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The Week.
was with the enforcement of the law in the case of Hughes , fears were entertained that there would be a demonstration on their part ; hut tho military authorities adopted precautions which effectually prevented any such display of feeling The Nisi Prius Court at the Croydon assizes was occupied on Friday , the 4 th inst ., and a good part of the previous day in a trial of a peculiar case . A young fellow named Ruddoek sued a man
called Lowe for damages for bad medical treatment . Lowe is one of those quacks who are unfortunately so numerous . He is proprietor of an abominable museum in the Strand , and it was charged against him that under pretence of treating the p laintiff medically he had extracted more than £ 40 from him , and seriously injured his health . The defence was that the
case was a conspiracy got up by the attorney for the plaintiff . The jury , however , gave £ 100 damages against Lowe . Another action of a similar kind against tho same defendant was settled on his paying £ 70 . On Saturday last , at the Mansion House , two men named Taylor and Kelly were charged with conspiring to defraud the Birmingham Banking Company of over £ 2 , 000 .
Taylor was in business in Birmingham , and he had represented to the bank that he was in the habit of receiving good trade hills , and he wished the company to discount them . The manager consented , and bills were discounted bearing the names apparently of firms in London . It was afterwards found that these firms had no existence , and that the bills were got up
by Taylor and Kelly . This was some time ago , but the police iiad only just been abb to arrest Kelly . The prisoners were remanded , hail being refused . On Saturday . last the Marquis of Hartington distributed the prizes to the successful competitors at the meeting of tho National Artillery Association at Shoeburyness . This was tho first meeting of tho association and it seems to hjve been in even' way successful . The
Marquis of Hartington congratulated the association and the volunteers on the public spirit they had shown . The electricians in the Kerry town announce that they have discovered , with they believe , considerable accuracy , that the break in the electric current is at a point iu the cable 1 , 175 miles from Valentia . It is believed that the general and painful suspicion ns to the nature and magnitude of the accident will he realised
by the end of the present week by the arrival of the Great Faslern , or one of her attendant vessels , off the southern or western coast of Ireland . The Anglo-French Working Men's Exhibition was opened at the Crystal Palace on Monday , the 7 th inst ., with some formalities . The chair was taken in the Handel orchestra at three o ' clock hy Mr . Herbert
Maudslay , of the well-known engineering firm , and the Rev . Dr . Emerton , of Hanwcll , offered the inauguration prayer . The "Hallelujah Chorus" was performed on the great organ , and several interesting speeches were made . Tho exhibition , which contains many objects of considerable interest , and occasionally of great beauty , is intended to commemorate the
jubilee of peace between England aud France , which have now maintained a friendly understanding for fifty years . The French workmen have taken as much interest in the matter as we expected ; aud though their contributions are as yet fewer than those of the English operatives , there will , it is hoped , be an addition to the number before the close of tho exhibition .
A sculling race with outriggers , for a stake of £ 200 , between Wilson , of Newcastle-upon-Tyne , and Kilsby , of Lambeth , took place on Monday afternoon from Putney to Morfclake , and seems to have been admirably contested . In the aquatic world generally , and among the water-side population especially , tho event was regarded with very great interest , but the North countryman , although he had only once hefore appeared on the Thames , and was then beaten , was the favourite at starting . Kilsby ,
liowever , won the race by about twenty lengths , having rowed the distance in less than twenty-six minutes . There was a great rowing match on the Thames on Tuesday between Robert Chambers , of Newcastle , and Henry Kelloy , of London Chambers has rarely been beaten . Some time ago he defeated Kelley . On Tuesday , however , the tables were turned . After a sharp contest , Kelley beat his opponent by four lengths .
The cattle disease does not confine its ravages to the North London dairies alone , but is reported to have made its appearance at Market Drayton , North Walsham , and some parts of Northumberland . In short , it promises to be a very destructive scourge amongst the herds in various districts of the country if sanitory principles in the transport of foreign stock ,
their landing at the outports , their conveyance by railway , and their subsequent treatment in the farm be not carefully attended to . There is no use in disguising the fact that the subject had assumed a really alarming aspect . We are glad , therefore , to observe that it is engaging the attention of the National Association for the Prevention of Cattle Diseases , which at a meeting held at the Literary Institute , Maiylehone , on Monday night , reported the results of the preventative measures it has adopted and the communications it has received from the Government .
At the Croydon assizes a case was tried in which a chemist named Fay was sued for damages for maltreatment of a painter . The plaintiff had suffered from painters' cholic , and went to the defendant for some medicine to give him relief . It was alleged that Fay treated him with mercury , and made him so ill that his life was despaired of . The defence was that the plaintiff was always ill , and that he had not been
treated hy the defendant as described . The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff with £ 100 damages . The Corporation are taking steps to purge the cattle market at Islington of tainted animals . Mr . Gibhins , the chairman of the market committee , made a statement at the Mansion House of what had been done . Several experts had been consulted , and they
gave it as their opinion that the disease had not been brought in by foreign cattle , as to the importation of which great care was taken . They believed that tho disease had broken out in some " of the dairies . The committee had no power to exclude cattle from the market ; but when once an animal had entered the market inspector could order its destruction if diseased . The committee had therefore placed men at the gates so that diseased cattle should get as little way as possible into the
market . On the previous day four diseased cows had been seized , and as it was found that the parties who sent them knew they were diseased , proceedings had been ordered against the offenders . Every effort was being made to cleanse and purify the lairs and stalls ; and as the disease was confined to milch cows , a part of the market had been appropriated for their
reception . The corporation is , therefore , doing its part well The Privy Council , in tho meantime , is addressing itself to railway companies and others engaged in the carriage of cattle , urging the adoption of precautions for preventing the mixing of diseased with healthy animals . —At the Clerkenwell Policecourt on Wednesday , application was made for an order to
seize eleven cows then in the Metropolitan Cattle Market , and which bore all the symptoms of the new disease . The presiding magistrate made minute inquiry into the case , the sanitai-y inspectors proving that five of the cows wero in the last stage of the disease , the other six being more or less affected , but all quite unlit for human food . The foreman of the
owner of the cows , on being examined , acknowledged that he was aware of the cows being afflicted with the disease , but evaded the question as to whether they were about to be slaughtered and sent to market in the usual way .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
was with the enforcement of the law in the case of Hughes , fears were entertained that there would be a demonstration on their part ; hut tho military authorities adopted precautions which effectually prevented any such display of feeling The Nisi Prius Court at the Croydon assizes was occupied on Friday , the 4 th inst ., and a good part of the previous day in a trial of a peculiar case . A young fellow named Ruddoek sued a man
called Lowe for damages for bad medical treatment . Lowe is one of those quacks who are unfortunately so numerous . He is proprietor of an abominable museum in the Strand , and it was charged against him that under pretence of treating the p laintiff medically he had extracted more than £ 40 from him , and seriously injured his health . The defence was that the
case was a conspiracy got up by the attorney for the plaintiff . The jury , however , gave £ 100 damages against Lowe . Another action of a similar kind against tho same defendant was settled on his paying £ 70 . On Saturday last , at the Mansion House , two men named Taylor and Kelly were charged with conspiring to defraud the Birmingham Banking Company of over £ 2 , 000 .
Taylor was in business in Birmingham , and he had represented to the bank that he was in the habit of receiving good trade hills , and he wished the company to discount them . The manager consented , and bills were discounted bearing the names apparently of firms in London . It was afterwards found that these firms had no existence , and that the bills were got up
by Taylor and Kelly . This was some time ago , but the police iiad only just been abb to arrest Kelly . The prisoners were remanded , hail being refused . On Saturday . last the Marquis of Hartington distributed the prizes to the successful competitors at the meeting of tho National Artillery Association at Shoeburyness . This was tho first meeting of tho association and it seems to hjve been in even' way successful . The
Marquis of Hartington congratulated the association and the volunteers on the public spirit they had shown . The electricians in the Kerry town announce that they have discovered , with they believe , considerable accuracy , that the break in the electric current is at a point iu the cable 1 , 175 miles from Valentia . It is believed that the general and painful suspicion ns to the nature and magnitude of the accident will he realised
by the end of the present week by the arrival of the Great Faslern , or one of her attendant vessels , off the southern or western coast of Ireland . The Anglo-French Working Men's Exhibition was opened at the Crystal Palace on Monday , the 7 th inst ., with some formalities . The chair was taken in the Handel orchestra at three o ' clock hy Mr . Herbert
Maudslay , of the well-known engineering firm , and the Rev . Dr . Emerton , of Hanwcll , offered the inauguration prayer . The "Hallelujah Chorus" was performed on the great organ , and several interesting speeches were made . Tho exhibition , which contains many objects of considerable interest , and occasionally of great beauty , is intended to commemorate the
jubilee of peace between England aud France , which have now maintained a friendly understanding for fifty years . The French workmen have taken as much interest in the matter as we expected ; aud though their contributions are as yet fewer than those of the English operatives , there will , it is hoped , be an addition to the number before the close of tho exhibition .
A sculling race with outriggers , for a stake of £ 200 , between Wilson , of Newcastle-upon-Tyne , and Kilsby , of Lambeth , took place on Monday afternoon from Putney to Morfclake , and seems to have been admirably contested . In the aquatic world generally , and among the water-side population especially , tho event was regarded with very great interest , but the North countryman , although he had only once hefore appeared on the Thames , and was then beaten , was the favourite at starting . Kilsby ,
liowever , won the race by about twenty lengths , having rowed the distance in less than twenty-six minutes . There was a great rowing match on the Thames on Tuesday between Robert Chambers , of Newcastle , and Henry Kelloy , of London Chambers has rarely been beaten . Some time ago he defeated Kelley . On Tuesday , however , the tables were turned . After a sharp contest , Kelley beat his opponent by four lengths .
The cattle disease does not confine its ravages to the North London dairies alone , but is reported to have made its appearance at Market Drayton , North Walsham , and some parts of Northumberland . In short , it promises to be a very destructive scourge amongst the herds in various districts of the country if sanitory principles in the transport of foreign stock ,
their landing at the outports , their conveyance by railway , and their subsequent treatment in the farm be not carefully attended to . There is no use in disguising the fact that the subject had assumed a really alarming aspect . We are glad , therefore , to observe that it is engaging the attention of the National Association for the Prevention of Cattle Diseases , which at a meeting held at the Literary Institute , Maiylehone , on Monday night , reported the results of the preventative measures it has adopted and the communications it has received from the Government .
At the Croydon assizes a case was tried in which a chemist named Fay was sued for damages for maltreatment of a painter . The plaintiff had suffered from painters' cholic , and went to the defendant for some medicine to give him relief . It was alleged that Fay treated him with mercury , and made him so ill that his life was despaired of . The defence was that the plaintiff was always ill , and that he had not been
treated hy the defendant as described . The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff with £ 100 damages . The Corporation are taking steps to purge the cattle market at Islington of tainted animals . Mr . Gibhins , the chairman of the market committee , made a statement at the Mansion House of what had been done . Several experts had been consulted , and they
gave it as their opinion that the disease had not been brought in by foreign cattle , as to the importation of which great care was taken . They believed that tho disease had broken out in some " of the dairies . The committee had no power to exclude cattle from the market ; but when once an animal had entered the market inspector could order its destruction if diseased . The committee had therefore placed men at the gates so that diseased cattle should get as little way as possible into the
market . On the previous day four diseased cows had been seized , and as it was found that the parties who sent them knew they were diseased , proceedings had been ordered against the offenders . Every effort was being made to cleanse and purify the lairs and stalls ; and as the disease was confined to milch cows , a part of the market had been appropriated for their
reception . The corporation is , therefore , doing its part well The Privy Council , in tho meantime , is addressing itself to railway companies and others engaged in the carriage of cattle , urging the adoption of precautions for preventing the mixing of diseased with healthy animals . —At the Clerkenwell Policecourt on Wednesday , application was made for an order to
seize eleven cows then in the Metropolitan Cattle Market , and which bore all the symptoms of the new disease . The presiding magistrate made minute inquiry into the case , the sanitai-y inspectors proving that five of the cows wero in the last stage of the disease , the other six being more or less affected , but all quite unlit for human food . The foreman of the
owner of the cows , on being examined , acknowledged that he was aware of the cows being afflicted with the disease , but evaded the question as to whether they were about to be slaughtered and sent to market in the usual way .