Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 3 of 3 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
conscientiously to perform his duties to his mother lodge or encampment , as the ease may be , will find his energies will be completely occupied . I would therefore suggest that in the forthcoming statutes a law should be inserted that no Knight already a subscribing member of an encampment or priory shall become
a joining member of another , until he shall , with the consent of his commanding officer , the E . C . or the V . P . have severed all connection with his original encampment , and be formally transferred to the one he wishes to join . This process will be similar to an officer exchanging from one regiment to another . — EQUES TEHPLI .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed hy Correspondents THE GIELS' SCHOOL ELECTION . -
TO TKE EDITOB 01 ? THE rHEEMASOKB' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIUROIl . Dear Sir and Brother , —On looking through my voting papers , with list of candidates attached , I was pleased to notice that , to fill eleven vacancies , there are , at the next election in April , only twenty-three candidates , so that an excellent chance of return
offers itself to the parents and friends of the poor children . I think , however , that every care should be taken in selection prior to giving away voting papers , or handing them in on the day of election . I had thought there was a rule laid down that
the children of brethren , less than two years a member of the Craft , were ineli gible , but presume I am mistaken . The father of No . 4 was a Mason of 21 months' standing only , and one hoy is at present ( one of four children ) in the Boys ' School ! Were the
candidates not more in number than the vacancies , I would not have directed attention to the case ; but , on close examination , I contend that other candidates
have stronger claims . Again , the membership of the fathers of Nos . 11 14 , 18 , and 23 extend only to , severally—3 f years , 2 years 11 months , 3 years 8 months , and 4 years 9 months . No . 11 , however , is an orphan : hut Ho . 1-is one of two children only , and the widow of Ho . 23
asks for support for hue children only . I feel that the line should be drawn , and the preference given to those fatherless children , whose fathers' province or lodges have been good subscribers to the School , or whose fathers have been life governors or subscribers ;
or otherwise , it may be , persons will be induced to join the Craft , influenced by mercenary motives . No . 7 , who is not fatherless , has a sister ivlio lias heen educated in this Institution , and a Irollier in tlio Boys ' School ! Surel y kindness here has alreadheen shoAvn .
y No . S ( one of three children only ) , also , has a brother in the Boys' School . My object in writing is not to advance the claims of any particular candidate , but to beg that the eub-
scribing brethren will more carefully study the claims of candidates . Years of membership , if fatherless , if with brothers , applicants for the first time for either school , large families , and the liberality of provinces and lodges should he studied . There are several sad cases on the listand I trust
, this friendly Masonic protest will not be without avail . Yours fraternally , A LIEE GOVERNOR OE AIL THE CHARITIES .
The election of Earl de Grey and Eipon to the position of Grand Master of Masons in England , which took place at Freemasons' Hall on 2 nd inst , is one of those events , which without being apparently in direct connection with the Services , are subjects of the greatest interest to a very large proportion of the individual members of those Services . When we consider
thelarge number of officers in the Army and the Navy belonging to the brotherhood of Freemasons , and thegreat importance attached by all zealous members of thefraternity to the advantage of having at its head a man of the highest principle , possessing also the minor qualities of talent , industry and zeal , we believe that the announcement of the election of Earl de Grey and Eipon ,
to succeed the Earl of Zetland , who for twenty-six years has presided over the Graft with such advantage to its interests and such credit to himself , will be received amongst our numerous readers in all branches of the services who belong to the ancient Graft , with the strongest feelings of approval and satisfaction . The assemblage of the members of the Grand Lodge on "Wednesday ,
the 2 nd inst ., at which this election took place , was ,, as may be supposed , more than ordinarily large , and it must be gratifying to the brethren in distant parts to learn that the proceedings on the Grand Master's election were unanimous aud enthusiastic . On accepting the Giand Mastership , Earl de Grey and Eipon assured the brethren , that during his tenure of office he would earnestly labour faithfully to discharge the duties that had been imposed upon him ; and we firmly believe that
no promise was ever more honestly made and with greater certainty of being conscientiously performed . The retiring Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , has throughout the whole of his career , whether in Freemasonry or before the world at large , afforded a bright example of what an English gentleman and Mason should strive to be . It is , therefore , not surprising that the
following motion , proposed personally by Lord de Grey and Hipon , should have been unanimously passed by the Grand Lodge , as a mark of the high opinion entertained by the Craft generally regarding the late Grand Master . The following are the terms of the motion .- — " That this Grand Lodge desires to record its sense of the eminent services which have been rendered to Masonry by
the-Most Worshipful the Earl of Zetland in the course of the twenty-six years during which he has presided over the Craft , and to convey to his lordship the expression of the heartfelt regret of the members of this Grand Lodge at the termination of the intimate connection which has existed for so long a period between him and them , and of their hope that they may still be pi-emitted to enjoy
( or many years the great benefit of his presence among them , and of his counsel and advice , and to assure him that the manner in which he has always discharged the important duties of his great office has won for him the lasting respect and affection of this Grand Lodge . " We heartily trust that our late Secretary of State ' for War may long continue to preside over the more peaceful and brotherly community to whose highest honours he has just been appointed . — Broad Arrow .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
conscientiously to perform his duties to his mother lodge or encampment , as the ease may be , will find his energies will be completely occupied . I would therefore suggest that in the forthcoming statutes a law should be inserted that no Knight already a subscribing member of an encampment or priory shall become
a joining member of another , until he shall , with the consent of his commanding officer , the E . C . or the V . P . have severed all connection with his original encampment , and be formally transferred to the one he wishes to join . This process will be similar to an officer exchanging from one regiment to another . — EQUES TEHPLI .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed hy Correspondents THE GIELS' SCHOOL ELECTION . -
TO TKE EDITOB 01 ? THE rHEEMASOKB' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIUROIl . Dear Sir and Brother , —On looking through my voting papers , with list of candidates attached , I was pleased to notice that , to fill eleven vacancies , there are , at the next election in April , only twenty-three candidates , so that an excellent chance of return
offers itself to the parents and friends of the poor children . I think , however , that every care should be taken in selection prior to giving away voting papers , or handing them in on the day of election . I had thought there was a rule laid down that
the children of brethren , less than two years a member of the Craft , were ineli gible , but presume I am mistaken . The father of No . 4 was a Mason of 21 months' standing only , and one hoy is at present ( one of four children ) in the Boys ' School ! Were the
candidates not more in number than the vacancies , I would not have directed attention to the case ; but , on close examination , I contend that other candidates
have stronger claims . Again , the membership of the fathers of Nos . 11 14 , 18 , and 23 extend only to , severally—3 f years , 2 years 11 months , 3 years 8 months , and 4 years 9 months . No . 11 , however , is an orphan : hut Ho . 1-is one of two children only , and the widow of Ho . 23
asks for support for hue children only . I feel that the line should be drawn , and the preference given to those fatherless children , whose fathers' province or lodges have been good subscribers to the School , or whose fathers have been life governors or subscribers ;
or otherwise , it may be , persons will be induced to join the Craft , influenced by mercenary motives . No . 7 , who is not fatherless , has a sister ivlio lias heen educated in this Institution , and a Irollier in tlio Boys ' School ! Surel y kindness here has alreadheen shoAvn .
y No . S ( one of three children only ) , also , has a brother in the Boys' School . My object in writing is not to advance the claims of any particular candidate , but to beg that the eub-
scribing brethren will more carefully study the claims of candidates . Years of membership , if fatherless , if with brothers , applicants for the first time for either school , large families , and the liberality of provinces and lodges should he studied . There are several sad cases on the listand I trust
, this friendly Masonic protest will not be without avail . Yours fraternally , A LIEE GOVERNOR OE AIL THE CHARITIES .
The election of Earl de Grey and Eipon to the position of Grand Master of Masons in England , which took place at Freemasons' Hall on 2 nd inst , is one of those events , which without being apparently in direct connection with the Services , are subjects of the greatest interest to a very large proportion of the individual members of those Services . When we consider
thelarge number of officers in the Army and the Navy belonging to the brotherhood of Freemasons , and thegreat importance attached by all zealous members of thefraternity to the advantage of having at its head a man of the highest principle , possessing also the minor qualities of talent , industry and zeal , we believe that the announcement of the election of Earl de Grey and Eipon ,
to succeed the Earl of Zetland , who for twenty-six years has presided over the Graft with such advantage to its interests and such credit to himself , will be received amongst our numerous readers in all branches of the services who belong to the ancient Graft , with the strongest feelings of approval and satisfaction . The assemblage of the members of the Grand Lodge on "Wednesday ,
the 2 nd inst ., at which this election took place , was ,, as may be supposed , more than ordinarily large , and it must be gratifying to the brethren in distant parts to learn that the proceedings on the Grand Master's election were unanimous aud enthusiastic . On accepting the Giand Mastership , Earl de Grey and Eipon assured the brethren , that during his tenure of office he would earnestly labour faithfully to discharge the duties that had been imposed upon him ; and we firmly believe that
no promise was ever more honestly made and with greater certainty of being conscientiously performed . The retiring Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , has throughout the whole of his career , whether in Freemasonry or before the world at large , afforded a bright example of what an English gentleman and Mason should strive to be . It is , therefore , not surprising that the
following motion , proposed personally by Lord de Grey and Hipon , should have been unanimously passed by the Grand Lodge , as a mark of the high opinion entertained by the Craft generally regarding the late Grand Master . The following are the terms of the motion .- — " That this Grand Lodge desires to record its sense of the eminent services which have been rendered to Masonry by
the-Most Worshipful the Earl of Zetland in the course of the twenty-six years during which he has presided over the Craft , and to convey to his lordship the expression of the heartfelt regret of the members of this Grand Lodge at the termination of the intimate connection which has existed for so long a period between him and them , and of their hope that they may still be pi-emitted to enjoy
( or many years the great benefit of his presence among them , and of his counsel and advice , and to assure him that the manner in which he has always discharged the important duties of his great office has won for him the lasting respect and affection of this Grand Lodge . " We heartily trust that our late Secretary of State ' for War may long continue to preside over the more peaceful and brotherly community to whose highest honours he has just been appointed . — Broad Arrow .