " Eosicrucian" the special organ of the fraternity was then read , and the names of twelve aspirants therein recorded were ordered to be entered on the roll . The minutes having been confirmedsix novicesviz .: Angelo John Lewisbarrister at lawj
, , , Rev . W . B . Church , M . A ., Henry Tipton , David R . Still , W . Hamlyn and John Mayo were introduced to the mystic temple , and having been pledged as men of honour , were tested by the elemental proofs , and admitted into the outer court or vestibule . Having expressed their desire for further light , the conductor ,
Frater Quilty , led the aspirants to the chamber of reflection , and in due time they were instructed in the primary secrets of Nature and Truth , as a preliminary to participation in the solemn rite of Perfection . The coup d'ceil during this impressive ceremony was most effective , the orient blazed with light revealing to the unaccustomed eyes of tbe privileged Zi-labotes the occult hieroglyphics and symbols of the brotherhood which were then elucidated theoretically and philosophicallbthe
y y Master General , and the ancient signs and modes of recognition formally explained . After the receptions , the Earl of Jersey was chosen as the third Honorary Vice-President , and W . E . Gumbleton , Esq ., J . P . was also elected an honorary member The circular convening a Supreme Council of the Rosicrucians at Edinburghon the 31 st inst . was then readand the M . G .
, , undertook to send a report of the progress of the English branch whose membership is now nearly complete . It was resolved that the annual Banquet of the Society , he held at the next quarterly meeting on the second Thursday in January at the Freemasons' Tavern , when a powerful muster of R ij < Fratres may confidently be expected , it being not only the obligatory meetingbut also the night for election and induction of
, officers . Our esteemed friend Frater W . J . Hughan will doubtless be elected upon that occasion to the high post of Master General a station for which he is so admirably fitted as one of the lending philosophical Masons in England . Fratres Rawley , Webb and Bury were selected as the com «
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
South America.
the W . M . had given the second and third degrees to som e candidates , aud the lodge had been lowered to the first , he was requested to retire for a season as the members were going to treat of some business in which he was interested . He did so delivering the gavel to Bro . P . M . Van Oppen . The business being concluded , tbe W . M . was re-admitted , and Bro . Van Oppen calling tbe brethren to order , made an eloquent speech in which he said that at some of the former
meetings the members of the lodge had decided to give to Bro . Murray a testimonial suited to his Masonic merits , to the great -zeal he had shown in forwarding the interests of the lodge during his preceding years of office , and the Craft in general , and for his praiseworthy efforts te relieve and assist the sick during the Cholera epidemic , and finally that he felt great -pleasure in being chosen by tbe lodge to deliver a P . M . 's . jewel
to him . Bro . Murray returned thanks for the great honour conferred on him , assuring the brethren that the best testimonial they had given him for his work in the lodge , was , in his idea , his re-election to the important post he held , that he did not deserve any other testimonial , as he had only done his duty , and had no doubt but that any other brother elected to the post would
have done exactly the same as he had , and finally , that it should ever be worn by him , not only as a mark of honour , but also as tbe distinctive badge of tbe lodge , Star of tbe South . Bro . Battila , 33 ° P . M . ot the lodge Unione Italiana , then rose on behalf of his lodge , and said that as he knew such a ceremony was going to take place , his lodge bad thought proper to name a committee of four of high Masonic rank to attend ; that he considered it an honour well deserved , and that he had
still greater pleasure in saluting Bro . Murray , as a distinguished member and honorary Past Master of the lodge Unione Italiana ' The testimonial presented to Bro . Murray , was designed by a committee composed of Bros . Van Oppen , Ryan , and Walker , and made up by Mr . Falire , tbe leading jeweller of Buenos Ayresits value being £ 25 sterling . It is in the form of a five
, pointed star , emblematical of the lodge Star of the South , and of the five points of fellowship . In the centre of the star is the Past Master ' s Medallion in gold , and on the reverse is the following inscription : — " Presented to P . M . Charles Murray , of the Lodge Star of the South , No . 1 , 025 , as a token of esteem , respect , and high appreciation of his Masonic virtues , July 6 tb , 1868 .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . BRITANNIC CHAPTER ( NO . 33 ) . —A meeting of this flourishing chapter was held on the 9 th inst . The M . E . Z ., Comp . Battye , presided , supported by his officers , After the transaction of business , which was not of a very important character , the chapter was closed and the companions retired to the banquet . A pleasant and enjoyable evening was spent . The
companions present were Comps . Battve , M . E . Z ., Woodman , Strapp , Shields , Ohren , C . W . Wood , W . Smith , C . E ., L . Crombie , Clouston , Dixon , Wilson , and Bennett . Visitors : W . Watson , P . Z . ( 25 ); Walters , P . Z . ( 73 ); Younghusband , P . Z . ( 32 ); J . S . Peirce , P . Z . ( 2 ) . TEMPERANCE CHAPTER ( No . 169 ) . —At the "White Swan " Tavern , High-street , Deptford , the regular convocation of this
prosperous chapter was held on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., the chapter was opened by Comps . G . Brown , M . E . Z . ; J . II . Searle , H .: F . Walters , P . Z . as J . ; afterwards Comp . J . T . Tibbals , P . Z ., presided in the chair of J . The minutes only were confirmed , and as time was short , the rehearsal of the ceremony of exaltation was not performed . Two members of 169 were proposed for exaltation at the next meeting . There were not any visitors . Besides the members mentioned there were
prosent , Comps . G . Bolton , P . Z . Treas . ; W . Simmons , P . Z . ; N . vVingfield , S . E . ; Payne , 2 nd A . S . ; Smith . Bartlett , Shaw , Dussek , Tinslow , Tippett , and others . JERUSALEM CHATTER . — ( No . 185 ) . — This old established prosperous and flourishing chapter met at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on Tuesday , tbe I 3 th inst ., Comps . A . D . Loewenstark , M . E . Z . ; F . Walters , P . Z . as H . ; J . Stevens , J . ; and other past principals opened the chapter . Minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The addresses of the
Royal Arch.
three chairs were given for rehearsal and most admirably done . The Zetland Testimonial was brought under the notice of the chapter , and received some support from the members . The chapter was duly closed . Amongst the large number of members present we noticed Comps . E . H . Patten , J . R .- Sheen , R . Watts , Dyer , Robinson , & c , P . Z . 's , Pollaky , and others . Visitors , F . Walters , P . Z ., 73 ; B . Isaacs , P . Z . & e . Tbe usual good banquet followedserved up under the able management of
, the indefatigable Bro . C . Gosden , who as usual exerted himself to secure the comfort of all . MOUNT SINAI CHAPTER OE INSTRUCTION . —This Chapter of Instruction , held at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Piccadilly , bus now resumed its meetings for the season , and met on Saturday evening , October 10 th . Bro . Adams was unanimously elected M . E . Z . for the ensuing fortniht . This excellent
g chapter of instruction has also the advantage of having the services of Comp . Brett , past M . E . Z ., whose well-known capabilities , in conjunction with several well-known companions , has caused so many past Principals and numerous companions having So thorough a knowledge in 1 ! . A . Masonry . We should recommend all the newly-exalted to visit the above chapter of instruction .
Fratres Rosicruciaistæ Societatis.
A quarterly meeting of the Anglican branch of this renowned society was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday the 8 _ h inst ., and was in every respect a most successful reunion of the brotherhood . The most worthy chief Fra ter Robert Wentwortli Little , ( President of the London Literary Union ) was as usual , seated in the orient , and the council of ancients wore well represented by five out of seven members . Frater J . Newton , F 13 Spresided at the Gate of LifeFrater Rawley at
..... , S . H . the Gate of Mystery , and Fratres H . C . Levander , IT . A ., and A . A . Pendlebury defended the entrances to the Houses of Sanctification and Perfection . Among other Fratres present we noticed II . G . Buss , Treas . ; Gen . W . E . Woodman , M . D . Sec . ; Gen . J . Brett , 2 nd Ancient- H . E . Frances , W . Hambly , G . Kenning , W . Carpenter , L . L . D ., A . Frickenhaus , T . Kayler . J . G . Thompson 5 th AncientJ . WebbE . F . BurryW . F . N
, , , , Quilty , Chamberlin , Butler , Anderson , Jones , Howell , Walford , Bird , Ferguson , Percival , Banning , Austin , & c . & c . The notice convening the meeting which appeared in the " Eosicrucian" the special organ of the fraternity was then read , and the names of twelve aspirants therein recorded were ordered to be entered on the roll . The minutes having been confirmedsix novicesviz .: Angelo John Lewisbarrister at lawj
, , , Rev . W . B . Church , M . A ., Henry Tipton , David R . Still , W . Hamlyn and John Mayo were introduced to the mystic temple , and having been pledged as men of honour , were tested by the elemental proofs , and admitted into the outer court or vestibule . Having expressed their desire for further light , the conductor ,
Frater Quilty , led the aspirants to the chamber of reflection , and in due time they were instructed in the primary secrets of Nature and Truth , as a preliminary to participation in the solemn rite of Perfection . The coup d'ceil during this impressive ceremony was most effective , the orient blazed with light revealing to the unaccustomed eyes of tbe privileged Zi-labotes the occult hieroglyphics and symbols of the brotherhood which were then elucidated theoretically and philosophicallbthe
y y Master General , and the ancient signs and modes of recognition formally explained . After the receptions , the Earl of Jersey was chosen as the third Honorary Vice-President , and W . E . Gumbleton , Esq ., J . P . was also elected an honorary member The circular convening a Supreme Council of the Rosicrucians at Edinburghon the 31 st inst . was then readand the M . G .
, , undertook to send a report of the progress of the English branch whose membership is now nearly complete . It was resolved that the annual Banquet of the Society , he held at the next quarterly meeting on the second Thursday in January at the Freemasons' Tavern , when a powerful muster of R ij < Fratres may confidently be expected , it being not only the obligatory meetingbut also the night for election and induction of
, officers . Our esteemed friend Frater W . J . Hughan will doubtless be elected upon that occasion to the high post of Master General a station for which he is so admirably fitted as one of the lending philosophical Masons in England . Fratres Rawley , Webb and Bury were selected as the com «