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Masonic Jottings.—No. 2.
THE BHCHAN" THEORY . The doctrines and ideas stirred up by the Reformation , which , according to the Buchan theory , were in 1717 taken hold of and made into speculative Masonry , appeared historically as early as the 14 th century . They are the ideas and doctrines of "Wicliffe .
ENGLISH OPERATIVE HASONEY . English operative Masonry flourished 700 years , and was then displaced by a power , which some say grew up within the lodge , but others say grew up without the lodge . That power is Speculative Masonry .
THE LODGE . In records of the 14 th century are occasionally entries , in which the Mason's lodge is mentioned . The entries to which my attention has been drawn cannot , in my judgment , he considered applicable to any building except one for the use of operative Masons whilst employed in the erection of an adjoining cathedral or church .
SPONTANEOUS GENEEATION . A Correspondent at Cambridge anticipates that there will soon be amongst Masons a discussion respecting Origin , not a whit less amusing than that which is going on amongst naturalists ; but , unfortunately , my correspondent has forgot to say which of our ingenious theorists will find the origin of our speculative Masonry in its Spontaneous Generation .
OLD CEAET MEMOEANDUH . A . D . 1717 , entirely new organisation—Operative Masonry swallowed up by Speculative . The elder sister swallowed up by the younger .
The Welsh Provinces And The Masonic Charities.
After the banquet of the Silurian Masonic Lodge , Newport , on Monday last , a committee of the brethren met to consider the present position of the province of Monmouthshire in relation to the Masonic Charities . The subject had already been ventilated at the banquet , and a strong feeling prevailed in favour of a
suggestion thrown out by Bro . G Homfray as to the desirability of uniting the contributions of the " Welsh provinces , so as to form one grand subscription to the metropolitan fund . Such a course would , doubtless , increase the influence of the amalgamated provinces
in the annual elections , aud would enhance the dignity of the Craft in the provinces .- We understand that the idea has been taken up most earnestly , and that efforts Avill shortly be made to give it practical effect , for Masonry in the " Welsh provinces contributes right handsomely to the grand charitable institutions of the Order . It has even been suggested that a Masonic
The Welsh Provinces And The Masonic Charities.
school might be founded and maintained in the Principality . Eor ourselves , we have no hesitation in saying that the suggestion is feasible . Indeed , the amount of support voluntarily proffered towards sucq an institution at the committee to which we have
referred is sufficient to justify our confidence iu the result . " With the Eastern and "Western Divisions of South Wales , presided over respectively by T . M . Talbot , Esq ., aud Sir Pryse Pryse , Bart . ; with the North "Wales aud Shropshire province , over which
Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., the " King of "Wales , " holds Masonic sway , added to the province of Monmouthshire , where J . E . Welch Eolls , Esq ., has , as the Prov . G . M ., inspired the respect of all the Craft , the auspices would be such as to warrant the
belief that the fund would assume princely proportions , and that the Welsh Masonic School would " flourish as a green bay tree . " — Star ofGwent .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
¦ JTEEEAIASONBY AND QUEEN ELIZABETH . Did true Freemasonrv exist during the reign of Elizabeth ( 1558 to 1603 ) ? I should say not ; for while her sister Mary— " bloody Mary "—persecuted Protestants , our Protestant Jezebel went farther , and persecuted both Protestants and Catholics alike .
Toleration was a word she abhorred .- she lorded it over the consciences of all her subjects , in a manner which no pope ever excelled and which few equalled-At the risk of their lives , men had to square their consciences with her notions * , or else become outward formalists and dissimulating hypocrites . Honour was
a stranger at her court . We can make many allowances for poor Catholic Mary ; but , as a Protestant myself , I dare to say that our Protestant ( or nominally Protestant ) Elizabeth Avas a disgrace to true Christianity . Had our Freemasonry dared to raise its head during her reign , she would soon have nipped
it in the hud . " By God's son , " she would have said , " I'll freemason them . "— W . P . B . KITES OP FEEEMASONET . As Bro . Hughan has calted attention to my sketch which appeared on the ISth ultpermit me space to
., correct one or two clerical ( or printer ' s ) errors in it . The E . A . degree was invented in the year 17-10 ; the more important degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite about 1730 . The Swedish Eite consists , I believe , of nine degrees ; the 4 ° , 5 ° , aud 0 ° are termed . " StAndrew ' s Mason }' " and are founded on a Scotch
. , legend . The members of the 7 ° , 8 ° , and 0 ° aro " Chevaliers de la Eouge Croix , " and form the Grand Chapter presided over by the king . The Order of Knighthood was establed by Charles tho Thirteenth . LI . W . L .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Jottings.—No. 2.
THE BHCHAN" THEORY . The doctrines and ideas stirred up by the Reformation , which , according to the Buchan theory , were in 1717 taken hold of and made into speculative Masonry , appeared historically as early as the 14 th century . They are the ideas and doctrines of "Wicliffe .
ENGLISH OPERATIVE HASONEY . English operative Masonry flourished 700 years , and was then displaced by a power , which some say grew up within the lodge , but others say grew up without the lodge . That power is Speculative Masonry .
THE LODGE . In records of the 14 th century are occasionally entries , in which the Mason's lodge is mentioned . The entries to which my attention has been drawn cannot , in my judgment , he considered applicable to any building except one for the use of operative Masons whilst employed in the erection of an adjoining cathedral or church .
SPONTANEOUS GENEEATION . A Correspondent at Cambridge anticipates that there will soon be amongst Masons a discussion respecting Origin , not a whit less amusing than that which is going on amongst naturalists ; but , unfortunately , my correspondent has forgot to say which of our ingenious theorists will find the origin of our speculative Masonry in its Spontaneous Generation .
OLD CEAET MEMOEANDUH . A . D . 1717 , entirely new organisation—Operative Masonry swallowed up by Speculative . The elder sister swallowed up by the younger .
The Welsh Provinces And The Masonic Charities.
After the banquet of the Silurian Masonic Lodge , Newport , on Monday last , a committee of the brethren met to consider the present position of the province of Monmouthshire in relation to the Masonic Charities . The subject had already been ventilated at the banquet , and a strong feeling prevailed in favour of a
suggestion thrown out by Bro . G Homfray as to the desirability of uniting the contributions of the " Welsh provinces , so as to form one grand subscription to the metropolitan fund . Such a course would , doubtless , increase the influence of the amalgamated provinces
in the annual elections , aud would enhance the dignity of the Craft in the provinces .- We understand that the idea has been taken up most earnestly , and that efforts Avill shortly be made to give it practical effect , for Masonry in the " Welsh provinces contributes right handsomely to the grand charitable institutions of the Order . It has even been suggested that a Masonic
The Welsh Provinces And The Masonic Charities.
school might be founded and maintained in the Principality . Eor ourselves , we have no hesitation in saying that the suggestion is feasible . Indeed , the amount of support voluntarily proffered towards sucq an institution at the committee to which we have
referred is sufficient to justify our confidence iu the result . " With the Eastern and "Western Divisions of South Wales , presided over respectively by T . M . Talbot , Esq ., aud Sir Pryse Pryse , Bart . ; with the North "Wales aud Shropshire province , over which
Sir Watkin Williams Wynn , Bart ., M . P ., the " King of "Wales , " holds Masonic sway , added to the province of Monmouthshire , where J . E . Welch Eolls , Esq ., has , as the Prov . G . M ., inspired the respect of all the Craft , the auspices would be such as to warrant the
belief that the fund would assume princely proportions , and that the Welsh Masonic School would " flourish as a green bay tree . " — Star ofGwent .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
¦ JTEEEAIASONBY AND QUEEN ELIZABETH . Did true Freemasonrv exist during the reign of Elizabeth ( 1558 to 1603 ) ? I should say not ; for while her sister Mary— " bloody Mary "—persecuted Protestants , our Protestant Jezebel went farther , and persecuted both Protestants and Catholics alike .
Toleration was a word she abhorred .- she lorded it over the consciences of all her subjects , in a manner which no pope ever excelled and which few equalled-At the risk of their lives , men had to square their consciences with her notions * , or else become outward formalists and dissimulating hypocrites . Honour was
a stranger at her court . We can make many allowances for poor Catholic Mary ; but , as a Protestant myself , I dare to say that our Protestant ( or nominally Protestant ) Elizabeth Avas a disgrace to true Christianity . Had our Freemasonry dared to raise its head during her reign , she would soon have nipped
it in the hud . " By God's son , " she would have said , " I'll freemason them . "— W . P . B . KITES OP FEEEMASONET . As Bro . Hughan has calted attention to my sketch which appeared on the ISth ultpermit me space to
., correct one or two clerical ( or printer ' s ) errors in it . The E . A . degree was invented in the year 17-10 ; the more important degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite about 1730 . The Swedish Eite consists , I believe , of nine degrees ; the 4 ° , 5 ° , aud 0 ° are termed . " StAndrew ' s Mason }' " and are founded on a Scotch
. , legend . The members of the 7 ° , 8 ° , and 0 ° aro " Chevaliers de la Eouge Croix , " and form the Grand Chapter presided over by the king . The Order of Knighthood was establed by Charles tho Thirteenth . LI . W . L .