Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and thc song .-, glees , & c , of tho brethren , the happy excursionists landed in the Golden Horn , the band playing " Rule Britannia , " " God save the Queen , " and the cheers of the visitors " For the masons" which were taken up and echoed by the vessels at anchor in the harbour . Too much credit cannot be given to the committee , Bros . A . W . Mountain , W . M ., 988 ; J . Smoriit , S . W . 9 SS ; and W . W . Evans , Prov . S . W . 988 , for the arrangements with which they anticipated the success of the
day , and the arduous zeal with which they laboured for the comfort of every one , while , owing to their exertions , which were well supported by the brethren of 988 , was a happy clay brought to a conclusion without a mar or accident , a red letter clay to the Oriental Lodge , and a day long to be remembered by all those who had the pleasure of participation .
A most interesting assembly took place at Constantinople , on Monday , the 15 th of June . Bro . Sir II . L . Bulwer , Prov . G . M ., Turkey , having attended the Bulwer Lodge in the previous week , invited tho W . M . Bro . the Hon . J . P . Brown , Prov . J . G . W ., Secretary of the United States Legation , to read a lecture in the palace of the British Embassy , for which purpose the grand ball room was fitted up in a magnificent style , as a lodge , on the above mentioned evening . R . W . Bro . Bulwer
presided , supported by V . W . Bro . Hyde Clarke , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . Lawrie , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; W . Bros . Azanavoiir Pulni . ii ., P . Prov . J . G . W . ; P . M . Silby ; Venerium , W . M . of tbe Italian lodge , ancl the members of his lodge ; Frene , W . M . Germauia ( German Lodge ); Mountain , W . M . Oriental , 988 ; Thompson , W . M . ftlect , Bulwer 1193 ; Arif Effendi , a Dervish ; W . W . Evans , Prov . G . S ., & c . The subject of Bro . Brown ' s lecture was on the
reputed connexionss of the Dervish and Masonic orders , in which that eminent Oriental scholar brought to bear a large amount of erudition and research . The conclusions at which he arrived was that there is no direct connexion between the two orders , and that Masonry , as such , does not exist in Tnrkey and Persia , except in the persons of those initiated in European lodges ; that although each order has Pythagorean and Platonic
practices derived from a common source of the ancient Greek philosophy and mystic rites , yet these all did not generally assimilate , though in the ease of signs , obligations , and initiations there is occasionally sufficient conformity to attest the origin . After some remarks by the Prov . G . M . and D . Prov . G . M . on masonry in Persia , the It . W . Prov . G . M ., moved a vote of thanks to Bro . Brown , and the D . Prov . G . M . moved a vote of thanks
to Bro . Bulwer for having brought them together on such an occasion , and for all that he did for maintaining masonic institutions in the east . After the business had closed , refreshments were distributed by desire of the Hon . Lady Bulwer , who is ever ready to assist her distinguished husband in promoting union among all classes of English residents , and . in carrying out undertakings of a philanthropic and meritorious character .
( From the Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) INDIAN MASONIC MEMS . The warrant of the lodge at Kussowlie , Triune Brotherhood , has been transferred to Bro . Quinncll and others of the 42 nd Regiment at Dugshaic . It has been brought to our notice that the word " Punjab "
was omitted ( of course inadvertently ) from the inscription on the Hoff Testimonial ; so that it would appear as if tho brethren in that province had not shared with those in Calcutta , the N . W . Provinces , and Burmah in presenting the gift . Lodge Hope and Perseverance , at Lahore , forwarded not less than 300 rupees to Bro . Howe , and a brother at Jullunder contributed 50 rupees from his private purse for the same purpose .
CALCUTTA . LODGE INDUSTHY AND PERSEVEBANOE . —A regular meeting was holden on Friday , the 17 th April . Present—Bros . Dr . John Smith , W . M . ; John Wm . Brown , P . M . ; Dr . Frank Powell , W . M . of Lodge Saint John and a member of No . 126 , S . W . ; Stephen Nation , J . W . ; Baxter , Sec ; Chandler , Treas . Bros . S . Fenn , a member of Lodgo Excelsior , and A . D'Cruz , junior , were elected to membership . It was proposed that an application should be submitted to the proper authority for
permission to the brethren to wear a centenary medal , m commemoration of the lodgo having continuously worked in Calcutta since February , 1761 . Bro . Doctor Peers has very kindly offered to furnish a sketch of the intended medal for the consideration of the W . M . and brethren of the lodge . The size of the medal is not to be larger than a rupee , and the device of the lodge , a beehive , is to be engraved thereon . Another meeting held the 1 st of Present—BrosDoctor
was on Friday , May . . John Smith , W . M ' . ; John William Brown , P . M . ; Doctor Frank Powell , W . M . of Lodge Saint John ( No . 715 ) , and member o £ No . 126 ; Dickson , S . W . ; Stephen Nation , J . W . ; Baxter , Sec ; Chandler , Treas . Bro . Mackertich was raised . LODGE TIIUE FRIENDSHIP . — -A regular meeting was held on Tuesday , the 14 th April . Present : —Bros . Roberts , W . M ., presiding ; Ben well , P . M . ; Kelvey . S . W . ; Dove , J . W . ; Dale , See . ;
Wilson , Treas . ; Gilbert , S . D . ; Peach , J . D . ; Redman , I . G . ; Daniel , Tyler ; besides members ancl visiting brethren . Among the latter were observed the following present and past officersof District Grand Lodge—Bros . Howe , P . Dist . G . M . ; Jennings , Dist . G . M . ; J . W . Brown , S . G . W . ; Bowermau , P . M . of No . 279 , and Rambart , W . M . of No . 401 of Scotland . ' Messrs . G . Simmons and John A . J . Shaw , liaving been duly elected , were initiated into Freemasonry , Bro . Peach , who had been initiated in this lodge in 1860 , was re-elected to membership
by acclamation . LODGE HUIIIIAII - WITH FosTMUDE . —A meeting was held on the 6 th April . Bros . J . B . Knight , in the chair ; J . G . It . Magregor , S . W . ; J . Brace Gillon , J . W . ; J . Walter Beatson , Sec . ; and other members and visitors were present . It being a quarterly meeting , no work was done beyond proposing a joining member and a candidate for initiation . The candidate proposed at the previous meeting was unable to be presen t . The lodge is
still , notwithstanding the numbers that have left Calcutta , in a very flourishing condition , and we hope it may long continue to be so . Another meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 4 th May , when two brethren were raised to the . third degree , by Bro . Jennings , and others were proposed for joining . At the supper table , Bros . Wyinan , Westfield , and others favoured the company with songs .
LOD & E SAINT . TOUN ( No . 715 ) . —A regular meeting was held on Friday , the 10 th April . Present—Bros . Dr . Frank Powell , W . M . ; John W . Brown , P . M . ; Edward W . Pittar , S . W . ; Rambart , W . M . of Lodge No . 401 , of Scotland , J . W . ; W . G . Baxter , P . M . of the same lodge , Sec . and Treas . ; Morgan , S . D . ; Lattey , J . D . ; Sidney Strong , I . G .: Daniel , Tyler . Bro . Charles Piffard , M . A ., a member of Lodgo No . 80 , was elected a joining member . Mr . Edgar Hyde , it . A ., having been accepted by ballot , was initiated into Freemasonry .
BUM DUM . LODGE SAINT LUKE ( NO . 1150 ) . —This lodge , held a regular meeting on Wednesday , the Gth of May . Present—Bros . John William Brown , Honorary Past Master , presiding W . M . ; Dr . Frank Powell , W . M . of Lodge Saint John ( No . 715 ) , and hon . member of No . 1150 , as P . M . ; Bid * , S . W . ; Pritcbard , J . W . ; the Rev . Dr . Lindstedt , Sec . ; Barron , S . D . ; and others . Bro . Powell initiated Mr . R . WarrenH . M . ' s 13 th Light Infantry .
, Bro . Brown raised to the degree of M . M . Bros . Dr . Stuart and Lieutenant Smith . The W . M . of the lodge , Bro . Fenwick , has proceed up country to join his regiment . His absence is much regretted by the brethren of the lodge . Previous to his departure , he had the assurance of Bros . Brown and Powell that they would ho mindful of the interests of the lodgo . LODOE EXCEISIOR ( No . 1127 ) . —A meeting of this lodge
was holden on Tuesday , the 5 th of May . Present—Bros . Abbott , W . M . ; John William Brown , as P . M . ; Capt . Perkins , Bengal Engineers , S . W . ; Peach , J . W . ¦ Pendleton , S . D . ; Fan ; Sec , and others . Mr . Richard Frederick Dallas was initiated by the W . M . Bro . John Dyer was raised to the MlM . degree by Bro . John William Brown , P . M . of Lodgo Saint John ( No 715 ) , Among the several visiting brethren we noticed Bros . Bennett , W . M . of Lodge Anchor and Hope ( No . 284 ) , holding at Howrah , and Doctor Frank Powell , W . M . of Lodge St . John ( No . 715 ) .
BOMBAY . DISTRICT GRAND LODGE . —A half-yearly communication was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Bombay , on the 16 th of March . Bro . Geo . Taylor , Prov . G . M ., presided , and seventeen brethren were present , including the representatives of Lodges No . 807 , St . George ( No . 1059 ) , Concord , and Truth ( No . 1246 ) . The
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and thc song .-, glees , & c , of tho brethren , the happy excursionists landed in the Golden Horn , the band playing " Rule Britannia , " " God save the Queen , " and the cheers of the visitors " For the masons" which were taken up and echoed by the vessels at anchor in the harbour . Too much credit cannot be given to the committee , Bros . A . W . Mountain , W . M ., 988 ; J . Smoriit , S . W . 9 SS ; and W . W . Evans , Prov . S . W . 988 , for the arrangements with which they anticipated the success of the
day , and the arduous zeal with which they laboured for the comfort of every one , while , owing to their exertions , which were well supported by the brethren of 988 , was a happy clay brought to a conclusion without a mar or accident , a red letter clay to the Oriental Lodge , and a day long to be remembered by all those who had the pleasure of participation .
A most interesting assembly took place at Constantinople , on Monday , the 15 th of June . Bro . Sir II . L . Bulwer , Prov . G . M ., Turkey , having attended the Bulwer Lodge in the previous week , invited tho W . M . Bro . the Hon . J . P . Brown , Prov . J . G . W ., Secretary of the United States Legation , to read a lecture in the palace of the British Embassy , for which purpose the grand ball room was fitted up in a magnificent style , as a lodge , on the above mentioned evening . R . W . Bro . Bulwer
presided , supported by V . W . Bro . Hyde Clarke , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . Lawrie , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; W . Bros . Azanavoiir Pulni . ii ., P . Prov . J . G . W . ; P . M . Silby ; Venerium , W . M . of tbe Italian lodge , ancl the members of his lodge ; Frene , W . M . Germauia ( German Lodge ); Mountain , W . M . Oriental , 988 ; Thompson , W . M . ftlect , Bulwer 1193 ; Arif Effendi , a Dervish ; W . W . Evans , Prov . G . S ., & c . The subject of Bro . Brown ' s lecture was on the
reputed connexionss of the Dervish and Masonic orders , in which that eminent Oriental scholar brought to bear a large amount of erudition and research . The conclusions at which he arrived was that there is no direct connexion between the two orders , and that Masonry , as such , does not exist in Tnrkey and Persia , except in the persons of those initiated in European lodges ; that although each order has Pythagorean and Platonic
practices derived from a common source of the ancient Greek philosophy and mystic rites , yet these all did not generally assimilate , though in the ease of signs , obligations , and initiations there is occasionally sufficient conformity to attest the origin . After some remarks by the Prov . G . M . and D . Prov . G . M . on masonry in Persia , the It . W . Prov . G . M ., moved a vote of thanks to Bro . Brown , and the D . Prov . G . M . moved a vote of thanks
to Bro . Bulwer for having brought them together on such an occasion , and for all that he did for maintaining masonic institutions in the east . After the business had closed , refreshments were distributed by desire of the Hon . Lady Bulwer , who is ever ready to assist her distinguished husband in promoting union among all classes of English residents , and . in carrying out undertakings of a philanthropic and meritorious character .
( From the Indian Freemasons' Friend . ) INDIAN MASONIC MEMS . The warrant of the lodge at Kussowlie , Triune Brotherhood , has been transferred to Bro . Quinncll and others of the 42 nd Regiment at Dugshaic . It has been brought to our notice that the word " Punjab "
was omitted ( of course inadvertently ) from the inscription on the Hoff Testimonial ; so that it would appear as if tho brethren in that province had not shared with those in Calcutta , the N . W . Provinces , and Burmah in presenting the gift . Lodge Hope and Perseverance , at Lahore , forwarded not less than 300 rupees to Bro . Howe , and a brother at Jullunder contributed 50 rupees from his private purse for the same purpose .
CALCUTTA . LODGE INDUSTHY AND PERSEVEBANOE . —A regular meeting was holden on Friday , the 17 th April . Present—Bros . Dr . John Smith , W . M . ; John Wm . Brown , P . M . ; Dr . Frank Powell , W . M . of Lodge Saint John and a member of No . 126 , S . W . ; Stephen Nation , J . W . ; Baxter , Sec ; Chandler , Treas . Bros . S . Fenn , a member of Lodgo Excelsior , and A . D'Cruz , junior , were elected to membership . It was proposed that an application should be submitted to the proper authority for
permission to the brethren to wear a centenary medal , m commemoration of the lodgo having continuously worked in Calcutta since February , 1761 . Bro . Doctor Peers has very kindly offered to furnish a sketch of the intended medal for the consideration of the W . M . and brethren of the lodge . The size of the medal is not to be larger than a rupee , and the device of the lodge , a beehive , is to be engraved thereon . Another meeting held the 1 st of Present—BrosDoctor
was on Friday , May . . John Smith , W . M ' . ; John William Brown , P . M . ; Doctor Frank Powell , W . M . of Lodge Saint John ( No . 715 ) , and member o £ No . 126 ; Dickson , S . W . ; Stephen Nation , J . W . ; Baxter , Sec ; Chandler , Treas . Bro . Mackertich was raised . LODGE TIIUE FRIENDSHIP . — -A regular meeting was held on Tuesday , the 14 th April . Present : —Bros . Roberts , W . M ., presiding ; Ben well , P . M . ; Kelvey . S . W . ; Dove , J . W . ; Dale , See . ;
Wilson , Treas . ; Gilbert , S . D . ; Peach , J . D . ; Redman , I . G . ; Daniel , Tyler ; besides members ancl visiting brethren . Among the latter were observed the following present and past officersof District Grand Lodge—Bros . Howe , P . Dist . G . M . ; Jennings , Dist . G . M . ; J . W . Brown , S . G . W . ; Bowermau , P . M . of No . 279 , and Rambart , W . M . of No . 401 of Scotland . ' Messrs . G . Simmons and John A . J . Shaw , liaving been duly elected , were initiated into Freemasonry , Bro . Peach , who had been initiated in this lodge in 1860 , was re-elected to membership
by acclamation . LODGE HUIIIIAII - WITH FosTMUDE . —A meeting was held on the 6 th April . Bros . J . B . Knight , in the chair ; J . G . It . Magregor , S . W . ; J . Brace Gillon , J . W . ; J . Walter Beatson , Sec . ; and other members and visitors were present . It being a quarterly meeting , no work was done beyond proposing a joining member and a candidate for initiation . The candidate proposed at the previous meeting was unable to be presen t . The lodge is
still , notwithstanding the numbers that have left Calcutta , in a very flourishing condition , and we hope it may long continue to be so . Another meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 4 th May , when two brethren were raised to the . third degree , by Bro . Jennings , and others were proposed for joining . At the supper table , Bros . Wyinan , Westfield , and others favoured the company with songs .
LOD & E SAINT . TOUN ( No . 715 ) . —A regular meeting was held on Friday , the 10 th April . Present—Bros . Dr . Frank Powell , W . M . ; John W . Brown , P . M . ; Edward W . Pittar , S . W . ; Rambart , W . M . of Lodge No . 401 , of Scotland , J . W . ; W . G . Baxter , P . M . of the same lodge , Sec . and Treas . ; Morgan , S . D . ; Lattey , J . D . ; Sidney Strong , I . G .: Daniel , Tyler . Bro . Charles Piffard , M . A ., a member of Lodgo No . 80 , was elected a joining member . Mr . Edgar Hyde , it . A ., having been accepted by ballot , was initiated into Freemasonry .
BUM DUM . LODGE SAINT LUKE ( NO . 1150 ) . —This lodge , held a regular meeting on Wednesday , the Gth of May . Present—Bros . John William Brown , Honorary Past Master , presiding W . M . ; Dr . Frank Powell , W . M . of Lodge Saint John ( No . 715 ) , and hon . member of No . 1150 , as P . M . ; Bid * , S . W . ; Pritcbard , J . W . ; the Rev . Dr . Lindstedt , Sec . ; Barron , S . D . ; and others . Bro . Powell initiated Mr . R . WarrenH . M . ' s 13 th Light Infantry .
, Bro . Brown raised to the degree of M . M . Bros . Dr . Stuart and Lieutenant Smith . The W . M . of the lodge , Bro . Fenwick , has proceed up country to join his regiment . His absence is much regretted by the brethren of the lodge . Previous to his departure , he had the assurance of Bros . Brown and Powell that they would ho mindful of the interests of the lodgo . LODOE EXCEISIOR ( No . 1127 ) . —A meeting of this lodge
was holden on Tuesday , the 5 th of May . Present—Bros . Abbott , W . M . ; John William Brown , as P . M . ; Capt . Perkins , Bengal Engineers , S . W . ; Peach , J . W . ¦ Pendleton , S . D . ; Fan ; Sec , and others . Mr . Richard Frederick Dallas was initiated by the W . M . Bro . John Dyer was raised to the MlM . degree by Bro . John William Brown , P . M . of Lodgo Saint John ( No 715 ) , Among the several visiting brethren we noticed Bros . Bennett , W . M . of Lodge Anchor and Hope ( No . 284 ) , holding at Howrah , and Doctor Frank Powell , W . M . of Lodge St . John ( No . 715 ) .
BOMBAY . DISTRICT GRAND LODGE . —A half-yearly communication was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Bombay , on the 16 th of March . Bro . Geo . Taylor , Prov . G . M ., presided , and seventeen brethren were present , including the representatives of Lodges No . 807 , St . George ( No . 1059 ) , Concord , and Truth ( No . 1246 ) . The