Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROV. G.M. FOR KENT. Page 1 of 1 Article COUNTY REGISTRATION OF LODGES. Page 1 of 1 Article COUNTY REGISTRATION OF LODGES. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
nor permit to be administered , any rite or ceremony , contrary to the constitutions ofthe Order ? " If ' so , how can they , ivho advocate this degree , reconcile the departure from such promises made in the name and in thc presence of their Maker and their Judge ? I do not intend to go into the utter absurdity of the degree itself , its contradictions and confusion between "key" and " corner stones , " nor its importation into this country from
Scotland . Neither is it worth while to enter upon the consideration of its universality , as it is almost unknown out of Great Britain and its colonies , and the continent of America . Masomy itself , pure antient Masonry , has quite enough to contend ivith in strugg ling to maintain a decent title to its pretensions , without being subjected to have such an anomaly as the Mark degree hs-skiil on to its skirts ; and for these reasons , and those before stated , which
must weigh in the balance with every reflective Mason , the new self-styled Grand Lodge of Mark Masonry is , in my opinion , a delusion , and an impertinence , assuming to itself such powers as it cannot legally exercise , midmost unwarrantably and indecently presenting itself as a caricature of a legal Grancl Lodge , acknowledged by every Mason and thc statute book ofthe realm . Hoping I have clone ivith the subject , which I intend so long as
I am let alone , and thanking you ibr your kindness in allowing me so much space to discuss such matter , I remain , clear sir and brother , yours fraternally in the Craft , \ AxTt-Sroinoi ' . s MARK . P . S . —I do not wish to accuse " 11 . E . X . " of intentional disrespect towards our M . W . G . M ., but he cannot surel y be ignorant that " the Grand Craft Lodgeof which Lord Zetland is the
, M . W . Master , " Ms neither respectful to the noble carl , nor complimentary to tlie United Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of England , by Avhich title it has hitherto been knoAvn , and not . as " It . E . X . " makes it now—a Grand Craft Lodge with Lord Zetland as the Most Worshi pful Master . If he means there is anotlier M . W . Grand Master—wh y not say it at once ?
Prov. G.M. For Kent.
TO THE EOTTOll OP Till ! I'nl-IKllASOXs' MAGAZINE AXB MASOXICJ MHUiO !! . Sir : AXD BnoTUEn , —A letter signed "A Maidstone Brother , " was a few days ago forwarded to me from England . After obsei-A'ing ( ivhat is unquestionably true as regards myself ) , that the two last Provincial Grand Masters for Kent had small property in thc county , it requests me , thrcuigh the medium of your excellent publicationto answer the following question : — " Whetherin my
, , opinion , it would not be bencncul to Masonry that a brother , being a nobleman or gentleman , having estates in the province and resident there , should become my successor' ?" It seems to me that the question can onl y be answered in one way . In my opinion , " it ivould he beneficial to Masonry that a brother , being a nobleman or gentleman , having estates in Kent , and resident thereshould succeed me . "
, It seems to me further , that a glance at the list of Provincial Grand Masters sufficiently shows that such is likely to be the opinion ofthe M . W . G . M .: —Lincolnshire , Lord Yarborough ; Northamptonshire , Marquis of Huntley ; Cornwall , Sir Charles Lemon ; Sussex , the Duke of Richmond ; Leicestershire , Lord Howe ; Wiltshire , Lord Methuen ; Cheshire , Viscount Combermere ; WarwickshireLord Leigh ; YorkshireWest Riding
, , , Earl of Mexborough ; Berkshire , the Marquis of Downshire ; North Wales , Sir Watkin W . Wynn ; Devonshire , Earl Fortescne ; Derbyshire , the Marquis of Hartington ; & c , & c , & c . My appointment ivould not , I lielieA'e , have been thought of , had there ( in 1852 ) been " a nobleman or gentleman , having estates in the province and resident-there , " Avilling to undertake tbe duties of the office .
Yours fraternally , Chateau Frampas , CITAIIT . ES PUHTOM Cooi'im . Monticrcnder , Haute Itfarne . [ We presume that when the above was written , our R . W . brother—than whom none ever performed his duties more conscientiously and zealously—was not aware of the appointment of Viscount Ilolmeselale , M . P ., as Prov . G . M . for Kent . —En . ]
County Registration Of Lodges.
TO tire E-ovro-n or lire I ' -EMASOXS' MACIAZINE AXD MASONIC Mirmor .. ]) SIB AND Biioxuim , —By statute 30 George 3 rd , chap . 70 , itis necessary to register annually , before the 25 th day of March J AA-itli the clerk of tire peace for the county , riding , division , or place , the name of every Lodge iu the province , its place and time ; ? eting , and the names , residences , titles , professions , trades .
County Registration Of Lodges.
or business of its members . This laAv may be obsolete , but , nevertheless , it is in existence , and ought therefore to be complied ivith by so loyal a body as that of Freemasons . I find , in the address to his late majesty , King George thc Third , on his happy escape from the attempt on his life by . Hatfield , presented from Grand Lodge , on June 3 rd , 1800 , an allusion to the above enactmentas follows— " The lawby permitting
, , under certain regulations tbe meeting of Freemasons , " has defined the existence of the society ; and as we are the only body alloivcd to hold secret meetings , I think I may be excused for calling attention to our privilege and duty . Indeed on April 29 th , 1834 , the Grand Lodge , to remedy an evil which might operate unfavourably for tho institution , issued a circular , in consequence of a great number of the provincial
Lodges having neglected to comply with the terms of protection given by tbe legislature , which may be equally necessary now , for it may have again fallen into desuetude , although we are strictly enjoined to yield obedience to the laivs which afford us protection , and never to lose sight of the allegiance ivhich is due to the sovereign of our native land . I remaindear Sir and Brotherj-ours fraternally
, , , J . ILUIVEY BOYS , Margate , July < Mli , 1 SG 0 . P . D . Prov . G . M ., Kent , [ A circular from tlie Grand Lodge directing thc attention of thc brethren to the laiA ' , has been issued within the last three months . —ED . ]
The Masonic Mirror.
+ MASOXIC MEMS . Our . illustrious Brother H . 1 ! . H . Prince Frederick William has been elected Gvanil Master for Prussia .
GIRLS SCHOOL . THE Quarterly General Court of the Governors and Subscribers of iliis Institution ivas lielcl at the offices in Great Queen Street on Thursday , Hro . Udall , V . P ., in tire chair . Tlie minutes of the last meeting AA-ere read unci confirmed , as were those of the general committees . The minutes of the house committee ivere also read for information , and it was gratifying to notice the large
attendance at each meeting . The Report of tire Audit Committee ivas then read , when there appeared in the bankers' hands a balance of .- £ 2 , 659 Is . I 0 d ., and there had been since received . £ 199 Ss . 3 d ., making a total of £ 2 . SaS 10 s . Id . It was resolved that the treasurer be requested to sign cheques for the expenses of the last quarter , amounting to £ 731 1 . 0 s . "id ., and to purchase £ 800 3 per Cent . Consols , and £ 500 Reduced 3 per Cents .
A gratuity of . £ 52 10 * . was granted to Bro . Crew , tlie respected s ecretary , for his great exertions in connection with the late festival , and in the general interests ofthe School . It was resolved that tire children taken into tlie School should in future be kept until the ago of sixteen , instead of fifteen , as at present ; and that tlie same advantage bo extended to tho children at present in the
School , unless their parents or guardians AA-ished to withdraw them at fifteen . A motion of Bro . Young , for admitting a limited number of children of Hebrew parents to be educated at tlie expense of the Institution , under the care of their- friends , was withdrawn for further consideration , it being considered that if the privilege were granted , it ought to he extended to all children Avhose parents or guardians might object to
thenbeing brought up in the tenets of the Church of England . Another notice of motion by Bro . TJclall , for giving a priority in election to children of subscribers , was also withdrawn , it being a remarkable fact that there have not been half-a-dozen candidate .- ! whose parents have been subscribers ivithhi the last . dozen years . The committee theu declared seven vacancies iu the School to lie filled up in October next , and approved of tlie folloiving candidates : —
Alice Coates , aged 0 , Richmond , Yorkshire , Emma L . Dawson , aged S , Newport , Isle of Wight , Elizabeth E , Battfiews , aged 10 , Sunderland , Bessy L . Penrose , aged 10 , Bermuda , Margaret S . Smith , aged 8 , Portsmouth , Florence P . "Weaver , aged S , London , Julia S- Slaymalcer , aged 8 , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
nor permit to be administered , any rite or ceremony , contrary to the constitutions ofthe Order ? " If ' so , how can they , ivho advocate this degree , reconcile the departure from such promises made in the name and in thc presence of their Maker and their Judge ? I do not intend to go into the utter absurdity of the degree itself , its contradictions and confusion between "key" and " corner stones , " nor its importation into this country from
Scotland . Neither is it worth while to enter upon the consideration of its universality , as it is almost unknown out of Great Britain and its colonies , and the continent of America . Masomy itself , pure antient Masonry , has quite enough to contend ivith in strugg ling to maintain a decent title to its pretensions , without being subjected to have such an anomaly as the Mark degree hs-skiil on to its skirts ; and for these reasons , and those before stated , which
must weigh in the balance with every reflective Mason , the new self-styled Grand Lodge of Mark Masonry is , in my opinion , a delusion , and an impertinence , assuming to itself such powers as it cannot legally exercise , midmost unwarrantably and indecently presenting itself as a caricature of a legal Grancl Lodge , acknowledged by every Mason and thc statute book ofthe realm . Hoping I have clone ivith the subject , which I intend so long as
I am let alone , and thanking you ibr your kindness in allowing me so much space to discuss such matter , I remain , clear sir and brother , yours fraternally in the Craft , \ AxTt-Sroinoi ' . s MARK . P . S . —I do not wish to accuse " 11 . E . X . " of intentional disrespect towards our M . W . G . M ., but he cannot surel y be ignorant that " the Grand Craft Lodgeof which Lord Zetland is the
, M . W . Master , " Ms neither respectful to the noble carl , nor complimentary to tlie United Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of England , by Avhich title it has hitherto been knoAvn , and not . as " It . E . X . " makes it now—a Grand Craft Lodge with Lord Zetland as the Most Worshi pful Master . If he means there is anotlier M . W . Grand Master—wh y not say it at once ?
Prov. G.M. For Kent.
TO THE EOTTOll OP Till ! I'nl-IKllASOXs' MAGAZINE AXB MASOXICJ MHUiO !! . Sir : AXD BnoTUEn , —A letter signed "A Maidstone Brother , " was a few days ago forwarded to me from England . After obsei-A'ing ( ivhat is unquestionably true as regards myself ) , that the two last Provincial Grand Masters for Kent had small property in thc county , it requests me , thrcuigh the medium of your excellent publicationto answer the following question : — " Whetherin my
, , opinion , it would not be bencncul to Masonry that a brother , being a nobleman or gentleman , having estates in the province and resident there , should become my successor' ?" It seems to me that the question can onl y be answered in one way . In my opinion , " it ivould he beneficial to Masonry that a brother , being a nobleman or gentleman , having estates in Kent , and resident thereshould succeed me . "
, It seems to me further , that a glance at the list of Provincial Grand Masters sufficiently shows that such is likely to be the opinion ofthe M . W . G . M .: —Lincolnshire , Lord Yarborough ; Northamptonshire , Marquis of Huntley ; Cornwall , Sir Charles Lemon ; Sussex , the Duke of Richmond ; Leicestershire , Lord Howe ; Wiltshire , Lord Methuen ; Cheshire , Viscount Combermere ; WarwickshireLord Leigh ; YorkshireWest Riding
, , , Earl of Mexborough ; Berkshire , the Marquis of Downshire ; North Wales , Sir Watkin W . Wynn ; Devonshire , Earl Fortescne ; Derbyshire , the Marquis of Hartington ; & c , & c , & c . My appointment ivould not , I lielieA'e , have been thought of , had there ( in 1852 ) been " a nobleman or gentleman , having estates in the province and resident-there , " Avilling to undertake tbe duties of the office .
Yours fraternally , Chateau Frampas , CITAIIT . ES PUHTOM Cooi'im . Monticrcnder , Haute Itfarne . [ We presume that when the above was written , our R . W . brother—than whom none ever performed his duties more conscientiously and zealously—was not aware of the appointment of Viscount Ilolmeselale , M . P ., as Prov . G . M . for Kent . —En . ]
County Registration Of Lodges.
TO tire E-ovro-n or lire I ' -EMASOXS' MACIAZINE AXD MASONIC Mirmor .. ]) SIB AND Biioxuim , —By statute 30 George 3 rd , chap . 70 , itis necessary to register annually , before the 25 th day of March J AA-itli the clerk of tire peace for the county , riding , division , or place , the name of every Lodge iu the province , its place and time ; ? eting , and the names , residences , titles , professions , trades .
County Registration Of Lodges.
or business of its members . This laAv may be obsolete , but , nevertheless , it is in existence , and ought therefore to be complied ivith by so loyal a body as that of Freemasons . I find , in the address to his late majesty , King George thc Third , on his happy escape from the attempt on his life by . Hatfield , presented from Grand Lodge , on June 3 rd , 1800 , an allusion to the above enactmentas follows— " The lawby permitting
, , under certain regulations tbe meeting of Freemasons , " has defined the existence of the society ; and as we are the only body alloivcd to hold secret meetings , I think I may be excused for calling attention to our privilege and duty . Indeed on April 29 th , 1834 , the Grand Lodge , to remedy an evil which might operate unfavourably for tho institution , issued a circular , in consequence of a great number of the provincial
Lodges having neglected to comply with the terms of protection given by tbe legislature , which may be equally necessary now , for it may have again fallen into desuetude , although we are strictly enjoined to yield obedience to the laivs which afford us protection , and never to lose sight of the allegiance ivhich is due to the sovereign of our native land . I remaindear Sir and Brotherj-ours fraternally
, , , J . ILUIVEY BOYS , Margate , July < Mli , 1 SG 0 . P . D . Prov . G . M ., Kent , [ A circular from tlie Grand Lodge directing thc attention of thc brethren to the laiA ' , has been issued within the last three months . —ED . ]
The Masonic Mirror.
+ MASOXIC MEMS . Our . illustrious Brother H . 1 ! . H . Prince Frederick William has been elected Gvanil Master for Prussia .
GIRLS SCHOOL . THE Quarterly General Court of the Governors and Subscribers of iliis Institution ivas lielcl at the offices in Great Queen Street on Thursday , Hro . Udall , V . P ., in tire chair . Tlie minutes of the last meeting AA-ere read unci confirmed , as were those of the general committees . The minutes of the house committee ivere also read for information , and it was gratifying to notice the large
attendance at each meeting . The Report of tire Audit Committee ivas then read , when there appeared in the bankers' hands a balance of .- £ 2 , 659 Is . I 0 d ., and there had been since received . £ 199 Ss . 3 d ., making a total of £ 2 . SaS 10 s . Id . It was resolved that the treasurer be requested to sign cheques for the expenses of the last quarter , amounting to £ 731 1 . 0 s . "id ., and to purchase £ 800 3 per Cent . Consols , and £ 500 Reduced 3 per Cents .
A gratuity of . £ 52 10 * . was granted to Bro . Crew , tlie respected s ecretary , for his great exertions in connection with the late festival , and in the general interests ofthe School . It was resolved that tire children taken into tlie School should in future be kept until the ago of sixteen , instead of fifteen , as at present ; and that tlie same advantage bo extended to tho children at present in the
School , unless their parents or guardians AA-ished to withdraw them at fifteen . A motion of Bro . Young , for admitting a limited number of children of Hebrew parents to be educated at tlie expense of the Institution , under the care of their- friends , was withdrawn for further consideration , it being considered that if the privilege were granted , it ought to he extended to all children Avhose parents or guardians might object to
thenbeing brought up in the tenets of the Church of England . Another notice of motion by Bro . TJclall , for giving a priority in election to children of subscribers , was also withdrawn , it being a remarkable fact that there have not been half-a-dozen candidate .- ! whose parents have been subscribers ivithhi the last . dozen years . The committee theu declared seven vacancies iu the School to lie filled up in October next , and approved of tlie folloiving candidates : —
Alice Coates , aged 0 , Richmond , Yorkshire , Emma L . Dawson , aged S , Newport , Isle of Wight , Elizabeth E , Battfiews , aged 10 , Sunderland , Bessy L . Penrose , aged 10 , Bermuda , Margaret S . Smith , aged 8 , Portsmouth , Florence P . "Weaver , aged S , London , Julia S- Slaymalcer , aged 8 , London .