Article SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article AMERICA. Page 1 of 1 Article AMERICA. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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South Australia.
P . S . G . W . ; Si . R . Gault , AA' . AI ., No . 10 b * ; P . S . G . AV . ; T . H . Viney , P . AL , No . 363 , P . O . Treas . ; J . P . Boueaut , No . 363 , P . G . Sec . ; It . D . AVinter , AV . AI ., No . 363 , P . S . G . D . ; C . AVyer , S . AV ., No . 363 , P . J . G . D . ; A . G . Coulls , S . AA ' ., No . 106 , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; I . Stevenson , J . AV , No . 106 , P . G . Supt . of AA ' orks ; A . H . Hutson , J . AV ., No . 363 , P . G . Purs . ; R . B . Alorgau , No . 363 , P . G . Tyler . The ceremonies being ended , the newly installed Prov . Grand Alaster ( Bro . Bagot ) , assisted by his officers , closeel tlie Lodge iu autieut form . In the evening , Bro . BagotProv . U . AI ., and
, his officers entertained the Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster ( Bro . Lazar ) , the officers of Prov . Grand Lodge , ( E . G . ) , and a numerous company of fche Craft , at a splendid dinner . After the usual toasts and some * excellent addresses , the company separated at an early hour , deeply impressed by the solemnities witnessed , and pleased ivith the genial enjoyments that succeeded them .
GRAND LODGE OF NEAV VORK . AVe , American , Mirror and Keystone , of June 20 , were last week obliged to go to the city of New York , and as the Al . AA ' . Grand Lodge was in session , we deemed it to be our duty to attend its sittings ivhen not otherwise engaged . There ivas an unusually large representation of the subordinate Lodges , and wo had the pleasure of exchanging fraternal grips with many of the Sons of Light of that highly respectable and intelligent body . Wo exchanged salutations with that aged Grand
Chaplain , the faithful and true Mason , the ReA' . Salem Town , the AI . AV . Grand Alaster , John L . Lewis , the AI . AV . Grand Alaster elect , John AV . Simons , the R . AA ' . D . G . AI . Finlay Al . King , thc R . AA ' . Grand . Secretary , James AI . Austen , tho R . AA ' . Grand Treasurer , Charles L . Church , besides a host of others . The proceedings ofthe Grand Lodge were of the most amicable aucl fraternal character , and , with the exception of the movements of a little clique , a unity of sentiment and purpose pervaded the entire membership of the Grand Loelge . It is someivhat surprising
that this clique , an ingraftment upon the body , is , and always has been , engaged in the endeavour to disturb the harmony and tranquillity of the Craft within the jurisdiction , and the ambition for the office , aucl to control the affairs of the Graucl Lodge , which is plainly indicated , shoivs that the puro principles of Freemasonry and its obligations have failed in making an impression upon some of the scions ingrafted upon the Alasonic body in thc city of New York . The officers elect of the Grand Lodge are as folloivs : —John AA' .
Simons , New York , G . AI . : FiuJay AI . King , Port Byron , D . G . AI . ; Clinton F . Paige , Syracuse , S . G . AV . ; S . 1 . 1 . Johnson , Schenectadv , J . G . W . ; J . AI . Austin , New York , G . Sec , ; 0 . L . Church , New York , G . Treas . ; H . C . A ' ogel , and It . L . Sehoonumker , Salem Town , G . Chaplains : Orin Brown , New York , G . Purs . ; Sowall Fisk , G . Tyler ; AV . H . Drew , Buffalo , G . Lecturer' . The AI . AV . Bro . John AV . Simons presented credentials appointing him the representative of the Grand Loelge of South Carolina near thc Grand
Lodge of New York , arid the R . AV . liro . Finlay AI . King also presented credentials from the Grand Lodge of Arkansas , appointing him the representative near the Grand Lodge , both of whom were received and accredited as such . AA ' e did not hear the address made by the AI . AV .
Bro . Simons on presenting the credentials . The remarks made by the R . AA' . Bro . Finlay AI . King AVCVO as follows : — " Alost AVorshipful Grand Alaster : —I am commissioned by AL AV . the Grand Lodge of Arkansas to present you my credentials as the representative of that body near the East of the Alost AA ' orshipful the Grand Lodge of Now York . I am directed by its presiding officers to express to you the satisfaction they will experience in the establishment of representative relations with this jurisdiction . They recognize in New
York the pioneer of that system ivhich has brought into fraternal aud generous intercourse the most remote jurisdictions . They look upon ihe position Avliich you occupy among the Grand Loelges of the world as influential and commanding , anel as being calculated to exert a salutary influence in elevating the standard of Alasonry , and in disseminating the genial and hallowed principles of Alasonry among the nations of the earth ; and they elesire , through tho agency of their humble representative , to attest to you their full appreciation of those
circumstances , and to unite their efforts with yours in accomplishing all the great ends of our Institution . I need not speak to you , sir , of tho character either of the body which aims to establish these relations with Neiv York , or of the individual members of whom that body is composed . You are personally acquainted with many of the great minds AA'ho have j-lneed the Grand Lodgo of Arkansasamong the leading Alasonic powers of the country . You have met them in counsel and in debute , and their learning , their statesmanship , and
their noble bearing , have extorted your admiration and respect . The name of Pike is loved and venerated , and is as familiar in the wigwams of nature ' s true noblemen , as in the palaces and parlours of statesmen and KUraleim . Tlie name of English will sound upon thc chords of fraternal affection , and awaken the hopes of legal labour wherever true Alasonic courtesy and refineel Alasonic feeling aro known , or juridiciul knowledge is cultivated . The names of Barber and Alerrick are synonyms of official industry , intelligence and integrity . In fine , tho history of tlie Grand Lodge of Arkansas is a living illustration of all tho noblest attributes and precepts and principles of Masonry . These are the qualities I present you in the character of my constituent , and I entertain the hope that the relations which that constituent now seeks to establish with the
Grand Loelge of New York , will bo as useful and as permanent as are the names of her great lights , aucl her deeds of charity and benei-ololice are enduring . " A large amount of business was transacted by the Grand Lodge . The report of the Grand Secretary shows the receipts of the Grand Lodge for the pasfc year to have been $ 19 , 109 , 88 , which includes 1 , 071 Grand Lodge certificates , 50 cfcs . each , $ 537 ; 7 S Grand Lodge dip lomas , 2 ots . each , # 158 , " 9 i dispensations for third degree , # 5 , , § 170 ; 21
dispensations to form , # 10 , # 960 ; interest on permanent fund , # 120 ; sale of bond and interest , § 1 , 030 . The expenditures were # 21 , 708 , 83 . The report on Correspondence is from R . AA ' . Bro . Kllicott Evans , and was printed for the reading of the members of tho Grand Lodge . The report covers seventy-five pages , one half of ivhich is taken up with Hamburg affairs , and a "Circular letter" from the pen of Finlay AL King , on the same subject . Bro . Evain modestly refers to his inexperience , and his obligations to Bro . King , the former chairman of the Committee on Correspondence .
Masonic Festivities.
ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( No . 25 ) . — One hundred years ha' ta ' en their flight Since , upon Scottish earth , A son o' song first saw the light—The Muses hailed his birth . In auld king syne , my clear , In auld king syne ,
His name , they ea'd ifc Robbie Burns , Iu auld lang syne . The Robei t Burns Lodge gave their annual summer banquet at the Crystal Palace to the friends and relatives of its members , on AA ' ednesday , the lth instant . From the success ivhich has attended former festivals , at least an equal amount of satisfaction was anticipated on this occasion—and it must hai'e been extremely gratifying to those who undertook the management , as well as to all the members of the Loelge ,
to find their anticipations fully realized , anel their endeavours crowned with success . Upwards of tAvo hundred ladies and gentlemen sat down at two o ' clock to an elegant repast , provided by Bro . Strange , iu a style ivhieh , from the ample nature of the accommodation afforded at the Crystal Palace , ifc would be impossible to exceed elsewhere . The musical arrangements , under the superintendence of Bro . G . Genge , contributed very materially to the clay's enjoyment . The professional singers were—Aliss LyonBros . GeorgePen-enaud Burgess .
, , , Grace having been said b y Bro . the Rev . J . AI . McLaughlin , the company proceeded to do ample justice to the choice viands before them . After the cloth was removed , the grace— "For these aucl all thy mercies given "—ivas beautifully chanted by Bros . G . Genge , Perren , Burgess , and Aliss Lyon . The AV . AI . ( Bro . Gladwin ) , gave the usual loyal toasts , which were received with every demonstration of regard and loyalty . The AA ' . AI . next gave— " The Armythe Navy , and Volunteers . "
, Bro . J . H . GnEATREX , ofthe Middlesex Volunteer Artilleiy ( many member's of ivhich corps ivere present iu full uniform ) replied , saying—Ladies and gentlemen , brothers and sisters , —Having been called upon to respond to this toast , " The Army and Navy , " in doing so , I assure you I feel myself incompetent to the task . At the best of times I am but a poor speech maker ; and as brevity is the soul of wit , the more concise
the better . Ifc would be superfluous of me to eulogize the navy . Wc have the supremacy of the sea—Britannia crests the wave—Avhilst om wooden Avails protect our happy sea-girt isle . Our army , probably the smallest in the world , is yet the greatest , for it never was beaten . In fact , an English soldier ivould rather die than be defeated—so may it ei-er bo—and whilst our army anel navy contain the elements of all that is great and noble , combined AA'ith unanimity of action , freedom of thought , backed by Christianity , justice , and truth , the Great Architect ofthe
universe—the God of battle—will fight on our side . Nor can I permit this toast to pass without commenting on the second army—to which I have tlie honour of belonging—I mean thc volunteers . Our numerical force , I believe , is little short of 150 , 000 throughout the kingdom ; and while I sincerely hope our services may never be required , should they be , I feel satisfied from its steadiness , chivalric daring , devotedness to our country and its beloved Queen , the Volunteer army will stand second to none , '' and like a star i' the darkest night stick fiery off
indeed . " The late review will convince sceptics of ivhat stuff thoy are made of ; and while fche smiles of the fair sex assist iu strelighteniug our cause , ive may bid defiance to any invading foe that may have the temerity to threaten us . Sisters anel brothers , in the name of the Army arrd Navy , 1 and all who are present belonging fco it , return you our best thanks , and , iu the hour of trial , assure you , we shall be found with our " loins girded and ready for tlie battle . " The Chairman next proposed " Prosperity to the Robert Burns
Lodge , " which was responded to by Bro . AVATSON , P . AL , who adverted to the many changes that had taken place since his first associations with No , 25 ; he believed he was the oldest member and Past Alaster now ou the register of the Lodge with one exception ( Bro . Tombleson ); in looking round , although he saw friendly faces greeting him ivith brotherl y love , ho regretted to say he could recognize but few members of the period when he first became a member of tlie Lodge—time and circumstances having scattered them over the face of earth and water .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
South Australia.
P . S . G . W . ; Si . R . Gault , AA' . AI ., No . 10 b * ; P . S . G . AV . ; T . H . Viney , P . AL , No . 363 , P . O . Treas . ; J . P . Boueaut , No . 363 , P . G . Sec . ; It . D . AVinter , AV . AI ., No . 363 , P . S . G . D . ; C . AVyer , S . AV ., No . 363 , P . J . G . D . ; A . G . Coulls , S . AA ' ., No . 106 , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; I . Stevenson , J . AV , No . 106 , P . G . Supt . of AA ' orks ; A . H . Hutson , J . AV ., No . 363 , P . G . Purs . ; R . B . Alorgau , No . 363 , P . G . Tyler . The ceremonies being ended , the newly installed Prov . Grand Alaster ( Bro . Bagot ) , assisted by his officers , closeel tlie Lodge iu autieut form . In the evening , Bro . BagotProv . U . AI ., and
, his officers entertained the Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster ( Bro . Lazar ) , the officers of Prov . Grand Lodge , ( E . G . ) , and a numerous company of fche Craft , at a splendid dinner . After the usual toasts and some * excellent addresses , the company separated at an early hour , deeply impressed by the solemnities witnessed , and pleased ivith the genial enjoyments that succeeded them .
GRAND LODGE OF NEAV VORK . AVe , American , Mirror and Keystone , of June 20 , were last week obliged to go to the city of New York , and as the Al . AA ' . Grand Lodge was in session , we deemed it to be our duty to attend its sittings ivhen not otherwise engaged . There ivas an unusually large representation of the subordinate Lodges , and wo had the pleasure of exchanging fraternal grips with many of the Sons of Light of that highly respectable and intelligent body . Wo exchanged salutations with that aged Grand
Chaplain , the faithful and true Mason , the ReA' . Salem Town , the AI . AV . Grand Alaster , John L . Lewis , the AI . AV . Grand Alaster elect , John AV . Simons , the R . AA ' . D . G . AI . Finlay Al . King , thc R . AA ' . Grand . Secretary , James AI . Austen , tho R . AA ' . Grand Treasurer , Charles L . Church , besides a host of others . The proceedings ofthe Grand Lodge were of the most amicable aucl fraternal character , and , with the exception of the movements of a little clique , a unity of sentiment and purpose pervaded the entire membership of the Grand Loelge . It is someivhat surprising
that this clique , an ingraftment upon the body , is , and always has been , engaged in the endeavour to disturb the harmony and tranquillity of the Craft within the jurisdiction , and the ambition for the office , aucl to control the affairs of the Graucl Lodge , which is plainly indicated , shoivs that the puro principles of Freemasonry and its obligations have failed in making an impression upon some of the scions ingrafted upon the Alasonic body in thc city of New York . The officers elect of the Grand Lodge are as folloivs : —John AA' .
Simons , New York , G . AI . : FiuJay AI . King , Port Byron , D . G . AI . ; Clinton F . Paige , Syracuse , S . G . AV . ; S . 1 . 1 . Johnson , Schenectadv , J . G . W . ; J . AI . Austin , New York , G . Sec , ; 0 . L . Church , New York , G . Treas . ; H . C . A ' ogel , and It . L . Sehoonumker , Salem Town , G . Chaplains : Orin Brown , New York , G . Purs . ; Sowall Fisk , G . Tyler ; AV . H . Drew , Buffalo , G . Lecturer' . The AI . AV . Bro . John AV . Simons presented credentials appointing him the representative of the Grand Loelge of South Carolina near thc Grand
Lodge of New York , arid the R . AV . liro . Finlay AI . King also presented credentials from the Grand Lodge of Arkansas , appointing him the representative near the Grand Lodge , both of whom were received and accredited as such . AA ' e did not hear the address made by the AI . AV .
Bro . Simons on presenting the credentials . The remarks made by the R . AA' . Bro . Finlay AI . King AVCVO as follows : — " Alost AVorshipful Grand Alaster : —I am commissioned by AL AV . the Grand Lodge of Arkansas to present you my credentials as the representative of that body near the East of the Alost AA ' orshipful the Grand Lodge of Now York . I am directed by its presiding officers to express to you the satisfaction they will experience in the establishment of representative relations with this jurisdiction . They recognize in New
York the pioneer of that system ivhich has brought into fraternal aud generous intercourse the most remote jurisdictions . They look upon ihe position Avliich you occupy among the Grand Loelges of the world as influential and commanding , anel as being calculated to exert a salutary influence in elevating the standard of Alasonry , and in disseminating the genial and hallowed principles of Alasonry among the nations of the earth ; and they elesire , through tho agency of their humble representative , to attest to you their full appreciation of those
circumstances , and to unite their efforts with yours in accomplishing all the great ends of our Institution . I need not speak to you , sir , of tho character either of the body which aims to establish these relations with Neiv York , or of the individual members of whom that body is composed . You are personally acquainted with many of the great minds AA'ho have j-lneed the Grand Lodgo of Arkansasamong the leading Alasonic powers of the country . You have met them in counsel and in debute , and their learning , their statesmanship , and
their noble bearing , have extorted your admiration and respect . The name of Pike is loved and venerated , and is as familiar in the wigwams of nature ' s true noblemen , as in the palaces and parlours of statesmen and KUraleim . Tlie name of English will sound upon thc chords of fraternal affection , and awaken the hopes of legal labour wherever true Alasonic courtesy and refineel Alasonic feeling aro known , or juridiciul knowledge is cultivated . The names of Barber and Alerrick are synonyms of official industry , intelligence and integrity . In fine , tho history of tlie Grand Lodge of Arkansas is a living illustration of all tho noblest attributes and precepts and principles of Masonry . These are the qualities I present you in the character of my constituent , and I entertain the hope that the relations which that constituent now seeks to establish with the
Grand Loelge of New York , will bo as useful and as permanent as are the names of her great lights , aucl her deeds of charity and benei-ololice are enduring . " A large amount of business was transacted by the Grand Lodge . The report of the Grand Secretary shows the receipts of the Grand Lodge for the pasfc year to have been $ 19 , 109 , 88 , which includes 1 , 071 Grand Lodge certificates , 50 cfcs . each , $ 537 ; 7 S Grand Lodge dip lomas , 2 ots . each , # 158 , " 9 i dispensations for third degree , # 5 , , § 170 ; 21
dispensations to form , # 10 , # 960 ; interest on permanent fund , # 120 ; sale of bond and interest , § 1 , 030 . The expenditures were # 21 , 708 , 83 . The report on Correspondence is from R . AA ' . Bro . Kllicott Evans , and was printed for the reading of the members of tho Grand Lodge . The report covers seventy-five pages , one half of ivhich is taken up with Hamburg affairs , and a "Circular letter" from the pen of Finlay AL King , on the same subject . Bro . Evain modestly refers to his inexperience , and his obligations to Bro . King , the former chairman of the Committee on Correspondence .
Masonic Festivities.
ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( No . 25 ) . — One hundred years ha' ta ' en their flight Since , upon Scottish earth , A son o' song first saw the light—The Muses hailed his birth . In auld king syne , my clear , In auld king syne ,
His name , they ea'd ifc Robbie Burns , Iu auld lang syne . The Robei t Burns Lodge gave their annual summer banquet at the Crystal Palace to the friends and relatives of its members , on AA ' ednesday , the lth instant . From the success ivhich has attended former festivals , at least an equal amount of satisfaction was anticipated on this occasion—and it must hai'e been extremely gratifying to those who undertook the management , as well as to all the members of the Loelge ,
to find their anticipations fully realized , anel their endeavours crowned with success . Upwards of tAvo hundred ladies and gentlemen sat down at two o ' clock to an elegant repast , provided by Bro . Strange , iu a style ivhieh , from the ample nature of the accommodation afforded at the Crystal Palace , ifc would be impossible to exceed elsewhere . The musical arrangements , under the superintendence of Bro . G . Genge , contributed very materially to the clay's enjoyment . The professional singers were—Aliss LyonBros . GeorgePen-enaud Burgess .
, , , Grace having been said b y Bro . the Rev . J . AI . McLaughlin , the company proceeded to do ample justice to the choice viands before them . After the cloth was removed , the grace— "For these aucl all thy mercies given "—ivas beautifully chanted by Bros . G . Genge , Perren , Burgess , and Aliss Lyon . The AV . AI . ( Bro . Gladwin ) , gave the usual loyal toasts , which were received with every demonstration of regard and loyalty . The AA ' . AI . next gave— " The Armythe Navy , and Volunteers . "
, Bro . J . H . GnEATREX , ofthe Middlesex Volunteer Artilleiy ( many member's of ivhich corps ivere present iu full uniform ) replied , saying—Ladies and gentlemen , brothers and sisters , —Having been called upon to respond to this toast , " The Army and Navy , " in doing so , I assure you I feel myself incompetent to the task . At the best of times I am but a poor speech maker ; and as brevity is the soul of wit , the more concise
the better . Ifc would be superfluous of me to eulogize the navy . Wc have the supremacy of the sea—Britannia crests the wave—Avhilst om wooden Avails protect our happy sea-girt isle . Our army , probably the smallest in the world , is yet the greatest , for it never was beaten . In fact , an English soldier ivould rather die than be defeated—so may it ei-er bo—and whilst our army anel navy contain the elements of all that is great and noble , combined AA'ith unanimity of action , freedom of thought , backed by Christianity , justice , and truth , the Great Architect ofthe
universe—the God of battle—will fight on our side . Nor can I permit this toast to pass without commenting on the second army—to which I have tlie honour of belonging—I mean thc volunteers . Our numerical force , I believe , is little short of 150 , 000 throughout the kingdom ; and while I sincerely hope our services may never be required , should they be , I feel satisfied from its steadiness , chivalric daring , devotedness to our country and its beloved Queen , the Volunteer army will stand second to none , '' and like a star i' the darkest night stick fiery off
indeed . " The late review will convince sceptics of ivhat stuff thoy are made of ; and while fche smiles of the fair sex assist iu strelighteniug our cause , ive may bid defiance to any invading foe that may have the temerity to threaten us . Sisters anel brothers , in the name of the Army arrd Navy , 1 and all who are present belonging fco it , return you our best thanks , and , iu the hour of trial , assure you , we shall be found with our " loins girded and ready for tlie battle . " The Chairman next proposed " Prosperity to the Robert Burns
Lodge , " which was responded to by Bro . AVATSON , P . AL , who adverted to the many changes that had taken place since his first associations with No , 25 ; he believed he was the oldest member and Past Alaster now ou the register of the Lodge with one exception ( Bro . Tombleson ); in looking round , although he saw friendly faces greeting him ivith brotherl y love , ho regretted to say he could recognize but few members of the period when he first became a member of tlie Lodge—time and circumstances having scattered them over the face of earth and water .