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The Masonic Hall Company Of Ireland .
of being sub-divided iuto 20 separate compartments ; coal stores , ash pits , & c . Lavatories and W . C . ' s ; hat and cloak room , and apartments for a house steward . The drawings' to include a plan of each storey of the building ; longitudinal and transverse sections , elevations , <& ., sufficient to show the arrangement and construction of the building , drawn to an uniform scale of one-eighth of an inch to the foot .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
SAM . In what portion of our ceremonies is salt used ? —R- —[ In the Helvetian ceremonies of Masonry , Ave have been told , salt is added to the elements of the corn , Avine , and oil , because it was the symbol of the Avisdom and learning Avhich characterise the lodges of
Freemasons . It is an emblem of hospitality and friendship , as well as fidelity . In the Scriptures it is considered au emblem of perpetuity and mcorruption , and employed as a covenant . The formula used when salt ivas sprinkled on the foundation stoue of a new lodge Avas this— " May this undertaking , contrived by wisdom
, be executed in strength , and adorned with beauty ; so that it may be a house where peace , harmony , and brotherly love shall perpetually reign . " In allusion to this ancient practice , and the doctrines conveyed to our minds hy the emblems , "I strew this salt the earth around me" in token of the
upon , higher aud nobler promises of God . How impressively does this emblem instruct us of the hopes of man . Planted in the promises of God , beyond all the corrupting influences of the world—the world , the flesh , and the devil , will fail to allure from God him Avho is thoroughly seasoned Avith the salt of grace divine .
He is preserved for a purpose that Avill assuredly be fulfilled in God ' s good time . Have salt in yourselves , then , my brothers , and have peace with one another . Let your speech be always grace , seasoned with salt , that you may know how you ought to ansAver every man . ]
The Editor ia not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . THE ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY . TO TIIE EDITOK OF THE FUEliJIASOXS' MAGAZINE A > "l > JUSOSIC MIIU-OK . DEAR SIB AND BEOTHEE , —The origin of Freemasonry has long been a fertile subject of dispute
amongst the most learned brethren ; volume after volume has been poured forth ; and the most questionable raditions and modem rituals relied upon in support of opinions that the most superficial , historical student Avould reject Avithout hesitation ; aud
the organisation of a body originally founded by a Christian military Order has been expanded by modern Masoniclegislationintoagrandbutvisionary scheme , by means of which all religious opinions are to mergeintoone bond of universal brotherhood , and by some subtle but unexplained influence our souls are to be purified , ignorance is to be raised from
despair , and happiness established in the paths of science . If Masonry was nothing more than a peculiar system of morality , veiled in allegory , and illustrated by symbols , Ave might smile at all this ; but
it is no such thing . It is a vast engine for good or evil , and its beneficial influence , Ave are told , is felt in all lands , and in all ranks of life ; but was this influence felt by the Avild Hindoo at the well of Cawnpore ? Has the blood-stained car of
Juggernaut yet ceased to roll on in its dreadful course ? Does the North American Indian no longer value scalps ? Is the worship of Mumbo Jumbo a relic of the past ? And have the followers
of Mahomet learned to respect the marriage vow ? And are all these horrors , and those Avho practise them , to be included in the range of universal brotherhood ? Aud is this dicta , that there is but one God and Grand Lodge is His Prophet , to
supersede the teaching of the Cross ? Yet such must infallibly be the case , if Masonry is to be confined to the three Blue Degrees , to Avhich , says Preston , any person Avho Avill publicly acknoAvledge and subscribe to the being of a God may
claim initiation into its mysteries , Avhether he be Jew , Christian , Mahometan , or a North American Indian . 'Yours fraternally , ROSA CRUCIS .
Abraham Lincoln And Freemasonry.
TO TIIE EDITOK OP THE FUEEJIASONS' MAGAZINE AND 1 IA 9 OUI 0 JIIHHOI ! . DEAR SIE AND BROTHER , —In last week ' s paper on " Masonic Sayings and Doings Abroad , " the late President Lincoln is alluded to as having been a " member of the Grand Lodge of New York . " The June number of " The Voice of Masonry , " published
in Chicago , Illinois , U . S ., contains a short paper , in Avhich the Editor-in-chief , Dr . Rob . Morris , shows Mr . Lincoln not to have belonged to the Craft . £ append the article in question . Yours fraternally ,
Ayr , Aug . 5 , 18 G 5 . D . MURRAY LYON . " A CONVERSATION AVITK MR . LINCOLN . —In the month of October , 1860 , about a month before the Presidential election of that year , Ave Avere in attendance upon the Grand Lodge of Illinois , at Springfield ,
ancl in accordance with au invitation to that effect called upon Mr . Lincoln . As we were knoAvn to be no politician , but had Avritten a severe article the month before , denouncing the treasonable indications of Southern politics , Mr . Lincoln was exceedingly courteous to us , and gave us a lengthy and most pleasant conference . To draw out of him in a pleasant
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Hall Company Of Ireland .
of being sub-divided iuto 20 separate compartments ; coal stores , ash pits , & c . Lavatories and W . C . ' s ; hat and cloak room , and apartments for a house steward . The drawings' to include a plan of each storey of the building ; longitudinal and transverse sections , elevations , <& ., sufficient to show the arrangement and construction of the building , drawn to an uniform scale of one-eighth of an inch to the foot .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
SAM . In what portion of our ceremonies is salt used ? —R- —[ In the Helvetian ceremonies of Masonry , Ave have been told , salt is added to the elements of the corn , Avine , and oil , because it was the symbol of the Avisdom and learning Avhich characterise the lodges of
Freemasons . It is an emblem of hospitality and friendship , as well as fidelity . In the Scriptures it is considered au emblem of perpetuity and mcorruption , and employed as a covenant . The formula used when salt ivas sprinkled on the foundation stoue of a new lodge Avas this— " May this undertaking , contrived by wisdom
, be executed in strength , and adorned with beauty ; so that it may be a house where peace , harmony , and brotherly love shall perpetually reign . " In allusion to this ancient practice , and the doctrines conveyed to our minds hy the emblems , "I strew this salt the earth around me" in token of the
upon , higher aud nobler promises of God . How impressively does this emblem instruct us of the hopes of man . Planted in the promises of God , beyond all the corrupting influences of the world—the world , the flesh , and the devil , will fail to allure from God him Avho is thoroughly seasoned Avith the salt of grace divine .
He is preserved for a purpose that Avill assuredly be fulfilled in God ' s good time . Have salt in yourselves , then , my brothers , and have peace with one another . Let your speech be always grace , seasoned with salt , that you may know how you ought to ansAver every man . ]
The Editor ia not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . THE ORIGIN OF FREEMASONRY . TO TIIE EDITOK OF THE FUEliJIASOXS' MAGAZINE A > "l > JUSOSIC MIIU-OK . DEAR SIB AND BEOTHEE , —The origin of Freemasonry has long been a fertile subject of dispute
amongst the most learned brethren ; volume after volume has been poured forth ; and the most questionable raditions and modem rituals relied upon in support of opinions that the most superficial , historical student Avould reject Avithout hesitation ; aud
the organisation of a body originally founded by a Christian military Order has been expanded by modern Masoniclegislationintoagrandbutvisionary scheme , by means of which all religious opinions are to mergeintoone bond of universal brotherhood , and by some subtle but unexplained influence our souls are to be purified , ignorance is to be raised from
despair , and happiness established in the paths of science . If Masonry was nothing more than a peculiar system of morality , veiled in allegory , and illustrated by symbols , Ave might smile at all this ; but
it is no such thing . It is a vast engine for good or evil , and its beneficial influence , Ave are told , is felt in all lands , and in all ranks of life ; but was this influence felt by the Avild Hindoo at the well of Cawnpore ? Has the blood-stained car of
Juggernaut yet ceased to roll on in its dreadful course ? Does the North American Indian no longer value scalps ? Is the worship of Mumbo Jumbo a relic of the past ? And have the followers
of Mahomet learned to respect the marriage vow ? And are all these horrors , and those Avho practise them , to be included in the range of universal brotherhood ? Aud is this dicta , that there is but one God and Grand Lodge is His Prophet , to
supersede the teaching of the Cross ? Yet such must infallibly be the case , if Masonry is to be confined to the three Blue Degrees , to Avhich , says Preston , any person Avho Avill publicly acknoAvledge and subscribe to the being of a God may
claim initiation into its mysteries , Avhether he be Jew , Christian , Mahometan , or a North American Indian . 'Yours fraternally , ROSA CRUCIS .
Abraham Lincoln And Freemasonry.
TO TIIE EDITOK OP THE FUEEJIASONS' MAGAZINE AND 1 IA 9 OUI 0 JIIHHOI ! . DEAR SIE AND BROTHER , —In last week ' s paper on " Masonic Sayings and Doings Abroad , " the late President Lincoln is alluded to as having been a " member of the Grand Lodge of New York . " The June number of " The Voice of Masonry , " published
in Chicago , Illinois , U . S ., contains a short paper , in Avhich the Editor-in-chief , Dr . Rob . Morris , shows Mr . Lincoln not to have belonged to the Craft . £ append the article in question . Yours fraternally ,
Ayr , Aug . 5 , 18 G 5 . D . MURRAY LYON . " A CONVERSATION AVITK MR . LINCOLN . —In the month of October , 1860 , about a month before the Presidential election of that year , Ave Avere in attendance upon the Grand Lodge of Illinois , at Springfield ,
ancl in accordance with au invitation to that effect called upon Mr . Lincoln . As we were knoAvn to be no politician , but had Avritten a severe article the month before , denouncing the treasonable indications of Southern politics , Mr . Lincoln was exceedingly courteous to us , and gave us a lengthy and most pleasant conference . To draw out of him in a pleasant