Article Obituary. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1 Article LIST OF LODGE, MEETINGS, &c., FOR WEEK ENDING 19TH MARCH, 1870. Page 1 of 1 Article LIST OF LODGE, MEETINGS, &c., FOR WEEK ENDING 19TH MARCH, 1870. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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" Whereas , Knightly intercourse and counsel with our deceased brother has thus been severed , by his being summoned from labour here below to rest above , where welcome awaits the good and true servant of the Great Architect , Resolved , —That in the death of our late Most AVorshipful Bro . Alexander BallochMasonry has been called
, upon to mourn a worthy and enlightened brother , whose memory we all hold in remembrance . "Resolved , — -That this Encampment and Priory of Knights Templar extends its sympathy to the family of the deceased brother , and while they thus mourn over one who has been their partner and protector , they extend to them the consolation that the husband and father has
but exchanged the troubles of an anxious life for the eternal rest of heaven . "Resolved , —That as a testimonial to his memory , this Encampment be draped in mourning sixty days . " Resolved , —That these resolutions be placed upon the records , and a copy be presented to tho family of the deceased brother .
"D . E . M-CXKO , " A , "R . MARSHALL , | " 0 . U . HAXFOUD , r , . . ,, " 0 . E . POTTBK , Kommittee . ' " GEO . WILSOX , "T . A . D . FOHSTEK J
Scientific Meetings For The Week.
Monday , March 1-1-th . —Aledical Society , at 8 ; Society of Arts , at 8 . Tuesday , March loth . —Royal Institution , at 3 ; Anthropological Society , at 8 ; Statistical Society , at S ; Pathological Society , at 8 ; Institution of Civil Engineers , at 8 . Wednesday , March lGth . —Society of Arts , at S ; Eoyal Horticultural Society , at 1 . 30 ; Meteorological Society , n ' t 7 . Thursday , March 17 th . —Royal Institution , at 3 ; Royal Society , at 8 . 30 ; Linnean Society , at 8 ; Chemical Society , at 8 ; Numismatic Society , at 7 ; Zoological Society , at i ; Antiquaries Society , at 8 . 30 . .
List Of Lodge, Meetings, &C., For Week Ending 19th March, 1870.
( Abbreviations . —F . AI . II ., Freemasons' Hall ; ALII ., Masonic Hall ; ALT ., Alasonic Temple ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; Ro Rooms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sq ., Square ) . METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS . ' Monday , March 14 th . LODGES . —St . George ;* and Corner Stone , F . AI . H . ; St . Alban's , Albion Tav . Aldersgate-st . Royal NavalFAIHConfidence
, ; , ... ; Anderton ' s Ho ., Fieet-st . ; St . Andrew ' s , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-st . ; Peckham , Jfaismore Arms Tav ., Park-rd ., Peckham . CHAPTER . —Mount Sion , Radley's Ho ., Bridgest ., Blackfriars ; Industry , F . Af . II . Tuesday , March , IWi . Board of Gen . Purposes , at 3 LODGES . —Alount Lebanon , Bridge House Ho . SouthwarkEastern StarShiand Turtle
, ; , p , Leadenhall-st . ; Cadogan , F . AI . H . ; St . Paul ' s . City Terminus Ho ., Cannon-st . ; Salisbury , 71 , Dean-st ., Soho ; Camden , Lamb Ho ., York and Albany , Gloucester-gate , Regcnt's-park ; St . Mark ' s , Horns Tav ., Kennington . CHAPTERS —Alount Sinai , Anderton ' s Ho ., Fleet-st . ; St . John ' s , Radley ' s Ho ., j Bridge-st ., Blackfriars . j Wednesday , March IGlh .
LODGES . —Grand Stewards , 'F . AI . H . ; United Mariners' , George Ho ., Aldermanbury ; St . George ' s , Trafalgar Ho ., Greenwich ; Sincerity , Guildhall Tav ., Grcshain-st . ; Oak , F . AI . II . ; Kelson , AI . H ., AVilliam-st ., AVoolwich ; Ala . yhurv , F .. AI . 1 L ; Alarquis of Dalhousie , F . AI . H . CHAPTER . —Westminster and Keystone , F . AI . H . Thursday , March ' . 17 th .
LODGES . — Globe , F . AI . H . ; Gibon , Guildhall Coffee-house , Gresham-st . ; Constitutional , City Terminus Ho ., Canuon-st . ; St . Alnry ' s , F . AI . H . ; Temperance , AVhite Swan , High-street , Deptlord ; Manchester , Anderton's Ho ., Fleet-st . ; South Norwood , South Norwood Hall , South Norwood ; Burdett Coutts , Approach Tav ., Approach-ril ., Victoria-park .
List Of Lodge, Meetings, &C., For Week Ending 19th March, 1870.
Friday , March 18 th . LODGES . —Friendship , Willis ' s Rooms , King-st ., St . James's ; Middlesex , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . ; Jerusalem , F . AI . H . ; Jordan , F . AI . H . ; New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton . CHAPTER . —Caveac , Radley ' s Ho ., Bridge-st . Blaek _ .-in . rs .
Satnrday . March 19 th . LODGES . —Panmure , George Ho ., Aldermanbury ; Lewis , Nightingale Tav ., Wood-green . METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS OF INSTRUCTION . Monday , March Uth . Temple , Old George , St . Alary Axe , E . C . ; Justice , Royal Albert ,
New Cross-id , Deptford ; Old Concord , Turk ' s Head , Montcombe-st ., Belgrave-sq . ; Sincerity , Railway Tav ., London-st . ; St . James ' s Union , Swan Tavern , Alount-st ., Grosvenor-sq . ; Industry , Dick's Coffee House , Fleet-st . ; Crystal Palace , City Arms Tav ., West-sq ., Southwark ; AVestbourne , the Grapes , Duke-st ., Alaiicliester-sq . ; High Cross , AVhite Hart Ho ., Tottenham ; Tower Hamlets Engineers , Duke of Clarence , Coinmc-rci-. il-rd ., East ; Eastern Star , Royal Ho ., Burdctt-rd ., Alileend-rd . ; Camden , Adelaide Tav . , Haver-stock Hill ; British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tav ., Alilc End .
Tuesday , March loth . Faith , Fisher ' s Restaurant , Aletrop . Dist . Rail ., A'ictoria Station ; Domatic , Pahnerston Anns , Grosvenor-park , Camberwell ; Jordan , Alwyne Castle , Canonbury ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Prince Frederick William , Knights of St . John's Tav ., St . John's-wood ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney ; Royal Albert , AAliite Hart , Abchurchlane ; City of LondonShepherd and Flock Tav . Bell-alley .
, , Aloorgnte-street ; New Wandsworth , Freemasons' Ho ., New AA andsworth ; Rose of Denmark , George Ho ., Aldermanbury ; Alount Sion , AVhite Hart , Bishopsgate-st . ; Royal Union ,. Duborg- ' s Ho ., Haymarket . ¦ CHAPTER . — Robert Burns , Sussex Stores , Upper St . Alartin ' s-lane .
Wednesday , March 16 th . Confidence , Railway Tav ., London-street ; United Strength . Bull and Gate , Kentish Town ; New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . Mark ' s , Alawby Arms , Mawby-st ., S . Lam ; , both ; Peckham , Alaismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham Rye-Pythagorean , Piv . lce of Orange Hotel , Greenwich ; Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catherine-st ., Poplar ; Prosperity , Gladstone Tav ., Bishopsgate-street . CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION . —St . James ' s Union , Swan Tav ., Alount-st ., Grosvenor-sq .
Thursday , March 17 th . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . ; Kent , Duke of York , Borough-rd ., Southwark ; United Mariners , Three Cranes , Mile-cnd-rd . ; A itruviiin , White Hart , College-st ., Lambeth ; St . George's , Globe Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , John-st ., Berkeley-square ; Tranquillity , SugarLoiif'Tav ., Great St . Helen ' s , E . G . ; Whittington .. Thatched House Tav . 9 Red Lion-st . Royal OakEoyal Oak
, , ; , Tavern , Deptford . CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION ' . —Joppa , Prospect of AVhitby Tav ., 57 , AAdipping-wall . Friday , March 18 tli , Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . ; St . Luke ' s , Pier Ho ., Cheyne-walk , Chelsea ; Temperance , Victoria Tav ., A ictoria-rd ., Deptford ; Stability , Guildhall Tav ., 33 , Gresliam st . ; Unions ( Emulation Lodge of Improvement for Af . AI . ) ,
Freemasons' Hall ; United Pilgrims , Horus' Tavern , Kennington ; Wellington , Lord Duncan Tavern , Broadway , Deptford ; Florence Nightingale , Freemasons' Tav ., AVoolwieh ; Ranelagh , Windsor Castle Hotel , King-st ., Hammersmith : Belgrave , Duke of Wellington , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; St . James's , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Doric , Three Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Rose of Denmark , White Hart , Barnes , Surrey ; Victoria , George Ho ., Aiderinaiibury ; Hervey , George Ho ., AValham-green .
To Correspondents.
AVE shall be glad to receive from brethren any proceedings of Alasonic meetings , which shall be duly inserted . Communications should be forwarded so as to reach us on Wednesdays , if possible . AVe have to request our correspondents to be parcuhu- in writing names distinctly . SEVERAL communications stand over till our next .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
" Whereas , Knightly intercourse and counsel with our deceased brother has thus been severed , by his being summoned from labour here below to rest above , where welcome awaits the good and true servant of the Great Architect , Resolved , —That in the death of our late Most AVorshipful Bro . Alexander BallochMasonry has been called
, upon to mourn a worthy and enlightened brother , whose memory we all hold in remembrance . "Resolved , — -That this Encampment and Priory of Knights Templar extends its sympathy to the family of the deceased brother , and while they thus mourn over one who has been their partner and protector , they extend to them the consolation that the husband and father has
but exchanged the troubles of an anxious life for the eternal rest of heaven . "Resolved , —That as a testimonial to his memory , this Encampment be draped in mourning sixty days . " Resolved , —That these resolutions be placed upon the records , and a copy be presented to tho family of the deceased brother .
"D . E . M-CXKO , " A , "R . MARSHALL , | " 0 . U . HAXFOUD , r , . . ,, " 0 . E . POTTBK , Kommittee . ' " GEO . WILSOX , "T . A . D . FOHSTEK J
Scientific Meetings For The Week.
Monday , March 1-1-th . —Aledical Society , at 8 ; Society of Arts , at 8 . Tuesday , March loth . —Royal Institution , at 3 ; Anthropological Society , at 8 ; Statistical Society , at S ; Pathological Society , at 8 ; Institution of Civil Engineers , at 8 . Wednesday , March lGth . —Society of Arts , at S ; Eoyal Horticultural Society , at 1 . 30 ; Meteorological Society , n ' t 7 . Thursday , March 17 th . —Royal Institution , at 3 ; Royal Society , at 8 . 30 ; Linnean Society , at 8 ; Chemical Society , at 8 ; Numismatic Society , at 7 ; Zoological Society , at i ; Antiquaries Society , at 8 . 30 . .
List Of Lodge, Meetings, &C., For Week Ending 19th March, 1870.
( Abbreviations . —F . AI . II ., Freemasons' Hall ; ALII ., Masonic Hall ; ALT ., Alasonic Temple ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; Ro Rooms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sq ., Square ) . METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS . ' Monday , March 14 th . LODGES . —St . George ;* and Corner Stone , F . AI . H . ; St . Alban's , Albion Tav . Aldersgate-st . Royal NavalFAIHConfidence
, ; , ... ; Anderton ' s Ho ., Fieet-st . ; St . Andrew ' s , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-st . ; Peckham , Jfaismore Arms Tav ., Park-rd ., Peckham . CHAPTER . —Mount Sion , Radley's Ho ., Bridgest ., Blackfriars ; Industry , F . Af . II . Tuesday , March , IWi . Board of Gen . Purposes , at 3 LODGES . —Alount Lebanon , Bridge House Ho . SouthwarkEastern StarShiand Turtle
, ; , p , Leadenhall-st . ; Cadogan , F . AI . H . ; St . Paul ' s . City Terminus Ho ., Cannon-st . ; Salisbury , 71 , Dean-st ., Soho ; Camden , Lamb Ho ., York and Albany , Gloucester-gate , Regcnt's-park ; St . Mark ' s , Horns Tav ., Kennington . CHAPTERS —Alount Sinai , Anderton ' s Ho ., Fleet-st . ; St . John ' s , Radley ' s Ho ., j Bridge-st ., Blackfriars . j Wednesday , March IGlh .
LODGES . —Grand Stewards , 'F . AI . H . ; United Mariners' , George Ho ., Aldermanbury ; St . George ' s , Trafalgar Ho ., Greenwich ; Sincerity , Guildhall Tav ., Grcshain-st . ; Oak , F . AI . II . ; Kelson , AI . H ., AVilliam-st ., AVoolwich ; Ala . yhurv , F .. AI . 1 L ; Alarquis of Dalhousie , F . AI . H . CHAPTER . —Westminster and Keystone , F . AI . H . Thursday , March ' . 17 th .
LODGES . — Globe , F . AI . H . ; Gibon , Guildhall Coffee-house , Gresham-st . ; Constitutional , City Terminus Ho ., Canuon-st . ; St . Alnry ' s , F . AI . H . ; Temperance , AVhite Swan , High-street , Deptlord ; Manchester , Anderton's Ho ., Fleet-st . ; South Norwood , South Norwood Hall , South Norwood ; Burdett Coutts , Approach Tav ., Approach-ril ., Victoria-park .
List Of Lodge, Meetings, &C., For Week Ending 19th March, 1870.
Friday , March 18 th . LODGES . —Friendship , Willis ' s Rooms , King-st ., St . James's ; Middlesex , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . ; Jerusalem , F . AI . H . ; Jordan , F . AI . H . ; New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton . CHAPTER . —Caveac , Radley ' s Ho ., Bridge-st . Blaek _ .-in . rs .
Satnrday . March 19 th . LODGES . —Panmure , George Ho ., Aldermanbury ; Lewis , Nightingale Tav ., Wood-green . METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS OF INSTRUCTION . Monday , March Uth . Temple , Old George , St . Alary Axe , E . C . ; Justice , Royal Albert ,
New Cross-id , Deptford ; Old Concord , Turk ' s Head , Montcombe-st ., Belgrave-sq . ; Sincerity , Railway Tav ., London-st . ; St . James ' s Union , Swan Tavern , Alount-st ., Grosvenor-sq . ; Industry , Dick's Coffee House , Fleet-st . ; Crystal Palace , City Arms Tav ., West-sq ., Southwark ; AVestbourne , the Grapes , Duke-st ., Alaiicliester-sq . ; High Cross , AVhite Hart Ho ., Tottenham ; Tower Hamlets Engineers , Duke of Clarence , Coinmc-rci-. il-rd ., East ; Eastern Star , Royal Ho ., Burdctt-rd ., Alileend-rd . ; Camden , Adelaide Tav . , Haver-stock Hill ; British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tav ., Alilc End .
Tuesday , March loth . Faith , Fisher ' s Restaurant , Aletrop . Dist . Rail ., A'ictoria Station ; Domatic , Pahnerston Anns , Grosvenor-park , Camberwell ; Jordan , Alwyne Castle , Canonbury ; Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Prince Frederick William , Knights of St . John's Tav ., St . John's-wood ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney ; Royal Albert , AAliite Hart , Abchurchlane ; City of LondonShepherd and Flock Tav . Bell-alley .
, , Aloorgnte-street ; New Wandsworth , Freemasons' Ho ., New AA andsworth ; Rose of Denmark , George Ho ., Aldermanbury ; Alount Sion , AVhite Hart , Bishopsgate-st . ; Royal Union ,. Duborg- ' s Ho ., Haymarket . ¦ CHAPTER . — Robert Burns , Sussex Stores , Upper St . Alartin ' s-lane .
Wednesday , March 16 th . Confidence , Railway Tav ., London-street ; United Strength . Bull and Gate , Kentish Town ; New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . Mark ' s , Alawby Arms , Mawby-st ., S . Lam ; , both ; Peckham , Alaismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham Rye-Pythagorean , Piv . lce of Orange Hotel , Greenwich ; Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catherine-st ., Poplar ; Prosperity , Gladstone Tav ., Bishopsgate-street . CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION . —St . James ' s Union , Swan Tav ., Alount-st ., Grosvenor-sq .
Thursday , March 17 th . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq . ; Kent , Duke of York , Borough-rd ., Southwark ; United Mariners , Three Cranes , Mile-cnd-rd . ; A itruviiin , White Hart , College-st ., Lambeth ; St . George's , Globe Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , John-st ., Berkeley-square ; Tranquillity , SugarLoiif'Tav ., Great St . Helen ' s , E . G . ; Whittington .. Thatched House Tav . 9 Red Lion-st . Royal OakEoyal Oak
, , ; , Tavern , Deptford . CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION ' . —Joppa , Prospect of AVhitby Tav ., 57 , AAdipping-wall . Friday , March 18 tli , Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . ; St . Luke ' s , Pier Ho ., Cheyne-walk , Chelsea ; Temperance , Victoria Tav ., A ictoria-rd ., Deptford ; Stability , Guildhall Tav ., 33 , Gresliam st . ; Unions ( Emulation Lodge of Improvement for Af . AI . ) ,
Freemasons' Hall ; United Pilgrims , Horus' Tavern , Kennington ; Wellington , Lord Duncan Tavern , Broadway , Deptford ; Florence Nightingale , Freemasons' Tav ., AVoolwieh ; Ranelagh , Windsor Castle Hotel , King-st ., Hammersmith : Belgrave , Duke of Wellington , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; St . James's , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Doric , Three Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Rose of Denmark , White Hart , Barnes , Surrey ; Victoria , George Ho ., Aiderinaiibury ; Hervey , George Ho ., AValham-green .
To Correspondents.
AVE shall be glad to receive from brethren any proceedings of Alasonic meetings , which shall be duly inserted . Communications should be forwarded so as to reach us on Wednesdays , if possible . AVe have to request our correspondents to be parcuhu- in writing names distinctly . SEVERAL communications stand over till our next .