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unconstitutional step of organising a Grand Lodge within Masonically occupied territory , will , upon reflection , s-o the propriety of returning to their allegiance ; and that the Grand Lodge of Canada may be permitted for many years to come to exercise its high functions without opposition throughout its entire territory , to the benefit of the Cra . lt at largo , and to the building up of those benign princip les of brotherly love , relief , ond truth whjch it is its high mission to promote .
Your Committee recommend that the address of the Grand Master , with this report , be printed with all convenient speed , and circulated among the members of the Craft , at least ten copies being sent to each lodge , and that three copies be sent to each Grand Lodgo in communication with this Grand Lodge . AH which is respectfully submitted , JAMS Si-ir-iton :, Chairman .
It was moved by AI . AA . Bro . AA ' . M . AA'ilson , aud seconded by M . AA . Bro . Douglas Harrington , "That the report of the Committee on tho M . AY . Grand Master ' s address , just read , be received and adopted . " After some conversation , it was , on motion of W . Bro . E . Jackson , secouded by W . Bro . the Rev . W . C . Clarke , — "Resolved , —That the report of the Coininitee should be
submitted to Grand Ledge clause by clause for adoption . " The first clause , which is as follows , was then submitted to Grand Lodge , and on motion was unanimously adopted 1—1 . That the province of Quebec has been fully occupied , Masonically , since 1855 , and is still so occupied by the Grand Lodge of Canada . Clause 2 , as follows , was then submitted to the Grand Lodge
, and on motion , was unanimously adopted . 2 . That the Province of Quebec being fully occupied Masonically by the Grand Lodge of Canada , the formation of a second Grand Lodge within such territory is illegal and unconstitutional , so long as such occupation continues . Clause 3 , as follows , was then submitted to Grand Lodge , and on motion , was unanimousl y adopted : —¦
3 . That while unanimously aud emphatically condemning the the action of the brethren who have presumed to form tbe socalled " Grand Lodge of Quebec" within the territory Masonicall y occupied b y the Grand Lodge of Canada , this Grand Lodge at the same time expresses the hope that the seceding brethren will see the propriety of retiming to their allegiance to it , and assures them in doing so they will be received with cordialit y and brotherly good will ; but at the same time it deems it due
to its own dignity and its duty to the local Masons and lodges in the Province of Quebec , as well as the Craft generally , to withhold any hope of recognition to the so-called " Grand Lodge of Quebec , " and to express its opinion that on a proper presentation of the facts of the case , no recognition by other Grand Lodges in correspondence with this Grand Lodge ought to be accoided to it .
Clause 4 , as follows , was submitted : — 4 . That all Masonic communication with the brethren and lodges acknowled g ing allegiance to the so-called " Grand Lodge of Quebec " be prohibited ; and that all those who fail or neglect to comply with the provision of the previous resolution , by returning to their allegiance to the Grand Lodge of Canada within a period of three months , be summoned to appear before Grand Lod ge at its next annual communicationto show cause wh
, y they should not be expelled from the privileges of Freemasonry . [ At this point of the proceedings a question of ordor was raised as to whether the Grand Junior Warden , R . AV . Bro . D . Thomas , was entitled to his seat in Grand Lodge , he being a -member of VictoriaLod ge , Sherbrooke , Quebec ; " the said lodge having been reported to have been represented at the Convention held at Montreal on the 20 th October last , and at a subsequent meeting , by a resolution of the lodge , ratified the
action of its representatives iu forming a Grand Lodge of Quebec . The M . W . Grand Master desired R . AV . Bro . Thomas to explain his position ; and he having admitted that matters were precisely as represented , and further , that he concurred in the action tho Victoria Lodge had taken ; the M . AV . Grand Master , with the concurrence of Grand Lodge , decided that the R . A \ . brother hud no seat iu Grand Lodge , an appointed AA . Bro . Irvine as Grand . lunior Warden pro tern . R . W . Bro . Thomas resigned his collar , and retired amidst the regrets of the members of Grand Lodge . ] In amendment to clause 4 .
It was moved by A . \\ . Bro . Billington , seconded 'by A . AA . Bro . A . Diamond , — " That in the opinion of this Grand Lodge , it is expedient , in order to promote the best interests ot Freemasonry in Canada , that the brethren now under suspension for forming or attempting to form a Grand . Lodgo of Masons for the province of Quebec , and thereb y injuriously , to u certain extent , impairing the usefulness of the Grand Lodge of Canada , in whose
jurisdiction the province of Quebec now is , be summoned to appear before this Grand Lodge , and show cause why this Grand Lodge should not place them upon their trial for violation of their obligations . "
A vote of Grand Lodge having been taken by ballot of lodges , resulted as follows : —For the amendment , 90 ; against the amendment , 330 . The amendment was declared lost . Clause 5 , as follows , was then submitted to Grand Lodge , and on motion , was unanimously adopted . 5 . That in the opinion of this Grand Lodge the action taken by the M . W . the Grand Master , in the trying circumstances in
which he has been placed owing to the contumacious conduct of certain brethren in the Province of Quebec in seceding from the jurisdiction of tho Grand Lodge of Canada , merits the highest approbation of Grand Lodge , having been characterised by strict regard to the Constitution of Freemasonry , and for honour and dignity of the high position he occupies ; and that all the acts which , in the discharge of his high duties , he has done iu this most painful emergency , be , and the same are hereb y confirmed . The main motion , as proposed bv M . W . Bro . M . AV . AA'ilson ,
seconded by M . AW Bro . 1 . Douglas Harington , for the adoption of the repert of the committee , as a whole , was then put and adopted unanimously . It was moved b y ii . W . Bro . Otto Klotz , seconded by R . AV . Bro . J . Milue , and unanimously" Resolved , —That the hearty thanks of this Grand Lodge are due , and the same are hereby most cordially tendered , to the AV . AI ., Bro . AV . H . Hutton , officers , and members of St . Paul ' s
Lodge , E . R ., Montreal , for their courtesy in granting the use of their hall for the holding of this special communication . " It was moved by R . W . Bro . L . H . Henderson , seconded by V . W . Bro . Abraham Diamond , and unanimously " Resolved , —That the thanks of Grand Lodgo be tendered to the Committee on Credentials , for tho very satisfactory manner in which the duties devolving upon them have been discharged !" It was moved by R . AV . Bro . James Seymour , seconded by
M . W . Bro . AA . M . AVilson , and unanimously " Resoh-ed , — -That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be tendered to the Grand Trunk ; Great AVestern ; Buffalo and Lake Huron ; St . Lawrence and Ottawa ; Staustead , Sheff ' ord and Chamhly , and the Northern Railways , for the privilege of being permitted to attend this Special Communication at reduced fares . " It was moved by R . AV . Bro . L . H . Henderson , seconded by
R . W . Bro . Thomas Wilkinson , and "Resolved , —That the President of the Board of General Purposes be authorised to defray all the incidental expenses in connection with this Special Communication . " The business of this Special Communication of Grand Lodge being ended , it was closed in ample form , with solemn prayer , at three o ' clock p . m .
Mark Masonry.
SOUTH AA ALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CAKDIEI - . —Langley Lodge ( No . 16 , S . C . )—This lodge was established ten years since , under the auspices of the Cannyns Lodge ( No . V , S . C ) , Bristol , but has not of late maintained a very flourishing condition , owing to the prevailing feeling that the foreign constitution had a tendency to isolation on the part of its membersevery day more evident at its stated meeting in
No-, vember . Therefore a resolution was unanimously adopted to petition the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England for a warrant of constitution ; and the same having been duly confirmed , a petition was signed by the following brethren of the Lanslcv Lodge : —Bros . R . F . Langluv , P . M . ; E . . 1 . Thomas , P . M . ' ; T . G . South , P . M . ; Dr . Roberts , AV . M ' . ; T . G . Glass , J . W . ; and N . Marks , Sec ; and by Bros . AY . 11 . Martin , John
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
unconstitutional step of organising a Grand Lodge within Masonically occupied territory , will , upon reflection , s-o the propriety of returning to their allegiance ; and that the Grand Lodge of Canada may be permitted for many years to come to exercise its high functions without opposition throughout its entire territory , to the benefit of the Cra . lt at largo , and to the building up of those benign princip les of brotherly love , relief , ond truth whjch it is its high mission to promote .
Your Committee recommend that the address of the Grand Master , with this report , be printed with all convenient speed , and circulated among the members of the Craft , at least ten copies being sent to each lodge , and that three copies be sent to each Grand Lodgo in communication with this Grand Lodge . AH which is respectfully submitted , JAMS Si-ir-iton :, Chairman .
It was moved by AI . AA . Bro . AA ' . M . AA'ilson , aud seconded by M . AA . Bro . Douglas Harrington , "That the report of the Committee on tho M . AY . Grand Master ' s address , just read , be received and adopted . " After some conversation , it was , on motion of W . Bro . E . Jackson , secouded by W . Bro . the Rev . W . C . Clarke , — "Resolved , —That the report of the Coininitee should be
submitted to Grand Ledge clause by clause for adoption . " The first clause , which is as follows , was then submitted to Grand Lodge , and on motion was unanimously adopted 1—1 . That the province of Quebec has been fully occupied , Masonically , since 1855 , and is still so occupied by the Grand Lodge of Canada . Clause 2 , as follows , was then submitted to the Grand Lodge
, and on motion , was unanimously adopted . 2 . That the Province of Quebec being fully occupied Masonically by the Grand Lodge of Canada , the formation of a second Grand Lodge within such territory is illegal and unconstitutional , so long as such occupation continues . Clause 3 , as follows , was then submitted to Grand Lodge , and on motion , was unanimousl y adopted : —¦
3 . That while unanimously aud emphatically condemning the the action of the brethren who have presumed to form tbe socalled " Grand Lodge of Quebec" within the territory Masonicall y occupied b y the Grand Lodge of Canada , this Grand Lodge at the same time expresses the hope that the seceding brethren will see the propriety of retiming to their allegiance to it , and assures them in doing so they will be received with cordialit y and brotherly good will ; but at the same time it deems it due
to its own dignity and its duty to the local Masons and lodges in the Province of Quebec , as well as the Craft generally , to withhold any hope of recognition to the so-called " Grand Lodge of Quebec , " and to express its opinion that on a proper presentation of the facts of the case , no recognition by other Grand Lodges in correspondence with this Grand Lodge ought to be accoided to it .
Clause 4 , as follows , was submitted : — 4 . That all Masonic communication with the brethren and lodges acknowled g ing allegiance to the so-called " Grand Lodge of Quebec " be prohibited ; and that all those who fail or neglect to comply with the provision of the previous resolution , by returning to their allegiance to the Grand Lodge of Canada within a period of three months , be summoned to appear before Grand Lod ge at its next annual communicationto show cause wh
, y they should not be expelled from the privileges of Freemasonry . [ At this point of the proceedings a question of ordor was raised as to whether the Grand Junior Warden , R . AV . Bro . D . Thomas , was entitled to his seat in Grand Lodge , he being a -member of VictoriaLod ge , Sherbrooke , Quebec ; " the said lodge having been reported to have been represented at the Convention held at Montreal on the 20 th October last , and at a subsequent meeting , by a resolution of the lodge , ratified the
action of its representatives iu forming a Grand Lodge of Quebec . The M . W . Grand Master desired R . AV . Bro . Thomas to explain his position ; and he having admitted that matters were precisely as represented , and further , that he concurred in the action tho Victoria Lodge had taken ; the M . AV . Grand Master , with the concurrence of Grand Lodge , decided that the R . A \ . brother hud no seat iu Grand Lodge , an appointed AA . Bro . Irvine as Grand . lunior Warden pro tern . R . W . Bro . Thomas resigned his collar , and retired amidst the regrets of the members of Grand Lodge . ] In amendment to clause 4 .
It was moved by A . \\ . Bro . Billington , seconded 'by A . AA . Bro . A . Diamond , — " That in the opinion of this Grand Lodge , it is expedient , in order to promote the best interests ot Freemasonry in Canada , that the brethren now under suspension for forming or attempting to form a Grand . Lodgo of Masons for the province of Quebec , and thereb y injuriously , to u certain extent , impairing the usefulness of the Grand Lodge of Canada , in whose
jurisdiction the province of Quebec now is , be summoned to appear before this Grand Lodge , and show cause why this Grand Lodge should not place them upon their trial for violation of their obligations . "
A vote of Grand Lodge having been taken by ballot of lodges , resulted as follows : —For the amendment , 90 ; against the amendment , 330 . The amendment was declared lost . Clause 5 , as follows , was then submitted to Grand Lodge , and on motion , was unanimously adopted . 5 . That in the opinion of this Grand Lodge the action taken by the M . W . the Grand Master , in the trying circumstances in
which he has been placed owing to the contumacious conduct of certain brethren in the Province of Quebec in seceding from the jurisdiction of tho Grand Lodge of Canada , merits the highest approbation of Grand Lodge , having been characterised by strict regard to the Constitution of Freemasonry , and for honour and dignity of the high position he occupies ; and that all the acts which , in the discharge of his high duties , he has done iu this most painful emergency , be , and the same are hereb y confirmed . The main motion , as proposed bv M . W . Bro . M . AV . AA'ilson ,
seconded by M . AW Bro . 1 . Douglas Harington , for the adoption of the repert of the committee , as a whole , was then put and adopted unanimously . It was moved b y ii . W . Bro . Otto Klotz , seconded by R . AV . Bro . J . Milue , and unanimously" Resolved , —That the hearty thanks of this Grand Lodge are due , and the same are hereby most cordially tendered , to the AV . AI ., Bro . AV . H . Hutton , officers , and members of St . Paul ' s
Lodge , E . R ., Montreal , for their courtesy in granting the use of their hall for the holding of this special communication . " It was moved by R . W . Bro . L . H . Henderson , seconded by V . W . Bro . Abraham Diamond , and unanimously " Resolved , —That the thanks of Grand Lodgo be tendered to the Committee on Credentials , for tho very satisfactory manner in which the duties devolving upon them have been discharged !" It was moved by R . AV . Bro . James Seymour , seconded by
M . W . Bro . AA . M . AVilson , and unanimously " Resoh-ed , — -That the thanks of this Grand Lodge be tendered to the Grand Trunk ; Great AVestern ; Buffalo and Lake Huron ; St . Lawrence and Ottawa ; Staustead , Sheff ' ord and Chamhly , and the Northern Railways , for the privilege of being permitted to attend this Special Communication at reduced fares . " It was moved by R . AV . Bro . L . H . Henderson , seconded by
R . W . Bro . Thomas Wilkinson , and "Resolved , —That the President of the Board of General Purposes be authorised to defray all the incidental expenses in connection with this Special Communication . " The business of this Special Communication of Grand Lodge being ended , it was closed in ample form , with solemn prayer , at three o ' clock p . m .
Mark Masonry.
SOUTH AA ALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CAKDIEI - . —Langley Lodge ( No . 16 , S . C . )—This lodge was established ten years since , under the auspices of the Cannyns Lodge ( No . V , S . C ) , Bristol , but has not of late maintained a very flourishing condition , owing to the prevailing feeling that the foreign constitution had a tendency to isolation on the part of its membersevery day more evident at its stated meeting in
No-, vember . Therefore a resolution was unanimously adopted to petition the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England for a warrant of constitution ; and the same having been duly confirmed , a petition was signed by the following brethren of the Lanslcv Lodge : —Bros . R . F . Langluv , P . M . ; E . . 1 . Thomas , P . M . ' ; T . G . South , P . M . ; Dr . Roberts , AV . M ' . ; T . G . Glass , J . W . ; and N . Marks , Sec ; and by Bros . AY . 11 . Martin , John