Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 4 of 4 Article Poetry. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
10 . Turkey , Prov . G . L . of England at Constantinople (?) 11 . North America . Pounded . lodges . -G . Lodgo of Alabama , 1821 235 „ Arkanas , 1838 128 „ California . 1850 13 < t Canada 1855 118
„ , „ Connecticut , 1789 57 „ Delaware 1806 12 „ Dist . of Columbia , 1811 11 Florida , 1830 40 ,, Georgia , 1786 226 Illinios , 1823 290 „ Indiana , ISIS 250
. , Iowa , 1814 138 „ Kansas , 1856 23 ,. Kentucky ,. 1800 311 „ Louisiana , 1812 112 „ Maine , 1829- 93 ,,. Maryland , 17 s 3 37 Massachusetts . 1717 99
„ . „ Michigan , 1826 104 „ Minnesota , 1853 35 ,,. Mississippi , 1818 239 „ Missouri , 1821 ISO „ Nebraska , 1857 6 „ New Brunswick ,. 1856 22 New Hampshire 17 , <» 39
„ , New Jersey , 1786 52 New York , 17 7 413 North Carolina . 1787 127 Ohio , 1809 298 „ Oregon , 1851 26 „ Fennsylvanni ' ff , 1786 150 Rhode Island ,. 1791 16
South Carolina ,. 1787 70 Tennessee , 1813 213 Texas , 1 38 210 „ Vermont , 1784 44 „ Virginia , 1878 162 „ Wisconsin , 1843 106 „ Washington Territory , 1858 7
12 . South America . G . Lodge of Brazil , 65 „ Venezuela , 25 Uruguay , 17 Feru , (?) - „ . Argentine Republic (?) — Hayti (?) - „ Cuba , ( Island of Cuba , ) (?)
—Total . 67 Grand Lodges and 7172 subordinate lodges . The above table does not include any of the bodies of the liigher degrees , but merely symbolic lodges . Thus the Gr . Nat . M . Lodge at Berlin has , in addition to the above , under its jurisdiction , 50 Scottish Lodges . The Gr . Landesloge of Germany , 22 St . Andrew's Lodges . The Gr . L . Royal York , of Friendship , 7 Inner Orients . The Gr . Lodge of Sweden , 2 Stuart Lodges and 7 St . Andrew's
Lodges . The Gr . Lodge of Denmark , 2 St . Andrew ' s Lodges . Grand Orient of France , 82 ^ Chap ters , Councils and Consistories .
Sup . Council of France , 15 Chapters , Councils and Consistories —Aero Fork Sunday Despatch . A HASOXIC MECALOGUE . Decalogue Maconnifjue . —Such is the title to the following precepts written upon a paper presented to me by a French cavalry officer , with whose fumily marriage
connects me . He states that it was found in tho pocket of a dragoon under his command , a native of Corsica , killed at tbe battle of Solferino . Tho paper being much stained and worn , many words are entirely obliterated . These I have supplied by conjecture : —I . Adore le Grand Architecte de l ' univers , qui est Dieu . Lo vrai eulte du Grand Architeote consiste dans les bonnes moeurs . II . Tions toujours ton amc dans un etat pur , pour paraitre digneroent devant le Grand Architeote do l'univers . III .
Ecouto toujours la voix de la conscience . ISTo fais point de mal . Fais du bien . Fais du bien pour 1 ' amour du bien lui-m 6 me . IV . Aime ton prochain . Sois lo pere des pauvres . V . Estime les bons . Plains les faibles Fuis les mochants . Ne nais personne . VI . Bespect . les femmes , N'abuse jamais de leur faiblesse . Meur plutot qui de la deshonneur . VII . Evite les querefles
Previens les insultes . Mets toujours la raison de ton cote . Parle sobrement avec les grands , prudemment avec tes egaux , sincerement avec les petits , tendrement avecles malheureux . VIII . Sois content de tout , partout , et avec tout . Songe qui ce n ' est pas ton etat qui 1 'honoro degrade , mais la fac-on dont tu Fexereis . Rejouis toi dans la justice . Couronne toi centre l'lniquitc .
Souffre sans te plaindre . IX . Lis et profite , vos etimite le bien . Refleclus et travaille . Bapporte tout ii 1 ' utilite de tes Freres ; e ' est travailler pour toi meme . X . Ne juge pas- legerment les actions des hommes . Ne blame pas temerairement ; e ' est an Grand Architeote de l ' univeres , qui sonde les ceoeurs , d ' apprccier . son ouvrage . The decalogue is followed , in another handwriting , by a literal translation into French prose of some stanzas of Pope ' s Universal Prayer . —CHARLES PUETON COOPEE .
Poetry .
THE TWO VILLAGES . BY ROSE TEKEY . Over tho river , on the hill , Lieth a village white and still ; All around it the forest trees
Whisper and shiver in the breeze ; Over it sailing shadows go Of soaring hawk and screaming crow ; Ancl mountain grasses , low and sweet , Grow in the middle of every street . Over the river , under the hill ,
Another village lieth still ; There I see , in the cloudy night , Twinkling stars of household light ; Fires that gleam from the smithy's door , Mists that curl on the river shore ; And in the roads no grasses grow ,
For the wheels that hasten to and fro . In that village on the hill Never is sound of smithy or mill ; The houses are thatched with grass and flowers ; Never a clock to toll the hours ; The marble doors are always shut ;
You cannot enter in hall or hut ; All the vilhigers lie asleep , Never again to sow or reap , Never in dreams to moan or sign—Silent and idle and low they lie . In that village under the hill ,
When the night is starry and still , Many a weary soul in prayer Looks to the other village there , And , weeping and sighing , longs to go Up to that home from this below—Longs to sleep in the forest wild ,
Whither have vanished wife and child , And heareth , praying , this answer fall"Patience ! that village shall hold you all . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
10 . Turkey , Prov . G . L . of England at Constantinople (?) 11 . North America . Pounded . lodges . -G . Lodgo of Alabama , 1821 235 „ Arkanas , 1838 128 „ California . 1850 13 < t Canada 1855 118
„ , „ Connecticut , 1789 57 „ Delaware 1806 12 „ Dist . of Columbia , 1811 11 Florida , 1830 40 ,, Georgia , 1786 226 Illinios , 1823 290 „ Indiana , ISIS 250
. , Iowa , 1814 138 „ Kansas , 1856 23 ,. Kentucky ,. 1800 311 „ Louisiana , 1812 112 „ Maine , 1829- 93 ,,. Maryland , 17 s 3 37 Massachusetts . 1717 99
„ . „ Michigan , 1826 104 „ Minnesota , 1853 35 ,,. Mississippi , 1818 239 „ Missouri , 1821 ISO „ Nebraska , 1857 6 „ New Brunswick ,. 1856 22 New Hampshire 17 , <» 39
„ , New Jersey , 1786 52 New York , 17 7 413 North Carolina . 1787 127 Ohio , 1809 298 „ Oregon , 1851 26 „ Fennsylvanni ' ff , 1786 150 Rhode Island ,. 1791 16
South Carolina ,. 1787 70 Tennessee , 1813 213 Texas , 1 38 210 „ Vermont , 1784 44 „ Virginia , 1878 162 „ Wisconsin , 1843 106 „ Washington Territory , 1858 7
12 . South America . G . Lodge of Brazil , 65 „ Venezuela , 25 Uruguay , 17 Feru , (?) - „ . Argentine Republic (?) — Hayti (?) - „ Cuba , ( Island of Cuba , ) (?)
—Total . 67 Grand Lodges and 7172 subordinate lodges . The above table does not include any of the bodies of the liigher degrees , but merely symbolic lodges . Thus the Gr . Nat . M . Lodge at Berlin has , in addition to the above , under its jurisdiction , 50 Scottish Lodges . The Gr . Landesloge of Germany , 22 St . Andrew's Lodges . The Gr . L . Royal York , of Friendship , 7 Inner Orients . The Gr . Lodge of Sweden , 2 Stuart Lodges and 7 St . Andrew's
Lodges . The Gr . Lodge of Denmark , 2 St . Andrew ' s Lodges . Grand Orient of France , 82 ^ Chap ters , Councils and Consistories .
Sup . Council of France , 15 Chapters , Councils and Consistories —Aero Fork Sunday Despatch . A HASOXIC MECALOGUE . Decalogue Maconnifjue . —Such is the title to the following precepts written upon a paper presented to me by a French cavalry officer , with whose fumily marriage
connects me . He states that it was found in tho pocket of a dragoon under his command , a native of Corsica , killed at tbe battle of Solferino . Tho paper being much stained and worn , many words are entirely obliterated . These I have supplied by conjecture : —I . Adore le Grand Architecte de l ' univers , qui est Dieu . Lo vrai eulte du Grand Architeote consiste dans les bonnes moeurs . II . Tions toujours ton amc dans un etat pur , pour paraitre digneroent devant le Grand Architeote do l'univers . III .
Ecouto toujours la voix de la conscience . ISTo fais point de mal . Fais du bien . Fais du bien pour 1 ' amour du bien lui-m 6 me . IV . Aime ton prochain . Sois lo pere des pauvres . V . Estime les bons . Plains les faibles Fuis les mochants . Ne nais personne . VI . Bespect . les femmes , N'abuse jamais de leur faiblesse . Meur plutot qui de la deshonneur . VII . Evite les querefles
Previens les insultes . Mets toujours la raison de ton cote . Parle sobrement avec les grands , prudemment avec tes egaux , sincerement avec les petits , tendrement avecles malheureux . VIII . Sois content de tout , partout , et avec tout . Songe qui ce n ' est pas ton etat qui 1 'honoro degrade , mais la fac-on dont tu Fexereis . Rejouis toi dans la justice . Couronne toi centre l'lniquitc .
Souffre sans te plaindre . IX . Lis et profite , vos etimite le bien . Refleclus et travaille . Bapporte tout ii 1 ' utilite de tes Freres ; e ' est travailler pour toi meme . X . Ne juge pas- legerment les actions des hommes . Ne blame pas temerairement ; e ' est an Grand Architeote de l ' univeres , qui sonde les ceoeurs , d ' apprccier . son ouvrage . The decalogue is followed , in another handwriting , by a literal translation into French prose of some stanzas of Pope ' s Universal Prayer . —CHARLES PUETON COOPEE .
Poetry .
THE TWO VILLAGES . BY ROSE TEKEY . Over tho river , on the hill , Lieth a village white and still ; All around it the forest trees
Whisper and shiver in the breeze ; Over it sailing shadows go Of soaring hawk and screaming crow ; Ancl mountain grasses , low and sweet , Grow in the middle of every street . Over the river , under the hill ,
Another village lieth still ; There I see , in the cloudy night , Twinkling stars of household light ; Fires that gleam from the smithy's door , Mists that curl on the river shore ; And in the roads no grasses grow ,
For the wheels that hasten to and fro . In that village on the hill Never is sound of smithy or mill ; The houses are thatched with grass and flowers ; Never a clock to toll the hours ; The marble doors are always shut ;
You cannot enter in hall or hut ; All the vilhigers lie asleep , Never again to sow or reap , Never in dreams to moan or sign—Silent and idle and low they lie . In that village under the hill ,
When the night is starry and still , Many a weary soul in prayer Looks to the other village there , And , weeping and sighing , longs to go Up to that home from this below—Longs to sleep in the forest wild ,
Whither have vanished wife and child , And heareth , praying , this answer fall"Patience ! that village shall hold you all . "