Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
the war , the Emperor was disposed to follow her in that course . " General Forey has been created by Imperial decree , a Marshall of France . La France denies that the prosecution of the French bishops who issued the circular to their parishioners during the late elections has been abandoned . The 48 , 000 roubles carried off by the Post-office functionaries in Warsaw
have been transferred by them to the exchequer of the National Government , by which the money will no doubt be expended to the great embarrassment ^ of the de jure Government . It is stated in Cracow telegrams that trains have actually ceased to run upon the St . Petersburg , and Warsaw Railway , in consequence of the decree issued by the National Government . If
this be true , it will afford the most conclusive proof of the real power exercised by that unseen body . The Polish National Government has , it is said , issued a proclamation declaring "that it has never overrated the value of foreign diplomacy , " and that it has not entered into any negociations for an armistice . The " national government , " it is announced , " can only place itself under obligations to foreign powers when it ncgociates with them on a footing of equality as the representative of a . free nation . In the meantime the insurrection is
gaining strength . The answer of Russia to the three powers is said to be of a peaceful character -The Independence Beige publishes an important letter from St . Petersburg , stating that " gigantic" preparations for war are being made , and that the regiments are being increased to six battalions each . The Council of the Russian Empire will bo reinforced by the
addition of the marshals of the nobility and the burgomasters of St . Petersburg ]! and Moscow . There have been some slight disturbances in one of the streets of Berlin , during the last two or three days , leading even to attacks upon police . But although these excited alarm at first they appear merely to have originated in a quarrel about the ejection of a tenant , and to
have had no political meaning . Many arrests have , however , been made . The Danish government , apparently apprensive of tbe resolutions that may be adopted by the German Diet , has ordered an extraordinary levy of reserve soldiers , who are to join thoir regiments on the 1 st of next month .- ——A serious military insurrection , or mutiny , has occurred among the
garrison at Athens ; but the Greek Government seems to have ultimately succeeded in restoring order . The Bank of Athens was attacked by the mutineers , and was afterwards protected by a detachment of marines landed from the foreign ships of
war . Under date of Athens , July 0 , it appears that the National Assembly had obtained the simultaneous removal of the troops of the two parties from Athens . The city was again restored to tranqcility . The Alenna papers publish accounts from Constantinople confirming the news of the outbreak of a revolution in Georgia . Prince Cholukoff , with 200 soldiers ,
was murdered near the citadel of Za . la . tai . The Tartars had oined the insurgents . Letters received in Constantinople from the Caucasus state that no less than eleven sanguinary combats have taken place between the Russians and the mountaineers . Sir II . Bulwer has addressed a demand to the Porte , in the name of his colleagues , on the subject of the indemnity
promised to the families of the victims in Syria . The Italian Minister intends protesting against the decision of the ambassadors , which excluded him from participating in the conference pending tho examination of the question . The Moniteur publishes reports from the French Consul at Madagascar , giving a full account of the events preceding and immediately subsequent to
the assassination of the late king . The French Consul received an assurance from the Queen that good relations with foreign nations should be preserved , and that the whites should he protected . There has been drawn up a new constitution , to which
The Week.
the new Sovereign has sworn obedience . The first article is something new in the history of constitutions . It is simply , "Tho Queen shall drink no strong liquors . " The French Consul paints in the highest colours the character of the late King . The American advices brought by the Africa and the City of New York are to the 27 th nit . It was confidently asserted that
General Leo himself , with a large portion of his army , had crossed the Potomac and Maryland , ancl that he intended to operate with the mass of the force on the north side of the Potomac . The Confederate corps which had entered Pennsylvania had been largely augmented , General Swell ' s division having occupied Chambersbuig on 24 th ult . while General Early entered
Gettysburg on the 29 th . General Jones had occupied Macconnellsburg , after a sharp skirmish with a Federal detatchment under General Milroy ; and the Federals had evacuated Carlisle—close to which town the Confederates had advanced —and had retreated to Harrisburg . The Governor of of Pensylvania had culled out 50 , 000 militia ; but the people of
the state were said to show a strange apathy respecting the invasion . Nothing was publicly known as to the positions of General Hooker's army , which was , however , reported to have been " moving" on the 25 th ult . and to have had a corps "in the vicinity of Hagerstown . " Vicksburg advices of the 23 rd
ult . asserted that General Grant was making preparations for another assault on the Confederate defences . A body of 1 , 000 Texans was said to have been repulsed at Lake Providence by some negro troops ; but , according to Southern accounts , the Confederate General Kirby Smith had obtained possession of Milliken Bend , on the western hank of the Mississippi , above
Viclcsburgh . An assault made on the 1-lth ult . by the troops of General Banks on the Confederate works at Port Hudson bad been disastrously repulsed at all points ; and the Federals admitted that thoy had sustained a loss of 700 to 1000 men . It was " supposed " that another assault would be attempted on . the 19 th ult ., but at the same time it was reported that the
Confederates were " concentrating in General Banks ' s rear to prevent his retreat to Baton Rouge . " Not only did the Tacohy continue her depredations on Federal merchant vessels off the northern coast , but two other Confederate cruisers , a steamer and a schooner , were said to be plundering and destroying American shipping at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy , and it
was reported that forty vessels had been destroyed within a . week oil * Cape Sable . A Federal revenue cutter , well armed and stored , had sailed from Portland in the night , without orders or officers , ancl it was supposed that the crew had run away with her for thc purpose of committing piratical depredations under Confederate colours .
To Correspondents.
HIRAM . —A member of the lodge , never having before served as AVarden , is invested as S . W . o . i the 24 th of June , 1802 , and duly elected and confirmed as W . M . elect for 1863 . Can a dispensation be obtained from the R . W . Prov . G . M . through his Deputy the V . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., to instal the Bro . S . W . as _ W . M . on the 23 rd of June , 18 C 3 , there being no necessity for abbreviating : the probation service of Wardcnship by one day ( the Bonk of Constitutions , page 59 , article 2 , states " sewed as Warden of a warranted lodge for
one year " ) , the By-laws of the lodge also fix " 24 th June , " a . s Installation day ? Is the dispensatio i legal ? Is the W . M . sn installed a legally constituted Master ? In what position do his officers stand ? If tho act is illegal , what is the remedy for the P . M . ' s and AV . M . ' s of the Province to take ? [ The dispensation would no doubt be held to be legal ; but cannot believe it would have been granted without good cause shown . D . —The Master properly should never leave the chair , whoever
perforins thc duty , but it has grown into a custom for him tu exchange chairs with a Past . Master , whilst the latter performs u cercmonv .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
the war , the Emperor was disposed to follow her in that course . " General Forey has been created by Imperial decree , a Marshall of France . La France denies that the prosecution of the French bishops who issued the circular to their parishioners during the late elections has been abandoned . The 48 , 000 roubles carried off by the Post-office functionaries in Warsaw
have been transferred by them to the exchequer of the National Government , by which the money will no doubt be expended to the great embarrassment ^ of the de jure Government . It is stated in Cracow telegrams that trains have actually ceased to run upon the St . Petersburg , and Warsaw Railway , in consequence of the decree issued by the National Government . If
this be true , it will afford the most conclusive proof of the real power exercised by that unseen body . The Polish National Government has , it is said , issued a proclamation declaring "that it has never overrated the value of foreign diplomacy , " and that it has not entered into any negociations for an armistice . The " national government , " it is announced , " can only place itself under obligations to foreign powers when it ncgociates with them on a footing of equality as the representative of a . free nation . In the meantime the insurrection is
gaining strength . The answer of Russia to the three powers is said to be of a peaceful character -The Independence Beige publishes an important letter from St . Petersburg , stating that " gigantic" preparations for war are being made , and that the regiments are being increased to six battalions each . The Council of the Russian Empire will bo reinforced by the
addition of the marshals of the nobility and the burgomasters of St . Petersburg ]! and Moscow . There have been some slight disturbances in one of the streets of Berlin , during the last two or three days , leading even to attacks upon police . But although these excited alarm at first they appear merely to have originated in a quarrel about the ejection of a tenant , and to
have had no political meaning . Many arrests have , however , been made . The Danish government , apparently apprensive of tbe resolutions that may be adopted by the German Diet , has ordered an extraordinary levy of reserve soldiers , who are to join thoir regiments on the 1 st of next month .- ——A serious military insurrection , or mutiny , has occurred among the
garrison at Athens ; but the Greek Government seems to have ultimately succeeded in restoring order . The Bank of Athens was attacked by the mutineers , and was afterwards protected by a detachment of marines landed from the foreign ships of
war . Under date of Athens , July 0 , it appears that the National Assembly had obtained the simultaneous removal of the troops of the two parties from Athens . The city was again restored to tranqcility . The Alenna papers publish accounts from Constantinople confirming the news of the outbreak of a revolution in Georgia . Prince Cholukoff , with 200 soldiers ,
was murdered near the citadel of Za . la . tai . The Tartars had oined the insurgents . Letters received in Constantinople from the Caucasus state that no less than eleven sanguinary combats have taken place between the Russians and the mountaineers . Sir II . Bulwer has addressed a demand to the Porte , in the name of his colleagues , on the subject of the indemnity
promised to the families of the victims in Syria . The Italian Minister intends protesting against the decision of the ambassadors , which excluded him from participating in the conference pending tho examination of the question . The Moniteur publishes reports from the French Consul at Madagascar , giving a full account of the events preceding and immediately subsequent to
the assassination of the late king . The French Consul received an assurance from the Queen that good relations with foreign nations should be preserved , and that the whites should he protected . There has been drawn up a new constitution , to which
The Week.
the new Sovereign has sworn obedience . The first article is something new in the history of constitutions . It is simply , "Tho Queen shall drink no strong liquors . " The French Consul paints in the highest colours the character of the late King . The American advices brought by the Africa and the City of New York are to the 27 th nit . It was confidently asserted that
General Leo himself , with a large portion of his army , had crossed the Potomac and Maryland , ancl that he intended to operate with the mass of the force on the north side of the Potomac . The Confederate corps which had entered Pennsylvania had been largely augmented , General Swell ' s division having occupied Chambersbuig on 24 th ult . while General Early entered
Gettysburg on the 29 th . General Jones had occupied Macconnellsburg , after a sharp skirmish with a Federal detatchment under General Milroy ; and the Federals had evacuated Carlisle—close to which town the Confederates had advanced —and had retreated to Harrisburg . The Governor of of Pensylvania had culled out 50 , 000 militia ; but the people of
the state were said to show a strange apathy respecting the invasion . Nothing was publicly known as to the positions of General Hooker's army , which was , however , reported to have been " moving" on the 25 th ult . and to have had a corps "in the vicinity of Hagerstown . " Vicksburg advices of the 23 rd
ult . asserted that General Grant was making preparations for another assault on the Confederate defences . A body of 1 , 000 Texans was said to have been repulsed at Lake Providence by some negro troops ; but , according to Southern accounts , the Confederate General Kirby Smith had obtained possession of Milliken Bend , on the western hank of the Mississippi , above
Viclcsburgh . An assault made on the 1-lth ult . by the troops of General Banks on the Confederate works at Port Hudson bad been disastrously repulsed at all points ; and the Federals admitted that thoy had sustained a loss of 700 to 1000 men . It was " supposed " that another assault would be attempted on . the 19 th ult ., but at the same time it was reported that the
Confederates were " concentrating in General Banks ' s rear to prevent his retreat to Baton Rouge . " Not only did the Tacohy continue her depredations on Federal merchant vessels off the northern coast , but two other Confederate cruisers , a steamer and a schooner , were said to be plundering and destroying American shipping at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy , and it
was reported that forty vessels had been destroyed within a . week oil * Cape Sable . A Federal revenue cutter , well armed and stored , had sailed from Portland in the night , without orders or officers , ancl it was supposed that the crew had run away with her for thc purpose of committing piratical depredations under Confederate colours .
To Correspondents.
HIRAM . —A member of the lodge , never having before served as AVarden , is invested as S . W . o . i the 24 th of June , 1802 , and duly elected and confirmed as W . M . elect for 1863 . Can a dispensation be obtained from the R . W . Prov . G . M . through his Deputy the V . AV . D . Prov . G . M ., to instal the Bro . S . W . as _ W . M . on the 23 rd of June , 18 C 3 , there being no necessity for abbreviating : the probation service of Wardcnship by one day ( the Bonk of Constitutions , page 59 , article 2 , states " sewed as Warden of a warranted lodge for
one year " ) , the By-laws of the lodge also fix " 24 th June , " a . s Installation day ? Is the dispensatio i legal ? Is the W . M . sn installed a legally constituted Master ? In what position do his officers stand ? If tho act is illegal , what is the remedy for the P . M . ' s and AV . M . ' s of the Province to take ? [ The dispensation would no doubt be held to be legal ; but cannot believe it would have been granted without good cause shown . D . —The Master properly should never leave the chair , whoever
perforins thc duty , but it has grown into a custom for him tu exchange chairs with a Past . Master , whilst the latter performs u cercmonv .