Article ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND FREEMASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article JEWS AND FREEMASONRY ABROAD. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEM. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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Abraham Lincoln And Freemasonry.
maimer the fact as to whether he was a Freemason or not , we remarked , ' Mr . Lincoln , I came up the road last night with au old Masonic friend , Judge Douglas , Last Friday I came down to Louisville with another old Masonic friend , Mr . Breckenridge ; and a few weeks ago one of my agents met in the Grand Lodge
of Tennessee Mr . John Bell . So you see all three of your opponents for the Presidential Chair are Freemasons . ' Mi-. Lincoln replied , ' I am not a Freemason , Dr . Morris , though I have a great respect for the Institution . ' Seeing so many Masonic bodies labouring under the supposition since his death he was
a Freemason , we have thought it best to put these facts upon record . We have often stated the same thing in our lectures , as the brethren will testify . "
Jews And Freemasonry Abroad.
20 THE EDITOK OP THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIItnOR . DEAII SIB . AND BROTHER , —Several years ago I was introduced to a social meeting of the brethren of the lodge at Creuznach ( Rhenish Prussia ) , AA'here I greatly enjoyed myself . But as every sweet has its attendant bitter , my jileasure ivas greatly marred when
I learnt that equality of membership was not allowed . The Jew was excluded from office , and not even permitted to be present during tiie performance of the higher ceremonies . I expressed my feelings very freely , and could not hel p drawing a contrast between the
truly liberal action of aristocratic England , where they had just admitted the Jew into the House of Commons , and professedly liberal , but absolutely despotic Prussia , where the Jew was excluded from tho
deeper mysteries of Freemasonry . A few months later 1113 ' Jew friend produced a poem , of which he ssnt me a copy , and Avhich , to gratify the desire of a few friends , I translated freely . The circumstances had passed from my memory until this morning , Avhen , searching for a very different document , I found the
poem referred to . On a reperusal I think so well of it , and feel it to be so creditable to the genius of my friend , Ilcinrich Scheyer , that I send it for publication iu the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , believing that it will be acceptable to a large number of our fraternity . I remain , dear Sir and Brother ,
Yours fraternally , Blackheath , Aug . 1 , 1 SG 5 . F . BENNOCH . [ The poem referred to will he found under the head of Poetry . —ED . ]
WEALTH , like beauty , is generally disparaged and eagerly sought , while poverty is highly praised and carefully avoided by all . It is like a case which often happens in society—eulogizing the people whom he would not associate with , and sneering at others whom ive don't care to " cut . " COXVESATIOX is a very serious matter . There are men with whom an hour ' s talk would weaken one more than a day ' s fasting .
The Masonic Mirror.
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS IN AEREAES . Subscribers who are in arrears will oblige by remitting at once to the office , No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . [ Post Office Orders to be made payable to Bro . William Smith , C . E . ] \* All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mem.
ROTAL MASOTC ISSTIIOTIOS - TOR BOYS . —AVe are informed that fourteen vacancies have been declared to be filled up at the election in October next . The number of candidates approved by the General Committee held on Saturday last is twenty-nine .
BEADOS' LODGE ( NO . 619 ) . —The audit committee , appointed by the members of this lodge at its meeting on the 19 th ult ., niet on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ., at Bro . A . Avery ' s , the Wool pack , Bennondsey-sti-eet . The accounts and balance-sheet having been strictly scrutinised were passed and signed . The lodge was found to be in a highly satisfactory position , both as regarded the number of its members and the amount of its funds . It was shownhy comparison with all former years since
, the consecration , that the Beadon Lodge was never so prosperous as it is now , and it was acknowledged that that prosperity was principally due to the present Treasurer . An order was given for the replacement of the officers' collars hy new ones , and it was also resolved that the musical brother ' s place should be filled up . A capital supper , with admirable wines , was afterwards sewed , to which a . dozen brethren sat down .
CHESHIRE . PBOVIXCIAL GEAND LODOE . On Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., the Provincial Grand Lodge assembled at Knutsford , when the Right Hon . Lord de Tahley was installed Provincial Grand Master by Bro . the Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , R . W . D . G . M ., who attended in consequence of the absence of the G . M . who Was prevented from being
, present by a severe domestic affliction . The assembly was unusually large , there being present six ProvincialGrand Masters , besides some 400 other members of the Craft . At eleven o ' clock the hour appointed , the Grand Lodge was opened in due form hy the Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , after solemn prayer by Bro . the Rov . H . G . Vernon ( Liverpool ) , Prov . G . Chap The Eiht Hon . Lord de Tahley was then introduced by seven
g P . M . ' s , and duly installed , the patent of appointment by the Right Hon . tho Earl of Zetland having been read by Bro . E . H . Griffiths , Prov . G . Sec . His lordship having been enthroned , was greeted in the manner usual among Masons . Both noble lords alluded in eloquent and feeling- terms to the great loss the country , as well as the Craft , had sustained by the death of Lord Combermere , the late Prov . G . M ., a nobleman notless
distinguished for his great services as a soldier than for his social qualities as a friend and citizen . The usual business of the province was then transacted , the minutes confirmed , and the accounts of the Grand Treasurer passed . It was unanimously agreed to present a memorial of condolence to Earl Zetland on the severe loss his lordship had suffered in his family . The following Provincial Grand Officers were appointed : —Bros , the Right Hon . A iscount CombermereD . Prov . G . M . ; George
, Cornwall Legh , M . P ., Prov . S . G . W , ; the Right Hon . Lord Richard Grosvenor , M . P ., J . G . W . ; W . Butler , Prov . S . G . D . ; the Rev . T . Terry , Prov . G . Chap . ; E . H . Griffiths , Prov . G . See . ; Hignett , Prov . J . G . D . ; Brattan , Prov . G . S . ; Latham , Prov . G . Reg . ; Capt . Mawdesley , Prov . G . S . B ., & c . The brethren then proceeded to the parish church , appearing
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Abraham Lincoln And Freemasonry.
maimer the fact as to whether he was a Freemason or not , we remarked , ' Mr . Lincoln , I came up the road last night with au old Masonic friend , Judge Douglas , Last Friday I came down to Louisville with another old Masonic friend , Mr . Breckenridge ; and a few weeks ago one of my agents met in the Grand Lodge
of Tennessee Mr . John Bell . So you see all three of your opponents for the Presidential Chair are Freemasons . ' Mi-. Lincoln replied , ' I am not a Freemason , Dr . Morris , though I have a great respect for the Institution . ' Seeing so many Masonic bodies labouring under the supposition since his death he was
a Freemason , we have thought it best to put these facts upon record . We have often stated the same thing in our lectures , as the brethren will testify . "
Jews And Freemasonry Abroad.
20 THE EDITOK OP THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIItnOR . DEAII SIB . AND BROTHER , —Several years ago I was introduced to a social meeting of the brethren of the lodge at Creuznach ( Rhenish Prussia ) , AA'here I greatly enjoyed myself . But as every sweet has its attendant bitter , my jileasure ivas greatly marred when
I learnt that equality of membership was not allowed . The Jew was excluded from office , and not even permitted to be present during tiie performance of the higher ceremonies . I expressed my feelings very freely , and could not hel p drawing a contrast between the
truly liberal action of aristocratic England , where they had just admitted the Jew into the House of Commons , and professedly liberal , but absolutely despotic Prussia , where the Jew was excluded from tho
deeper mysteries of Freemasonry . A few months later 1113 ' Jew friend produced a poem , of which he ssnt me a copy , and Avhich , to gratify the desire of a few friends , I translated freely . The circumstances had passed from my memory until this morning , Avhen , searching for a very different document , I found the
poem referred to . On a reperusal I think so well of it , and feel it to be so creditable to the genius of my friend , Ilcinrich Scheyer , that I send it for publication iu the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , believing that it will be acceptable to a large number of our fraternity . I remain , dear Sir and Brother ,
Yours fraternally , Blackheath , Aug . 1 , 1 SG 5 . F . BENNOCH . [ The poem referred to will he found under the head of Poetry . —ED . ]
WEALTH , like beauty , is generally disparaged and eagerly sought , while poverty is highly praised and carefully avoided by all . It is like a case which often happens in society—eulogizing the people whom he would not associate with , and sneering at others whom ive don't care to " cut . " COXVESATIOX is a very serious matter . There are men with whom an hour ' s talk would weaken one more than a day ' s fasting .
The Masonic Mirror.
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS IN AEREAES . Subscribers who are in arrears will oblige by remitting at once to the office , No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . [ Post Office Orders to be made payable to Bro . William Smith , C . E . ] \* All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mem.
ROTAL MASOTC ISSTIIOTIOS - TOR BOYS . —AVe are informed that fourteen vacancies have been declared to be filled up at the election in October next . The number of candidates approved by the General Committee held on Saturday last is twenty-nine .
BEADOS' LODGE ( NO . 619 ) . —The audit committee , appointed by the members of this lodge at its meeting on the 19 th ult ., niet on Wednesday , the 2 nd inst ., at Bro . A . Avery ' s , the Wool pack , Bennondsey-sti-eet . The accounts and balance-sheet having been strictly scrutinised were passed and signed . The lodge was found to be in a highly satisfactory position , both as regarded the number of its members and the amount of its funds . It was shownhy comparison with all former years since
, the consecration , that the Beadon Lodge was never so prosperous as it is now , and it was acknowledged that that prosperity was principally due to the present Treasurer . An order was given for the replacement of the officers' collars hy new ones , and it was also resolved that the musical brother ' s place should be filled up . A capital supper , with admirable wines , was afterwards sewed , to which a . dozen brethren sat down .
CHESHIRE . PBOVIXCIAL GEAND LODOE . On Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., the Provincial Grand Lodge assembled at Knutsford , when the Right Hon . Lord de Tahley was installed Provincial Grand Master by Bro . the Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , R . W . D . G . M ., who attended in consequence of the absence of the G . M . who Was prevented from being
, present by a severe domestic affliction . The assembly was unusually large , there being present six ProvincialGrand Masters , besides some 400 other members of the Craft . At eleven o ' clock the hour appointed , the Grand Lodge was opened in due form hy the Right Hon . Earl de Grey and Ripon , after solemn prayer by Bro . the Rov . H . G . Vernon ( Liverpool ) , Prov . G . Chap The Eiht Hon . Lord de Tahley was then introduced by seven
g P . M . ' s , and duly installed , the patent of appointment by the Right Hon . tho Earl of Zetland having been read by Bro . E . H . Griffiths , Prov . G . Sec . His lordship having been enthroned , was greeted in the manner usual among Masons . Both noble lords alluded in eloquent and feeling- terms to the great loss the country , as well as the Craft , had sustained by the death of Lord Combermere , the late Prov . G . M ., a nobleman notless
distinguished for his great services as a soldier than for his social qualities as a friend and citizen . The usual business of the province was then transacted , the minutes confirmed , and the accounts of the Grand Treasurer passed . It was unanimously agreed to present a memorial of condolence to Earl Zetland on the severe loss his lordship had suffered in his family . The following Provincial Grand Officers were appointed : —Bros , the Right Hon . A iscount CombermereD . Prov . G . M . ; George
, Cornwall Legh , M . P ., Prov . S . G . W , ; the Right Hon . Lord Richard Grosvenor , M . P ., J . G . W . ; W . Butler , Prov . S . G . D . ; the Rev . T . Terry , Prov . G . Chap . ; E . H . Griffiths , Prov . G . See . ; Hignett , Prov . J . G . D . ; Brattan , Prov . G . S . ; Latham , Prov . G . Reg . ; Capt . Mawdesley , Prov . G . S . B ., & c . The brethren then proceeded to the parish church , appearing