Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Festivities. Scotland.
A _ rauAi _ SOIREE AND ASSEMBLY OF THE LODGE UNION ( No . 250 ) DmsTTEiDii-iNEThe annual soiree and assembly of the brethren balonging to Lodge Union , ( No . 250 , ) Dunfermline , was held in the Music Hall on the evening of Thursday the 17 fch tilt . This was perhaps the most successfully assembly ever held in connection with Ereemasonry in
Dunfermline . Bro . Daniel Laraond , E . AV . M ., occupied the chair There was a large attendance of the brethren . The tables were masonically arranged , and round the sides of the hall were hung ensigns and emblems of the " brethren of the mystic tie . " Besides the members of deputations present , we noticed brethren belonging to Lodges in St . Andrews , Dundee , Auchtermuchty , Crieff ,
and Edinburgh . The deputation from the "Oswald of Dunnikier , No . 468 , " consisted of Senior Warden W Deas ; and Junior Warden J . Morgan , the Tyler E Brown ; Bros . Wellcob , M'Culloch , Thomson , and Graham , From the Lodge St . John ' s , 69 , Alloa , there appeared A . Ommundsen , S . AV . ; J . Macqueen , J . W . ; and Bro . Glen , P . M . Prom Lodge Cupar 19 , Cupar-Fife were Bailie J .
Hood , E . W . M . ; with acting Senior Warden Thomson , and acting Junior Warden Heron . From the Lodge St . John's 26 , Dunfermline , were Senior AVarden J . Barron ; Bros . Hariey , J . D . ; Locke , King , Dewar , Adamson , Robertson , Stenhouse , Drysdale , and Fyfe . Among the other strangers present we also observed Bros . Keith , o f St Andrews 25 , St Andrews ; Pirrie , Dundee
Operative 47 ; Jarvie of St Michael . Crieff , 38 ; Marshall , of Eobert De Bruce , . Auchtermuchty , 304 ; Law of 72 , Kircaldie , Kirkcaldy ; Vernon , Proxy Master to the Grand Lodge , Edinburgh ; also a number of the brethren of Eoyal Arch Chapter 97 , Kirkcaldy . After an excellent tea had been partaken of : — The Chairman in the course of a pithy and humorous speech alluded to the steady progress the Lodge Union
continued to make and concluded by saying , we have advanced , and are still advancing ; and I am sure no one can affirm that wo have admitted a single candidate for the sake of obtaining fees , or of boasting how many Masons we have made during the year . And I am proud to think the " Union" is not alone in this ; throughout the length and breadth of the land Masonry has been
taking firm root and spreading far and wide . Old lodges are beieg resuscitated , and new lodges formed , and still the word is—Forward ! Bro . W . Stewart , S . AV . in giving the toast of " Freemasonry over the World" concluded a very able sketch of the Order by remarking that Freemasonry was au institution which was spreading over the whole world ,
and teaching as it precepts the great command , to love one another , and bear each others burdens . Bro . J . Noble , followed by a humorous speech in which he alluded to the singular circumstances under which he became a Freemason . After a service of fruit , Bro . A . P . Taylor , P . M ., rose and gave a graphic
description of tho benefits to be derived from being a free and accepted Mason . During the course of his remar-ks he threw out some excellent hints as to how the funds ofthe Order in Scotland could be augmented by each one making an animal payment ; they would then be enabled to give something to assist the widows and orphans of deceased brethren . Bro . Taylor ' s remarks on
that subject met with a hearty reception . The Chairman then gave "The Visiting Brethren . " In doing so , he said—It would not be right to allow this opportunity to pass without thanking the brethren of sister lodges for sending us deputations , again and again . If anything were needed to show that Masons are more social than the " outer world , " even this might suffice . The vote was responded to with masonic honours .
Masonic Festivities. Scotland.
Each of the deputations replied , in . turn , to the vote of thanks which had been proposed . During the course of the evening some excellent songs were sung by a glee party , two young ladies , and by Bros . Kelty , Locke , Meikiejohn , and Stewart . At the close , votes of thanks were passed to the Chairman , the singers , speakers , and stewards . The hall was
then cleared for the assembly . Bros . D . M'Gregor and Pitcairn deserve credit for the excellent manner in which the tea tables and refreshment stalls Avere conducted . After a sufficient time had been allowed for the brethren again to gather , the E . W . M . led off the Grand March and Circassian Circle to the cheering strains of an
excellent quadrille band , which was under the direction of Bro . Fife . The dancing was kept up , with great spirit . till an early hour on Friday morning , after which the company began to disperse , highly satisfied with the evenings entertainment .
Obituary .
BRO . R . E . NELSON . It is our painful duty to announce the death of Bro . E . E . Nelson , P . D . Prov . G . M . and Prov . G . Sec . of West Yorkshire .. Our deceased brother was born at Halifax , Oct . 31 st , 1823 , and at an early age became a member of our Order . For zeal and activity in the various arduous
and distinguished positions in the Craft he has from time to time been called upon to fill , ho has rarely , if ever , been surpassed , while his untiring efforts in support of the Masonic Institutions can never be forgotten , nor now , unfortunately , adequately recognised . A warm friend , an earnest Mason , as a man estimable in the various relations of life , Bro . Nelson's memory will ever be
honoured . He was a Mark , Templar , and Rose Croix Mason , and held a high position in all branches of the Order . He died at his residence , Dewsbury , on Saturday , the 5 th inst ., and was interred at Halifax , on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., the funeral cortege being accompanied by a large number of Masonic and private friends . Bro . Nelson , leaves a widow and family to mourn his loss .
MASONIC TRIBUTE OF EESPECT TO THE MEMORY OF BEO . A . BALLOOH . We publish the following " Eesolutions of Sympathy " from a Canadian paper . The deceased , we understand , had been suffering from severe indisposition for upwards of two years . During this illness , the Grand Lodge of the Province of New Brunswick unanimously elected
our late worthy brother to the rank of Most Worshipful Past Grand Master : — At the regular Convocation of the Union de Molay Encampment and Priory , held at tho Masonic Hall , 3 rd February , 1870 , the announcement was made to the Sir Knig hts assembled ofthe death of Sir Knight Alexander Balloch , who for many years held the important
and prominent position of Prov . G . M . for this province , under the authority of the United Grand Lodge of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons of England . As a tribute of respect to the departed brother , the following resolutions were moved and unanimously carried : — " Whereas , through a wise dispensation of Divine Providence , we are called upon to deplore the death of our
worthy Bro . Alexander Balloch , K . T ., and P . Prov . G . M . of Now Brunswick , and P . M . of the Union Lodge of Portland ( No . 10 ) , N . B . E ., & c , who , after a lingering illness , and while ripe and made venerable with years , is now gathered to his fathers , whose face was so familiar , and in our councils , whose voice was the voice of wisdom to which we listened with delight , and who , as an officer and a Craftsman , through many years stood hi our midst a recognised pillar of the Order .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Festivities. Scotland.
A _ rauAi _ SOIREE AND ASSEMBLY OF THE LODGE UNION ( No . 250 ) DmsTTEiDii-iNEThe annual soiree and assembly of the brethren balonging to Lodge Union , ( No . 250 , ) Dunfermline , was held in the Music Hall on the evening of Thursday the 17 fch tilt . This was perhaps the most successfully assembly ever held in connection with Ereemasonry in
Dunfermline . Bro . Daniel Laraond , E . AV . M ., occupied the chair There was a large attendance of the brethren . The tables were masonically arranged , and round the sides of the hall were hung ensigns and emblems of the " brethren of the mystic tie . " Besides the members of deputations present , we noticed brethren belonging to Lodges in St . Andrews , Dundee , Auchtermuchty , Crieff ,
and Edinburgh . The deputation from the "Oswald of Dunnikier , No . 468 , " consisted of Senior Warden W Deas ; and Junior Warden J . Morgan , the Tyler E Brown ; Bros . Wellcob , M'Culloch , Thomson , and Graham , From the Lodge St . John ' s , 69 , Alloa , there appeared A . Ommundsen , S . AV . ; J . Macqueen , J . W . ; and Bro . Glen , P . M . Prom Lodge Cupar 19 , Cupar-Fife were Bailie J .
Hood , E . W . M . ; with acting Senior Warden Thomson , and acting Junior Warden Heron . From the Lodge St . John's 26 , Dunfermline , were Senior AVarden J . Barron ; Bros . Hariey , J . D . ; Locke , King , Dewar , Adamson , Robertson , Stenhouse , Drysdale , and Fyfe . Among the other strangers present we also observed Bros . Keith , o f St Andrews 25 , St Andrews ; Pirrie , Dundee
Operative 47 ; Jarvie of St Michael . Crieff , 38 ; Marshall , of Eobert De Bruce , . Auchtermuchty , 304 ; Law of 72 , Kircaldie , Kirkcaldy ; Vernon , Proxy Master to the Grand Lodge , Edinburgh ; also a number of the brethren of Eoyal Arch Chapter 97 , Kirkcaldy . After an excellent tea had been partaken of : — The Chairman in the course of a pithy and humorous speech alluded to the steady progress the Lodge Union
continued to make and concluded by saying , we have advanced , and are still advancing ; and I am sure no one can affirm that wo have admitted a single candidate for the sake of obtaining fees , or of boasting how many Masons we have made during the year . And I am proud to think the " Union" is not alone in this ; throughout the length and breadth of the land Masonry has been
taking firm root and spreading far and wide . Old lodges are beieg resuscitated , and new lodges formed , and still the word is—Forward ! Bro . W . Stewart , S . AV . in giving the toast of " Freemasonry over the World" concluded a very able sketch of the Order by remarking that Freemasonry was au institution which was spreading over the whole world ,
and teaching as it precepts the great command , to love one another , and bear each others burdens . Bro . J . Noble , followed by a humorous speech in which he alluded to the singular circumstances under which he became a Freemason . After a service of fruit , Bro . A . P . Taylor , P . M ., rose and gave a graphic
description of tho benefits to be derived from being a free and accepted Mason . During the course of his remar-ks he threw out some excellent hints as to how the funds ofthe Order in Scotland could be augmented by each one making an animal payment ; they would then be enabled to give something to assist the widows and orphans of deceased brethren . Bro . Taylor ' s remarks on
that subject met with a hearty reception . The Chairman then gave "The Visiting Brethren . " In doing so , he said—It would not be right to allow this opportunity to pass without thanking the brethren of sister lodges for sending us deputations , again and again . If anything were needed to show that Masons are more social than the " outer world , " even this might suffice . The vote was responded to with masonic honours .
Masonic Festivities. Scotland.
Each of the deputations replied , in . turn , to the vote of thanks which had been proposed . During the course of the evening some excellent songs were sung by a glee party , two young ladies , and by Bros . Kelty , Locke , Meikiejohn , and Stewart . At the close , votes of thanks were passed to the Chairman , the singers , speakers , and stewards . The hall was
then cleared for the assembly . Bros . D . M'Gregor and Pitcairn deserve credit for the excellent manner in which the tea tables and refreshment stalls Avere conducted . After a sufficient time had been allowed for the brethren again to gather , the E . W . M . led off the Grand March and Circassian Circle to the cheering strains of an
excellent quadrille band , which was under the direction of Bro . Fife . The dancing was kept up , with great spirit . till an early hour on Friday morning , after which the company began to disperse , highly satisfied with the evenings entertainment .
Obituary .
BRO . R . E . NELSON . It is our painful duty to announce the death of Bro . E . E . Nelson , P . D . Prov . G . M . and Prov . G . Sec . of West Yorkshire .. Our deceased brother was born at Halifax , Oct . 31 st , 1823 , and at an early age became a member of our Order . For zeal and activity in the various arduous
and distinguished positions in the Craft he has from time to time been called upon to fill , ho has rarely , if ever , been surpassed , while his untiring efforts in support of the Masonic Institutions can never be forgotten , nor now , unfortunately , adequately recognised . A warm friend , an earnest Mason , as a man estimable in the various relations of life , Bro . Nelson's memory will ever be
honoured . He was a Mark , Templar , and Rose Croix Mason , and held a high position in all branches of the Order . He died at his residence , Dewsbury , on Saturday , the 5 th inst ., and was interred at Halifax , on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., the funeral cortege being accompanied by a large number of Masonic and private friends . Bro . Nelson , leaves a widow and family to mourn his loss .
MASONIC TRIBUTE OF EESPECT TO THE MEMORY OF BEO . A . BALLOOH . We publish the following " Eesolutions of Sympathy " from a Canadian paper . The deceased , we understand , had been suffering from severe indisposition for upwards of two years . During this illness , the Grand Lodge of the Province of New Brunswick unanimously elected
our late worthy brother to the rank of Most Worshipful Past Grand Master : — At the regular Convocation of the Union de Molay Encampment and Priory , held at tho Masonic Hall , 3 rd February , 1870 , the announcement was made to the Sir Knig hts assembled ofthe death of Sir Knight Alexander Balloch , who for many years held the important
and prominent position of Prov . G . M . for this province , under the authority of the United Grand Lodge of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons of England . As a tribute of respect to the departed brother , the following resolutions were moved and unanimously carried : — " Whereas , through a wise dispensation of Divine Providence , we are called upon to deplore the death of our
worthy Bro . Alexander Balloch , K . T ., and P . Prov . G . M . of Now Brunswick , and P . M . of the Union Lodge of Portland ( No . 10 ) , N . B . E ., & c , who , after a lingering illness , and while ripe and made venerable with years , is now gathered to his fathers , whose face was so familiar , and in our councils , whose voice was the voice of wisdom to which we listened with delight , and who , as an officer and a Craftsman , through many years stood hi our midst a recognised pillar of the Order .