Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 3 of 5 →
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Bro . S . , T . M'George was re-elected medical adviser to the institution ; and after the appointment of the committee for tbe ensuing year , the business of the court closed with a vote of thanks to the different office-bearers . Some routine business having been transacted , the Prov . G . Lodge was closed iu due form after solemn prayer . The Craft Lodge , of whicli the W . M . of Lodge 178 , Bro . Milliganacted as W . M . Bro . WilsonW . M . of Lodge 241
, ; , , acted as S . W . ; and Bro . Johnson , W . M . of Lodge 113 , acted as J . W ., was then closed iu due form and with solemn prayer . Nearly 100 brethren sat down to a splendid banquet , in the Crown Assembly Rooms , the menu comprising every delicacy of the season , supplemented by an ample desert . The Prov . G . M . presided , supported by the D . Prov . G . M ., the P . D . G . M ., Rev . G-. R . Holm , Rev . J . Simpson , Bros . Morton , Faithful , Iredale ,
Lemon , & c . The vice-chairs were occupied by Bros . Boulton and Busher . "Praise the Lord , 0 my Soul , " was sung before the repast , and thanks were returned by the singing of " Non Qiohis Domine . " After the removal of the cloth , the Prov . G . M . gave "The Queen , " followed by the anthem of "God Save the Queen , " the toast of " The Princo and Princess of Wales and the other members of the royal family" was next given and responded to , and was followed by Mr . Brinley Bichards' solo and chorus of " God Bless the Prince of Wales . " The Prov . G . M . then gave the " Army , Navy , Militia , and Volunteers , "
which was followed by the glee of "Yes , Brothers , ies , and acknowledged by Bro . Captain Mott , of the Royal Naval Reserve . The following toasts were "The Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M ., " which was duly honoured , and succeeded by Parry ' s glee of " Hail to the Craft , " and " The Earl De Grey and Ripon , R . W . D . G . M ., and the other officers of the Grand Lodge , " succeeded by Webbe's glee of "Wine gives the lover vigour . " Bro . Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., then gave in eloquent
and suitable terms the healths of Bros . Lieutenant-Colonel Sir T . G . Fermor-Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . Prov . G . M .. West Lancashire ; and Lord Skelmersdale , W . D . Prov . G . M . West Lancashire , " both of which were duly responded to and acknowledged . The other toasts were "Stephen Blair , R . W . Prov . G . M ., East Lancashire ; Lord de Tabley , R . W . Prov . G . M ., Cheshire ; and Lord Kenlis , R . W . Prov . G . M ., Cumberland aud Westmoreland ; " "The Prov . G . Officers past and present ;"
" The West Lancashire Institution for tbe education and advancement in life of children of distressed Masons ; " " The Worshipful Masters of the Lodges in the province , " responded to hy Bro . John Moliueux ; " The Visiting Brethren ; " " The Prov . G . Stewards ; " "Tbe Ladies ; " and 'All Poor and Distressed Masons . " The various toasts were interspersed with glees and songs , and it may be mentioned that . Bro . T . J . Hughes , in one of his finest efforts , received a unanimous encore . The proceedings , which were of the most harmonious and ¦ brotherly description , were brought to a conclusion at a suitable linnr .
LANCASTEE . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1 , 051 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Mouday evening , the 5 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athenasum , Lancaster . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . Dr . Moore , W . M ., who was supported by Bros . Hall , S . W . ; Mason , as J . W . ; Bros . Dr . Russel , Broadhurst , Rossall , and Prosser . Visitors—Bros . John Hatch , S . D ., 281 ; John Shaw , 281 ; Taylor , and Watson . The lodge was opened , the minutes confirmed , and the usual
business transacted . The W . M . reported that the next meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge would be held at Wigan , on the following day , and expressed his intention of representing tho Rowley Lodge on that occasion . He also brought before the notice of the lodge communications he had received concerning the Palestine Exploration , Zetland Memorial , the Institution for Aged Freemasons , and the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , and made an appeal on
behalf of tbe latter charity , which was freely responded to by the brethren present . The third degree was then conferred on Bro . Broadhurst , F . C , by the W . M ., and tbe lodge was finally closed in accordance with ancient custom .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . HTJX _ . — Blair Lodge ( No . 818 . —Last Friday evening the annual institution festival took place in connexion with the Blair Lodge , at the suite of rooms devoted to the purpose in the Hulme Town Hall . There was a large attendance , and amongst the visitors were Bros . Romaine Callender , D . Prov . G . M . ; fir Lees , Prov . S . G . W . ; Wike , Prov . J . G . W . ; John Barker , Prov '
G . Treas ., and several other Prov . G . Ollicers of East Lancashire . The Treasurer ' s report was read and passed , and the interesting ceremony of installing the W . M . was then proceeded with and admirably performed , and when the Board of I . M . 's was dissolved and the lodge re-opened for the admission of all M . M . ' s , the following officers of the lodge were invested by the newly-installed W . M ., Bro . W . J . Fowle : —Bros . J . Redford , being the new S . W . ; W . WorthingtonJ . W .- J . D . Kennedy ,
, , Treas . ; W . P . Norris , See . ; Pochin , S . D .: Vertegans , J . D ., and Newton , I . G . The lodge was closed down to tho second degree , and the F . C . ' s admitted and shown the first degree , when all the rest of the brethren were received . The usual salutations and addresses having been given in each degree , and the ordinary routine business of the lodge having been completed , presentations of jewels were made to the retiring W . MW . P . Groves
,, , and also to one of the old P . M . 's , Joseph Ettoft , P . Prov . G . Reg ., who is highly esteemed in the lodge . The lodge was then closed in peace and harmony , and the brethren retired to banquet . At tbe banquet the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to , and the brethren separated at an early hour , after spending a happy and fraternal evening .
LEICESTERSHIRE . PBOTINCIAL GEAND LODGE . The annual general meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday the 7 th inst ., and was more numerously attended than ou any similar occasion , since the installation of Earl Howe , Prov . G . M ., twelve .
years ago Owing to the advanced age and infirm state of health of the estimable nobleman who has ruled the province during that period , the Deputy Prov . G . M . Bro . Kelly , presided . Among the P . G . Officers present and past , were Bros . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M ., as Prov . G . M . ; W . Pettifor , P . Prov . S . G . W ., as D . Prov . G . M . ; G . H . Hodges , P . S . G . W . ; G . F . Brown and W . BSmithP . Prov . J . GW . the Revs . SSmithB . D . ( W . M .
. , . ; , , 779 ) , aud W . K . Robinson , M . A . ( W . M . 1 , 130 ) , P . G . Chap . ; John Spittal , M . A ., ( P . Prov . S . G . W . ) , and W . Langley , ( S . W . 1 , 130 ) , P . Prov . G . Chaps . ; R . Brewin , ( P . Prov . S . G . W . ) , P . G . Treas . ; E . Morris , ( P . Prov . S . G . W . ) , P . G . See . ; J . Baratt Jacques , ( the Temple ) , P . G . Reg . ; C . Stretton and T . Sheppard , P . Prov . G . D . ; J . E . Hodges , P . J . G . D . ; S . Davis , W . Weare , and W . Johnson , P . Prov . G . D . 's ; R . W . Johnson , ( Melton ) , P .
G . Supt . of Works ; A . M . Duff , ( W . M . 523 ) , and W . llobotham , P . G . D . of Cirs . ; C . Johnson , ( P . Prov . G . S . W . Jersey ) as P . G . Org . E . Gosling , P . G . Purst . ; J . Adlard , P . Prov . G . P . ; Thorpe , Barfoot , Tolly , and Douglas , P . G . Stewards ; G . Ash forth , If . D ., and J . M . Kew , ( Market Overtoil ) , J . Hunt , ( Thornby Grange ) , and many other officers and members of the private lodges in tbe province , except No . 1 , 007 , Loughborough . Among the visitors were Bros . W . Smith , CE ., F . Binckes ,
R . Spencer , and J . F . Klein , P . G . Stewards of the Grand Lodge of England ; J . L . Hine , P . Prov . G . S . W ., and Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec , of the P . G . Lodge of East Lancashire ; the Revs . R . H . Quick , 166 , Loudon , and R . W . Euruaby late of 279 , Leicester , and Apollo Lodge , Oxford ; John Hart , ( Nottingham ) , S . S . Stallard , and L . L . Atwood , Lodge Garden City , Chicago , U . S . The acting Prov . G . M ., having opened the Grand Lodge in form , expressed his deep regret , whicli would be heard by all
the brethren , that the state of their beloved P . G . Masters ' health precluded the possibility of his being present and presiding over them ou that occasion . Although this was a service of great regret to all , it would not be one of surprise to thoso brethren who had been present at the last meeting of the P . G . Lodge at Ashby-de-la-zouche last year , and who saw the infirm state in which his lordship then was , in spite of which aud at risk to his healthhe made an effort to be in his place
, and discharged the duties devolving upon him in Grand Lodge . He then read all that which he had received from the P . J . M ., with a most kind message to the assembled brethren . Tbe minutes of the last animal meeting and of a Grand Lodge of Emergency were read and confirmed . Reports were presented by the W . M . ' s of the several lodges in the provincewith the exception of the Howe and
Charn-, wood Lodge , No , 1 , 007 , Loughborough , from which neither returns of fees nor reports had been sent . The P . G . Treas . read a statement of his accounts , as audited , which were duly passed , and Bro . Brewin was unanimously reelected to office . The Acting P . G . M . then appointed and in vested the following brethren as the Prov . Graud Officers for
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . S . , T . M'George was re-elected medical adviser to the institution ; and after the appointment of the committee for tbe ensuing year , the business of the court closed with a vote of thanks to the different office-bearers . Some routine business having been transacted , the Prov . G . Lodge was closed iu due form after solemn prayer . The Craft Lodge , of whicli the W . M . of Lodge 178 , Bro . Milliganacted as W . M . Bro . WilsonW . M . of Lodge 241
, ; , , acted as S . W . ; and Bro . Johnson , W . M . of Lodge 113 , acted as J . W ., was then closed iu due form and with solemn prayer . Nearly 100 brethren sat down to a splendid banquet , in the Crown Assembly Rooms , the menu comprising every delicacy of the season , supplemented by an ample desert . The Prov . G . M . presided , supported by the D . Prov . G . M ., the P . D . G . M ., Rev . G-. R . Holm , Rev . J . Simpson , Bros . Morton , Faithful , Iredale ,
Lemon , & c . The vice-chairs were occupied by Bros . Boulton and Busher . "Praise the Lord , 0 my Soul , " was sung before the repast , and thanks were returned by the singing of " Non Qiohis Domine . " After the removal of the cloth , the Prov . G . M . gave "The Queen , " followed by the anthem of "God Save the Queen , " the toast of " The Princo and Princess of Wales and the other members of the royal family" was next given and responded to , and was followed by Mr . Brinley Bichards' solo and chorus of " God Bless the Prince of Wales . " The Prov . G . M . then gave the " Army , Navy , Militia , and Volunteers , "
which was followed by the glee of "Yes , Brothers , ies , and acknowledged by Bro . Captain Mott , of the Royal Naval Reserve . The following toasts were "The Earl of Zetland , M . W . G . M ., " which was duly honoured , and succeeded by Parry ' s glee of " Hail to the Craft , " and " The Earl De Grey and Ripon , R . W . D . G . M ., and the other officers of the Grand Lodge , " succeeded by Webbe's glee of "Wine gives the lover vigour . " Bro . Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., then gave in eloquent
and suitable terms the healths of Bros . Lieutenant-Colonel Sir T . G . Fermor-Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., R . W . Prov . G . M .. West Lancashire ; and Lord Skelmersdale , W . D . Prov . G . M . West Lancashire , " both of which were duly responded to and acknowledged . The other toasts were "Stephen Blair , R . W . Prov . G . M ., East Lancashire ; Lord de Tabley , R . W . Prov . G . M ., Cheshire ; and Lord Kenlis , R . W . Prov . G . M ., Cumberland aud Westmoreland ; " "The Prov . G . Officers past and present ;"
" The West Lancashire Institution for tbe education and advancement in life of children of distressed Masons ; " " The Worshipful Masters of the Lodges in the province , " responded to hy Bro . John Moliueux ; " The Visiting Brethren ; " " The Prov . G . Stewards ; " "Tbe Ladies ; " and 'All Poor and Distressed Masons . " The various toasts were interspersed with glees and songs , and it may be mentioned that . Bro . T . J . Hughes , in one of his finest efforts , received a unanimous encore . The proceedings , which were of the most harmonious and ¦ brotherly description , were brought to a conclusion at a suitable linnr .
LANCASTEE . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1 , 051 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Mouday evening , the 5 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athenasum , Lancaster . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . Dr . Moore , W . M ., who was supported by Bros . Hall , S . W . ; Mason , as J . W . ; Bros . Dr . Russel , Broadhurst , Rossall , and Prosser . Visitors—Bros . John Hatch , S . D ., 281 ; John Shaw , 281 ; Taylor , and Watson . The lodge was opened , the minutes confirmed , and the usual
business transacted . The W . M . reported that the next meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge would be held at Wigan , on the following day , and expressed his intention of representing tho Rowley Lodge on that occasion . He also brought before the notice of the lodge communications he had received concerning the Palestine Exploration , Zetland Memorial , the Institution for Aged Freemasons , and the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , and made an appeal on
behalf of tbe latter charity , which was freely responded to by the brethren present . The third degree was then conferred on Bro . Broadhurst , F . C , by the W . M ., and tbe lodge was finally closed in accordance with ancient custom .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . HTJX _ . — Blair Lodge ( No . 818 . —Last Friday evening the annual institution festival took place in connexion with the Blair Lodge , at the suite of rooms devoted to the purpose in the Hulme Town Hall . There was a large attendance , and amongst the visitors were Bros . Romaine Callender , D . Prov . G . M . ; fir Lees , Prov . S . G . W . ; Wike , Prov . J . G . W . ; John Barker , Prov '
G . Treas ., and several other Prov . G . Ollicers of East Lancashire . The Treasurer ' s report was read and passed , and the interesting ceremony of installing the W . M . was then proceeded with and admirably performed , and when the Board of I . M . 's was dissolved and the lodge re-opened for the admission of all M . M . ' s , the following officers of the lodge were invested by the newly-installed W . M ., Bro . W . J . Fowle : —Bros . J . Redford , being the new S . W . ; W . WorthingtonJ . W .- J . D . Kennedy ,
, , Treas . ; W . P . Norris , See . ; Pochin , S . D .: Vertegans , J . D ., and Newton , I . G . The lodge was closed down to tho second degree , and the F . C . ' s admitted and shown the first degree , when all the rest of the brethren were received . The usual salutations and addresses having been given in each degree , and the ordinary routine business of the lodge having been completed , presentations of jewels were made to the retiring W . MW . P . Groves
,, , and also to one of the old P . M . 's , Joseph Ettoft , P . Prov . G . Reg ., who is highly esteemed in the lodge . The lodge was then closed in peace and harmony , and the brethren retired to banquet . At tbe banquet the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to , and the brethren separated at an early hour , after spending a happy and fraternal evening .
LEICESTERSHIRE . PBOTINCIAL GEAND LODGE . The annual general meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday the 7 th inst ., and was more numerously attended than ou any similar occasion , since the installation of Earl Howe , Prov . G . M ., twelve .
years ago Owing to the advanced age and infirm state of health of the estimable nobleman who has ruled the province during that period , the Deputy Prov . G . M . Bro . Kelly , presided . Among the P . G . Officers present and past , were Bros . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M ., as Prov . G . M . ; W . Pettifor , P . Prov . S . G . W ., as D . Prov . G . M . ; G . H . Hodges , P . S . G . W . ; G . F . Brown and W . BSmithP . Prov . J . GW . the Revs . SSmithB . D . ( W . M .
. , . ; , , 779 ) , aud W . K . Robinson , M . A . ( W . M . 1 , 130 ) , P . G . Chap . ; John Spittal , M . A ., ( P . Prov . S . G . W . ) , and W . Langley , ( S . W . 1 , 130 ) , P . Prov . G . Chaps . ; R . Brewin , ( P . Prov . S . G . W . ) , P . G . Treas . ; E . Morris , ( P . Prov . S . G . W . ) , P . G . See . ; J . Baratt Jacques , ( the Temple ) , P . G . Reg . ; C . Stretton and T . Sheppard , P . Prov . G . D . ; J . E . Hodges , P . J . G . D . ; S . Davis , W . Weare , and W . Johnson , P . Prov . G . D . 's ; R . W . Johnson , ( Melton ) , P .
G . Supt . of Works ; A . M . Duff , ( W . M . 523 ) , and W . llobotham , P . G . D . of Cirs . ; C . Johnson , ( P . Prov . G . S . W . Jersey ) as P . G . Org . E . Gosling , P . G . Purst . ; J . Adlard , P . Prov . G . P . ; Thorpe , Barfoot , Tolly , and Douglas , P . G . Stewards ; G . Ash forth , If . D ., and J . M . Kew , ( Market Overtoil ) , J . Hunt , ( Thornby Grange ) , and many other officers and members of the private lodges in tbe province , except No . 1 , 007 , Loughborough . Among the visitors were Bros . W . Smith , CE ., F . Binckes ,
R . Spencer , and J . F . Klein , P . G . Stewards of the Grand Lodge of England ; J . L . Hine , P . Prov . G . S . W ., and Tunnah , Prov . G . Sec , of the P . G . Lodge of East Lancashire ; the Revs . R . H . Quick , 166 , Loudon , and R . W . Euruaby late of 279 , Leicester , and Apollo Lodge , Oxford ; John Hart , ( Nottingham ) , S . S . Stallard , and L . L . Atwood , Lodge Garden City , Chicago , U . S . The acting Prov . G . M ., having opened the Grand Lodge in form , expressed his deep regret , whicli would be heard by all
the brethren , that the state of their beloved P . G . Masters ' health precluded the possibility of his being present and presiding over them ou that occasion . Although this was a service of great regret to all , it would not be one of surprise to thoso brethren who had been present at the last meeting of the P . G . Lodge at Ashby-de-la-zouche last year , and who saw the infirm state in which his lordship then was , in spite of which aud at risk to his healthhe made an effort to be in his place
, and discharged the duties devolving upon him in Grand Lodge . He then read all that which he had received from the P . J . M ., with a most kind message to the assembled brethren . Tbe minutes of the last animal meeting and of a Grand Lodge of Emergency were read and confirmed . Reports were presented by the W . M . ' s of the several lodges in the provincewith the exception of the Howe and
Charn-, wood Lodge , No , 1 , 007 , Loughborough , from which neither returns of fees nor reports had been sent . The P . G . Treas . read a statement of his accounts , as audited , which were duly passed , and Bro . Brewin was unanimously reelected to office . The Acting P . G . M . then appointed and in vested the following brethren as the Prov . Graud Officers for