Article ANOTHER "SCOTCH" ROYAL CHARTER. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ANCIENT AND MODERN FREEMASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article TIT FOR TAT. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1
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Another "Scotch" Royal Charter.
to our Scottish Solomon , James VI ., and down even to Victoria Regina ; but which to lay hold on and carry off in triumph I cannot decide . I therefore hopefully appeal to you , or some of your learned correspondents , for " more light . " Do tell us all about it ?
Yours fraternally , SEMPEE VIEENS . P . S . —Please put my name down for a shilling subscription to buy a gold box to put it ( the Royal Charter ) in . Perhaps—but I only suggest—a gold snuff-box might do . We could fold it up nicely , you
know ; and , if said gold snuff-box had a glass top ( plate glass , mind ) with a small triangular ( I think that shape would have more effect ) aperture or hole in the top we might be able both to see and smell it . I suppose it is too late now to try , but at least we are at liberty to imaginethe effect upon the Prince
, of a sniff , had he only got it on his way to lay the foundation stone of the new Glasgow University . The effect that might have been produced is a fair subject for speculation . —S . Y .
Ancient And Modern Freemasonry.
TO THE EDITOR OE THE EBEEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —I desire to sympathise with the remark of our very worthy Bro . W . J . Hughan which he expresses at page 281 , viz .: — " Masonic literature is confined to a few whose efforts to advance their fellows have been but little appreciated bthe
y great body of Masons , although surely they deserve better treatment . " When brethren such as Bros . D . Murray Lyon , Hughan , & c , devote so much of their time and talents for our information , the least we can do is not merely to read over what they write , but to study it carefully . It is not the mere swallowing of
food that produces benefit , but the good digestion thereof . Although I may not take everything they say as infalliable , yet , were I to differ from them on some points , I would give that subject the more consideration . I find that those who are the most ignorant are often the most conceited and bigoted
, although in Masonry they hardly " know a B . from a bull ' s foot ; " they are so blind as not to see it , and if a lamp is held up for them , why they shut their eyes ; they delight to grovel in the dark ; their motto is , and they walk up to it , — " Ignorance is bliss , so 'twere folly to be wise . " The only good
they see in Masonry is— " Eat , drink , and be merry . " " Knowledge is not iu our way . " However , we hope for better things , and believe better and more honourable times are coming . Yours fraternally , PICTUS .
Tit For Tat.
IO THE EDITOE OE THE " FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROB . " Dear Sir and Brother , —When in Hamburg lately , I inquired of Bro . Volkers , Grand Secretary and other brethren if they knew Seigmund Sax , the Masonic impostor . I find that Sax was unknown in Hamburg , but the brethren there had reminiscences of sundry pretended English or Scottish Masons who
had imposed ou them in a similar way to that in which Sax has duped English Craftsmen . Yours fraternally , J . A . H .
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
THE UNIVERSAL MASOUIC CALENDAR , DIAEY , AND POCKETBOOK FOE 1869 . —We are requested to remind the secretaries of Draft and Mark lodges , and Scribes of R . A . chapters , under th & English , Irish , and Scotch jurisdictions , and the secretaries anil other officers of other Masonic bodies at home , in the colonies , and abroad , that they should forward the fullest and latest
information intended for publication in the next issue , with all convenient speed , to the editors of the Calendar ; and all communications may be addressed to them at the office of the-FKEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London ,, or in Glasgow .
WE understand that a Rose Croix Chapter will be opened at Whitby , Yorkshire , on the Sth Nov . It has been suggested asdesirable that a meeting of the Talbot Chapter Rose Croix , at Sheffield , should be held the day before the opening of the newchapter at Whitby . BBETHKEN are reminded that the Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MA & AZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d .
WE learn that a Conclave of the Red Cross Order , No . 10 , is about to be opened at the Assembly Rooms , Weston-super-Mare , and Major-General G . B . Munbee will be the first M . P „ Sovereign of the new conclave-PEOVINCIAL GEAND LODGE OE WEST YORSSHIEE . —A meeting will be held on Wednesday , 28 th inst ., at Melfcham , near
Huddersfield . The Right Hon . Bro . the Earl de Grey and . Ripon , D . G . M ., will preside . After the meeting his lordship will lay the foundation stone of the Meltham Convalescent Home .
WE are glad to be able to announce to our readers that weshall shortly publish a series of articles entitled "Chips of Foreign Ashlar , " from the pen of our talented brother , J . A . H . WE have been informed that Bro . Colonel F . Burdett , 33 % . has been unanimously elected a member of the Imperial Council of the Red Cross Order , and will occupy the position
of High Chancellor . Ifc is thought that the gallant Colonel ' saccession to the Order will probably lead to its recognition by the Supreme Grand Council of the 33 ° for Ireland , where it will be worked under the supervision of the Grand . Council of Rites . It is understood that similar arrangements are on thetapis between the Red Cross Council and the Grand Orient of France .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOE AGEDFEEEMASONS . —Tbe next anniversary festival in aid of tbe fund of this deserving institution will be held at the Freemasons ' Tavern on the 27 th of January , 1869 . The Right Hon . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . M . Jof Somersetshire , will preside .
WE have been requested to publish the following caution : — " Brethren are fraternally requested not to respond to an appeal for charitable aid whicli has recently be made from Crickhowel , in South Wales . " GEAND LODGE OE MAEK MASTEES . —A meeting of Grand Lodge will be held on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., ac the Guildhall , Worcester . Grand Lodge will be opened at half past two ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Another "Scotch" Royal Charter.
to our Scottish Solomon , James VI ., and down even to Victoria Regina ; but which to lay hold on and carry off in triumph I cannot decide . I therefore hopefully appeal to you , or some of your learned correspondents , for " more light . " Do tell us all about it ?
Yours fraternally , SEMPEE VIEENS . P . S . —Please put my name down for a shilling subscription to buy a gold box to put it ( the Royal Charter ) in . Perhaps—but I only suggest—a gold snuff-box might do . We could fold it up nicely , you
know ; and , if said gold snuff-box had a glass top ( plate glass , mind ) with a small triangular ( I think that shape would have more effect ) aperture or hole in the top we might be able both to see and smell it . I suppose it is too late now to try , but at least we are at liberty to imaginethe effect upon the Prince
, of a sniff , had he only got it on his way to lay the foundation stone of the new Glasgow University . The effect that might have been produced is a fair subject for speculation . —S . Y .
Ancient And Modern Freemasonry.
TO THE EDITOR OE THE EBEEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —I desire to sympathise with the remark of our very worthy Bro . W . J . Hughan which he expresses at page 281 , viz .: — " Masonic literature is confined to a few whose efforts to advance their fellows have been but little appreciated bthe
y great body of Masons , although surely they deserve better treatment . " When brethren such as Bros . D . Murray Lyon , Hughan , & c , devote so much of their time and talents for our information , the least we can do is not merely to read over what they write , but to study it carefully . It is not the mere swallowing of
food that produces benefit , but the good digestion thereof . Although I may not take everything they say as infalliable , yet , were I to differ from them on some points , I would give that subject the more consideration . I find that those who are the most ignorant are often the most conceited and bigoted
, although in Masonry they hardly " know a B . from a bull ' s foot ; " they are so blind as not to see it , and if a lamp is held up for them , why they shut their eyes ; they delight to grovel in the dark ; their motto is , and they walk up to it , — " Ignorance is bliss , so 'twere folly to be wise . " The only good
they see in Masonry is— " Eat , drink , and be merry . " " Knowledge is not iu our way . " However , we hope for better things , and believe better and more honourable times are coming . Yours fraternally , PICTUS .
Tit For Tat.
IO THE EDITOE OE THE " FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROB . " Dear Sir and Brother , —When in Hamburg lately , I inquired of Bro . Volkers , Grand Secretary and other brethren if they knew Seigmund Sax , the Masonic impostor . I find that Sax was unknown in Hamburg , but the brethren there had reminiscences of sundry pretended English or Scottish Masons who
had imposed ou them in a similar way to that in which Sax has duped English Craftsmen . Yours fraternally , J . A . H .
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
THE UNIVERSAL MASOUIC CALENDAR , DIAEY , AND POCKETBOOK FOE 1869 . —We are requested to remind the secretaries of Draft and Mark lodges , and Scribes of R . A . chapters , under th & English , Irish , and Scotch jurisdictions , and the secretaries anil other officers of other Masonic bodies at home , in the colonies , and abroad , that they should forward the fullest and latest
information intended for publication in the next issue , with all convenient speed , to the editors of the Calendar ; and all communications may be addressed to them at the office of the-FKEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London ,, or in Glasgow .
WE understand that a Rose Croix Chapter will be opened at Whitby , Yorkshire , on the Sth Nov . It has been suggested asdesirable that a meeting of the Talbot Chapter Rose Croix , at Sheffield , should be held the day before the opening of the newchapter at Whitby . BBETHKEN are reminded that the Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MA & AZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d .
WE learn that a Conclave of the Red Cross Order , No . 10 , is about to be opened at the Assembly Rooms , Weston-super-Mare , and Major-General G . B . Munbee will be the first M . P „ Sovereign of the new conclave-PEOVINCIAL GEAND LODGE OE WEST YORSSHIEE . —A meeting will be held on Wednesday , 28 th inst ., at Melfcham , near
Huddersfield . The Right Hon . Bro . the Earl de Grey and . Ripon , D . G . M ., will preside . After the meeting his lordship will lay the foundation stone of the Meltham Convalescent Home .
WE are glad to be able to announce to our readers that weshall shortly publish a series of articles entitled "Chips of Foreign Ashlar , " from the pen of our talented brother , J . A . H . WE have been informed that Bro . Colonel F . Burdett , 33 % . has been unanimously elected a member of the Imperial Council of the Red Cross Order , and will occupy the position
of High Chancellor . Ifc is thought that the gallant Colonel ' saccession to the Order will probably lead to its recognition by the Supreme Grand Council of the 33 ° for Ireland , where it will be worked under the supervision of the Grand . Council of Rites . It is understood that similar arrangements are on thetapis between the Red Cross Council and the Grand Orient of France .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOE AGEDFEEEMASONS . —Tbe next anniversary festival in aid of tbe fund of this deserving institution will be held at the Freemasons ' Tavern on the 27 th of January , 1869 . The Right Hon . Bro . the Earl of Carnarvon , Prov . G . M . Jof Somersetshire , will preside .
WE have been requested to publish the following caution : — " Brethren are fraternally requested not to respond to an appeal for charitable aid whicli has recently be made from Crickhowel , in South Wales . " GEAND LODGE OE MAEK MASTEES . —A meeting of Grand Lodge will be held on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., ac the Guildhall , Worcester . Grand Lodge will be opened at half past two ;