Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN C 11 APTE R . OLD KING ' S Amis CIIAITER ( NO . 30 ) . —This Chapter held a convocation at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , July -1 th , when Comp . G . Biggs , with his accustomed solemnity and hnpressiveness , exalted two brethren to the supreme degree of R . A ., and afterwards installed the three Principals into their respective chairs , viz : —• Comp . Paas as M . E . Z . ; Comp . Maudsley , H . ; Comp . England , J . Tho Chapter was then closedand the Companions adjourned to tho banquet . Alter the
, usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the Companions separated , highly gratified with the proceedings of tho evening . ' Joi'PA CiiAi'TEll ( No . 223 ) . —A convocation was holden at tho Bridge House Hotel , Southwark , on Juno the 27 th . Tho Chapter was declared open at half-past five , r . M ., the chief business of the evening being the installation of the Principals , Comps . H . A . Isaacs , T . E . Laud , and M . A . Cohen ; subsequent to which tour brethren were exalteda largo
, attendance of the Companions being present . At eight o ' clock dinner was announced . In giving the health of " The Alsitors , " Comp . Isaacs reminded the members of this Chapter they were , honoured with the presence of a distinguished Mason from America , Comp . Elisha Cooke . Comp . Cooke , iu reply , said— " Should any of you ever visit ' Old Kentuck , ' there is nofc a Mason there bufc will do all in his power to show what Kentucky hospitality really is . I visit this country on a
purely Masonic mission , for the purpose of ascertaining the difference between European and American working . Entering upon this pleasing duty , my anticipations were of the brighesfc character . I felt that a welcome awaited mc , aud I now feel they have Leon more than realised . Your Chapter I visit to-night on the very kind invitation of Comp . Dr . Ladd , whose acquaintance I am proud to have made . He is in the Masonic hemisphere a star of the first magnitude . " After some very appropriate remarks from the other visitors , ancl some good singing , the Companions separated .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN ENCAMPMENT . . KEMEYS TINTE Exc'AMi'JiEXT . —The Eminent Commander summoned au Encampment at the Freemasons' Tavern , AVoolwich , ou Friday , July 1 st , and at four o ' clock it was opened , when there were present Sir Knt . Major Henry Clerk , E . C . ; Sir Knt . J . How , as 1 st Captain ; Sir Knt . J . AV . Figg , 2 nd Capt . ; Sir Knt . Major F . Ducane , Expert ; Sir Knt . Taylor , Capt . of Lines ; Sir Knt . John Masson , Grand Chancellor ,
assisting as Prelate . Comp . J . Smith , of Chapter No . 25 , ivas introduced and duly installed . Sir Kufc . Elisha D . Cooke , of the United States , was , i visitor . This being an emergency meeting , and as there was no other business , the Encampment was closed at au early hour .
PROVINCIAL ENCAMPMENT . SoUTilAMl'To-c . —A conclave of the Royal Gloucester Encampment was held on Thursday , June" 30 th , at the Freemasons' Hall ; Sir Knt . Charles Bromley , E . G . ; Sir Knt . J . R . Stebbing , Prelate ; Sir Knt . J . T . Euright , 1 st Capt . ; Sir Knt . Geo . Lungley , 2 nd Capt . ; Sir Knt . Geo . \ V . Clarke , Registrar , & c , & c , being present . The ballot was taken for Comp . Frederick Perkins , of bhe Chapter of Concord , and AVAL of tho Royal Gloucester LodgeNo . 152 and he being declared duly elected
, , , was afterwards admitted into the privileges of the Order . The ceremony of installation was ably performed by Sir Knt . Bromley , assisted by the above named officers , particularly by Sir Knt . Stebbing , who was most impressive in the duties of Prelate . This Encampment , which had pretty nearly died out , is now so well revived , as to assume a position of importance , the number of members continually increasing , and all the elements of success being visible in its arrangements .
PROVINCIAL GRAND CONCLAVE OF KENT . A meeting of the Knights Templar of the province of Kent , was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , in AA oolwich , on Friday , July 1 st . At five o ' clock the Prov . Grand Conclave was opened , present Sir Knt . Henry James Hinxman , M . S ., V . E . Prov . Grand Com . ; Sir Knt . John Masson , G . Chan . ; Sir Knt . Major Henry Clerk , 1 st Grand Capt . ; Sir Knts . Peter Laird , J . W . Figg , F . Du Cane , John Dixon , and others .
The minutes ofthe previous Grand Conclave were read aud confirmed , the Treasurer ' s account was adopted , and tho annual audit committee was appointed . The V . E . Provincial Grand Commander then proceeded to appoint and invest tho officers for the year ensuing : he prefaced the choice he had made b y a few remarks on his inability to fill all the offices on their previous meetings , and especially referred to that of his deputy . Last year there was no member of the province who , by rank in the Order , was eligible , he was now however relieved from the difficulty , as in Sir Knt , Clerk he had a brother well capable of supplying his place in case
Knights Templar.
of absence ; he therefore requested Sir Knt . Clerk to accept the appointment of D . Prov . G . M . Sir Knt . Clerk said he felt much honoured by the kindness with which tho appointment was conferred , and accepted the office with gratitude . The other Prov . Grand Officers are , Sir Knt . Shuttleworbh , Ist Capt . ; Sir Kufc . Lt . Aldcrson , 2 nd Capt . ; Sir Knt . Peter Lairdj Chan . ; Sir Kiit . Major I' \ Du Cane , Prelate ; Sir Knt . J . AV . Figg , Expert ; Sir Knt . J . Jjyons , Ca . pt . of Linos ; Sir Kufc . J . Dixon , Almoner ; Sir Knt . Spratfc , Supt . of AVorks ; Sir Knt . Jackson , Herald ;
Sir Kufc . J . Smith , Sword Bearer ; Sir Kufc . Piatt , Banner Bearer ; Sir Knt . Henderson , janitor . Sir Kut . Taylor was re-elected Graud Treas . Tho Prov . Grand Encampment was then closed , and at seven o'clock the Knights rc-assembled afc dinner , at which thirteen wero present . After paying duo honour to the loyal and Masonic toasts , the Prov . G . Com . gave ' ¦ The A'isitors , " and lirst referred to their honoured guest , Bro . Masson , whoso ardent services iu the cause of Freemasonry were almost beyond praise ; bis industry in his distinguished position as Graud
Chancellor of the Knights Templar was wolf known . He also alluded to Bro . Masson having , by virtue of his office , consecrated aud opened their Encampment , the first established in Kent . He next noticed Bro . Cooke , whose presence afforded him much pleasure , aud who they hoped would convey to his brethren iu fche United States , an assurance that the interchange of visits was always agreeable . Sir Kut . Masson iu acknowledgment said , that seeing its successful career ho looked back with great satisfaction to the fact of his leaving consecrated the Kemeys Tynte
Encampment . He also mentioned tho great pleasure he had in the prosperity aud increase of the . Knights Templar . He alluded to his having been appointed to represent the Templars of America , in the Grand Conclave of England , and said ho anticipated good results from fche interchange of these relations between England ancl America . The prov . G . Com . next proposed the Grand Officers appointed on that day , and expressed his gratification in having been enabled to fill all fche offices . Axt fche top of the . list was Sir Knt . Clerkwho was fully able to
, assist him in carrying on flic business or of conducting the Prov . Grand Conclave in his unavoidable absence ; and in all the other officers he was assured of finding support . Sir Knt . Clerk in responding , said , in speaking for binisi-lf and the other officers , they pledged themselves to support tlie Order to the best of their ability , bufc especially in the
province ol Kent . Sir Kut . Masson asked the knights to drink tho health of their Prov . G . Coin ., a brother who had shown by his efficiency the excellency of the appointment . He referred to Dr . Hinxiuan ' s general enthusiasm in favour of every degree of Masonry , and nuclei- bis auspices there was reason to hope ere long , one , if not two Encampments , would be opened in Kent . In concluding , Bro . Masson said , that from the opportunities lie had had of witnessing Bro . Hinxiuan ' s fulfilment of his duties , he was
sure a better Mason did not exist . Tho Prov . G . Com . in reply said , Bro . Masson had referred to his services , aud he could only say he had endeavoured by diligence to deserve ail the honours conferred upon him . He alluded to tho increase of their Order , and noticed that the Kemeys Tynte Encampment numbered twenty-three members , which must be looked upon as most satisfactory , being but two years old . There was a prospect of an Encampment being established at Maidstone ; AVafmer ancl Canterbury were also spoken of . The health of Sir Knt . Smith , who had that day been installed in the Kemeys Tynte Encampment , was proposed by Sir Knt . Clerk , ancl a most agreeable meeting was brought to a close .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN CHAPTER . THE assembly of the Metropolitan Rose Croix Chapter , on Tuesday next , tho 12 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , will be of a particularly interesting character . Afc the last mooting a seiect Chapter was appointed to consider tho ritual aud arrangements , consisting of 111 . Brosthe M . AV . S . DrAVJonesJBCole 33 ° : J . A .. D . Cox 33 ° ;
, , . . ; . . , , Hyde Clarke , 32 ° ; Dr . R . H . Goolden , 32 ° ; and Dr . Kent , 32 ° , Treasurer and Secretary . Under tho direction of these brethren , the arrangements havo been remodelled , the furniture ancl fittings extended and improved , suitable dresses provided , and the musical and choral portions of the service increased , and made more effective . 111 . Bro . Hyde Clarko , the junior member of the 32 ° , has been appointed Dir . of Cers . ; Bin . AV . H . Bombard , of tho Mauritius aud Metropolitan
Chapters , Assist . Dir . of Cers ., with other assistants ; and Bro . Horsley , Organist , with some distinguished brethren of the choir under his direction . The service for the next meeting is selected from Palestrini , Mozart , and Beethoven . Music is likewise provided for fche banquet . Tho number of candidates is large . At the subsequent meetings further improvements will be effected . The meeting of the 12 th will be , it is supposed , the best celebration of the rits which has been held iu this country for the last sixty or seventy yearsif not since 111 . Bro . AV .
, Preston served the functions of M . W . S . of the Metropolitan Chapter . The Supreme Council have , through 111 . Bro . Cox , given their sanction and assistance , and have largely contributed to the expenses . Like arrangements are in progress for placing the working of the 30 ° , 31 ° and 32 " , on a footing commensurate with their importance .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN C 11 APTE R . OLD KING ' S Amis CIIAITER ( NO . 30 ) . —This Chapter held a convocation at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , July -1 th , when Comp . G . Biggs , with his accustomed solemnity and hnpressiveness , exalted two brethren to the supreme degree of R . A ., and afterwards installed the three Principals into their respective chairs , viz : —• Comp . Paas as M . E . Z . ; Comp . Maudsley , H . ; Comp . England , J . Tho Chapter was then closedand the Companions adjourned to tho banquet . Alter the
, usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the Companions separated , highly gratified with the proceedings of tho evening . ' Joi'PA CiiAi'TEll ( No . 223 ) . —A convocation was holden at tho Bridge House Hotel , Southwark , on Juno the 27 th . Tho Chapter was declared open at half-past five , r . M ., the chief business of the evening being the installation of the Principals , Comps . H . A . Isaacs , T . E . Laud , and M . A . Cohen ; subsequent to which tour brethren were exalteda largo
, attendance of the Companions being present . At eight o ' clock dinner was announced . In giving the health of " The Alsitors , " Comp . Isaacs reminded the members of this Chapter they were , honoured with the presence of a distinguished Mason from America , Comp . Elisha Cooke . Comp . Cooke , iu reply , said— " Should any of you ever visit ' Old Kentuck , ' there is nofc a Mason there bufc will do all in his power to show what Kentucky hospitality really is . I visit this country on a
purely Masonic mission , for the purpose of ascertaining the difference between European and American working . Entering upon this pleasing duty , my anticipations were of the brighesfc character . I felt that a welcome awaited mc , aud I now feel they have Leon more than realised . Your Chapter I visit to-night on the very kind invitation of Comp . Dr . Ladd , whose acquaintance I am proud to have made . He is in the Masonic hemisphere a star of the first magnitude . " After some very appropriate remarks from the other visitors , ancl some good singing , the Companions separated .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN ENCAMPMENT . . KEMEYS TINTE Exc'AMi'JiEXT . —The Eminent Commander summoned au Encampment at the Freemasons' Tavern , AVoolwich , ou Friday , July 1 st , and at four o ' clock it was opened , when there were present Sir Knt . Major Henry Clerk , E . C . ; Sir Knt . J . How , as 1 st Captain ; Sir Knt . J . AV . Figg , 2 nd Capt . ; Sir Knt . Major F . Ducane , Expert ; Sir Knt . Taylor , Capt . of Lines ; Sir Knt . John Masson , Grand Chancellor ,
assisting as Prelate . Comp . J . Smith , of Chapter No . 25 , ivas introduced and duly installed . Sir Kufc . Elisha D . Cooke , of the United States , was , i visitor . This being an emergency meeting , and as there was no other business , the Encampment was closed at au early hour .
PROVINCIAL ENCAMPMENT . SoUTilAMl'To-c . —A conclave of the Royal Gloucester Encampment was held on Thursday , June" 30 th , at the Freemasons' Hall ; Sir Knt . Charles Bromley , E . G . ; Sir Knt . J . R . Stebbing , Prelate ; Sir Knt . J . T . Euright , 1 st Capt . ; Sir Knt . Geo . Lungley , 2 nd Capt . ; Sir Knt . Geo . \ V . Clarke , Registrar , & c , & c , being present . The ballot was taken for Comp . Frederick Perkins , of bhe Chapter of Concord , and AVAL of tho Royal Gloucester LodgeNo . 152 and he being declared duly elected
, , , was afterwards admitted into the privileges of the Order . The ceremony of installation was ably performed by Sir Knt . Bromley , assisted by the above named officers , particularly by Sir Knt . Stebbing , who was most impressive in the duties of Prelate . This Encampment , which had pretty nearly died out , is now so well revived , as to assume a position of importance , the number of members continually increasing , and all the elements of success being visible in its arrangements .
PROVINCIAL GRAND CONCLAVE OF KENT . A meeting of the Knights Templar of the province of Kent , was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , in AA oolwich , on Friday , July 1 st . At five o ' clock the Prov . Grand Conclave was opened , present Sir Knt . Henry James Hinxman , M . S ., V . E . Prov . Grand Com . ; Sir Knt . John Masson , G . Chan . ; Sir Knt . Major Henry Clerk , 1 st Grand Capt . ; Sir Knts . Peter Laird , J . W . Figg , F . Du Cane , John Dixon , and others .
The minutes ofthe previous Grand Conclave were read aud confirmed , the Treasurer ' s account was adopted , and tho annual audit committee was appointed . The V . E . Provincial Grand Commander then proceeded to appoint and invest tho officers for the year ensuing : he prefaced the choice he had made b y a few remarks on his inability to fill all the offices on their previous meetings , and especially referred to that of his deputy . Last year there was no member of the province who , by rank in the Order , was eligible , he was now however relieved from the difficulty , as in Sir Knt , Clerk he had a brother well capable of supplying his place in case
Knights Templar.
of absence ; he therefore requested Sir Knt . Clerk to accept the appointment of D . Prov . G . M . Sir Knt . Clerk said he felt much honoured by the kindness with which tho appointment was conferred , and accepted the office with gratitude . The other Prov . Grand Officers are , Sir Knt . Shuttleworbh , Ist Capt . ; Sir Kufc . Lt . Aldcrson , 2 nd Capt . ; Sir Knt . Peter Lairdj Chan . ; Sir Kiit . Major I' \ Du Cane , Prelate ; Sir Knt . J . AV . Figg , Expert ; Sir Knt . J . Jjyons , Ca . pt . of Linos ; Sir Kufc . J . Dixon , Almoner ; Sir Knt . Spratfc , Supt . of AVorks ; Sir Knt . Jackson , Herald ;
Sir Kufc . J . Smith , Sword Bearer ; Sir Kufc . Piatt , Banner Bearer ; Sir Knt . Henderson , janitor . Sir Kut . Taylor was re-elected Graud Treas . Tho Prov . Grand Encampment was then closed , and at seven o'clock the Knights rc-assembled afc dinner , at which thirteen wero present . After paying duo honour to the loyal and Masonic toasts , the Prov . G . Com . gave ' ¦ The A'isitors , " and lirst referred to their honoured guest , Bro . Masson , whoso ardent services iu the cause of Freemasonry were almost beyond praise ; bis industry in his distinguished position as Graud
Chancellor of the Knights Templar was wolf known . He also alluded to Bro . Masson having , by virtue of his office , consecrated aud opened their Encampment , the first established in Kent . He next noticed Bro . Cooke , whose presence afforded him much pleasure , aud who they hoped would convey to his brethren iu fche United States , an assurance that the interchange of visits was always agreeable . Sir Kut . Masson iu acknowledgment said , that seeing its successful career ho looked back with great satisfaction to the fact of his leaving consecrated the Kemeys Tynte
Encampment . He also mentioned tho great pleasure he had in the prosperity aud increase of the . Knights Templar . He alluded to his having been appointed to represent the Templars of America , in the Grand Conclave of England , and said ho anticipated good results from fche interchange of these relations between England ancl America . The prov . G . Com . next proposed the Grand Officers appointed on that day , and expressed his gratification in having been enabled to fill all fche offices . Axt fche top of the . list was Sir Knt . Clerkwho was fully able to
, assist him in carrying on flic business or of conducting the Prov . Grand Conclave in his unavoidable absence ; and in all the other officers he was assured of finding support . Sir Knt . Clerk in responding , said , in speaking for binisi-lf and the other officers , they pledged themselves to support tlie Order to the best of their ability , bufc especially in the
province ol Kent . Sir Kut . Masson asked the knights to drink tho health of their Prov . G . Coin ., a brother who had shown by his efficiency the excellency of the appointment . He referred to Dr . Hinxiuan ' s general enthusiasm in favour of every degree of Masonry , and nuclei- bis auspices there was reason to hope ere long , one , if not two Encampments , would be opened in Kent . In concluding , Bro . Masson said , that from the opportunities lie had had of witnessing Bro . Hinxiuan ' s fulfilment of his duties , he was
sure a better Mason did not exist . Tho Prov . G . Com . in reply said , Bro . Masson had referred to his services , aud he could only say he had endeavoured by diligence to deserve ail the honours conferred upon him . He alluded to tho increase of their Order , and noticed that the Kemeys Tynte Encampment numbered twenty-three members , which must be looked upon as most satisfactory , being but two years old . There was a prospect of an Encampment being established at Maidstone ; AVafmer ancl Canterbury were also spoken of . The health of Sir Knt . Smith , who had that day been installed in the Kemeys Tynte Encampment , was proposed by Sir Knt . Clerk , ancl a most agreeable meeting was brought to a close .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN CHAPTER . THE assembly of the Metropolitan Rose Croix Chapter , on Tuesday next , tho 12 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , will be of a particularly interesting character . Afc the last mooting a seiect Chapter was appointed to consider tho ritual aud arrangements , consisting of 111 . Brosthe M . AV . S . DrAVJonesJBCole 33 ° : J . A .. D . Cox 33 ° ;
, , . . ; . . , , Hyde Clarke , 32 ° ; Dr . R . H . Goolden , 32 ° ; and Dr . Kent , 32 ° , Treasurer and Secretary . Under tho direction of these brethren , the arrangements havo been remodelled , the furniture ancl fittings extended and improved , suitable dresses provided , and the musical and choral portions of the service increased , and made more effective . 111 . Bro . Hyde Clarko , the junior member of the 32 ° , has been appointed Dir . of Cers . ; Bin . AV . H . Bombard , of tho Mauritius aud Metropolitan
Chapters , Assist . Dir . of Cers ., with other assistants ; and Bro . Horsley , Organist , with some distinguished brethren of the choir under his direction . The service for the next meeting is selected from Palestrini , Mozart , and Beethoven . Music is likewise provided for fche banquet . Tho number of candidates is large . At the subsequent meetings further improvements will be effected . The meeting of the 12 th will be , it is supposed , the best celebration of the rits which has been held iu this country for the last sixty or seventy yearsif not since 111 . Bro . AV .
, Preston served the functions of M . W . S . of the Metropolitan Chapter . The Supreme Council have , through 111 . Bro . Cox , given their sanction and assistance , and have largely contributed to the expenses . Like arrangements are in progress for placing the working of the 30 ° , 31 ° and 32 " , on a footing commensurate with their importance .