Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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AV . M .. Bro . AA . E . Stainton-Stanley . There were also present Bros . AA . Kelly , R . AV . Prov . G . iAI ., and I . P . M . j W . AVeure , P . AL , Treas . ; E . . 1 . Crow , J . W . ; Dr . Peavce , Sec . ; E . Palmer . . S . D . ; J . AVright-Smith , J . D . ; AViddowsni , I . G . ; Gosling , M'Allister , Halibrd , Matts , Skervington , DonWhorpe , and others . Visltrirs : Bros . Toller , AV . M . ; W . Beaumont Smith , P . M . ; Captain Alilliean , P . AL ; Charles Johnson , P . Af . ; Buzzard , S . AV . ; Partridge , J . D . ; and J . F . Smith , of the John of Gaunt Lodge ,
No . 523 . Tiie lodgo having been opened , and the minutes of the lust meeting road and confirmed , the AV . M . cal ' ed the attention of the brethren to tbe presence among them for tho first time since his installation of their Prov . Grand Alaster , Bro . ' . [ veil " , and said he knew they were all anxious to greet him with the honours , which was done . Bro . Kelly acknowledged the cordial reception of the brethren , adding that he could only repeat what he had said under similar circumstances at the . John
Gaunt Lodge , that whilst he desired to maintain the dignity of office whilst occupied by him , and therefore had no desire that the usual honours should be omitted on what he might term state occasions , and when he paid official visits to the lodge ; but ou all other occasions it would ho more agreeable to him if the brethren would consider his attendance at their meetings to be in bis private capacit y as one of their P . AI . ' s . Bro . Kelly then
said that he had a communication to make to the brethren of both lodges , which he knew would afford them pleasure , and which it was duo only to their late Prov . Grand Alaster should be made at once . It was to announce that a few days ago he bad received a present from Lord Howe , accompanied by a most kind and graceful letter of good wishes , the whole of his
lordship ' s Alasonic clothing and jewels , including the elegant and and costly gold chain of office , which he had worn as Deputy Grand Alaster of England and as their Prov . Grand Master , and which he ( Bro . Kelly ) bad the pleasure of wearing for the first time that evening . This announcement was received with loud cheers by the brethren . Tbe work for the evening consisted of one raising and eight passings . The candidate for the third degree was not present , but seven of the candidates for the
second degree were in attendance , namely Bros . Gurdeu , AA 11-liams , Captain Goodchild , Dr . Clarke , Overton , Sauter , and Blankley . They having been duly examined , retired , when the lodge was opened in the second degree , and they were severally passed thereto by the W . M ., who afterwards gave the explanation of the working tools , but the lecture on the tracing board was necessarily omitted . During the ceremony the musical chants were given by Bro . C . Johnsonassisted by Bros . Palmer ,
Donis-, thorpe , and others . In tho unavoidable absence of the Senior AA arden , Bro . Strctton , his chair was occupied by Bro . Buzzard , S . AV . No . 523 . The F . C . 's lodge having been closed , a unanimous vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Buzzard for his very efficient services as honorary secretary to the committee for the late Masonic ball , which realised a surplus of fifty guineas to be divided between the Leicester Infirmary and the Royal Alasonic Benevolent InstitutionBroBuzzard acknowledged the vote of
. . thanks . On the proposition of the Prov . G . M ., seconded by the AV . 51 ., tho sum of ten guineas was voted for the Rev . Bro . Langley's list as Steward ( or the Girls' School . After some further business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
MIDDLESEX . SOTTHALL . —G-oocli Lodge ( No . 1 , 238 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place at the Prince Alfred Hotel on Monday , the 21 st ult . ISvo . J . Taylor ( in tho absence of Bro . AV . Smith ) acted as AV . M .. supported by Bros . G . King , jun ., S . AV . ; Baber , J . AA . ; Lonsdale , S . D . ; Lay ton , I . G . ; Bryant , Sandeman , Tyrrell , Cornish , Smith , and others . The visitors present were Bros . Cottebrune , W . AI . 1 , 257 ; Smeed , P . M . 940 ; and Thomas 1 , 200 .
, The lodge was opened in due form and solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . Letters were read from Bro . Colonel F . Buvdett , Prov . G . M . of Middlesex , thanking tbe brethren for their congratulations on his appointment , and from Bro . Smith , AV . M ., regretting his absence through illness ; also a dispensation from the M . AV . G . M . empowering the brethren to instal Bro . King , jun ., as AV . AI ., his timo not having expired ns W . M . of 1 , 200 . There being- no
initiates in attendance , Bro . G . King , jun ., was presented and installed into tho chair of K . S . according to ancient custom b y Bro . J . Taylor . The AV . AI . then invested his ollicers as follows : Bros . Baber , S . W . ; Lonsdale , J . AV . ; J . Taylor , Treas . ; Luyton , S . D . j AA . G . Davis , J . D . ; Bryant , I . G . ; Sandemaun , Dir . ot
Cers . ; Tyrrell , AA \ S . ; and Gilchrist , Tyler . Bro . Smeed gave the three addresses in his usual eloquent manner . Bro . Freeman was proposed as joining member . A vote of thanks was proposed , seconded , and carried , and ordered to be entered on the minutes , to Bros . J . Taylor and Sineed for the very able manner in which they had worked the ceremony of installation . The lodge was then closed in due form and solemn prayer , and the brethren Sat down to a capital banquet , served in Bro .
Cornish ' s best style . SUSSEX . BRIGHTON . —Eogal York Lodge ( No . 315 ) . —On Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., Bro . James Curtis was duly installed as AV . AI . of that lodge . There was a large attendance of the brethren , and visitors from AA ortbmg , Eastbourne , Lewes , & c , were also
present . The ceremony of installation was ably carried out by Bro . Challen , P . M . A P . AI . ' s jewel was deservedly given to Bro . AA reu . A proposition was then made and carried , that 50 guineas should be voted to the Boys' School ; the same to be handed to Bro . AA ren , who will attend the forthcoming festival as Steward . The Royal York Lodge is very thoughtful and and kind in respect of the Masonic Institutions , the sums of £ . 170 , £ 70 , and £ 30 being taken up in 1 S 0 G-6 S . Last year a
Alce-Presidentship was completed in the Gills' School , aud now a similar gift is made to the Boys' School . Lodge business being concluded , an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Albert Cowley , followed , at which about fifty sat down . It was a most pleasant gathering , without the slightest hitch , and speaks well or tho AV . AI . and officers of the Royal York Lodge and its future prosperity .
BtrMAH . —Lodge Greenlaw ( No . 1 , 095 , E . C . )—At the regular meeting of this lodge held at Tonngoo , on the fith December , 1869 , Bro . Captain B . Simner , S . AV ., was unanimously elected AV . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . Captain AV . Franklin , as Treasurer , and Bro . C . B . Eganore as Tyler . Captain F . J . Rivers was initiated into the mysteries of the E . A . degree . On the 26 th Feb ., Lord Alayo , in his capacity of Lord Patron
of Masonry to Bengal , paid his first visit to the Lodge . The usual ceremonies were gone through in presence of about 150 brethren , and after a banquet , at which 80 members sat down , his Excellency made a speech , of which the following is an extract : — " I have been now for move than a quarter of a century a member of the Masonic Craft , and I am free to confess that I have not been so active a Mason as I ought to have been ; indeed , I must also admit that I have oftener been present as a
guest at the banquet table than in lodge . Nevertheless , I say without hesitation , that as years advance I am more fully convinced than ever of the great mission the Order has performed , and is performing , for the benefit of mankind , the important influence for good which the Craft has exercised , and must ever exercise , over society at large-, and of the fact , which must be recognized b y every consistent member that a good Mason cannot he a bad man . "
Royal Arch.
' METROPOLITAN . JOPPA CHAPTER ( NO . 188 ) . —A regular convocation of this chapter was recently held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , under the presidency of the M . E . Comp . AA . Littaur , supported by Comps . Albert as H ., the Rev . M . B . Levy , T ., and Past Principals S . M . Lazarus , Goring , S . \ ., Abraham and Eskell . Among the visitors , we distinguished , Comps .
Hyde , Pullen , Mortlock and Gore . Alter the reading of the minutes a ballot was taken for the admission of Bros . Joel Emanuel , AI . E . Emanuel , AI . S . Nathan , T . N . Collingridge aud Prim , which proving unanimous iu their favour , these brethren as also Bro . Cromer , previously accepted , were all exalted into R . A . Masonry ; each of the Principals faultlessl y performinghis part and most efficientl y aided b y the P . S . Comp . Jones and the Scribe N ., Comp . Pollitzer . A conclave of Installed Prin-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
AV . M .. Bro . AA . E . Stainton-Stanley . There were also present Bros . AA . Kelly , R . AV . Prov . G . iAI ., and I . P . M . j W . AVeure , P . AL , Treas . ; E . . 1 . Crow , J . W . ; Dr . Peavce , Sec . ; E . Palmer . . S . D . ; J . AVright-Smith , J . D . ; AViddowsni , I . G . ; Gosling , M'Allister , Halibrd , Matts , Skervington , DonWhorpe , and others . Visltrirs : Bros . Toller , AV . M . ; W . Beaumont Smith , P . M . ; Captain Alilliean , P . AL ; Charles Johnson , P . Af . ; Buzzard , S . AV . ; Partridge , J . D . ; and J . F . Smith , of the John of Gaunt Lodge ,
No . 523 . Tiie lodgo having been opened , and the minutes of the lust meeting road and confirmed , the AV . M . cal ' ed the attention of the brethren to tbe presence among them for tho first time since his installation of their Prov . Grand Alaster , Bro . ' . [ veil " , and said he knew they were all anxious to greet him with the honours , which was done . Bro . Kelly acknowledged the cordial reception of the brethren , adding that he could only repeat what he had said under similar circumstances at the . John
Gaunt Lodge , that whilst he desired to maintain the dignity of office whilst occupied by him , and therefore had no desire that the usual honours should be omitted on what he might term state occasions , and when he paid official visits to the lodge ; but ou all other occasions it would ho more agreeable to him if the brethren would consider his attendance at their meetings to be in bis private capacit y as one of their P . AI . ' s . Bro . Kelly then
said that he had a communication to make to the brethren of both lodges , which he knew would afford them pleasure , and which it was duo only to their late Prov . Grand Alaster should be made at once . It was to announce that a few days ago he bad received a present from Lord Howe , accompanied by a most kind and graceful letter of good wishes , the whole of his
lordship ' s Alasonic clothing and jewels , including the elegant and and costly gold chain of office , which he had worn as Deputy Grand Alaster of England and as their Prov . Grand Master , and which he ( Bro . Kelly ) bad the pleasure of wearing for the first time that evening . This announcement was received with loud cheers by the brethren . Tbe work for the evening consisted of one raising and eight passings . The candidate for the third degree was not present , but seven of the candidates for the
second degree were in attendance , namely Bros . Gurdeu , AA 11-liams , Captain Goodchild , Dr . Clarke , Overton , Sauter , and Blankley . They having been duly examined , retired , when the lodge was opened in the second degree , and they were severally passed thereto by the W . M ., who afterwards gave the explanation of the working tools , but the lecture on the tracing board was necessarily omitted . During the ceremony the musical chants were given by Bro . C . Johnsonassisted by Bros . Palmer ,
Donis-, thorpe , and others . In tho unavoidable absence of the Senior AA arden , Bro . Strctton , his chair was occupied by Bro . Buzzard , S . AV . No . 523 . The F . C . 's lodge having been closed , a unanimous vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Buzzard for his very efficient services as honorary secretary to the committee for the late Masonic ball , which realised a surplus of fifty guineas to be divided between the Leicester Infirmary and the Royal Alasonic Benevolent InstitutionBroBuzzard acknowledged the vote of
. . thanks . On the proposition of the Prov . G . M ., seconded by the AV . 51 ., tho sum of ten guineas was voted for the Rev . Bro . Langley's list as Steward ( or the Girls' School . After some further business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
MIDDLESEX . SOTTHALL . —G-oocli Lodge ( No . 1 , 238 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place at the Prince Alfred Hotel on Monday , the 21 st ult . ISvo . J . Taylor ( in tho absence of Bro . AV . Smith ) acted as AV . M .. supported by Bros . G . King , jun ., S . AV . ; Baber , J . AA . ; Lonsdale , S . D . ; Lay ton , I . G . ; Bryant , Sandeman , Tyrrell , Cornish , Smith , and others . The visitors present were Bros . Cottebrune , W . AI . 1 , 257 ; Smeed , P . M . 940 ; and Thomas 1 , 200 .
, The lodge was opened in due form and solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last lodge were read and confirmed . Letters were read from Bro . Colonel F . Buvdett , Prov . G . M . of Middlesex , thanking tbe brethren for their congratulations on his appointment , and from Bro . Smith , AV . M ., regretting his absence through illness ; also a dispensation from the M . AV . G . M . empowering the brethren to instal Bro . King , jun ., as AV . AI ., his timo not having expired ns W . M . of 1 , 200 . There being- no
initiates in attendance , Bro . G . King , jun ., was presented and installed into tho chair of K . S . according to ancient custom b y Bro . J . Taylor . The AV . AI . then invested his ollicers as follows : Bros . Baber , S . W . ; Lonsdale , J . AV . ; J . Taylor , Treas . ; Luyton , S . D . j AA . G . Davis , J . D . ; Bryant , I . G . ; Sandemaun , Dir . ot
Cers . ; Tyrrell , AA \ S . ; and Gilchrist , Tyler . Bro . Smeed gave the three addresses in his usual eloquent manner . Bro . Freeman was proposed as joining member . A vote of thanks was proposed , seconded , and carried , and ordered to be entered on the minutes , to Bros . J . Taylor and Sineed for the very able manner in which they had worked the ceremony of installation . The lodge was then closed in due form and solemn prayer , and the brethren Sat down to a capital banquet , served in Bro .
Cornish ' s best style . SUSSEX . BRIGHTON . —Eogal York Lodge ( No . 315 ) . —On Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., Bro . James Curtis was duly installed as AV . AI . of that lodge . There was a large attendance of the brethren , and visitors from AA ortbmg , Eastbourne , Lewes , & c , were also
present . The ceremony of installation was ably carried out by Bro . Challen , P . M . A P . AI . ' s jewel was deservedly given to Bro . AA reu . A proposition was then made and carried , that 50 guineas should be voted to the Boys' School ; the same to be handed to Bro . AA ren , who will attend the forthcoming festival as Steward . The Royal York Lodge is very thoughtful and and kind in respect of the Masonic Institutions , the sums of £ . 170 , £ 70 , and £ 30 being taken up in 1 S 0 G-6 S . Last year a
Alce-Presidentship was completed in the Gills' School , aud now a similar gift is made to the Boys' School . Lodge business being concluded , an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Albert Cowley , followed , at which about fifty sat down . It was a most pleasant gathering , without the slightest hitch , and speaks well or tho AV . AI . and officers of the Royal York Lodge and its future prosperity .
BtrMAH . —Lodge Greenlaw ( No . 1 , 095 , E . C . )—At the regular meeting of this lodge held at Tonngoo , on the fith December , 1869 , Bro . Captain B . Simner , S . AV ., was unanimously elected AV . M . for the ensuing year ; Bro . Captain AV . Franklin , as Treasurer , and Bro . C . B . Eganore as Tyler . Captain F . J . Rivers was initiated into the mysteries of the E . A . degree . On the 26 th Feb ., Lord Alayo , in his capacity of Lord Patron
of Masonry to Bengal , paid his first visit to the Lodge . The usual ceremonies were gone through in presence of about 150 brethren , and after a banquet , at which 80 members sat down , his Excellency made a speech , of which the following is an extract : — " I have been now for move than a quarter of a century a member of the Masonic Craft , and I am free to confess that I have not been so active a Mason as I ought to have been ; indeed , I must also admit that I have oftener been present as a
guest at the banquet table than in lodge . Nevertheless , I say without hesitation , that as years advance I am more fully convinced than ever of the great mission the Order has performed , and is performing , for the benefit of mankind , the important influence for good which the Craft has exercised , and must ever exercise , over society at large-, and of the fact , which must be recognized b y every consistent member that a good Mason cannot he a bad man . "
Royal Arch.
' METROPOLITAN . JOPPA CHAPTER ( NO . 188 ) . —A regular convocation of this chapter was recently held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , under the presidency of the M . E . Comp . AA . Littaur , supported by Comps . Albert as H ., the Rev . M . B . Levy , T ., and Past Principals S . M . Lazarus , Goring , S . \ ., Abraham and Eskell . Among the visitors , we distinguished , Comps .
Hyde , Pullen , Mortlock and Gore . Alter the reading of the minutes a ballot was taken for the admission of Bros . Joel Emanuel , AI . E . Emanuel , AI . S . Nathan , T . N . Collingridge aud Prim , which proving unanimous iu their favour , these brethren as also Bro . Cromer , previously accepted , were all exalted into R . A . Masonry ; each of the Principals faultlessl y performinghis part and most efficientl y aided b y the P . S . Comp . Jones and the Scribe N ., Comp . Pollitzer . A conclave of Installed Prin-