Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CORK . FRIDAY , tho 21 th of June being the Masonic festival of St . John , the brethren of Lodges , Nos . 1 , 3 , and 8 , met according to previous agreement , for banquet in the beautifull y decorated hall of the first Lodge of Ireland , situate in Tuckey-streot , city of Cork . The company , in full Masonic costume , sat down at seven o ' clock to a magnificent dinner , provided by Mrs . Tanner , of the Grand Parade . The AVorshipful Master ' s chair ( at the request of the AA ' M ) ied bthe DProv
.. was occup y . . G . M . of Minister , Bro . George Ohattertoii , who , with eloquence and nicety of discernment , discharged the duties thereof so as to please all present . The vice-chair was abl y filled by Bro . Richard Meara , the AVAL of No . 1 , and the duties of the , T / W . wore satisfactorily discharged by Bro . Richard R . Brash , the AV . M . of No . 3 . The Masonic harmonies wero admirably sustained by Bros . James Roche , E . Moran and Hoffman , and several amateurs . The visiting deputations from the other Lod
ges wero received with the usual honours , and suitable responses made to their paternal greetings . Tho company retired at twelve o ' clock , having spent a very delightful and instructive evening . The Freemasons of Minister propose to invite their Prov . GAL , General Sir Jas . Chatterton , to a banquet in tho autumn .
MUNSTER . ritOVISCIAI . CRAKD LODGE . Ix consequence of the absence of our Prov . G . Master , General Sir James Chatterton , Bart ., and also of his Deputy , Bro . George Chatterton , the quarterly Provincial Grand Lodgo meeting did not take place till the 20 th June , when it was held in the large Masonic Lodgo-rooin of the first Lodge of IrelandCorkThe DeputProvincial Grand Master
, . y presided , and having opened our Provincial Grand Lodge , tho minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Our Deputy Provincial ( fraud Master then told the brethren that he had recently been in London , where he had the pleasure of meeting our Provincial Grand Master , who , ho was happy to toll them enjoys good health , and expressed his warm and sincere wishes for tho prosperity of tho several Lodges over which he presides as their Provincial Grand Masterancl he desired him to
, say that whenever they required his presence he will be with them after timely notice . Our Deputy Provincial Grand Master said that at the previous Lodge meeting having promised to carry out the wishes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , he addressed a letter of condolence to the Grancl Master of Ireland , his Grace the Duke of Leinster , which letter ancl the answer to ifc he then read , copies of which are as follows ;—
" To His Grace the Duke of Leinster , K . G ., Most AVorshipful Grand Master of Ireland . " AVe , the Provincial Grand Master , Deputy Provincial Grancl Master , Grand AVardens , and members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Minister , beg to approach your grace with heartfelt expressions of sincere condolence upon the afflictive dispensation with which it has pleased the Great Disposer of events recently to visit you . AVe deeply deplore the loss which has sustainedand wo earnestl that under
your grace , y pray the teaching of that divine book , tho great light and pillar of our order , you may be supported ill your present heavy trial ; and that finally when called to the Grand Lodge above , by a summons which none can evade , you may be ablo to depart in the certain assurance of a blissful reunion with her , so loved and esteemed on earth , in the cloudless regions of life and light eternal .
[ Answer ] . Carton , Maynoolh , lui March , 1859 . DEAR Sin AKO BHOTIIKI ; . —I have received your ' lettor of the 20 th of February , enclosing the address of condolence from the members of the Provincial Grand Loclge of Minister . I am most grateful for their kind sympathy ; and as they truly say , it is to the Great Disposer of events alone I must look for consolation . I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours very faithfully . LEINSTER , G . M . To the R . AV . George Chatterton , Esq ., D . Prov . G . M . of Minister .
TRINIDAD . ON the 27 th December , 1850 , tho foundation stone of a Masonic Temple , on Mount Zion , was laid by tho then governor of the island , the Right Hon . Lord Harris , assisted by Bro . Daniel Hart , AA . M . oi Philanthropic Loclge , No . 585 , and a numerous assemblage of brethren , and the gentry of the island . The building was built on shares between the members of the Philanthropic Lodge ; and from the good feeling that prevailed , and the rapidity of the workmen , the brethren were enabled on the 2-lth June , 1851 , to consecrate and dedicate the same to Masonic purposes . It is astone building of two storeys , 50 feet long , 30 feet wide , and 25 feet high , in the clear . The upper story is used as
the Lodgo room , and is of the entire length and width of the building , besides a preparation room and lobby attached ; the lower story is set apart as a banqueting room , to which is also attached a pantry and spare room . There is a portico in front , 30 feet long by 12 feet wide , built in tho Gothic style , with three arches above , and three below , with Corinthian pillars . The building cost the brethren £ 800 sterling , and is the solo property of tho shareholders . By a compact entered into , the building can never be used for any other than Masonic purposes .
At Sanfumando , a town twenty-eight miles from Port of Spain , there is also a Masonic building , which was iu 1850 erected there by the brethren appertaining to Trinity Lodge ; ifc is a plain , neat , and substantial building , with a Lodge room of 30 feet long , and IS feet broad , with a lobby , pantry , and banqueting room attached , besides a gallery . The building cost . £ 100 sterling . At Port of Spain , besides tho Philanthropic Lodge , there is the Lodge United BrothersNo . 251 under the registry of the Grand Lodge
, , of Scotland . Tho building stands on Mount Morial , aud takes precedence of any other Masonic Hall iu the AVest Indies , except Antigua . Ifc was erected in 1803 . It is built of stone ; having a very commodious Lodge room of 30 feet long , and 20 feet wide , which is neatly decorated . There is also a banqueting room , lobby , pantry , and preparation room attached , with a fine open gallery to tho front . It is the exclusive property of the members who remain faithful to the allegiance of the charter .
The Week.
Tin-: COURT . —Her Majesty held a court at Buckingham Palace on Saturday morning , and took a carriage drive in the afternoon . In the evening Her Majesty , the Prince of AVales , the Prince Consort , the King of the Belgians , & c , honoured with their presence the Royal Italian Opera , Covciit-gardcn . On Monday the Queen received at Buckingham Palace the address from the Convocation of the clergy of Canterbury . Her Majesty was seated on the throne , and the Archbishop of read the addressto which hor returned
Canterbury , Majesty a gracious answer . The Duke of Oporto took leave of her " Majesty on Tuesday afternoon . The Prince Consort was sworn in at the Trinity-house on his re-election as master of the Trinity corporation . The Queen and the Prince Consort , the King of tho Belgians , and Princess Alice again went to the Italian Opera , Covent-gardcn , in the evening . It is said that her Majesty will not visit Scotland this season ; it is supposed that sho is going to Ireland instead . The Duchess of Kent continues to
improve in health . Her Majesty held a privy council yesterday , afc ivhich several members of the new government were sworn in as privy councillors , and other business connected with the change of ministry transacted . Her Majesty had a dinner party in the evening .
FOREIGX NEWS . —The Empress Eugenie , went on Sunday m state to tho Cathedral of Notre Dame , to be present at a solemn Te Deum , as a thanksgiving for the late victory . Tho great officers of state and chief notabilities , civil and military , attended the service . A like service was to take place in all the churches of Franco . A Paris letter in a Brussels journal , says that 300 , 000 projectiles had been sent off to the army of Italy , and 1 , 000 , 000 more ivere to be manufactured for tlie same destination . The Monilcur informs us that the French have attacked the
army of Ann . un , in Cochin China . Thoy have also captured a fort , the loss of the enemy being 500 killed . ——From the seat of war wo have some slight news . An official message from the French head-quarters says , that tho French army , increased by Prince Napoleon's corps , will operate against Verona , while part of the Sardinian army will begin the siege of Peschiera . Another official message from Turin informs us , that the Sardinian army has more closely invested the exterior fortifications of Peschiera , situated on the right bank of the Mincio . The army
crossed tho river on tho 30 th for the purpose of investing Peschiera , also on the left bank of the river . The Austrians have withdrawn from Bormio , abandoning their provision chests and cattle . The Fiedmontoso are advancing towards the Stelvio Pass . Louis Napoleon having sent back the wounded Austrian officers without exchange , and having requested an exchange of prisoners , au Austrian officer has arrived with the announcement that the Emperor of Austria will also send back , without exchangethe wounded prisoners of the alliesand that his
ma-, , jesty is equally disposed for an exchange of other prisoners . A telegram from the Emperor Napoleon to the Empress , says , " The whole army has passed the Mincio . Tho Sardinians havo invested Peschiera . The reinforcements ivhich I have received by the arrival of 35 , 000 men , led by Prince Napoleon , have enabled me to approach Verona without compromising myself in any way , as I have left a corps d ' armCe at Goito to watch Mantua , and am about to assemble another at Brescia to watch the of the Tyrol . " An express has arrived in Paris from Berne
passes , with the news that a corps of from 3 , 000 to 3 , 500 Tyrolese Chasseurs had been threatening the Valteline ; but that several columns of Garibaldi's and Cialdini ' s corps had repulsed them from Bormio , and driven them as far as the first cantonment "f the Stefvio Pass . The Austrians suffered considerable loss . General Garibaldi ' s loss was ten , severely wounded , and Cialdini ' s , three killed ancl four wounded . Advices have also been received from Locarno up to the 5 th instant . The Sardinian steamers on the Lago Maggiorc have been given up ou condition
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CORK . FRIDAY , tho 21 th of June being the Masonic festival of St . John , the brethren of Lodges , Nos . 1 , 3 , and 8 , met according to previous agreement , for banquet in the beautifull y decorated hall of the first Lodge of Ireland , situate in Tuckey-streot , city of Cork . The company , in full Masonic costume , sat down at seven o ' clock to a magnificent dinner , provided by Mrs . Tanner , of the Grand Parade . The AVorshipful Master ' s chair ( at the request of the AA ' M ) ied bthe DProv
.. was occup y . . G . M . of Minister , Bro . George Ohattertoii , who , with eloquence and nicety of discernment , discharged the duties thereof so as to please all present . The vice-chair was abl y filled by Bro . Richard Meara , the AVAL of No . 1 , and the duties of the , T / W . wore satisfactorily discharged by Bro . Richard R . Brash , the AV . M . of No . 3 . The Masonic harmonies wero admirably sustained by Bros . James Roche , E . Moran and Hoffman , and several amateurs . The visiting deputations from the other Lod
ges wero received with the usual honours , and suitable responses made to their paternal greetings . Tho company retired at twelve o ' clock , having spent a very delightful and instructive evening . The Freemasons of Minister propose to invite their Prov . GAL , General Sir Jas . Chatterton , to a banquet in tho autumn .
MUNSTER . ritOVISCIAI . CRAKD LODGE . Ix consequence of the absence of our Prov . G . Master , General Sir James Chatterton , Bart ., and also of his Deputy , Bro . George Chatterton , the quarterly Provincial Grand Lodgo meeting did not take place till the 20 th June , when it was held in the large Masonic Lodgo-rooin of the first Lodge of IrelandCorkThe DeputProvincial Grand Master
, . y presided , and having opened our Provincial Grand Lodge , tho minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Our Deputy Provincial ( fraud Master then told the brethren that he had recently been in London , where he had the pleasure of meeting our Provincial Grand Master , who , ho was happy to toll them enjoys good health , and expressed his warm and sincere wishes for tho prosperity of tho several Lodges over which he presides as their Provincial Grand Masterancl he desired him to
, say that whenever they required his presence he will be with them after timely notice . Our Deputy Provincial Grand Master said that at the previous Lodge meeting having promised to carry out the wishes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , he addressed a letter of condolence to the Grancl Master of Ireland , his Grace the Duke of Leinster , which letter ancl the answer to ifc he then read , copies of which are as follows ;—
" To His Grace the Duke of Leinster , K . G ., Most AVorshipful Grand Master of Ireland . " AVe , the Provincial Grand Master , Deputy Provincial Grancl Master , Grand AVardens , and members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Minister , beg to approach your grace with heartfelt expressions of sincere condolence upon the afflictive dispensation with which it has pleased the Great Disposer of events recently to visit you . AVe deeply deplore the loss which has sustainedand wo earnestl that under
your grace , y pray the teaching of that divine book , tho great light and pillar of our order , you may be supported ill your present heavy trial ; and that finally when called to the Grand Lodge above , by a summons which none can evade , you may be ablo to depart in the certain assurance of a blissful reunion with her , so loved and esteemed on earth , in the cloudless regions of life and light eternal .
[ Answer ] . Carton , Maynoolh , lui March , 1859 . DEAR Sin AKO BHOTIIKI ; . —I have received your ' lettor of the 20 th of February , enclosing the address of condolence from the members of the Provincial Grand Loclge of Minister . I am most grateful for their kind sympathy ; and as they truly say , it is to the Great Disposer of events alone I must look for consolation . I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours very faithfully . LEINSTER , G . M . To the R . AV . George Chatterton , Esq ., D . Prov . G . M . of Minister .
TRINIDAD . ON the 27 th December , 1850 , tho foundation stone of a Masonic Temple , on Mount Zion , was laid by tho then governor of the island , the Right Hon . Lord Harris , assisted by Bro . Daniel Hart , AA . M . oi Philanthropic Loclge , No . 585 , and a numerous assemblage of brethren , and the gentry of the island . The building was built on shares between the members of the Philanthropic Lodge ; and from the good feeling that prevailed , and the rapidity of the workmen , the brethren were enabled on the 2-lth June , 1851 , to consecrate and dedicate the same to Masonic purposes . It is astone building of two storeys , 50 feet long , 30 feet wide , and 25 feet high , in the clear . The upper story is used as
the Lodgo room , and is of the entire length and width of the building , besides a preparation room and lobby attached ; the lower story is set apart as a banqueting room , to which is also attached a pantry and spare room . There is a portico in front , 30 feet long by 12 feet wide , built in tho Gothic style , with three arches above , and three below , with Corinthian pillars . The building cost the brethren £ 800 sterling , and is the solo property of tho shareholders . By a compact entered into , the building can never be used for any other than Masonic purposes .
At Sanfumando , a town twenty-eight miles from Port of Spain , there is also a Masonic building , which was iu 1850 erected there by the brethren appertaining to Trinity Lodge ; ifc is a plain , neat , and substantial building , with a Lodge room of 30 feet long , and IS feet broad , with a lobby , pantry , and banqueting room attached , besides a gallery . The building cost . £ 100 sterling . At Port of Spain , besides tho Philanthropic Lodge , there is the Lodge United BrothersNo . 251 under the registry of the Grand Lodge
, , of Scotland . Tho building stands on Mount Morial , aud takes precedence of any other Masonic Hall iu the AVest Indies , except Antigua . Ifc was erected in 1803 . It is built of stone ; having a very commodious Lodge room of 30 feet long , and 20 feet wide , which is neatly decorated . There is also a banqueting room , lobby , pantry , and preparation room attached , with a fine open gallery to tho front . It is the exclusive property of the members who remain faithful to the allegiance of the charter .
The Week.
Tin-: COURT . —Her Majesty held a court at Buckingham Palace on Saturday morning , and took a carriage drive in the afternoon . In the evening Her Majesty , the Prince of AVales , the Prince Consort , the King of the Belgians , & c , honoured with their presence the Royal Italian Opera , Covciit-gardcn . On Monday the Queen received at Buckingham Palace the address from the Convocation of the clergy of Canterbury . Her Majesty was seated on the throne , and the Archbishop of read the addressto which hor returned
Canterbury , Majesty a gracious answer . The Duke of Oporto took leave of her " Majesty on Tuesday afternoon . The Prince Consort was sworn in at the Trinity-house on his re-election as master of the Trinity corporation . The Queen and the Prince Consort , the King of tho Belgians , and Princess Alice again went to the Italian Opera , Covent-gardcn , in the evening . It is said that her Majesty will not visit Scotland this season ; it is supposed that sho is going to Ireland instead . The Duchess of Kent continues to
improve in health . Her Majesty held a privy council yesterday , afc ivhich several members of the new government were sworn in as privy councillors , and other business connected with the change of ministry transacted . Her Majesty had a dinner party in the evening .
FOREIGX NEWS . —The Empress Eugenie , went on Sunday m state to tho Cathedral of Notre Dame , to be present at a solemn Te Deum , as a thanksgiving for the late victory . Tho great officers of state and chief notabilities , civil and military , attended the service . A like service was to take place in all the churches of Franco . A Paris letter in a Brussels journal , says that 300 , 000 projectiles had been sent off to the army of Italy , and 1 , 000 , 000 more ivere to be manufactured for tlie same destination . The Monilcur informs us that the French have attacked the
army of Ann . un , in Cochin China . Thoy have also captured a fort , the loss of the enemy being 500 killed . ——From the seat of war wo have some slight news . An official message from the French head-quarters says , that tho French army , increased by Prince Napoleon's corps , will operate against Verona , while part of the Sardinian army will begin the siege of Peschiera . Another official message from Turin informs us , that the Sardinian army has more closely invested the exterior fortifications of Peschiera , situated on the right bank of the Mincio . The army
crossed tho river on tho 30 th for the purpose of investing Peschiera , also on the left bank of the river . The Austrians have withdrawn from Bormio , abandoning their provision chests and cattle . The Fiedmontoso are advancing towards the Stelvio Pass . Louis Napoleon having sent back the wounded Austrian officers without exchange , and having requested an exchange of prisoners , au Austrian officer has arrived with the announcement that the Emperor of Austria will also send back , without exchangethe wounded prisoners of the alliesand that his
ma-, , jesty is equally disposed for an exchange of other prisoners . A telegram from the Emperor Napoleon to the Empress , says , " The whole army has passed the Mincio . Tho Sardinians havo invested Peschiera . The reinforcements ivhich I have received by the arrival of 35 , 000 men , led by Prince Napoleon , have enabled me to approach Verona without compromising myself in any way , as I have left a corps d ' armCe at Goito to watch Mantua , and am about to assemble another at Brescia to watch the of the Tyrol . " An express has arrived in Paris from Berne
passes , with the news that a corps of from 3 , 000 to 3 , 500 Tyrolese Chasseurs had been threatening the Valteline ; but that several columns of Garibaldi's and Cialdini ' s corps had repulsed them from Bormio , and driven them as far as the first cantonment "f the Stefvio Pass . The Austrians suffered considerable loss . General Garibaldi ' s loss was ten , severely wounded , and Cialdini ' s , three killed ancl four wounded . Advices have also been received from Locarno up to the 5 th instant . The Sardinian steamers on the Lago Maggiorc have been given up ou condition