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Bro . II . T . Binks ^ „ J . Key „ F . D . Parker „ D . T . Roper _ -, ,, ... , „ F . Macwilliam | -Prov . G . stewards . „ R . Newton „ H . Prescott
„ G . Judd J „ W . G . King ' .. .. „ G . Tyler . LODGE COXCOBD ( No . 757 E . G . )—An emergent meeting of this excellent lodge was held on the 1 st of April . Present : — Bros . Dr . T . Diver , W . M . ; H . Wiekham , Hon . P . M . ; A . King , P . M . and Treas ., ns S . W . ; G . Judd , J . W . ; H . Prescott , Sec . ; H . Avron , S . D . ; C . Burdon , as J . D . ; J . Kivett , as I . G . ; J . W . SengerTler . Members : —BrosD \ PTHarrisA
, y . . oung , . . , . Baillie , H . B . Salisbury , H . Gabler , J . Scott , H . McCormack , D . Johnson , W . Whittaker , J . Jones , W . G . King , F . Noormahomed , W . R . Mitchell , R . Whitehelo , C . White , J . Forbes , J . Smale , P . C . Higgins , Rustomjee Cursetjee Shroff , P . E . Rainford , J . Phillips , J . Pallas , and T . Ford . Visitors .- —Bros . J . H . Irvine , J . Reynell , T . Complice , and W . Stephens . The lodge was then opened in the first degreeand BrosRainford
, . , Pallas , and Rustomjee Cursetjee Shroff were called up and examined , and , having satisfactorily acquitted themselves , thoy were passed out for preparation , previous to which all E . A . ' s were requested to retire . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bros . Rainford , Pallas , and . Rustomjee Cursetjee Shroff were readmitted and passed out as Fellow Craftsmen in due form . Bros . SalisburyMcCormackBaillieand Scott
, , , , candidates for the third degree , wore then called and examined as Fellow Craftsmen , and having satisfactorily acquitted themselves , were asked to retire for preparation , before which all Fellow Craftsmen were requested to retire . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bros . Salisbury , McCormack , Baillie , and Scott were introduced , properly prepared , and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in ancient and solemn form .
There being no other work before the lodge , it was closed in peace and harmony at half-past seven , when the brethren adjourned to a substantial banquet . The cloth having been removed , the W . Master proposed the constitutional toasts of "The Queen and tho Craft ; " "The Three Grand Masters of England , Scotland , and Ireland ; " "The Provincial Grand Masters under England and Scotland , Bros . Taylor and Barton ;" all of which were drunk with good English fire . Tho W . M .
then said he was about to propose a toast , which he was glad to do , and that was the health of those brethren who were raised that night ; he had no doubt bnt they would be bright ornaments in Masonry . He would ask the brethren to give the newly raised the Masonic honours . Bros . Baillie , McCormack , and Scott returned thanks to the W . M . and brethren in very appropriate terms . Bro . H . Wiekham , P . M ., then vose aud said he hoped the brethren would pardon his unavoidable absence
from the lodge for the past two months . Business kept him away . He hoped to be more regular . He would now propose the health of one who was well known to the lodge , and to the Craft generally , and one who has won the affection and esteem of those who know him . Bro . Wiekham was an old Mason ; he had seen many lodges worked , he himself was a Past Master of twobut he would ive credit to Bro . Dr . Driverwho was the
, g , Worshipful Master of this lodge ; indeed , fow have worked a lodgo witli such accui-ateness and a true spirifc of Masonic lovo as the brother alhulejl to , and this fact was known to all . Bro . Wiekham was an old member of Lodge Concord , and he must confess that never did that lodge so flourish as since Bro . Diver had become the head . Concord now , without disparagement , stands second to none . He would therefore " The Health
propose of Bro . Diver , " wishing him and the members of his lodge health , wealth , and prosperity . Tho toast was drank with enthusiasm , with the Masonic chorus " He's a jolly good fellow . " Bro . Diver then rose and said that he . was really very thankful to Bro . Wiekham for having so highly honoured him . He considered it indeed a great honour to receive' praise from such an old and worthy Mason as Bro . Wiekham . He would once
more thank him , and the brethren of the lodge , for he would say that it was the happiest day of his life to be in Concord rooms ; he loved every brother , and he had no doubt the feeling ¦ was reciprocal . As to the work , he had done his duty , and hoped ever to do so ; but in that duty he was most ably assisted by his officers , for they were regular and punctual . He thanked the brethren for the kindness evinced towards him , and for their kind forbearance for his many shortcomings . He would ,
so long as he was the Master , give his best interest and wishes for the prosperity of Lodgo Concord , and the brethren belonging to it . He did not agree with a report that a large lodge is an unwieldy one ; this moating , and all the meetings , will bear out this statement . He was also glad to see brethren coming up and presenting shares to the lodge , thus clearing the lodge of an old debt . " The Health of the Visiting Brethren" was then proposedBroReynell returned thanks . Several brethren
. . added to the hilarity of the evening with humorous songs , and the brethren partedat 10 p . m ., in that love and harmony so well known and practised in Lodge Concord . A regular meeting of Lodge Concord was held at the Freemasons' Hall , near Baboola Tank , on the 15 th April . Present—Bros . A . King , P . M ., as W . M . ; R . Donaldson , S . W . ; G . Judd , J . W . ; H . PrescottSec . F . Blakeas Treas . ; H . AvronS . D . ; C .
, ; , , Burden , as J . D . ; J . Dwver , as I . G . ; J . Seager , Tyler . Members—Bros . J . Weddie , W . Whittaker , W . G . Rogers , J . Jones , J . Poyntz , W . H . Good , H . Gabler , G . W . Burnell , J . Phillips , A . Baillie , H . G . A . Claudius , Geo . Marley , W . R . Mitchell , David Williamson , D . Johnson , J . Smale , Rustomjee Cursetjee Shroff , Thomas Ford , J . Pallas , G . W . Jackson , J . Duffy , J . Forbes , T . Mills , J . Powell , C . White , T . Falke , G . Engell , and
D . Young . Visitors—Bros . R . D . Anderson , T . Mullen , J . Teasdale , and W . Teasdale . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the minutes of the last regular and emergent meetings were read and confirmed . The officiating Worshipful Master said he was sorry to hear of tho indisposition of Bro . Diver , hence his absence , and wished he would receive great benefit from tho short change for which he had left The
_ undermentioned brethren were then balloted for as joining members , and the result was announced as clear : Bros . Stephens and H . Freeman . The undermentioned gentlemen were balloted for as candidates for initiation , and the result -was announced as clear -. Messrs . Charles Goslin , W . D . Colliver , W . T . Lewis , R . Farrow , and George Walker . Messrs Henry Dwyer , W . D . Colliver , and W . T . Lewis , being in
attendance , were introduced , properly prepared , and admitted to the secrets and privileges of our Order . Bros . W . Burnell , J . AVeddle , W . H . Good , H . Gabler , and Rev . D . Williamson were called up hefore the pedestal and examined as E . A . 's , and
having satisfactorily acquitted themselves , were passed out for preparation , previous to which all E . A . ' s were directed to retire . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bros . Burnell , Weddie , Good , Williamson , and Gable , were readmitted and passed out as Fellow Craftsmen . The lodgewas then lowered to the first degree . The officiating Worshipful Master said ho would propose that a lodge of emergency be held to raise Bro . Claudiuswho was about to leave Bombay ; the
, day aud the hour he would leave to the Worshipful Master of Lodge Concord to fix . Two gentlemen were then proposed as candidates for initiation , lira . Prescott then said that he was happv to inform the brethren that the five shares held by Bro . H . D . Cartwright , P . Prov . G . M . of Western India , and honourable member of this lodge , were presented to the lodge bhim . Proposed bBro . Alfred Kingand seconded by Bro .
y y , Donaldson , that a Tetter be sent to Bro . II . D . Cartwright , conveying to him the hearty thanks of the lodge . Bro . Prescott then said that Bro . Rustomjee Cursetjee Shroff had signified his intention to purchase and present two shares to the lodge . There being no other work before the lodge , it was closed in peace at half-past eight p . m . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , to which they did ample justice . The cloth having been
removed , Bro . Donaldson , the Senior Warden , said that owing to indisposition the Worshipful Master was absent , and as Bro . King had to leave owing to press of work , he would ask the brethren to drink the first toast of obligation , "The Queen and the Craft . " ( National Anthem was sung , the brethren all standing . ) The next toast was then proposed for the " Three Grand Masters of EnglandIrelandand Scotland" aud then " The Health of the
, , , Two Provincial Grand Masters " was proposed , and drank with Masonic honours . Bro . Donaldson then said he would ask tho brethren to fill bumpers and drink to the health of Bro . Dr . Diver , the Worshipful Master of Lodge Concord . A preface to such a toast was not necessary , as he knew Bro . Diver was highly respected in the Craft , and in this lodge particularly . The toast was received with applauseand drunk with great
, enthusiasm , -with tbe chorus " He ' s a jolly good fellow . " The next toast was "The Health of the Newly Initiated , " wishing them every prosperity , and hoping they w-ould continue in search of that light which was unveiled to them that night . Bro . Gulliver returned thanks in a short and appropriate speech .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . II . T . Binks ^ „ J . Key „ F . D . Parker „ D . T . Roper _ -, ,, ... , „ F . Macwilliam | -Prov . G . stewards . „ R . Newton „ H . Prescott
„ G . Judd J „ W . G . King ' .. .. „ G . Tyler . LODGE COXCOBD ( No . 757 E . G . )—An emergent meeting of this excellent lodge was held on the 1 st of April . Present : — Bros . Dr . T . Diver , W . M . ; H . Wiekham , Hon . P . M . ; A . King , P . M . and Treas ., ns S . W . ; G . Judd , J . W . ; H . Prescott , Sec . ; H . Avron , S . D . ; C . Burdon , as J . D . ; J . Kivett , as I . G . ; J . W . SengerTler . Members : —BrosD \ PTHarrisA
, y . . oung , . . , . Baillie , H . B . Salisbury , H . Gabler , J . Scott , H . McCormack , D . Johnson , W . Whittaker , J . Jones , W . G . King , F . Noormahomed , W . R . Mitchell , R . Whitehelo , C . White , J . Forbes , J . Smale , P . C . Higgins , Rustomjee Cursetjee Shroff , P . E . Rainford , J . Phillips , J . Pallas , and T . Ford . Visitors .- —Bros . J . H . Irvine , J . Reynell , T . Complice , and W . Stephens . The lodge was then opened in the first degreeand BrosRainford
, . , Pallas , and Rustomjee Cursetjee Shroff were called up and examined , and , having satisfactorily acquitted themselves , thoy were passed out for preparation , previous to which all E . A . ' s were requested to retire . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bros . Rainford , Pallas , and . Rustomjee Cursetjee Shroff were readmitted and passed out as Fellow Craftsmen in due form . Bros . SalisburyMcCormackBaillieand Scott
, , , , candidates for the third degree , wore then called and examined as Fellow Craftsmen , and having satisfactorily acquitted themselves , were asked to retire for preparation , before which all Fellow Craftsmen were requested to retire . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bros . Salisbury , McCormack , Baillie , and Scott were introduced , properly prepared , and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in ancient and solemn form .
There being no other work before the lodge , it was closed in peace and harmony at half-past seven , when the brethren adjourned to a substantial banquet . The cloth having been removed , the W . Master proposed the constitutional toasts of "The Queen and tho Craft ; " "The Three Grand Masters of England , Scotland , and Ireland ; " "The Provincial Grand Masters under England and Scotland , Bros . Taylor and Barton ;" all of which were drunk with good English fire . Tho W . M .
then said he was about to propose a toast , which he was glad to do , and that was the health of those brethren who were raised that night ; he had no doubt bnt they would be bright ornaments in Masonry . He would ask the brethren to give the newly raised the Masonic honours . Bros . Baillie , McCormack , and Scott returned thanks to the W . M . and brethren in very appropriate terms . Bro . H . Wiekham , P . M ., then vose aud said he hoped the brethren would pardon his unavoidable absence
from the lodge for the past two months . Business kept him away . He hoped to be more regular . He would now propose the health of one who was well known to the lodge , and to the Craft generally , and one who has won the affection and esteem of those who know him . Bro . Wiekham was an old Mason ; he had seen many lodges worked , he himself was a Past Master of twobut he would ive credit to Bro . Dr . Driverwho was the
, g , Worshipful Master of this lodge ; indeed , fow have worked a lodgo witli such accui-ateness and a true spirifc of Masonic lovo as the brother alhulejl to , and this fact was known to all . Bro . Wiekham was an old member of Lodge Concord , and he must confess that never did that lodge so flourish as since Bro . Diver had become the head . Concord now , without disparagement , stands second to none . He would therefore " The Health
propose of Bro . Diver , " wishing him and the members of his lodge health , wealth , and prosperity . Tho toast was drank with enthusiasm , with the Masonic chorus " He's a jolly good fellow . " Bro . Diver then rose and said that he . was really very thankful to Bro . Wiekham for having so highly honoured him . He considered it indeed a great honour to receive' praise from such an old and worthy Mason as Bro . Wiekham . He would once
more thank him , and the brethren of the lodge , for he would say that it was the happiest day of his life to be in Concord rooms ; he loved every brother , and he had no doubt the feeling ¦ was reciprocal . As to the work , he had done his duty , and hoped ever to do so ; but in that duty he was most ably assisted by his officers , for they were regular and punctual . He thanked the brethren for the kindness evinced towards him , and for their kind forbearance for his many shortcomings . He would ,
so long as he was the Master , give his best interest and wishes for the prosperity of Lodgo Concord , and the brethren belonging to it . He did not agree with a report that a large lodge is an unwieldy one ; this moating , and all the meetings , will bear out this statement . He was also glad to see brethren coming up and presenting shares to the lodge , thus clearing the lodge of an old debt . " The Health of the Visiting Brethren" was then proposedBroReynell returned thanks . Several brethren
. . added to the hilarity of the evening with humorous songs , and the brethren partedat 10 p . m ., in that love and harmony so well known and practised in Lodge Concord . A regular meeting of Lodge Concord was held at the Freemasons' Hall , near Baboola Tank , on the 15 th April . Present—Bros . A . King , P . M ., as W . M . ; R . Donaldson , S . W . ; G . Judd , J . W . ; H . PrescottSec . F . Blakeas Treas . ; H . AvronS . D . ; C .
, ; , , Burden , as J . D . ; J . Dwver , as I . G . ; J . Seager , Tyler . Members—Bros . J . Weddie , W . Whittaker , W . G . Rogers , J . Jones , J . Poyntz , W . H . Good , H . Gabler , G . W . Burnell , J . Phillips , A . Baillie , H . G . A . Claudius , Geo . Marley , W . R . Mitchell , David Williamson , D . Johnson , J . Smale , Rustomjee Cursetjee Shroff , Thomas Ford , J . Pallas , G . W . Jackson , J . Duffy , J . Forbes , T . Mills , J . Powell , C . White , T . Falke , G . Engell , and
D . Young . Visitors—Bros . R . D . Anderson , T . Mullen , J . Teasdale , and W . Teasdale . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the minutes of the last regular and emergent meetings were read and confirmed . The officiating Worshipful Master said he was sorry to hear of tho indisposition of Bro . Diver , hence his absence , and wished he would receive great benefit from tho short change for which he had left The
_ undermentioned brethren were then balloted for as joining members , and the result was announced as clear : Bros . Stephens and H . Freeman . The undermentioned gentlemen were balloted for as candidates for initiation , and the result -was announced as clear -. Messrs . Charles Goslin , W . D . Colliver , W . T . Lewis , R . Farrow , and George Walker . Messrs Henry Dwyer , W . D . Colliver , and W . T . Lewis , being in
attendance , were introduced , properly prepared , and admitted to the secrets and privileges of our Order . Bros . W . Burnell , J . AVeddle , W . H . Good , H . Gabler , and Rev . D . Williamson were called up hefore the pedestal and examined as E . A . 's , and
having satisfactorily acquitted themselves , were passed out for preparation , previous to which all E . A . ' s were directed to retire . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bros . Burnell , Weddie , Good , Williamson , and Gable , were readmitted and passed out as Fellow Craftsmen . The lodgewas then lowered to the first degree . The officiating Worshipful Master said ho would propose that a lodge of emergency be held to raise Bro . Claudiuswho was about to leave Bombay ; the
, day aud the hour he would leave to the Worshipful Master of Lodge Concord to fix . Two gentlemen were then proposed as candidates for initiation , lira . Prescott then said that he was happv to inform the brethren that the five shares held by Bro . H . D . Cartwright , P . Prov . G . M . of Western India , and honourable member of this lodge , were presented to the lodge bhim . Proposed bBro . Alfred Kingand seconded by Bro .
y y , Donaldson , that a Tetter be sent to Bro . II . D . Cartwright , conveying to him the hearty thanks of the lodge . Bro . Prescott then said that Bro . Rustomjee Cursetjee Shroff had signified his intention to purchase and present two shares to the lodge . There being no other work before the lodge , it was closed in peace at half-past eight p . m . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , to which they did ample justice . The cloth having been
removed , Bro . Donaldson , the Senior Warden , said that owing to indisposition the Worshipful Master was absent , and as Bro . King had to leave owing to press of work , he would ask the brethren to drink the first toast of obligation , "The Queen and the Craft . " ( National Anthem was sung , the brethren all standing . ) The next toast was then proposed for the " Three Grand Masters of EnglandIrelandand Scotland" aud then " The Health of the
, , , Two Provincial Grand Masters " was proposed , and drank with Masonic honours . Bro . Donaldson then said he would ask tho brethren to fill bumpers and drink to the health of Bro . Dr . Diver , the Worshipful Master of Lodge Concord . A preface to such a toast was not necessary , as he knew Bro . Diver was highly respected in the Craft , and in this lodge particularly . The toast was received with applauseand drunk with great
, enthusiasm , -with tbe chorus " He ' s a jolly good fellow . " The next toast was "The Health of the Newly Initiated , " wishing them every prosperity , and hoping they w-ould continue in search of that light which was unveiled to them that night . Bro . Gulliver returned thanks in a short and appropriate speech .