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The Grand Lodge Of The Three Globes, Berlin.
section , and furthermore assert that it is entirely ignored by a very overwhelming majority of the Grand Lodges of the world . In Germany , the constitutions of the Grand Lodges of Saxony , Znr Sonne at Baireuth , the Eclectic Union of Frank
fort-on-the-Main , and Hamburg , have for their foundation the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England of 1723 . In direct contradiction Avith it are the Constitutions of the three Grand Lodges of Prussia at Berlin ( Royal York , Three Globes ,
and the Grand Lodge of Germany ) . The Grand Lodge Zur Eintracht at Darmstadt presents a divided house , four of her daughter lodges adhering strictly to the Constitution of 1723 , Avhilst the laws of the other four do not rest upon
that basis . These , with the Grand Lodges of Sweden and Denmark , have engrafted upon it the principle of a profession of Christianity . The Grand Lodges ot the rest of the world adhere strictly to the ancient law , and rest upon the principle of universality . , ( To he continued . )
Masonry Among The Indians.
The evident doom of the Aborigines of the North America Continent to extermination , Avhile it does not fail to excite a sympathetic feeling iu every one , most of all should strike a tender chord in the Mason's breast . They are not Avhat they
once were ; civilisation has only approached near enough to brutalize them Avith the vices that accompany it , as the crowd of dissolute campfollowers accompany an army . Our great national novelist , Cooper , has been ridiculed by some for
idealising his Indian characters , but we believe his pictures to represent much more nearly the Indians of former clays , than their descendants do HOAV . Whether there are lodges of brethren of the Mystic Tie , now among the degraded Indians
of our western borders , we do not knoAV , but that there are individual Masons among the better classes of th ' em Ave do knoAV , and we are equally certain , that once there existed fraternities Avho possessed , like Freemasons , an esoteric
knowlege Avhich Avas confined solely to the initiated . De Witt Clinton , once G . \ G . \ High Priest of the United States , related on the authority of a respectable native minister , Avho knew from examination , the existence of such a society among the Iroquois . That there were mysteries among the Mexican audPeruvian tribes , is equally Avell knoAvn .
Whoever is Avithin the magic circle indicated by the Mystic Tie , has our own genuine love and deepest sympathy , and even the nation that they call their own , has claims upon us , for their sake , Avhich others have not .
Tecumseh , the famous Shawnee orator and warrior , and equally noted for his temperate habits and adherence to truth , Avas made a Mason while on a visit to Philadelphia ; and more than once , Avhen under trial , did prove himself true to the
brotherhood . P . . Grand Master Scott , of Virginia , in an address delivered before the Grand Lodge of that State , in 1845 , related an interesting incident in Tecumseh ' s life , Avhich he stated Avas Avell authenticated , and vouched for by several
Avitnesses then living . " During the last war Avith England , a detachment of Americans were overpowered in the North-west , by a superior
combined English and Indian force , and compelled to surrender . Scarcely had they laid down their arms , Avhen the Indians began to insult , strip and maltreat them . At length the tomahawk and scalping knife were raised , and Tecumseh entered
upon the scene at the heig ht of the barbarity . He made no motion to check his followers , but on the contrary , encouraged them iu their work . Many of his best warriors had fallen previously by their Kentucky rifles , and this Avas an Indian ' s revenge .
But a cry of a Mason and a brother reached his ear , in a language that he could not but comprehend . In a moment he sprang among his folloAvers Avith his tomahaAvk uplifted , aud uttered the life-saving command— 'Let the slaughter
cease ; kill no more Avhite men . '" This is but one of the several authentic incidents iu the Masonic life of the brave Tecumseh .
We have another noble example iu Indian Masonry in the person of General Parker , grandson of the great Indian Chief , Red Jacket , a pure-blooded Indian and at the same time an educated gentleman and a Mason . Daring tho late
civil war he became famous on General Grant ' s staff , and proved himself to possess the Avar-like blood of his ancestor . At a Masonic banquet , iu Chicago , prior to the Avar , he spoke most touchingly of himself , as almost the lone remnant of
Avhat Avas once a noble race . As he found his people thus wasting away , he asked himself : "Where shall I go Avhen the last of my race shall have gone forever ? Where shall I find home and sympathy when ourlast council fire is extinguished ?' I said , I will knock at the door of Freemasonry ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Grand Lodge Of The Three Globes, Berlin.
section , and furthermore assert that it is entirely ignored by a very overwhelming majority of the Grand Lodges of the world . In Germany , the constitutions of the Grand Lodges of Saxony , Znr Sonne at Baireuth , the Eclectic Union of Frank
fort-on-the-Main , and Hamburg , have for their foundation the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England of 1723 . In direct contradiction Avith it are the Constitutions of the three Grand Lodges of Prussia at Berlin ( Royal York , Three Globes ,
and the Grand Lodge of Germany ) . The Grand Lodge Zur Eintracht at Darmstadt presents a divided house , four of her daughter lodges adhering strictly to the Constitution of 1723 , Avhilst the laws of the other four do not rest upon
that basis . These , with the Grand Lodges of Sweden and Denmark , have engrafted upon it the principle of a profession of Christianity . The Grand Lodges ot the rest of the world adhere strictly to the ancient law , and rest upon the principle of universality . , ( To he continued . )
Masonry Among The Indians.
The evident doom of the Aborigines of the North America Continent to extermination , Avhile it does not fail to excite a sympathetic feeling iu every one , most of all should strike a tender chord in the Mason's breast . They are not Avhat they
once were ; civilisation has only approached near enough to brutalize them Avith the vices that accompany it , as the crowd of dissolute campfollowers accompany an army . Our great national novelist , Cooper , has been ridiculed by some for
idealising his Indian characters , but we believe his pictures to represent much more nearly the Indians of former clays , than their descendants do HOAV . Whether there are lodges of brethren of the Mystic Tie , now among the degraded Indians
of our western borders , we do not knoAV , but that there are individual Masons among the better classes of th ' em Ave do knoAV , and we are equally certain , that once there existed fraternities Avho possessed , like Freemasons , an esoteric
knowlege Avhich Avas confined solely to the initiated . De Witt Clinton , once G . \ G . \ High Priest of the United States , related on the authority of a respectable native minister , Avho knew from examination , the existence of such a society among the Iroquois . That there were mysteries among the Mexican audPeruvian tribes , is equally Avell knoAvn .
Whoever is Avithin the magic circle indicated by the Mystic Tie , has our own genuine love and deepest sympathy , and even the nation that they call their own , has claims upon us , for their sake , Avhich others have not .
Tecumseh , the famous Shawnee orator and warrior , and equally noted for his temperate habits and adherence to truth , Avas made a Mason while on a visit to Philadelphia ; and more than once , Avhen under trial , did prove himself true to the
brotherhood . P . . Grand Master Scott , of Virginia , in an address delivered before the Grand Lodge of that State , in 1845 , related an interesting incident in Tecumseh ' s life , Avhich he stated Avas Avell authenticated , and vouched for by several
Avitnesses then living . " During the last war Avith England , a detachment of Americans were overpowered in the North-west , by a superior
combined English and Indian force , and compelled to surrender . Scarcely had they laid down their arms , Avhen the Indians began to insult , strip and maltreat them . At length the tomahawk and scalping knife were raised , and Tecumseh entered
upon the scene at the heig ht of the barbarity . He made no motion to check his followers , but on the contrary , encouraged them iu their work . Many of his best warriors had fallen previously by their Kentucky rifles , and this Avas an Indian ' s revenge .
But a cry of a Mason and a brother reached his ear , in a language that he could not but comprehend . In a moment he sprang among his folloAvers Avith his tomahaAvk uplifted , aud uttered the life-saving command— 'Let the slaughter
cease ; kill no more Avhite men . '" This is but one of the several authentic incidents iu the Masonic life of the brave Tecumseh .
We have another noble example iu Indian Masonry in the person of General Parker , grandson of the great Indian Chief , Red Jacket , a pure-blooded Indian and at the same time an educated gentleman and a Mason . Daring tho late
civil war he became famous on General Grant ' s staff , and proved himself to possess the Avar-like blood of his ancestor . At a Masonic banquet , iu Chicago , prior to the Avar , he spoke most touchingly of himself , as almost the lone remnant of
Avhat Avas once a noble race . As he found his people thus wasting away , he asked himself : "Where shall I go Avhen the last of my race shall have gone forever ? Where shall I find home and sympathy when ourlast council fire is extinguished ?' I said , I will knock at the door of Freemasonry ,