Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article SOUTH AMERICA. Page 1 of 2 →
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member of the Apollo Lodge 357 , Oxford , was unanimously admitted as a subscribing member . The ballot again took place when Bro . Constantine William De Bernardy of London , P . M . of this lodge , and Prov . D . G . M . for Monmouthshire was unanimously elicited an honorary member , previous to the last ballot , Bros . Pickford , Coombs , and Williams spoke highly of the very many excellent qualities of Bro . De . Bernardyand the
, great services rendered by him to Masonry in general , and to the Silurian Lodge in particular , and the voting showed that the brethren appreciated that worthy brothers' uniform kindness and courtesy . The lodgo was then opened in the 2 nd degree , when Bro . Samuel Parfitt was examined before the brethren , as to the progress he had made as a F . C . Freemason , his answer proving satisfactory , Bro . Parfitt retired , when the lodge was
opened in the Srd degree , aud the candidate on being re-admitted was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . The working by Bro . Oliver was the theme of admiration , and the rendering of the Masonic music on the organ by that prince of musicians Bro . Groves , elicited strong marks of approbation . The lodge was then closed down to the 2 nd and 1 st degrees , when Bro . Wells , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . announced that it was the intention
of the D . P . G . M . to hold a P . G . lodge at Newport , on tbe 2 Sth of December next , being the day on which the new W . M . of 471 , will be installed and the D . P . G . M . trusted thereby to secure a gold meeting . Bro . the Rev . S . Fox , P . G . Chap , then mentioned a case of real distress in this district , in reference to the extreme poverty of a Mrs . Williams , of Commercial-road , Newport , wife of a brother now in the Asylum at Abergaveny ,
• who with five small children aro now quite destitute . A handsome sum from the funds was voted , and a further subscription started in the room , and we are proud to record the fact that the S . D . reported having collected nearly £ 2 , which with the donation from the funds was handed to Bro . Fox , who said he would dispense the bounty thus raised , as Mrs . Williams's circumstances would require it . Two brothers were then proposed as joining
members , and two new candidates for initiation were also nominated . The subject of subscribing towards the testimonial to be presented to the G . M . was then brought forward , but owing to the lateness of the hour and several brethren having left , the same was adjourned to the next meeting , and the lodge was closed in due form at 10 p . m .
SOMERSETSHIRE . FEOME . —Eoyal Somerset Lodge , ( No . 973 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at the George Hotel , on the 8 th inst . The W . M . elect , Bro . W , Mason , was duly installed and appointed his officers for the year . A very interesting portion of the day ' s proceedings was the presentation to Bro . R . de M . Lawson , P . M . 973 , of a very handsome silver goblet , the inscription on which fully expressed the motives of the
presenters : — " Presented to Bro . R . de M . Lawson , P . M . 973 , by the brethren of the Royal Somerset Lodge , as a mark of their fraternal esteem and in testimony of their appreciation of services rendered to the lodge , October 1 , 1868 . " The presentation was made by the W . M ., and feelingly acknowledged by Bro . Lawson .
ROSS AKD CROMARTY . STOENOWAY . —Lodge Fortrose , ( No . 108 . —The culinary monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Friday night , the 4 th ult . In the absence of the R . W . M ., the lodge was duly opened by Bro . Noiman Maclver ,. After a short disr cussion and some alteration , the minutes of the last monthly meeting were confirmed . Bro . Serjeant Craig asked and
obtained the approval of the lodge to appoint a committee of office-bearers , to revise the ritual of ordinary work , with the view of holding lodges of instruction for the benefit of young members . Though Bro . Craig's time is very much occupied by the duties of his profession , still he can occasionally spare an hour for the benefit of the Craft . The remaining business was the initiation of two candidatesMr . Alex . M . Morisonand Mr .
, , John MacFarkme . After the initiation ceremony , the young brethren expressed themselves as agreeabl y disappointed and delighted with the instruction they received on the E . A . step . The acting R . W . M . duly closed the lodge at H . T . in pence and harmony . The current monthly meeting was held on Friday , the 2 nd inst . The lodge was opened at half-past ei ght o ' clock ,
p . m ., by tbe R . W . M . Bro . Alex . Robertson , supported by Bros . Chisholm , Treas . ; J . Anderson , Sec . ; and in the W . by Bro . Malcolm MacDonald , S . W . ; in the S . by Bros . H . McLeod Ross , J . W . ; Alez . MacKenzie , S . D . ; G . MacDonald , J . W . & c-After the ordinary business was settled to the satisfaction ofthe brethren , the R . W . M . found more active work for the Craft , in initiating Bro . Adjutant Colin DuffR . A . in the mysteries of
, , St . John's Masonry . The gallant adjutant is inspector of volunteers , and felt proud of seeing the light in the same lodge as the late Bro . Lord H . Brougham and other worthy Freemasons . After refreshment , the lodge was duly closed by the R . W . M ., all happy to meet again . This meeting was unusually well-attended , though the time of most people in this out-ofthe-way quarter of the Queens' dominions , is at this season ,
very much divided between pleasure and business , volunteers ' drill , and classes for instruction at night . Still as the young members of the Fortrose increase , they find that there is pleasure as well as knowledge to be found in the practice of the Royal Art . Death has levelled the great majority of our worthy masters and brethren , and it will require some degree of zeal , and not a little perseverance on the part of their successors in , office in the old Fortrose , to fill their vacant places .
South America.
BUENOS AYRES . LODGE STAR OF THE SOUTH , ( NO . 1 , 025 ) . On the 1 st of June , 1868 , the installation of W . M . and officers of the Lodge Star of the South , for the ensuing 12 months took place at the lodge room , No . 48 , Calle Piodad . The lodge was opened and the minutes of the preceeding meeting read and confirmed . Deputations of the Lodges Constancia Regeneracion
, Consuelo del Infortunio , Union del Plata , Unione Italians , Germania Amie des Nanfragees , Teutonia and Excelsior ; of the Chapters Unione Italiana , Amie des Nanfragees and Union del Plata ; and of the Supreme Grand Council of the Argentine Republic were then announced and received according to their rank .
Tbe R . W . District Grand Master , Bro . P . M . Masefield , and bis officers then entered , the Grand Master taking the chair , and in a few words expressed his pleasure of being present to install Bro . Murray to the exalted position of Master for a second time , he having been re-elected by an unanimous vote of the lodge at the last meeting , and hoped that he would continue togovern as well as he had during his former term of office . The G . M . then delegatedBro . P . M . Ford to do the ceremony
, of Installation , whicli he did in a most impressive manner . The G . M . and officers having retired , and Bro . Hurray having occupied the chair , after thanking the visiting brethren for the fraternal sentiments they showed by attending the ceremony , proceeded to give an account of what had been done during his former term of office . He snid that on looking into the affairs of the lodge , he had found that it was on the verge of
bankruptcy , it being indebted to the amount of 36 dols ., and that there were 36 subscribing members on the list . That he had had the satisfaction of clearing off all the debt , and paying all the expenses as they became due . That there were now 54 i subscribing members notwithstanding that two of the brethren had died during the year , and one had been suspended for nonpayment of fees . That he had iven 46 degrees during tbe
g year , 17 candidates have been initiated , and filially that he had endeavoured to do his duty , and was pleased to find that the members considered he had done so , by re-electing him . The W . M . of the L . Unione Italiana , Bro . Satrarezza 35 ° then rose , and on behalf of the visitors thanked the W . M ., assuring the lodge that he had great pleasure in seeing Bro . Murray re-elected , that he had no doubt but that he would
continue to advance the interests of the lodge , and finally he saluted him particularly on behalf of the Unione Italiana of which Bro . Murray was Honorary Past Master . Bro . 1 ' . M . Larsen 33 ° then spoke , touching on the interests of Masonry in general , and expressed his happiness in seeingBro . Murray re-elected to that post which he had so well filled during his former term of office . The bag for the Benevolent Fund realized tho sum of 326 dollars , after which the lodge was closed and the brethren retired to the refreshment room , where several speeches were made . At the meeting of the lodgo , held on the 6 th of July , after
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
member of the Apollo Lodge 357 , Oxford , was unanimously admitted as a subscribing member . The ballot again took place when Bro . Constantine William De Bernardy of London , P . M . of this lodge , and Prov . D . G . M . for Monmouthshire was unanimously elicited an honorary member , previous to the last ballot , Bros . Pickford , Coombs , and Williams spoke highly of the very many excellent qualities of Bro . De . Bernardyand the
, great services rendered by him to Masonry in general , and to the Silurian Lodge in particular , and the voting showed that the brethren appreciated that worthy brothers' uniform kindness and courtesy . The lodgo was then opened in the 2 nd degree , when Bro . Samuel Parfitt was examined before the brethren , as to the progress he had made as a F . C . Freemason , his answer proving satisfactory , Bro . Parfitt retired , when the lodge was
opened in the Srd degree , aud the candidate on being re-admitted was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . The working by Bro . Oliver was the theme of admiration , and the rendering of the Masonic music on the organ by that prince of musicians Bro . Groves , elicited strong marks of approbation . The lodge was then closed down to the 2 nd and 1 st degrees , when Bro . Wells , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . announced that it was the intention
of the D . P . G . M . to hold a P . G . lodge at Newport , on tbe 2 Sth of December next , being the day on which the new W . M . of 471 , will be installed and the D . P . G . M . trusted thereby to secure a gold meeting . Bro . the Rev . S . Fox , P . G . Chap , then mentioned a case of real distress in this district , in reference to the extreme poverty of a Mrs . Williams , of Commercial-road , Newport , wife of a brother now in the Asylum at Abergaveny ,
• who with five small children aro now quite destitute . A handsome sum from the funds was voted , and a further subscription started in the room , and we are proud to record the fact that the S . D . reported having collected nearly £ 2 , which with the donation from the funds was handed to Bro . Fox , who said he would dispense the bounty thus raised , as Mrs . Williams's circumstances would require it . Two brothers were then proposed as joining
members , and two new candidates for initiation were also nominated . The subject of subscribing towards the testimonial to be presented to the G . M . was then brought forward , but owing to the lateness of the hour and several brethren having left , the same was adjourned to the next meeting , and the lodge was closed in due form at 10 p . m .
SOMERSETSHIRE . FEOME . —Eoyal Somerset Lodge , ( No . 973 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at the George Hotel , on the 8 th inst . The W . M . elect , Bro . W , Mason , was duly installed and appointed his officers for the year . A very interesting portion of the day ' s proceedings was the presentation to Bro . R . de M . Lawson , P . M . 973 , of a very handsome silver goblet , the inscription on which fully expressed the motives of the
presenters : — " Presented to Bro . R . de M . Lawson , P . M . 973 , by the brethren of the Royal Somerset Lodge , as a mark of their fraternal esteem and in testimony of their appreciation of services rendered to the lodge , October 1 , 1868 . " The presentation was made by the W . M ., and feelingly acknowledged by Bro . Lawson .
ROSS AKD CROMARTY . STOENOWAY . —Lodge Fortrose , ( No . 108 . —The culinary monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Friday night , the 4 th ult . In the absence of the R . W . M ., the lodge was duly opened by Bro . Noiman Maclver ,. After a short disr cussion and some alteration , the minutes of the last monthly meeting were confirmed . Bro . Serjeant Craig asked and
obtained the approval of the lodge to appoint a committee of office-bearers , to revise the ritual of ordinary work , with the view of holding lodges of instruction for the benefit of young members . Though Bro . Craig's time is very much occupied by the duties of his profession , still he can occasionally spare an hour for the benefit of the Craft . The remaining business was the initiation of two candidatesMr . Alex . M . Morisonand Mr .
, , John MacFarkme . After the initiation ceremony , the young brethren expressed themselves as agreeabl y disappointed and delighted with the instruction they received on the E . A . step . The acting R . W . M . duly closed the lodge at H . T . in pence and harmony . The current monthly meeting was held on Friday , the 2 nd inst . The lodge was opened at half-past ei ght o ' clock ,
p . m ., by tbe R . W . M . Bro . Alex . Robertson , supported by Bros . Chisholm , Treas . ; J . Anderson , Sec . ; and in the W . by Bro . Malcolm MacDonald , S . W . ; in the S . by Bros . H . McLeod Ross , J . W . ; Alez . MacKenzie , S . D . ; G . MacDonald , J . W . & c-After the ordinary business was settled to the satisfaction ofthe brethren , the R . W . M . found more active work for the Craft , in initiating Bro . Adjutant Colin DuffR . A . in the mysteries of
, , St . John's Masonry . The gallant adjutant is inspector of volunteers , and felt proud of seeing the light in the same lodge as the late Bro . Lord H . Brougham and other worthy Freemasons . After refreshment , the lodge was duly closed by the R . W . M ., all happy to meet again . This meeting was unusually well-attended , though the time of most people in this out-ofthe-way quarter of the Queens' dominions , is at this season ,
very much divided between pleasure and business , volunteers ' drill , and classes for instruction at night . Still as the young members of the Fortrose increase , they find that there is pleasure as well as knowledge to be found in the practice of the Royal Art . Death has levelled the great majority of our worthy masters and brethren , and it will require some degree of zeal , and not a little perseverance on the part of their successors in , office in the old Fortrose , to fill their vacant places .
South America.
BUENOS AYRES . LODGE STAR OF THE SOUTH , ( NO . 1 , 025 ) . On the 1 st of June , 1868 , the installation of W . M . and officers of the Lodge Star of the South , for the ensuing 12 months took place at the lodge room , No . 48 , Calle Piodad . The lodge was opened and the minutes of the preceeding meeting read and confirmed . Deputations of the Lodges Constancia Regeneracion
, Consuelo del Infortunio , Union del Plata , Unione Italians , Germania Amie des Nanfragees , Teutonia and Excelsior ; of the Chapters Unione Italiana , Amie des Nanfragees and Union del Plata ; and of the Supreme Grand Council of the Argentine Republic were then announced and received according to their rank .
Tbe R . W . District Grand Master , Bro . P . M . Masefield , and bis officers then entered , the Grand Master taking the chair , and in a few words expressed his pleasure of being present to install Bro . Murray to the exalted position of Master for a second time , he having been re-elected by an unanimous vote of the lodge at the last meeting , and hoped that he would continue togovern as well as he had during his former term of office . The G . M . then delegatedBro . P . M . Ford to do the ceremony
, of Installation , whicli he did in a most impressive manner . The G . M . and officers having retired , and Bro . Hurray having occupied the chair , after thanking the visiting brethren for the fraternal sentiments they showed by attending the ceremony , proceeded to give an account of what had been done during his former term of office . He snid that on looking into the affairs of the lodge , he had found that it was on the verge of
bankruptcy , it being indebted to the amount of 36 dols ., and that there were 36 subscribing members on the list . That he had had the satisfaction of clearing off all the debt , and paying all the expenses as they became due . That there were now 54 i subscribing members notwithstanding that two of the brethren had died during the year , and one had been suspended for nonpayment of fees . That he had iven 46 degrees during tbe
g year , 17 candidates have been initiated , and filially that he had endeavoured to do his duty , and was pleased to find that the members considered he had done so , by re-electing him . The W . M . of the L . Unione Italiana , Bro . Satrarezza 35 ° then rose , and on behalf of the visitors thanked the W . M ., assuring the lodge that he had great pleasure in seeing Bro . Murray re-elected , that he had no doubt but that he would
continue to advance the interests of the lodge , and finally he saluted him particularly on behalf of the Unione Italiana of which Bro . Murray was Honorary Past Master . Bro . 1 ' . M . Larsen 33 ° then spoke , touching on the interests of Masonry in general , and expressed his happiness in seeingBro . Murray re-elected to that post which he had so well filled during his former term of office . The bag for the Benevolent Fund realized tho sum of 326 dollars , after which the lodge was closed and the brethren retired to the refreshment room , where several speeches were made . At the meeting of the lodgo , held on the 6 th of July , after