Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Craft Masonry.
and distressed . With reference to what he did in the lodge , he was ably assisted , by Bro . Savage , who was well known , not only in London , but in other parts , as a thorough good man and Mason . He also paid a compliment to Bro . Roberts , P . M . of the Cauoiibury Lodge , who acted as J . W ., and to the musical brethren for their valuable assistance , which contributed much to the solemnity ofthe proceedings . He had been present at their
" infancy , " and he hoped their " standard" would wave over the ocean of Freemasonry for very many years to come . He advised them always to look well at the quality as well as the quantity of those members whom they introduced . The AA \ . Ai . proposed "The Health of the Officers , " and said that he was very lortunate in having for his principal ollicers Bros . Poynter and It . Lee . He hoped thoy would carry on the business of the lodge , as thoy had carried on their business
elsewhere . These brethren having appropriately responded , Bro . Shaekell , the courteous Secretary , returned thanks , and said although he had taken great pains and spent much trouble during the formation of the lodge , yet it had always been to him a labour of love . The toast ot "The A isitors" was responded to by Bros . Roberts and Charles E . Thompson , and a happy evening brought to a termination .
DEACONS HIRE . TEIGHMOBTH . —Benevolent Lodge ( No . 303 ) . —On Monday , the 7 th inst ., a limited number of brethren obeyed the summons to meet at the Masonic Hall . At half-past seven Bro . Burden opened the lodge , supported by Bro . H . 31 . Bartlett , I . P . M . ; Hallett , S . W . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., as J . AA . ; Tomes , See . ; Taylor , S . D . ; Short , as J . D . ; Norris , I . G . ; aud Hagerty , Tyler .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and couiirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Roach as a candidate for initiation , which was unanimous in his favour . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . Short was examined , -entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and the chair was taken by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., & c . who performed the ceremony of raising Bro . Short to the sublime degree of M . M ., and then by request
closed the lodgo down the first degree . The chair having been again taken b y Bro . Burden , AA . M ., he separately initiated Bros . Wills and Roach , the former having been balloted for at the previous meeting . The lodge was finally closed at 10 p . m .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . SALEOBD . JS ' ewall Lodge ( No . 1 , 13-4 ) . The usual monthly meeting was held on Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., at the Alasonic Rooms , which was well attended by members and visitors . Bro . Richard llankinson , W . M ., opened tiie lodge in due form with solemn prayer . The A . \ V . the D . Prov .
G . M . of East Lancashire , Bro . AV . R . Cullender , jun ., accompanied by Bros . John Barker , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; George Brett , P . Prov . G . D . ; John Smith , Prov . G . Purst . ; Uriah Nicholls , P . Prov . G . Purst . ; and William Roberts , P . Prov . G . Purst ., entered the lodge , and were received with the usual grand honours . During the evening the following gentlemen were duly initiated : —Air . James Hill , hy Bro . Richard Haukinson , AA . AI . of the lodge ; Mr . Thomas AVilson , by the Y . W . D . Prov . G . M .,
Bro . AV . R . Cullender , jun . ; Air . Thomas Barker , by Bro . Georse Brett , P . Prov . G . R . g , The working tools were explained by Bro . Baldwin , P . Prov . G . S . B . ( Cheshire ) . The filiations were given in a very marked , impressive , and perfect manner , and were rendered doubly solemn aud beautiful by the chanting of the . portion of Scripture in use in the lodge , introduced b y the present Alaster . The impressiveness and solemnity of the musical ceremony , which
was rendered in a most correct and beautiful manner , culled forth the praise of nil present , more especially the visitors . Many visitors were present , including Bros . Ashworth , P . M . 298 , Rochdale ; Stevenson , P . Al . 148 and 1 , 061 ; Rowson , 203 , Liverpool ; Cromptoii , Liverpool ; Oilman , 815 ; Stott . P . M . 303 , * and others , Bro . Bcswicl ; presided over tho musical portion of the lodge work with great credit , and every officer was well up in his part , which added greatly to the beauty of the work .
The lodge was then closed in due form with solemn prayer by Bro . Haukinson , the AA . M ., afcer which the brethren sat down to a substantial banquet . Tne toasts of " Tho Queen and the Craft , " " His Royal Highness Bro . Albert Edward Prince of AA ules , the Princess of AA ales , & c , " "The G . M . of England and D . G . AI . " were then given , afcer which the W . M .. proposed "Tbe health of tho R . W . the
Prov . G . M . of East Lancashire , Bro . Stephen Blair , " who bo said would have been present with them on that occasion had it not been for recent domestic bereavement . He full y sympathised with the G . M . in his sorrow , and he knew all the brethren—indeed the whole , province—did so . He believed Bro . Blair would be supported under the heavy trial with many consolations , and fervently hoped that his health , which was now somewhat impaired , might soon be restored , and that he might
long live to preside over the province where he was so universally beloved and so much admired . The toast was most enthusiastically received and with grand honours . The AA . Af . then rose and proposed "The worthy guest of the evening , the A . AV . the D . Prov . G . A 1 . of East Lancashire , W . Romaine Cullender , jun . " He said he was personally proud to see Bro . Cullender among them that evening , and he was sure
every brother in the lodge was equally so . He honed—sincerely hoped—that although that was Bro . Callender ' s first visit to the Newall Lodge , it would not be the last . He hoped he would come amongst them as often as possible , for he could assure him he would ever find a hearty welcome from the brethren of Newall Lodge . He could say a great deal more respecting the toast , but in tho presence of Bro . Cullender he would forbear . The toast was drunk with the utmost enthusiasmand with
, grand honours . Bro . Callender . in responding , thanked the brethren fin- the kind reception he had received , and passed a very high eulogium on the working of the AA . AI . and officers of the lodge , and gave some very judicious advice to the newly-initiated brethren which will not be easily forgotten by them . His address was a great treat , and was listened to with very great attention . Indeed ,
it would be ivoll if the kind and judicious remarks were treasured up by all the brethren present . "The health of the Past and Present Prov . Grand Officers and newly-initiated brethren " was then drunk , after which Bro . Callender proposed "The health of Bro . llankinson , AV . JL , " in a most graceful manner , and complimented him on the manner in which he fulfilled tho onerous duties of the chair . He had no doubt he would reflect great credit on the lodge , and at the
expiration of his year of office would receive at their hands the commendations they were so ready to give to those who deserved them . The toast was enthusiastically received . Bro . Hankin = oii , AA . Af ., in acknowledging the compliment , paid a tribute of respect to the officers he had selected to assist him in the well-ruling and governing of his lodge . He hoped he should do his duty as Master . He loved Masonry , and trusted
he should ever have tho good wishes aud affection of every brother in the lodge . Addresses were delivered by Bros . Smith , Prov . G . Purst ., Brett , P . Prov . G . Reg ., Collard , P . At ., and others , all testifying to the well working of the Newall Lodge . Several songs were very creditably sung by Bros . Collard , Atkinson , Thompson , and Beswick . It is gratifying to report that this lodge , called after the late
lamented Bro . Lawrence Newall , D . Prov . G . M ., is making rapid progress , and is destined at some future day to take a good position in the Alasonic ranks . Although only some four years old . the lodge has subscribed ( including private annual subscriptions from members ) about ; G 100 . The one great aim of tho brethren is to carry out the great principles of Masonrybrotherly love , relief , and truth . Our present AV . M . seems determined to work for the good of the lodge and the Craft in
general , and in this determination is heartily supported by Bro . John Barker , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Treas , and by the P . M . 's and members of the lodge . Lodges of instruction are held evorv month , and much credit is due ' to Bro . John Barker , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Treas .. for the interest he has taken in the working of this lodge .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER .- -St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 279 ) . — -The brethren of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons ' Hall on AAV'dnesduy , the 2 nd inst ., under the presidency of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
and distressed . With reference to what he did in the lodge , he was ably assisted , by Bro . Savage , who was well known , not only in London , but in other parts , as a thorough good man and Mason . He also paid a compliment to Bro . Roberts , P . M . of the Cauoiibury Lodge , who acted as J . W ., and to the musical brethren for their valuable assistance , which contributed much to the solemnity ofthe proceedings . He had been present at their
" infancy , " and he hoped their " standard" would wave over the ocean of Freemasonry for very many years to come . He advised them always to look well at the quality as well as the quantity of those members whom they introduced . The AA \ . Ai . proposed "The Health of the Officers , " and said that he was very lortunate in having for his principal ollicers Bros . Poynter and It . Lee . He hoped thoy would carry on the business of the lodge , as thoy had carried on their business
elsewhere . These brethren having appropriately responded , Bro . Shaekell , the courteous Secretary , returned thanks , and said although he had taken great pains and spent much trouble during the formation of the lodge , yet it had always been to him a labour of love . The toast ot "The A isitors" was responded to by Bros . Roberts and Charles E . Thompson , and a happy evening brought to a termination .
DEACONS HIRE . TEIGHMOBTH . —Benevolent Lodge ( No . 303 ) . —On Monday , the 7 th inst ., a limited number of brethren obeyed the summons to meet at the Masonic Hall . At half-past seven Bro . Burden opened the lodge , supported by Bro . H . 31 . Bartlett , I . P . M . ; Hallett , S . W . ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., as J . AA . ; Tomes , See . ; Taylor , S . D . ; Short , as J . D . ; Norris , I . G . ; aud Hagerty , Tyler .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and couiirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Roach as a candidate for initiation , which was unanimous in his favour . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . Short was examined , -entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was opened in the third degree , and the chair was taken by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., & c . who performed the ceremony of raising Bro . Short to the sublime degree of M . M ., and then by request
closed the lodgo down the first degree . The chair having been again taken b y Bro . Burden , AA . M ., he separately initiated Bros . Wills and Roach , the former having been balloted for at the previous meeting . The lodge was finally closed at 10 p . m .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . SALEOBD . JS ' ewall Lodge ( No . 1 , 13-4 ) . The usual monthly meeting was held on Tuesday , the 1 st inst ., at the Alasonic Rooms , which was well attended by members and visitors . Bro . Richard llankinson , W . M ., opened tiie lodge in due form with solemn prayer . The A . \ V . the D . Prov .
G . M . of East Lancashire , Bro . AV . R . Cullender , jun ., accompanied by Bros . John Barker , P . Prov . G . Treas . ; George Brett , P . Prov . G . D . ; John Smith , Prov . G . Purst . ; Uriah Nicholls , P . Prov . G . Purst . ; and William Roberts , P . Prov . G . Purst ., entered the lodge , and were received with the usual grand honours . During the evening the following gentlemen were duly initiated : —Air . James Hill , hy Bro . Richard Haukinson , AA . AI . of the lodge ; Mr . Thomas AVilson , by the Y . W . D . Prov . G . M .,
Bro . AV . R . Cullender , jun . ; Air . Thomas Barker , by Bro . Georse Brett , P . Prov . G . R . g , The working tools were explained by Bro . Baldwin , P . Prov . G . S . B . ( Cheshire ) . The filiations were given in a very marked , impressive , and perfect manner , and were rendered doubly solemn aud beautiful by the chanting of the . portion of Scripture in use in the lodge , introduced b y the present Alaster . The impressiveness and solemnity of the musical ceremony , which
was rendered in a most correct and beautiful manner , culled forth the praise of nil present , more especially the visitors . Many visitors were present , including Bros . Ashworth , P . M . 298 , Rochdale ; Stevenson , P . Al . 148 and 1 , 061 ; Rowson , 203 , Liverpool ; Cromptoii , Liverpool ; Oilman , 815 ; Stott . P . M . 303 , * and others , Bro . Bcswicl ; presided over tho musical portion of the lodge work with great credit , and every officer was well up in his part , which added greatly to the beauty of the work .
The lodge was then closed in due form with solemn prayer by Bro . Haukinson , the AA . M ., afcer which the brethren sat down to a substantial banquet . Tne toasts of " Tho Queen and the Craft , " " His Royal Highness Bro . Albert Edward Prince of AA ules , the Princess of AA ales , & c , " "The G . M . of England and D . G . AI . " were then given , afcer which the W . M .. proposed "Tbe health of tho R . W . the
Prov . G . M . of East Lancashire , Bro . Stephen Blair , " who bo said would have been present with them on that occasion had it not been for recent domestic bereavement . He full y sympathised with the G . M . in his sorrow , and he knew all the brethren—indeed the whole , province—did so . He believed Bro . Blair would be supported under the heavy trial with many consolations , and fervently hoped that his health , which was now somewhat impaired , might soon be restored , and that he might
long live to preside over the province where he was so universally beloved and so much admired . The toast was most enthusiastically received and with grand honours . The AA . Af . then rose and proposed "The worthy guest of the evening , the A . AV . the D . Prov . G . A 1 . of East Lancashire , W . Romaine Cullender , jun . " He said he was personally proud to see Bro . Cullender among them that evening , and he was sure
every brother in the lodge was equally so . He honed—sincerely hoped—that although that was Bro . Callender ' s first visit to the Newall Lodge , it would not be the last . He hoped he would come amongst them as often as possible , for he could assure him he would ever find a hearty welcome from the brethren of Newall Lodge . He could say a great deal more respecting the toast , but in tho presence of Bro . Cullender he would forbear . The toast was drunk with the utmost enthusiasmand with
, grand honours . Bro . Callender . in responding , thanked the brethren fin- the kind reception he had received , and passed a very high eulogium on the working of the AA . AI . and officers of the lodge , and gave some very judicious advice to the newly-initiated brethren which will not be easily forgotten by them . His address was a great treat , and was listened to with very great attention . Indeed ,
it would be ivoll if the kind and judicious remarks were treasured up by all the brethren present . "The health of the Past and Present Prov . Grand Officers and newly-initiated brethren " was then drunk , after which Bro . Callender proposed "The health of Bro . llankinson , AV . JL , " in a most graceful manner , and complimented him on the manner in which he fulfilled tho onerous duties of the chair . He had no doubt he would reflect great credit on the lodge , and at the
expiration of his year of office would receive at their hands the commendations they were so ready to give to those who deserved them . The toast was enthusiastically received . Bro . Hankin = oii , AA . Af ., in acknowledging the compliment , paid a tribute of respect to the officers he had selected to assist him in the well-ruling and governing of his lodge . He hoped he should do his duty as Master . He loved Masonry , and trusted
he should ever have tho good wishes aud affection of every brother in the lodge . Addresses were delivered by Bros . Smith , Prov . G . Purst ., Brett , P . Prov . G . Reg ., Collard , P . At ., and others , all testifying to the well working of the Newall Lodge . Several songs were very creditably sung by Bros . Collard , Atkinson , Thompson , and Beswick . It is gratifying to report that this lodge , called after the late
lamented Bro . Lawrence Newall , D . Prov . G . M ., is making rapid progress , and is destined at some future day to take a good position in the Alasonic ranks . Although only some four years old . the lodge has subscribed ( including private annual subscriptions from members ) about ; G 100 . The one great aim of tho brethren is to carry out the great principles of Masonrybrotherly love , relief , and truth . Our present AV . M . seems determined to work for the good of the lodge and the Craft in
general , and in this determination is heartily supported by Bro . John Barker , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Treas , and by the P . M . 's and members of the lodge . Lodges of instruction are held evorv month , and much credit is due ' to Bro . John Barker , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Treas .. for the interest he has taken in the working of this lodge .
LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND . LEICESTER .- -St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 279 ) . — -The brethren of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting at the Freemasons ' Hall on AAV'dnesduy , the 2 nd inst ., under the presidency of the