Article THE LODGE OF GLASGOW ST. JOHN. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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The Lodge Of Glasgow St. John.
the Office Bearers not onl y to sign the petition in the name of the lodge , but to take all means of supporting it , when it may be necessary to do so . " The thanks of the lodge were then
unanimously voted to Brother Miller , of the Glasgow St , Mark ' s Lodge , for the interest he has taken in this lodge , and the endeavours he has put forth for promoting its interest . " " Unto the Most Worshi pful the Grand Master
Mason , the E . W . the Office Bearers , and members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , " The petition of the Master , Office Bearers , and Members of the Lodge of Glasgow St . John , Erected under a charter from Malcolm , III . King
of Scotland , in the year 1057 (!) " Humbly sheweth , that your petitioners , having ' the good of Freemasonry at heart , the beneficial influence oxercised over whose interests for more than a century by the Grand Lodge of Scotland ,
they gratefully acknowled ge , and deploring the apathy of the then Office Bearers and members of ¦ the Lodge of Glasgow iu not obeying thesummons , no doubt sent to them as Avell as the other lodges In Scotland to attend the General Communication
held m Edinburgh in the year l / b 6 , for the purpose of remodelliag * said Grand Lodge and in proper time and manner to have obtained such p lace in connection Avith it as was due to the proofs they Avere able to bring forward of an
antiquity equal to , if not greater , than that of any other lodge in Scotlaud , and also for the avoidance in time to come of those unseemly interruptions - ]" Avhich have on several Masonic occasions taken . p lace in consequence of their asserting a just and
lawful ri ght of precedence , secured to them by Royal Charter , J and exercised by them in the district of Glasgow for many centuries , and for the cultivation of a more free and friendly intercourse with the Craft under the authority of the
Grand Lodge than is practicable under their present circumstances , desire to resign their independence as a lodge , and place themselves under the
government of said Grand Lod ge of Scotland , praying that you will grant to your petitioners such rig ht of precedence as , without prejudice to established ri ghts , may be mutually agreed upon as due to a seniority resting on these folloAving evidences : —
" First , the possession of a charter conveying specific * Masonic honours and privileges , granted by Malcolm hi . in the year 1057 . f " Second , the recorded fact that a cathedral church requiring the aid of the Masonic Fraternit y , was founded in Glasgow in the begining of the twelfth century . f
' lhircll y , the specific charter granted b y William the Lion about the year 1192 ( 1189-1192 ) for the confirmation and encouragement of the Freemasons in Glasgow employed by Bishop Jocelin for the reconstruction of the cathedral
destroyed about that time b y fire , of which charter a copy is published in the appendix to Hamilton of Wishaw ' s descri ption of the Sheriffdoms of Lanark and Renfrew . § . " Fourth , the distinct declaration in the
preamble of the application for separate letters o Deaconry made by the Wri g ht Craft in the 1600 , that until that time they and most other Crafts m Glasgow Avere all under the jurisdiction and authority of the Masonic Incorporation and Lodge , || of which application there are many printed copies iu circulation here , and ,
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The Lodge Of Glasgow St. John.
the Office Bearers not onl y to sign the petition in the name of the lodge , but to take all means of supporting it , when it may be necessary to do so . " The thanks of the lodge were then
unanimously voted to Brother Miller , of the Glasgow St , Mark ' s Lodge , for the interest he has taken in this lodge , and the endeavours he has put forth for promoting its interest . " " Unto the Most Worshi pful the Grand Master
Mason , the E . W . the Office Bearers , and members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , " The petition of the Master , Office Bearers , and Members of the Lodge of Glasgow St . John , Erected under a charter from Malcolm , III . King
of Scotland , in the year 1057 (!) " Humbly sheweth , that your petitioners , having ' the good of Freemasonry at heart , the beneficial influence oxercised over whose interests for more than a century by the Grand Lodge of Scotland ,
they gratefully acknowled ge , and deploring the apathy of the then Office Bearers and members of ¦ the Lodge of Glasgow iu not obeying thesummons , no doubt sent to them as Avell as the other lodges In Scotland to attend the General Communication
held m Edinburgh in the year l / b 6 , for the purpose of remodelliag * said Grand Lodge and in proper time and manner to have obtained such p lace in connection Avith it as was due to the proofs they Avere able to bring forward of an
antiquity equal to , if not greater , than that of any other lodge in Scotlaud , and also for the avoidance in time to come of those unseemly interruptions - ]" Avhich have on several Masonic occasions taken . p lace in consequence of their asserting a just and
lawful ri ght of precedence , secured to them by Royal Charter , J and exercised by them in the district of Glasgow for many centuries , and for the cultivation of a more free and friendly intercourse with the Craft under the authority of the
Grand Lodge than is practicable under their present circumstances , desire to resign their independence as a lodge , and place themselves under the
government of said Grand Lod ge of Scotland , praying that you will grant to your petitioners such rig ht of precedence as , without prejudice to established ri ghts , may be mutually agreed upon as due to a seniority resting on these folloAving evidences : —
" First , the possession of a charter conveying specific * Masonic honours and privileges , granted by Malcolm hi . in the year 1057 . f " Second , the recorded fact that a cathedral church requiring the aid of the Masonic Fraternit y , was founded in Glasgow in the begining of the twelfth century . f
' lhircll y , the specific charter granted b y William the Lion about the year 1192 ( 1189-1192 ) for the confirmation and encouragement of the Freemasons in Glasgow employed by Bishop Jocelin for the reconstruction of the cathedral
destroyed about that time b y fire , of which charter a copy is published in the appendix to Hamilton of Wishaw ' s descri ption of the Sheriffdoms of Lanark and Renfrew . § . " Fourth , the distinct declaration in the
preamble of the application for separate letters o Deaconry made by the Wri g ht Craft in the 1600 , that until that time they and most other Crafts m Glasgow Avere all under the jurisdiction and authority of the Masonic Incorporation and Lodge , || of which application there are many printed copies iu circulation here , and ,