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Mark Masonry.
General Purposes . [ AA ' e have much pleasure also in stating that the Prov . G . JI ., Bro- F . M . AVilliams , M . P ., in a most handsome manner presented the Provincial Grand LoiAge with a set of collars for the officers , and intimated his intention to attach the jewels to them ere long , so that the members may never be without a tangible proof of his appreciation of the honourable and distinguished office conferred upon him by the AI . W . G . JI . This fact is but another evidence of tho JIasonic
zeal and kindness of the Prov . G . JI ., and our prayer that he may be long preserved in his useful JIasonic career , is echoed by hundreds of Jlasons who know and respect him for his genuine enthusiasm and love for the Craft . ]
Obituary .
THE LATE BRO . JACOB SAQUI . The following notice of the death of Bro . Jacob Saqui appeared in the Kansas Champion , U . S . newspaper of 5 th June last . Bro . Saqui's relations in this country are well known and highly respected members of our Order : —
" The Hon . Jacob Saqui died on Friday last , at his residence in this city . The deceased was one of the most prominent and influential of our citizens , and for many years past has taken a leading part in all affairs of public histerest . A man of remarkable personal energy [ and rare powers of endurance ; eminently genial and social in his nature ; a warm and devoted friend ; a benevolent citizen , whose heart was always open to the appeals of distress , and whose hand was ever ready to
relieve suffering . He had a host of devoted friends , and his loss will be most severely felt by the community . He has , during his residence in this city , often occupied prominent positions of trust and honour , and has always discharged their duties with conspicuous fidelity , energy , inid intelligence . He has represented the city in the Legislature of the State ; served as a member of the County Board of Commissioners ; was for many years an active and influential member of the City
Council ; was for five successive terms elected Grand JIaster of the JIasonic Grand Lodge of Kansas ; was president of the Mercantile Library Association ; and in all public enterprises and in every public activity he bore a prominent part . Kind , genial , and eminently charitable ; active , industrious , and energetic ; bold , resolute , and daring . These were the characteristics which distinguished him in all the walks of life . " The funeral of Hon . Jacob Saqui , which occurred on Sunday afternoon , was the largest one ever witnessed in this city , and testified in the most striking manner the warm esteem in which the deceased was held bv his fellow citizens . At one o ' clock the
various societies of which dsceased was a memoer convened at their respective lodgo rooms , and marched from thence to the residence of their departed brother and friend , where a large concourse had already gathered . The funeral ceremonies at the house were conducted by the Rev . John Bakewell , who made a brief , though impressive , address . The body was then taken charge of by the Sir Knights of Atchison Commandery , No . 2 , A . F . A . JI ., and deposited in the hearse . The funeral procession
then formed under the direction of S . Hessolberger , chief marshal , as follows : —1 st , Atchison brass band ; 2 nd , AA ' ashington Commandery , No . 2 . K . T . ; 3 rd , AA'ashington Chapter , No . 1 , Il . A . Jf . ; 4 th , Washington Lodge , No . 5 , A . F . A . JI . ; 5 th , Hearse , attended by pall-bearers from the Commandery , Chapter and JIasonic Lodge , the Oddfellows' Lodge , and Hook aud Ladder Company -GthCarriage containing the familof the
, , y deceased : 7 th , Friendship Lodge , No . 5 , 1 . 6 . O . E . ; Sth , Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company ; 9 th , Citizens in carriages . The funeral procession was over a mile long . The Jlasons , Oddfellows , and firemen were on foot , and all dressed iu their sip ., propriate regalia and uniform , with badges of mourning . The JIasonic lodges turned out SS members , the Oddfellows 10 , and the Hook and Ladder Company 31 . In the JIasonic ranks were
a number of brethren from Doniphan and Mount Pleasant . Following the footmen were over 100 carriages , wagons , and omnibuses were also in the ranks . It is estimated that at least 1 , 000 persons were present . Over 500 were in the ranks of the funeral procession . Arrived at Jlount Vernon Cemetery , the JIasonic lodges went through their impressive funeral ceremonies , the Oddfellows cast their simple sprig of evergreen upon the coffin , and all that was mortal of Jacob Saqui was consigned to the dark and silent house of the dead .
Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending October 19th, 1867.
MONDAY , October 14 th . —Eoyal Naval Lodge , 59 , Freemasons' Hall , Lodge of Confidence , 193 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Peckham Lodge , 879 , Edinboro ' Castle Tavern , Peckham Rj-e . Mount Sion Chapter , 22 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . TUESDAY , October loth . — -Board of General Purposes , at 3 . Mount Lebanon Lodge , 73 , Bridge House Hotel ,
Southwark . Eastern Star Lodge , 95 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-sfcreefc , Salisbury Lodge , 435 , 71 , Dean-street , Soho . Enoch Chapter , 11 , Freemasons ' Hall . Mount Sinai Chapter , 19 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . WEDNESDAY , October 16 th . —General Committee of Grand Chapterat 3 Grand Steward's Lodge . Royal
, , York Lodge of Perseverance , 7 , Freemasons' Hall , United Mariners Lodge , 30 , International Hotel , London Bridge , Southwark . St . George ' s Lodge , 140 , Lecture Hall , Greenwich . Lodge of Sincerity 174 , Cheshire Cheese Tavern , Crutched Friars . Beadon Lodge , 619 , Greyhound Tavern , Dulwich . Nelson Lodge , 700 , Red Lion , AVoolwieh .
TIIUKSDAY , October 17 th . —Constitutional Lodge , 55 , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . Lodge of Temperance , 169 , Plough Tavern , Plough-road , Rotlierhithe . Manchester Lodge , 179 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Cosmopolitan Lodge , 917 , Great Western Hotel , Paddington . South Norword Lodge , 1 , 139 , Goat House Hotel , South Norwood .
FMDAY , October 18 th . —Middlesex Lodge , 143 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . New Concord Lodge , 813 , Rosemary Branch Tavern Hoxton . Rose of Denmark Lodge , 975 , White Hart , Bart , Barnes .
The Week.
Ins COURT . —Tho Queen and Princess Christian went out on the morning of the 2 nd inst ., attended by Lady Churchill , and in the afternoon the Queen drove out accompanied by Princess Christian . The Queen drove out in the morning of the 4 th inst ., with Princess Christian ; and in the afternoon her Majesty , accompanied by tbe Princess and attended by Miss
Jlacgregor , paid a visit to JI . and JIadame Van de AVeyer at Abergeldie- The Queen went out in the morning of the 5 th inst ., attended by the Jlarchioness of Ely ; and in the afternoon her Majesty drove to Alt-na-Guithasack , accompanied by Princess Christian , and attended by the Hon . Miss Gordon and Jliss Jlacgregor . On the 7 th inst ., the Queen , Prince and Princess
Christian , Princess Louise , and Princess Leopold , attended Divine Service in the Parish Church , Crathie . The Eev . M . Taylor , minister of Crathie , officiated . Sir Stafford Northcote and Jlr . Jlowbvay had the honour of dining with the Queen and Royal Familv .
NEW STABLES POK THE KIGHT HON . THE EAKL or ZETLAND . —Persons passing through Swallow-street , Regent-street , will be attracted by a handsome building of red brick , faced with stone , and finished in a style of excellent workmanship . This costly erection is a new stable , built by the direction ofthe Earl of Zetland . The fittings and appointments within are as perfect as the exterior of the edifice is elegant . The whole of the
flooring consists of Pyrimont Seyssel asphalte , presenting a smooth , hard , durable surface , without a flaw or crevice . The stables are supplied with Uarton ' s revolving-troughs and other modern inventions , and even the handles of the doors are gems of inven » tive genius .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
General Purposes . [ AA ' e have much pleasure also in stating that the Prov . G . JI ., Bro- F . M . AVilliams , M . P ., in a most handsome manner presented the Provincial Grand LoiAge with a set of collars for the officers , and intimated his intention to attach the jewels to them ere long , so that the members may never be without a tangible proof of his appreciation of the honourable and distinguished office conferred upon him by the AI . W . G . JI . This fact is but another evidence of tho JIasonic
zeal and kindness of the Prov . G . JI ., and our prayer that he may be long preserved in his useful JIasonic career , is echoed by hundreds of Jlasons who know and respect him for his genuine enthusiasm and love for the Craft . ]
Obituary .
THE LATE BRO . JACOB SAQUI . The following notice of the death of Bro . Jacob Saqui appeared in the Kansas Champion , U . S . newspaper of 5 th June last . Bro . Saqui's relations in this country are well known and highly respected members of our Order : —
" The Hon . Jacob Saqui died on Friday last , at his residence in this city . The deceased was one of the most prominent and influential of our citizens , and for many years past has taken a leading part in all affairs of public histerest . A man of remarkable personal energy [ and rare powers of endurance ; eminently genial and social in his nature ; a warm and devoted friend ; a benevolent citizen , whose heart was always open to the appeals of distress , and whose hand was ever ready to
relieve suffering . He had a host of devoted friends , and his loss will be most severely felt by the community . He has , during his residence in this city , often occupied prominent positions of trust and honour , and has always discharged their duties with conspicuous fidelity , energy , inid intelligence . He has represented the city in the Legislature of the State ; served as a member of the County Board of Commissioners ; was for many years an active and influential member of the City
Council ; was for five successive terms elected Grand JIaster of the JIasonic Grand Lodge of Kansas ; was president of the Mercantile Library Association ; and in all public enterprises and in every public activity he bore a prominent part . Kind , genial , and eminently charitable ; active , industrious , and energetic ; bold , resolute , and daring . These were the characteristics which distinguished him in all the walks of life . " The funeral of Hon . Jacob Saqui , which occurred on Sunday afternoon , was the largest one ever witnessed in this city , and testified in the most striking manner the warm esteem in which the deceased was held bv his fellow citizens . At one o ' clock the
various societies of which dsceased was a memoer convened at their respective lodgo rooms , and marched from thence to the residence of their departed brother and friend , where a large concourse had already gathered . The funeral ceremonies at the house were conducted by the Rev . John Bakewell , who made a brief , though impressive , address . The body was then taken charge of by the Sir Knights of Atchison Commandery , No . 2 , A . F . A . JI ., and deposited in the hearse . The funeral procession
then formed under the direction of S . Hessolberger , chief marshal , as follows : —1 st , Atchison brass band ; 2 nd , AA ' ashington Commandery , No . 2 . K . T . ; 3 rd , AA'ashington Chapter , No . 1 , Il . A . Jf . ; 4 th , Washington Lodge , No . 5 , A . F . A . JI . ; 5 th , Hearse , attended by pall-bearers from the Commandery , Chapter and JIasonic Lodge , the Oddfellows' Lodge , and Hook aud Ladder Company -GthCarriage containing the familof the
, , y deceased : 7 th , Friendship Lodge , No . 5 , 1 . 6 . O . E . ; Sth , Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company ; 9 th , Citizens in carriages . The funeral procession was over a mile long . The Jlasons , Oddfellows , and firemen were on foot , and all dressed iu their sip ., propriate regalia and uniform , with badges of mourning . The JIasonic lodges turned out SS members , the Oddfellows 10 , and the Hook and Ladder Company 31 . In the JIasonic ranks were
a number of brethren from Doniphan and Mount Pleasant . Following the footmen were over 100 carriages , wagons , and omnibuses were also in the ranks . It is estimated that at least 1 , 000 persons were present . Over 500 were in the ranks of the funeral procession . Arrived at Jlount Vernon Cemetery , the JIasonic lodges went through their impressive funeral ceremonies , the Oddfellows cast their simple sprig of evergreen upon the coffin , and all that was mortal of Jacob Saqui was consigned to the dark and silent house of the dead .
Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending October 19th, 1867.
MONDAY , October 14 th . —Eoyal Naval Lodge , 59 , Freemasons' Hall , Lodge of Confidence , 193 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Peckham Lodge , 879 , Edinboro ' Castle Tavern , Peckham Rj-e . Mount Sion Chapter , 22 , Radley ' s Hotel , Bridge-street , Blackfriars . TUESDAY , October loth . — -Board of General Purposes , at 3 . Mount Lebanon Lodge , 73 , Bridge House Hotel ,
Southwark . Eastern Star Lodge , 95 , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-sfcreefc , Salisbury Lodge , 435 , 71 , Dean-street , Soho . Enoch Chapter , 11 , Freemasons ' Hall . Mount Sinai Chapter , 19 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . WEDNESDAY , October 16 th . —General Committee of Grand Chapterat 3 Grand Steward's Lodge . Royal
, , York Lodge of Perseverance , 7 , Freemasons' Hall , United Mariners Lodge , 30 , International Hotel , London Bridge , Southwark . St . George ' s Lodge , 140 , Lecture Hall , Greenwich . Lodge of Sincerity 174 , Cheshire Cheese Tavern , Crutched Friars . Beadon Lodge , 619 , Greyhound Tavern , Dulwich . Nelson Lodge , 700 , Red Lion , AVoolwieh .
TIIUKSDAY , October 17 th . —Constitutional Lodge , 55 , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street . Lodge of Temperance , 169 , Plough Tavern , Plough-road , Rotlierhithe . Manchester Lodge , 179 , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Cosmopolitan Lodge , 917 , Great Western Hotel , Paddington . South Norword Lodge , 1 , 139 , Goat House Hotel , South Norwood .
FMDAY , October 18 th . —Middlesex Lodge , 143 , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . New Concord Lodge , 813 , Rosemary Branch Tavern Hoxton . Rose of Denmark Lodge , 975 , White Hart , Bart , Barnes .
The Week.
Ins COURT . —Tho Queen and Princess Christian went out on the morning of the 2 nd inst ., attended by Lady Churchill , and in the afternoon the Queen drove out accompanied by Princess Christian . The Queen drove out in the morning of the 4 th inst ., with Princess Christian ; and in the afternoon her Majesty , accompanied by tbe Princess and attended by Miss
Jlacgregor , paid a visit to JI . and JIadame Van de AVeyer at Abergeldie- The Queen went out in the morning of the 5 th inst ., attended by the Jlarchioness of Ely ; and in the afternoon her Majesty drove to Alt-na-Guithasack , accompanied by Princess Christian , and attended by the Hon . Miss Gordon and Jliss Jlacgregor . On the 7 th inst ., the Queen , Prince and Princess
Christian , Princess Louise , and Princess Leopold , attended Divine Service in the Parish Church , Crathie . The Eev . M . Taylor , minister of Crathie , officiated . Sir Stafford Northcote and Jlr . Jlowbvay had the honour of dining with the Queen and Royal Familv .
NEW STABLES POK THE KIGHT HON . THE EAKL or ZETLAND . —Persons passing through Swallow-street , Regent-street , will be attracted by a handsome building of red brick , faced with stone , and finished in a style of excellent workmanship . This costly erection is a new stable , built by the direction ofthe Earl of Zetland . The fittings and appointments within are as perfect as the exterior of the edifice is elegant . The whole of the
flooring consists of Pyrimont Seyssel asphalte , presenting a smooth , hard , durable surface , without a flaw or crevice . The stables are supplied with Uarton ' s revolving-troughs and other modern inventions , and even the handles of the doors are gems of inven » tive genius .