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YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BRADFORD . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 379 ) . —This lodge held its accustomed meeting on Monday evening , the 2 nd inst . Bro . M . Rhodes , AA . M ., opened the lodge in due form , assisted by Bros . Rev . AV . Fearnsides , SW . ; J . Schaeppi , J . AV . ; and the rest of the officers . It was unanimously resolved that the lodge should go into mourning three months for Bro . J . Halliwell , recently deadas a solemn tribute to departed worth . Bro .
, Henry Smith , P . M ., ably brought forward the claims of the Masonic Boys' School , and urged the brethren of this lodge to institute an active canvas of the respective members with a view to raising the largest amount possible for so noble an Institution as the Boys' School . The lodge Avas closed in harmony at 9 p . m .
AVAKEFIELD . — Walcefieli Lodge ( No . 727 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday evening , February 10 th , at which there were present a goodly number of members and visiting brethren . The minutes of last lodge being confirmed , Bro . AVilson , W . M ., appointed Bro . Henry " Smith , P . M . of 379 and 543 , to the S . AV . 's chair . Bro . Hand ' ley being absent from sickness , Bro . Captain AA illiams acted as J . AA ., and Bro . John Gill assisted the AV . M . in the of raising
ceremony Bro . J . Armstrong to the sublime degree of M . M . ; Bro . Frank AValker acting as Organist . Bros . AAllliam Gill , S . D . ; J . France , J . D . ; Wood , I . G . ; Beckett , Tyler ; Dr . Senior , P . G Chap . ; Micklethwaite , Captain Bascindall , D . AVade , 384 ; Sykes , and AV . AV . Glover , P . M . The subject of a Ball , in celebration of the marriage of the Prince of AA ales , was discussed , and a resolution was passed empowering the lodge to apply for
dispensation to wear Masonic clothing on the occasion . Bro . Dr . Senior , LL . JD ., and Henry Smith then advocated the claims of the Boys' School Festival—the former being a Steward . The lodge being closed , the W . M . and brethren joined the festive board , where supper was provided under the superintendence of a worthy P . M ., who is untiring his efforts in this important department as well as in the duties of the lodge . The Chaplain having returned thanks and the cloth being removed , the W . M .
proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were heartily responded to . J 3 ro . AA . AA . Glover was called upon to return thanks on behalf of the P . M . ' s , and in return proposed the health of the AV . M ., Bro . D . Wilson , who expressed himself < leeply indebted for so many marks of kindness , regretting ¦ exceedingly that in consequence of bis engagements , the opening of the lodge had been delayed a considerable time , and their opportunity for enjoyment in the refreshment room proportionately curtailed . After a further discussion respecting the proposed Ball , the brethren separated shortly after eleven .
( From the Indian Freemason's Friend . ) ' * CALCUTTA . " LODGE STAR IN THE EAST ( NO . 80 ) . —There was a very large gathering of this lodge on AA eduesday , the 12 th November . Two brethren were raised by Bro . Howe , P . M ., at the same time that the AV . M . conferred some of tho minor degrees . Bro .
Parlby pulled out a goodly section of the army list , containing the names of brethren wishing to join the lodge . It was resolved that the list of subscriptions to the Hoff Testimonial Fund , previous to circulation among the members , should be headed with a contribution from the lodge fund of 250 rupees . At the banquet table , the AA . M . proposed as usual , the toasts of
obligation , until he came to the health of the " Prov . G . M . of Bengal , " which was received with great enthusiasm , the brethren being evidently proud , and very properly too , that theiv AA . M . Avas also the Prov . G . M . The AA . M . then proposed the health of Bro . E . K . 0 . Gilbert , late Master of the Dinapore Lodge , and other visitors ; to which Bro . Gilbert responded in a speech , which was very well received . Another meeting of the lodge
was held on the 26 th November , when , besides initiations and raisings , the following brethren were elected members of the lodge —Thomas Risely , Org . of St . Paul ' s Lodge ; Edward Colston , No . 886 , Bristol ; Major Edmund Kerr Otho Gilbert , of Lodge Meridian , Dublin ; Isaac AVilson , of Lodge No . 25 , Dublin ; Colonel Archibald Inglis Lockhart , C . B ., commanding H . M . 's 92 nd Highlanders , of Lodge St . Mungoes , Glasgow ; Captain Jacob Carnac Murphy , 7 th Dragoon Guards , of Lodge
Eureka ( No . 49 ); Captain Theodore Gordon , H . M . ' s 92 nd , of Lodge Cannongate , Kilwinning ( No . 2 ) ; Lieut . Maurice Thomson Carmichael , H . M . ' s 92 nd , of Lodge Triune Brotherhood ( No . 984 ); Lieut . John Crosland Hay , H . M . ' s 92 nd , of Lodge Cannongate Kilwinning ( No . 2 ) ; Lieut . Lawrence Maxwell Lockhart , H . M . ' s 92 nd , of Lodge St . John , Lesmahagon ( No . 20 ); Ensign George Kellie McCallum , H . M . ' s 92 nd , of Lodge St . Andrew ( No . 74 ) . At the banquet tableBro . AV . H .
, Hoff returned thanks for the health of the visitors , and , referring to the kind allusions of the AV . M . to him and his father , he expressed the gratification he felt in serving under the Prov . G . M ., not only on personal grounds , but from having perceived that he had a desire for the welfare of the Craft to a degree of which he hail no proper conception at the time he , solely from a feeling of loyalty , agreed to become one of his ministerial officers .
LODGE INDUSTRY AND PERSEA ' ERENCE ( NO . 126 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , November 7 th , present , Bros . C . T . Davis . AV . M . ; John AV . Brown , Hon . P . M . ; Dr . Frank Powell , S . AV . / Strong , as J . AV ; AV . G . Baxter , Sec . and Treas . ; Stephen Nation , as S . D . ; and the other Officers , besides member and visitors . Among the latter , were Bros . Major Gilbert ; Captain AVilson Clark , AA . M . of Lodge ' St . Luke ( No . 1150 ) , held at Dum-Dum ; Baker , of the Scotch
Lodge St . David in the East ( No . 371 ); Thompson , 371 , and Crichton , 401 , of Scotland ; and Captain Henry L . De la Chaumette , Royal Artillery . There was no particular work set down in the paper . Relief was given to the widow a P . M ., recently deceased , the AV . M . contributing towards the relief from his private purse ; visiting Bro . De la Chaumette also contributed separately . The lodge will hold its meetings for the present twice a month , on the first and third Fridays , at 6 . 30
p . m . The Report of the Permanent Committee was most satisfactory ; the funds of the lodge are in a healthy state . Although this ancient lodge ( opened A . L . 1761 ) is now numerically weak , it is , under the excellent government of its popular and gifted Master , a most happy home in Masonry . The evening was enlivened by some excellent songs by Bros . Dr . D . G . Clerk , Newham , and other brethren . Another meeting of this lodge was held on the 21 st November , present , Bros . C . T . Davis , AV . M . ; John AV . Brown , Hon . P . M . ; Dr . John Smith , AV . M . of St . David in the East ( No . 371 of Scotland ) ,
and a member of No . 126 ; John Cameron , P . M . of No . 371 ; J . H . Linton , AA . M . of No . 551 , and member of No . 126 ; Dr . F . Powell , S . AV . ; A . F . Manly , J . AV . ; Dickson , S . D . ; Strong , as J . D . ; Lumsdaine , as I . G . ; Daniel , Tyler ; besides members and visiting brethren . Bro . Dr . Peers , having duly served his time as a Craftsman , and having given proof of the progress he had made , was raised to the M . M . degree by Bro . J . W . Brown . Another meeting of this lodge was held on the 5 th December .
Present—Bros . C . T . Davis , W . M . ; John AVm . Brown , P . M . ; Dr . John Smith , AV . M . 371 ( S . C ) , and member of 126 ; AVm . H . Hofi ; P . M . 279 , Prov . G . Sec ; J . H . Linton , W . M . 551 and 126 ; Dr . Frank Powell , S . AV ; Manly , J . AV . ; Baxter , Sec ; Dickson , S . D . ; Strong , J . D . ; K . H . Pinto , I . G . ; Daniel , Tyler ; besides other members and visitors . Mr . J . N . Mackertish was initiated into Freemasonry . Bro . Dr . John Smith was elected AA ' . M . for the ensuing year . It was the desire of the brethren
to re-elect our respected and beloved Bro . Davis for a second year , but circumstances of a domestic nature prevented the AA . M . accepting this grateful and pleasing acknowledgment of merit . Bro . Chandler was re-elected Treasurer ; the AV . M . paid a just tribute to the excellent performance of his duty . Bro . Daniel was re-appointed Tyler . Bro . AV . G . Baxter was elected an honorary member , in recognition of the eminent services rendered by him to the lodge . At the banquet table , the health of Bros . Davis , Dr . Smith , W . M . elect , of the visitors , and several other toasts were proposed .
LODGE COURAGE AVITH HUMANITY . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , 27 th November . Present—Bros . J . H . Linton , AV . M . ; John AVilliam Brown , Hon . P . M . ; C . T . Davis , AA . M . of Lodge Industry and Perseverance No . 126 ); AV . G . Baxter , AV . M . of Saint Andrew in the East
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BRADFORD . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 379 ) . —This lodge held its accustomed meeting on Monday evening , the 2 nd inst . Bro . M . Rhodes , AA . M ., opened the lodge in due form , assisted by Bros . Rev . AV . Fearnsides , SW . ; J . Schaeppi , J . AV . ; and the rest of the officers . It was unanimously resolved that the lodge should go into mourning three months for Bro . J . Halliwell , recently deadas a solemn tribute to departed worth . Bro .
, Henry Smith , P . M ., ably brought forward the claims of the Masonic Boys' School , and urged the brethren of this lodge to institute an active canvas of the respective members with a view to raising the largest amount possible for so noble an Institution as the Boys' School . The lodge Avas closed in harmony at 9 p . m .
AVAKEFIELD . — Walcefieli Lodge ( No . 727 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday evening , February 10 th , at which there were present a goodly number of members and visiting brethren . The minutes of last lodge being confirmed , Bro . AVilson , W . M ., appointed Bro . Henry " Smith , P . M . of 379 and 543 , to the S . AV . 's chair . Bro . Hand ' ley being absent from sickness , Bro . Captain AA illiams acted as J . AA ., and Bro . John Gill assisted the AV . M . in the of raising
ceremony Bro . J . Armstrong to the sublime degree of M . M . ; Bro . Frank AValker acting as Organist . Bros . AAllliam Gill , S . D . ; J . France , J . D . ; Wood , I . G . ; Beckett , Tyler ; Dr . Senior , P . G Chap . ; Micklethwaite , Captain Bascindall , D . AVade , 384 ; Sykes , and AV . AV . Glover , P . M . The subject of a Ball , in celebration of the marriage of the Prince of AA ales , was discussed , and a resolution was passed empowering the lodge to apply for
dispensation to wear Masonic clothing on the occasion . Bro . Dr . Senior , LL . JD ., and Henry Smith then advocated the claims of the Boys' School Festival—the former being a Steward . The lodge being closed , the W . M . and brethren joined the festive board , where supper was provided under the superintendence of a worthy P . M ., who is untiring his efforts in this important department as well as in the duties of the lodge . The Chaplain having returned thanks and the cloth being removed , the W . M .
proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were heartily responded to . J 3 ro . AA . AA . Glover was called upon to return thanks on behalf of the P . M . ' s , and in return proposed the health of the AV . M ., Bro . D . Wilson , who expressed himself < leeply indebted for so many marks of kindness , regretting ¦ exceedingly that in consequence of bis engagements , the opening of the lodge had been delayed a considerable time , and their opportunity for enjoyment in the refreshment room proportionately curtailed . After a further discussion respecting the proposed Ball , the brethren separated shortly after eleven .
( From the Indian Freemason's Friend . ) ' * CALCUTTA . " LODGE STAR IN THE EAST ( NO . 80 ) . —There was a very large gathering of this lodge on AA eduesday , the 12 th November . Two brethren were raised by Bro . Howe , P . M ., at the same time that the AV . M . conferred some of tho minor degrees . Bro .
Parlby pulled out a goodly section of the army list , containing the names of brethren wishing to join the lodge . It was resolved that the list of subscriptions to the Hoff Testimonial Fund , previous to circulation among the members , should be headed with a contribution from the lodge fund of 250 rupees . At the banquet table , the AA . M . proposed as usual , the toasts of
obligation , until he came to the health of the " Prov . G . M . of Bengal , " which was received with great enthusiasm , the brethren being evidently proud , and very properly too , that theiv AA . M . Avas also the Prov . G . M . The AA . M . then proposed the health of Bro . E . K . 0 . Gilbert , late Master of the Dinapore Lodge , and other visitors ; to which Bro . Gilbert responded in a speech , which was very well received . Another meeting of the lodge
was held on the 26 th November , when , besides initiations and raisings , the following brethren were elected members of the lodge —Thomas Risely , Org . of St . Paul ' s Lodge ; Edward Colston , No . 886 , Bristol ; Major Edmund Kerr Otho Gilbert , of Lodge Meridian , Dublin ; Isaac AVilson , of Lodge No . 25 , Dublin ; Colonel Archibald Inglis Lockhart , C . B ., commanding H . M . 's 92 nd Highlanders , of Lodge St . Mungoes , Glasgow ; Captain Jacob Carnac Murphy , 7 th Dragoon Guards , of Lodge
Eureka ( No . 49 ); Captain Theodore Gordon , H . M . ' s 92 nd , of Lodge Cannongate , Kilwinning ( No . 2 ) ; Lieut . Maurice Thomson Carmichael , H . M . ' s 92 nd , of Lodge Triune Brotherhood ( No . 984 ); Lieut . John Crosland Hay , H . M . ' s 92 nd , of Lodge Cannongate Kilwinning ( No . 2 ) ; Lieut . Lawrence Maxwell Lockhart , H . M . ' s 92 nd , of Lodge St . John , Lesmahagon ( No . 20 ); Ensign George Kellie McCallum , H . M . ' s 92 nd , of Lodge St . Andrew ( No . 74 ) . At the banquet tableBro . AV . H .
, Hoff returned thanks for the health of the visitors , and , referring to the kind allusions of the AV . M . to him and his father , he expressed the gratification he felt in serving under the Prov . G . M ., not only on personal grounds , but from having perceived that he had a desire for the welfare of the Craft to a degree of which he hail no proper conception at the time he , solely from a feeling of loyalty , agreed to become one of his ministerial officers .
LODGE INDUSTRY AND PERSEA ' ERENCE ( NO . 126 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , November 7 th , present , Bros . C . T . Davis . AV . M . ; John AV . Brown , Hon . P . M . ; Dr . Frank Powell , S . AV . / Strong , as J . AV ; AV . G . Baxter , Sec . and Treas . ; Stephen Nation , as S . D . ; and the other Officers , besides member and visitors . Among the latter , were Bros . Major Gilbert ; Captain AVilson Clark , AA . M . of Lodge ' St . Luke ( No . 1150 ) , held at Dum-Dum ; Baker , of the Scotch
Lodge St . David in the East ( No . 371 ); Thompson , 371 , and Crichton , 401 , of Scotland ; and Captain Henry L . De la Chaumette , Royal Artillery . There was no particular work set down in the paper . Relief was given to the widow a P . M ., recently deceased , the AV . M . contributing towards the relief from his private purse ; visiting Bro . De la Chaumette also contributed separately . The lodge will hold its meetings for the present twice a month , on the first and third Fridays , at 6 . 30
p . m . The Report of the Permanent Committee was most satisfactory ; the funds of the lodge are in a healthy state . Although this ancient lodge ( opened A . L . 1761 ) is now numerically weak , it is , under the excellent government of its popular and gifted Master , a most happy home in Masonry . The evening was enlivened by some excellent songs by Bros . Dr . D . G . Clerk , Newham , and other brethren . Another meeting of this lodge was held on the 21 st November , present , Bros . C . T . Davis , AV . M . ; John AV . Brown , Hon . P . M . ; Dr . John Smith , AV . M . of St . David in the East ( No . 371 of Scotland ) ,
and a member of No . 126 ; John Cameron , P . M . of No . 371 ; J . H . Linton , AA . M . of No . 551 , and member of No . 126 ; Dr . F . Powell , S . AV . ; A . F . Manly , J . AV . ; Dickson , S . D . ; Strong , as J . D . ; Lumsdaine , as I . G . ; Daniel , Tyler ; besides members and visiting brethren . Bro . Dr . Peers , having duly served his time as a Craftsman , and having given proof of the progress he had made , was raised to the M . M . degree by Bro . J . W . Brown . Another meeting of this lodge was held on the 5 th December .
Present—Bros . C . T . Davis , W . M . ; John AVm . Brown , P . M . ; Dr . John Smith , AV . M . 371 ( S . C ) , and member of 126 ; AVm . H . Hofi ; P . M . 279 , Prov . G . Sec ; J . H . Linton , W . M . 551 and 126 ; Dr . Frank Powell , S . AV ; Manly , J . AV . ; Baxter , Sec ; Dickson , S . D . ; Strong , J . D . ; K . H . Pinto , I . G . ; Daniel , Tyler ; besides other members and visitors . Mr . J . N . Mackertish was initiated into Freemasonry . Bro . Dr . John Smith was elected AA ' . M . for the ensuing year . It was the desire of the brethren
to re-elect our respected and beloved Bro . Davis for a second year , but circumstances of a domestic nature prevented the AA . M . accepting this grateful and pleasing acknowledgment of merit . Bro . Chandler was re-elected Treasurer ; the AV . M . paid a just tribute to the excellent performance of his duty . Bro . Daniel was re-appointed Tyler . Bro . AV . G . Baxter was elected an honorary member , in recognition of the eminent services rendered by him to the lodge . At the banquet table , the health of Bros . Davis , Dr . Smith , W . M . elect , of the visitors , and several other toasts were proposed .
LODGE COURAGE AVITH HUMANITY . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , 27 th November . Present—Bros . J . H . Linton , AV . M . ; John AVilliam Brown , Hon . P . M . ; C . T . Davis , AA . M . of Lodge Industry and Perseverance No . 126 ); AV . G . Baxter , AV . M . of Saint Andrew in the East