Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 3 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 3 →
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THE MASONIC MIRROR . * £ * All communications to be addressed to tho EDITOR , at No 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems
MASK LODGE MUSIC . —We give this week the concluding portion of the Music for use iu a Lodge of Mark Masters . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION JOB BOYS . —APRIL ELECTION . —Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of William Grant Fabian , for this , the fifth application . His father , Bro . Augustus Fabian , has been very zealous and energetic in the cause of
Masonry , aud has heen instrumental in founding and resuscitating several lodges and chapters . He is a P . M . of the Portsmouth Lodge ( No . 487 ) , P . Prov . S . G . Warden of Hants , Mark M ., Royal Arch , Rose Croix , and Knight Templar , but owing to sudden and severe misfortunes , his circumstances are now very reduced , and his means are totally inadequate to maintain and
educate his large family , four of whom are entirely , and four partially , dependent on his very limited resources , and he is compelled to make this appeal to the brethren and subscribers . This case was second on the list of unsuccessful candidates last election aud is vouched for , and urgently recommended by a strong list of influential brethren , as very deserving of support .
Bro . Fabian will feel very grateful for votes . Address , S , Waterford-terrace North , Walliam-green , S . W . Girls' School or Benevolent Institution proxies equally valuable for exchanging .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOTS .- —The seventysecond Anniversary Festival , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales in the chair , will take place at Freemasons' Hall and Tavern , and not elsewhere , as anticipated , suitable arrangements having been made for the accommodation of the large number expected to attend , on AVednesday , the 30 th inst . We hope to give full particulars in our next .
TYLERS of Lodges , Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encampments , & c , in England , Scotland , aud Ireland , are requested to forward their names and addresses to the Publisher of THE FEEEMASONS ' S -M AGAZINE , so that a complete Register and Directory may be compiled . A LODGE oi' Instruction is held hi connection with the Medina Lodge , Coives , Isle of Wight , every Monday evening .
United Grand Lodge.
[ Want of space having prevented us last week reporting the speeches iu txtenso , we give , in our present publication , according to promise , the remarks upon the various questions brought forward . ] Bro . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , in returning thanks to the brethren present for having so unanimously elected him to fill the office of Grand Master , said it was with . no small emotion he
returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him , and the signal proof of their confidence in him . He was aware that the vote of this Grand Lodge required confirmation , and although the unanimous manner in which they had testified their desire left scarce a doubt , yet he did not consider this a suitable occasion for entering into any lengthened remarks . However he
could not refrain at the first moment , to embrace the opportunity of tendering the expression of his heartfelt gratitude for the honour they had conferred upon him , and lo assure them that it would be his constant endeavour earnestly to discharge the duties that his tenure of office ( whether of short or long dursi-
United Grand Lodge.
ti on ) would impose upon him . He felt a deep sense ofthe responsibility , and the importance of these duties , and he could assure them that it seemed to him no light matter to be entrusted with the supreme government , of a large body of such of his fellow countrymen as were to be found enrolled in the ranks of Freemasonry , and he felt an additional weight of responsibility
rested upon him in having to follow in that great office , one who had so worthily occupied that position as the retiring Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , had done , but he would endeavour to constantly follow in his footsteps , and act up to the bright example that had been set by his predecessors . That allusion
brought him to a task more congenial to him than speaking of himself , and that was the moving a resolution , expressing the regret of the Grand Lodge at the retirement of Lord Zetland . The duty of wording the resolution had Mien to him , and he begged lo submit it to Grand Lodge in the following words : —' That this Grand Lodge desires to record its sense ofthe eminent services which have been rendered to Masonry hy the M . W . the
Earl of Zetland in the course of the twenty-six years during which he has presided over the Craft ; and to convey to his lordship the expression of the heartfelt regret of the members of this Grand Lodge at the termination of the intimate connection which has existed for so long a period between him aud them ; and of their hope that they may still be permitted to
enjoy for many years the great benefit of his presence among thein , and of bis counsel and advice ; and to assure him that the manner in whicli he has always discharged the important duties of his great office has won for him the lasting respect and affection of this Grand Lodge . " He was confident that all would agree in the sentiments which he had endeavoured to embody in the resolution , and felt sure none would question the fact that the services Lord Zetland had
rendered to the Craft had been eminent and valuable . During his rule , the number of lodges under his jurisdiction had increased from lS' 1-1- io 1 S 70 hy upwards of 720 , and that while in 18-1-1 . the number of certificates issued was under 1 , 600 , during the year 18 G 9 the number had increased to 7 , 000 , Under his rule tiie Alasonic charities had also flourished . It would be perhaps unjust to the Ciuft for him to say that the great progress
Masonry had made was due only to the distinguished brother who had occupied that tin-one , doubtless every brother iu some measure contributed to that prosperity , but ho was confident every brother would agree with him that if a wise and judicious rule had not beeu exercised during that lengthened period , that great progress would not have been made . Under these
circumstances , was it not natural that regret should lie fell on the occasion of losing his services , as occupier of the chair of Grand Master . They were about to lose that which could not readily be replaced—an experience of twenty-five years—which was of
great importance in an office like that of their Grand Master . They were also about to lose that which was of still greater importance—a man of high and noble nature , one in whose mind every mean or personal consideration was ever absent , a man who reflected upon tho rule of tho Craft he governed , the stamp of integrity and of honour . ' He asked them to express an
earnest hope that it might please the Great Architect of the Universe , to preserve that valuable life for many years yet to come , and that he might often he seen in their hull occupying the position of Past Grand Muster , aiding the Grand Lodge with counsels which would certainly he listened to with reverence , and affording guidance which would always be honoured . Lastly
ho asked them to convey to the Grand Master a testimony of of their esteem , respect aud affection- His gentleness , his consideration , his courtesy , and his untiring zeal for the Craft , he said , entitled him to a recognition of it at their hands , and ^ he
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * £ * All communications to be addressed to tho EDITOR , at No 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems
MASK LODGE MUSIC . —We give this week the concluding portion of the Music for use iu a Lodge of Mark Masters . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION JOB BOYS . —APRIL ELECTION . —Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of William Grant Fabian , for this , the fifth application . His father , Bro . Augustus Fabian , has been very zealous and energetic in the cause of
Masonry , aud has heen instrumental in founding and resuscitating several lodges and chapters . He is a P . M . of the Portsmouth Lodge ( No . 487 ) , P . Prov . S . G . Warden of Hants , Mark M ., Royal Arch , Rose Croix , and Knight Templar , but owing to sudden and severe misfortunes , his circumstances are now very reduced , and his means are totally inadequate to maintain and
educate his large family , four of whom are entirely , and four partially , dependent on his very limited resources , and he is compelled to make this appeal to the brethren and subscribers . This case was second on the list of unsuccessful candidates last election aud is vouched for , and urgently recommended by a strong list of influential brethren , as very deserving of support .
Bro . Fabian will feel very grateful for votes . Address , S , Waterford-terrace North , Walliam-green , S . W . Girls' School or Benevolent Institution proxies equally valuable for exchanging .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOTS .- —The seventysecond Anniversary Festival , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales in the chair , will take place at Freemasons' Hall and Tavern , and not elsewhere , as anticipated , suitable arrangements having been made for the accommodation of the large number expected to attend , on AVednesday , the 30 th inst . We hope to give full particulars in our next .
TYLERS of Lodges , Janitors of Chapters , Equerries of Encampments , & c , in England , Scotland , aud Ireland , are requested to forward their names and addresses to the Publisher of THE FEEEMASONS ' S -M AGAZINE , so that a complete Register and Directory may be compiled . A LODGE oi' Instruction is held hi connection with the Medina Lodge , Coives , Isle of Wight , every Monday evening .
United Grand Lodge.
[ Want of space having prevented us last week reporting the speeches iu txtenso , we give , in our present publication , according to promise , the remarks upon the various questions brought forward . ] Bro . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , in returning thanks to the brethren present for having so unanimously elected him to fill the office of Grand Master , said it was with . no small emotion he
returned thanks for the honour conferred upon him , and the signal proof of their confidence in him . He was aware that the vote of this Grand Lodge required confirmation , and although the unanimous manner in which they had testified their desire left scarce a doubt , yet he did not consider this a suitable occasion for entering into any lengthened remarks . However he
could not refrain at the first moment , to embrace the opportunity of tendering the expression of his heartfelt gratitude for the honour they had conferred upon him , and lo assure them that it would be his constant endeavour earnestly to discharge the duties that his tenure of office ( whether of short or long dursi-
United Grand Lodge.
ti on ) would impose upon him . He felt a deep sense ofthe responsibility , and the importance of these duties , and he could assure them that it seemed to him no light matter to be entrusted with the supreme government , of a large body of such of his fellow countrymen as were to be found enrolled in the ranks of Freemasonry , and he felt an additional weight of responsibility
rested upon him in having to follow in that great office , one who had so worthily occupied that position as the retiring Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , had done , but he would endeavour to constantly follow in his footsteps , and act up to the bright example that had been set by his predecessors . That allusion
brought him to a task more congenial to him than speaking of himself , and that was the moving a resolution , expressing the regret of the Grand Lodge at the retirement of Lord Zetland . The duty of wording the resolution had Mien to him , and he begged lo submit it to Grand Lodge in the following words : —' That this Grand Lodge desires to record its sense ofthe eminent services which have been rendered to Masonry hy the M . W . the
Earl of Zetland in the course of the twenty-six years during which he has presided over the Craft ; and to convey to his lordship the expression of the heartfelt regret of the members of this Grand Lodge at the termination of the intimate connection which has existed for so long a period between him aud them ; and of their hope that they may still be permitted to
enjoy for many years the great benefit of his presence among thein , and of bis counsel and advice ; and to assure him that the manner in whicli he has always discharged the important duties of his great office has won for him the lasting respect and affection of this Grand Lodge . " He was confident that all would agree in the sentiments which he had endeavoured to embody in the resolution , and felt sure none would question the fact that the services Lord Zetland had
rendered to the Craft had been eminent and valuable . During his rule , the number of lodges under his jurisdiction had increased from lS' 1-1- io 1 S 70 hy upwards of 720 , and that while in 18-1-1 . the number of certificates issued was under 1 , 600 , during the year 18 G 9 the number had increased to 7 , 000 , Under his rule tiie Alasonic charities had also flourished . It would be perhaps unjust to the Ciuft for him to say that the great progress
Masonry had made was due only to the distinguished brother who had occupied that tin-one , doubtless every brother iu some measure contributed to that prosperity , but ho was confident every brother would agree with him that if a wise and judicious rule had not beeu exercised during that lengthened period , that great progress would not have been made . Under these
circumstances , was it not natural that regret should lie fell on the occasion of losing his services , as occupier of the chair of Grand Master . They were about to lose that which could not readily be replaced—an experience of twenty-five years—which was of
great importance in an office like that of their Grand Master . They were also about to lose that which was of still greater importance—a man of high and noble nature , one in whose mind every mean or personal consideration was ever absent , a man who reflected upon tho rule of tho Craft he governed , the stamp of integrity and of honour . ' He asked them to express an
earnest hope that it might please the Great Architect of the Universe , to preserve that valuable life for many years yet to come , and that he might often he seen in their hull occupying the position of Past Grand Muster , aiding the Grand Lodge with counsels which would certainly he listened to with reverence , and affording guidance which would always be honoured . Lastly
ho asked them to convey to the Grand Master a testimony of of their esteem , respect aud affection- His gentleness , his consideration , his courtesy , and his untiring zeal for the Craft , he said , entitled him to a recognition of it at their hands , and ^ he