Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 3 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 3 →
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United Grand Lodge.
the retiring Grand Master or the incoming Grand Master , of either of whom nothing could he said too kindly ; but ho considered that Masonry would be strengthened by varying the statesmen in Masonry , and if they did so , it would flourish in the future as it had flourished in the past . Bro . Brackstone Baker said , that though this question had
now been brought forward , it had heen disposed of several years ago , having been advocated by Bro . Stebbing in 1860 . It was then supported by the same arguments that bad been used that evening , and it then produced no more effect than he believed it would do now . On that occasion onlv four hand 8
were held up in its favour , although there , was , as on the present occasion , a large attendance in Grand Lodge . He remarked , that if the arguments adduced were appropriately applied to the office of Grand Master , by the same rule they would apply to those of Grand Secretary , Grand Treasurer , and others . He therefore proposed as an amendment , that the Grand Lodge declines to entertain the proposed alterations . Bros , the Earl do Tabley , Clabon , and other brethren , supported the amendment , hut were continuall y interrupted by cries of " Divide . "
Bro . Havers had also some difficulty in obtaining a hearing . He said th-it within three months the ' matter hi hand had been rejected by a majority of seventy-five . Bro . Stebbing had made a most able address iu support of his proposition , but lie ( Bro . Havers ) grieved to have to say there was nothing in it . He challenged any one to prove that the circumstances of the two periods bore any resemblance to each other . He considered the prosperity of Masonry and Masonic Institutions was entireldue
y to the long tenure of office by the late Grand Master , and he could boldly say that if at any time the Grand Master did not deserve re-election he would not hold his office beyond the twelve months . It might not be any reflection either upon the Grand Master—who is leaving the chair—or upon the newlyelected Grand Master ; but if a period was fixed during which the office might be heldit would attach a certain sti
, gma upon the brother who failed to he re-elected . They now possessed the right of electing the Grand Master , and why should they restrict themselves in the enjoyment of that ' power . The qualifications for the office of Grand Master were peculiar ; he must lie of high rank , and a man of great influence ; and he must also be a zealous Mason . These were qualifications of no ordinary character , and they should be careful iu making
changes which might afterwards be found to be unneccess-. u'y . If a rule of this kind applied to tho M . W . Grand Master , it would also apply to District and Provincial Grand Masters , and , if adopted , would lead to endless difficulty and confusion . Bro . Havers , alter making some further remarks , resumed his seat . Bro . Stebbing said that ho did wish to have the question brought forward three monthsbut he
proposedhowevery , , eve-, at no very distant time , to introduce the subject again . It was what he considered the right principle , and ' he would never lose sight of it . On the hist occasion the division was called in question , and that was tbe reason it was reproduced that night . The amendment was put and carried hy a large majority .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
NEPTUNE LODGE ( NO . 22 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met at Radley ' s Hotel , on Thursday , the 21 th ult ., Bro . Thomas , W . M , in the chair . Bros . Brown and Cooper were raised , and Bro . Berger was passed . The following subscriptions were voted from the funds of the lodse , viz . : Royal Masonic Benevolent Insti . ution , £ 10 ; Boys' School , £ 5 os . ; Girls' School , £ o 5 s . A jewel was voted to Bro . Edward Hughes , Hon . Sec . ; and a P . M . 's jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . G . Salter , I . P . M ., in
recognition of his services . Two new members were proposed : Bro . Fairweatber , late Phoenix , 173 , for joining , and Mr . Ward for initiation . The business being concluded , the brethren then adjourned to dinner . The visitors were Bros . Webber .
Craft Masonry.
Robert Burns , 35 ; Fail-weather , Phoelnx , 173 ; Pike , Phoenix , 257 ; Aston , Alfred , 38 * . LODGE OP FAITH ( NO . 141 ) . — The regular meeting of the above lodge took place on the 27 th ult ., Bro . James Hill , W . M ., in the chair . The minutes of the former meeting being confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of Messrs . David Davis and Morris Davis , which proving favourable , they were duly initiated . Bros . Amos and Isles were raised to the third
degree , and Bros . Johnson and McDowell were passed to the second degree . A sum of five guineas was given from the funds of the lodge to the Freemasons' Lifeboat . The lodge was then closed , and tbe brethren adjourned to the banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The visitors wore : — Bros . . Tones , P . M . ( late 151 ); Symoads , late P . M . 141 ; Fowler , Royal Albert Lodge ; Mackintosh , Old Dundee . Bro . Jones , iu the course of a very excellent speechsaid he was initiated in
, that lodge thirty-three years since , and had served every office , and this was the first time since he left it that he had visited it . Bro . Syinonds followed , and stated that he had been travelling twenty yours , and while on his various journeys he had felt every benefit from being a Mason . He had now returned , and intended to rejoin his mother lodge .
LODGE OF ST . JAMES ( NO . 765 ) . —On Tuesday , the 1 st inst . a meeting of the Lodga of St . James was held at the Leather Market Tavern , New Weston-streot , Bermondsey , Bro . Daniel Boyce , W . M ., presiding , assisted by Bros . G . Hyde , S . W . ; R . P . Ilooton , J . W . ; R . White , P . M ., Sec ; Neville , S . D . ; William Jones , J . D . ; and Child , I . G . The visitors present were Bros . Barber , 754 , and Howes , 859 . The first business done was the reading os the minutes of the former meeting , which were put
and confirmed . The AV . M . then raised Bro . Goodwin to the sublime degree , and after the reading of the bye-laws of the lodge , the brethren proceeded to elect a Worshipful Alaster , and the ^ choice fell upon Bro . Hyde , S . W . Bro . AV . T . Laing , P . M ., was re-elected Tyler of the lodge . Bro . Aldridge . the treasurer of the lodge , resigned that post in consequence of indisposition , and Bro . Jones , of the Thathed House , Red Lion-street , Holborn , was appointed Treasurer pro tem . in his stead . There being no banquet , the brethren adjourned at an early hour .
NEW CONCOBD . UODGE , ( 815 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge took place ou the ISr . h ult ., at the Rosemary Branch , Hoxton , Bro . J . Hart , the W . M . in the chair , supported by his Officers : —Bros . T . Bartlett , S . W . ; M . J . Adkins , J . W . ; Salisbury , S . D . ; J . Blyth , J . D . ; Main , P . M ., lion . Sec . ; and McDavitt , Org . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes read aud confirmed , Mr . Carl Rheim was initiated , and Bros . Taylor and Phillips were raised to the third ,
degree , three brethren were passed to the degree of Fellow Crafts—viz ., Bros . Wassertrudinger , Shellard , and Gallant . Bro . Bartlett was proposed as W . M . for the ensuing year , the W . M . having informed the brethren that Bro . Bartlett had passed in a satisfactory manner , au examination as to his qualifications , ( a proceeding rendered necessary in this lodge by the by-lnws ) , he was unanimously elected to fill the chair for the ensuing year . Bro . J . J . Wilson was elected Treas . Bro .
, Speight , Tyler , and Bros . Spratt and Mountford were elected auditors . A jewel was then proposed for Bro . Hart , W . M ., on his retirement from office , for the able and satisfactory manner he had in every way conducted the business of the lodge during his year of office . Bro . Bertram , P . M ., having consented to become a Steward on the next anniversary festival of the Boys ' School , and having his list headed with the sum of fifty guineas , was unanimously voted the sum of five guineas from the funds
of the lodge , and also the support of the brethren . A sum of five guineas was also voted from the Benevolent Fund of the lodge to the widow of a late brother of tho lodge . After several propositions on behalf of candidates for initiation on the next meeting , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Gabb , the worthy host . The usual toasts were given and responded
to—that of tho Masonic Charities was very ably responded to hy Bros . Terry and Bertram , P . M . The visitors were—Bros . Beard , P . M . 101 ; 0 . Harper , 706 ; J . Terry , P . M . 228 ; Cook , S . W . Prosperity , & c .
BURGOYNE LODGE , FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE TOWER HAMLETS EKGIN'EEHS LODGE ( NO . 902 ) . —This lodge met on Monday , the 28 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , the chair being occupied by Bro . S . W . Iron , W . M . The minutes of the former lodgo and lodge of emergency were read and confirmed . Bro . Vevers , S . W . and W . M . elect , was then presented
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge.
the retiring Grand Master or the incoming Grand Master , of either of whom nothing could he said too kindly ; but ho considered that Masonry would be strengthened by varying the statesmen in Masonry , and if they did so , it would flourish in the future as it had flourished in the past . Bro . Brackstone Baker said , that though this question had
now been brought forward , it had heen disposed of several years ago , having been advocated by Bro . Stebbing in 1860 . It was then supported by the same arguments that bad been used that evening , and it then produced no more effect than he believed it would do now . On that occasion onlv four hand 8
were held up in its favour , although there , was , as on the present occasion , a large attendance in Grand Lodge . He remarked , that if the arguments adduced were appropriately applied to the office of Grand Master , by the same rule they would apply to those of Grand Secretary , Grand Treasurer , and others . He therefore proposed as an amendment , that the Grand Lodge declines to entertain the proposed alterations . Bros , the Earl do Tabley , Clabon , and other brethren , supported the amendment , hut were continuall y interrupted by cries of " Divide . "
Bro . Havers had also some difficulty in obtaining a hearing . He said th-it within three months the ' matter hi hand had been rejected by a majority of seventy-five . Bro . Stebbing had made a most able address iu support of his proposition , but lie ( Bro . Havers ) grieved to have to say there was nothing in it . He challenged any one to prove that the circumstances of the two periods bore any resemblance to each other . He considered the prosperity of Masonry and Masonic Institutions was entireldue
y to the long tenure of office by the late Grand Master , and he could boldly say that if at any time the Grand Master did not deserve re-election he would not hold his office beyond the twelve months . It might not be any reflection either upon the Grand Master—who is leaving the chair—or upon the newlyelected Grand Master ; but if a period was fixed during which the office might be heldit would attach a certain sti
, gma upon the brother who failed to he re-elected . They now possessed the right of electing the Grand Master , and why should they restrict themselves in the enjoyment of that ' power . The qualifications for the office of Grand Master were peculiar ; he must lie of high rank , and a man of great influence ; and he must also be a zealous Mason . These were qualifications of no ordinary character , and they should be careful iu making
changes which might afterwards be found to be unneccess-. u'y . If a rule of this kind applied to tho M . W . Grand Master , it would also apply to District and Provincial Grand Masters , and , if adopted , would lead to endless difficulty and confusion . Bro . Havers , alter making some further remarks , resumed his seat . Bro . Stebbing said that ho did wish to have the question brought forward three monthsbut he
proposedhowevery , , eve-, at no very distant time , to introduce the subject again . It was what he considered the right principle , and ' he would never lose sight of it . On the hist occasion the division was called in question , and that was tbe reason it was reproduced that night . The amendment was put and carried hy a large majority .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
NEPTUNE LODGE ( NO . 22 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met at Radley ' s Hotel , on Thursday , the 21 th ult ., Bro . Thomas , W . M , in the chair . Bros . Brown and Cooper were raised , and Bro . Berger was passed . The following subscriptions were voted from the funds of the lodse , viz . : Royal Masonic Benevolent Insti . ution , £ 10 ; Boys' School , £ 5 os . ; Girls' School , £ o 5 s . A jewel was voted to Bro . Edward Hughes , Hon . Sec . ; and a P . M . 's jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . G . Salter , I . P . M ., in
recognition of his services . Two new members were proposed : Bro . Fairweatber , late Phoenix , 173 , for joining , and Mr . Ward for initiation . The business being concluded , the brethren then adjourned to dinner . The visitors were Bros . Webber .
Craft Masonry.
Robert Burns , 35 ; Fail-weather , Phoelnx , 173 ; Pike , Phoenix , 257 ; Aston , Alfred , 38 * . LODGE OP FAITH ( NO . 141 ) . — The regular meeting of the above lodge took place on the 27 th ult ., Bro . James Hill , W . M ., in the chair . The minutes of the former meeting being confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of Messrs . David Davis and Morris Davis , which proving favourable , they were duly initiated . Bros . Amos and Isles were raised to the third
degree , and Bros . Johnson and McDowell were passed to the second degree . A sum of five guineas was given from the funds of the lodge to the Freemasons' Lifeboat . The lodge was then closed , and tbe brethren adjourned to the banquet . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The visitors wore : — Bros . . Tones , P . M . ( late 151 ); Symoads , late P . M . 141 ; Fowler , Royal Albert Lodge ; Mackintosh , Old Dundee . Bro . Jones , iu the course of a very excellent speechsaid he was initiated in
, that lodge thirty-three years since , and had served every office , and this was the first time since he left it that he had visited it . Bro . Syinonds followed , and stated that he had been travelling twenty yours , and while on his various journeys he had felt every benefit from being a Mason . He had now returned , and intended to rejoin his mother lodge .
LODGE OF ST . JAMES ( NO . 765 ) . —On Tuesday , the 1 st inst . a meeting of the Lodga of St . James was held at the Leather Market Tavern , New Weston-streot , Bermondsey , Bro . Daniel Boyce , W . M ., presiding , assisted by Bros . G . Hyde , S . W . ; R . P . Ilooton , J . W . ; R . White , P . M ., Sec ; Neville , S . D . ; William Jones , J . D . ; and Child , I . G . The visitors present were Bros . Barber , 754 , and Howes , 859 . The first business done was the reading os the minutes of the former meeting , which were put
and confirmed . The AV . M . then raised Bro . Goodwin to the sublime degree , and after the reading of the bye-laws of the lodge , the brethren proceeded to elect a Worshipful Alaster , and the ^ choice fell upon Bro . Hyde , S . W . Bro . AV . T . Laing , P . M ., was re-elected Tyler of the lodge . Bro . Aldridge . the treasurer of the lodge , resigned that post in consequence of indisposition , and Bro . Jones , of the Thathed House , Red Lion-street , Holborn , was appointed Treasurer pro tem . in his stead . There being no banquet , the brethren adjourned at an early hour .
NEW CONCOBD . UODGE , ( 815 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge took place ou the ISr . h ult ., at the Rosemary Branch , Hoxton , Bro . J . Hart , the W . M . in the chair , supported by his Officers : —Bros . T . Bartlett , S . W . ; M . J . Adkins , J . W . ; Salisbury , S . D . ; J . Blyth , J . D . ; Main , P . M ., lion . Sec . ; and McDavitt , Org . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes read aud confirmed , Mr . Carl Rheim was initiated , and Bros . Taylor and Phillips were raised to the third ,
degree , three brethren were passed to the degree of Fellow Crafts—viz ., Bros . Wassertrudinger , Shellard , and Gallant . Bro . Bartlett was proposed as W . M . for the ensuing year , the W . M . having informed the brethren that Bro . Bartlett had passed in a satisfactory manner , au examination as to his qualifications , ( a proceeding rendered necessary in this lodge by the by-lnws ) , he was unanimously elected to fill the chair for the ensuing year . Bro . J . J . Wilson was elected Treas . Bro .
, Speight , Tyler , and Bros . Spratt and Mountford were elected auditors . A jewel was then proposed for Bro . Hart , W . M ., on his retirement from office , for the able and satisfactory manner he had in every way conducted the business of the lodge during his year of office . Bro . Bertram , P . M ., having consented to become a Steward on the next anniversary festival of the Boys ' School , and having his list headed with the sum of fifty guineas , was unanimously voted the sum of five guineas from the funds
of the lodge , and also the support of the brethren . A sum of five guineas was also voted from the Benevolent Fund of the lodge to the widow of a late brother of tho lodge . After several propositions on behalf of candidates for initiation on the next meeting , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Gabb , the worthy host . The usual toasts were given and responded
to—that of tho Masonic Charities was very ably responded to hy Bros . Terry and Bertram , P . M . The visitors were—Bros . Beard , P . M . 101 ; 0 . Harper , 706 ; J . Terry , P . M . 228 ; Cook , S . W . Prosperity , & c .
BURGOYNE LODGE , FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE TOWER HAMLETS EKGIN'EEHS LODGE ( NO . 902 ) . —This lodge met on Monday , the 28 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , the chair being occupied by Bro . S . W . Iron , W . M . The minutes of the former lodgo and lodge of emergency were read and confirmed . Bro . Vevers , S . W . and W . M . elect , was then presented