Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article SCOTTISH CONSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article CANADA. Page 1 of 4 →
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YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . Hr / LTi . —Samber Lodge ( No . 57 ) . —This lodge met at the Masonic Hall , Osborne-street , on Monday the 27 th ult ., to instal the AA orshipful Master and Officers for the ensuing year . Bro . John AA ilson , Prov . G . S . D .. W . M ., in the chair , supported by the following P . M ' s of the lodge : —Bros . John Walker , I . P . M ., Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , Michael Wrangles Clarke ,
P . Prov . G . J . D ., AVilliam Banks Hay , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., John Coatsworth , P . Prov . G . S . D ., AVilliam Day Keyworth , P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Robert Johnson Chaffer , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., George Hardy , Prov . G . S . D ., and AA . M . of Minerva Lodge , No . 250 , James Todd , AV . M ., Kingston Lodge , No . 1010 , and a large attendance of brethren . The lodge was opened at four o'cloek in due form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last regular lod read and confirmed
ge were . Tbe AA' . M ., Bro . John AA ilson , then stated that he bad that day , according to ancient custom , to install the AA . M . for the ensuing . year , and he had very great pleasure to say that the Dep . Prov . G . M ., Bro . John Pearson Bell , P . M ., had kindly consented to act as installing master . Bro . AA illiam Needier , the AV . M . elect , was then presented in due form and installed according to ancient customthe Dep . G . M . performing the in a
, ceremony very able aud impressive manner . The W . M ., Bro . Noedler , then appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . AVilliam Bee , S . AV . ; Morris Haberland , J . AV . ; Henry Toozer , S . D . ; Alfred AAlieatley Ansell , J . D . ; Jonathan AA est , I . G . ; AVilliam Johnson , Prov . G . Sac , Tyler ; George Gawthorp , Assist . Tyler ; George Dean Storry , Org . ; David Middlemist , Chap . ; John Hudson , Dir . of Cers .: James Walker ,
Henry Preston , and AA illiain Thornton , Stewards ; John Perry Backwcll , Sec . ; John Fountain , P . Prov . G . S . B ., Treas . to the lodge , John Love Seaton , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . D ., Treas . to the Benevolent and Pension Fund ; AAllliam Day Keyworth , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , Treas . of the Poor Box Fund , and Almoner . The AV . M . then proposed , and Bro . \\ alker , P . M ., seconded , a vote of thanks to the Dep . Prov . G . M ,, Dr .
Bell , P . M ., for his great kindness in acting as installing master on this occasion . Every one present must have felt the solemn , able , and impressive manner in which he had performed the ecremony , the lodge was deeply indebted to him for his
willingness at all times to serve them . The motion being put was carried by acclamation . Bro . Dr . Bell , in acknowledging the kind reception the lodge had accorded to him , said it was always a pleasure to him to do all he could to forward the interests of Freemasonry iu this province , but especially to assist in promoting the good welfare of his mother lodge , No . 57 . Bro . W . D . Keyworth , P . M ., called the attention of the lodge to the great loss it had sustained in the lamented death of BroBethel
. Jacobs , P . M ., and P . Prov . S . G . AA ., he felt sure the lodge could not part without expressing its sympathy to his family , and be understood the funeral would take place on AA ^ ednesday next , at eleven a . m . No doubt many of the brethren would attend to pay the last mark of respect to one who had , by his life and conduct , won the esteem and regard of all classes of persons in the town , but more especially his brethren in Freemasony . The
Dep . Prov . G . M . also dwelt upon the great loss all had sustained by his death in the prime of life . It was then proposed and seconded that a vote of condolence should be sent from tho lodge to his family , deeply sympathising with them in their sad bereavement—carried unanimously . The lodge was then closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to the London Hotel , Queen-street , where a sumptuous banquet was prepared and served bBroFrederick John WilsonThe
y . . AA . M ., Bro . A \ illiam Needier , presided , he was supported by several P . M . ' s , amongst them was Bros . John Love Seaton , P M , AVilliam Croft , P . M ., John AValker , P . M ., John Wilson , P . M .. G . G Roberts , P . Prov . G . Reg ., G . Hardy , the W . M . of the Minerva Lodge , and a large attendance of brethren . After the cloth was removed , the Chap ' ain , Bro . Middlemist , said grace . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and heartily
responded to in a way characteristic of Masons . The past and . present state of the lodge was amply illustrated b y the several speakers b y the zeal and energy of its P . M . ' s and officers . It now stood one of the first Craft lodges in the kingdom , finned for its correct working , on all occasions efficiently rendered . It possessed its own lodge buildings , with every convenience for carrying out Masonic requirements . A large and beautifully furnished lodge room , a banquet hall , library , committee , and preparing rooms , a cooking kitchen , and Tyler ' s residence , freehold property , and last , but not least , a funded property of nearly
£ 4 , 000 invested for the benefit of its members . Immediate P . M . Bro . John AVilson , Prov . G . S . D ., was highly and deservedly complimented for the very able and efficient manner in which he had conducted the affairs of the lodge for the past year , by his perseverance and energy the lodge had been able to- carry out some very important improvements and alterations . The banquet hall had been renovated and decorated ; the lodge had , through his instrumentality , obtained a fine copy in oils of the
full length portrait of her most gracious Majesty the Queen , painted by Bro . John Chapman , from a picture by Sant , in the Trinity House , at Hull . Bro . G . C . Roberts , of the Kingston Lodge , and Bro . John Love Seaton , P . M ., made very eloquent and truly Masonic speeches , exhorting the brethren to pursue and practice the principles of Freemasonry . The past and present officers of the lodge all received their share of approbation . The memory of the " Founders of the Lodge" and its Past
, Masters was forcibly brought before them , for to their untiring industry and perseverance the lodge now owes its proud position , and the brethren were exhorted to follow their glorious example , and by their life and conduct practice the great principles of Freemasonry , brotherly love , relief ; and truth . After a delightful evening the brethren separated at an early hour in peace and harmony .
Scottish Constitution.
EDINBURGH . STOW . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 216 ) . —Monday being the anniversary of this lodge , the brethren celebrated it by their annual festival . They met in the Town Hall at twelve o'elock for business , after transacting which they walked in procession through the village , preceded by an instrumental band . A little past four o'clock the brethren , numbering 53 , sat down to dinner , provided
by Bro . Dickson , of the Railway Hotel . The fare , as usual , was liberal and substantia ] , to which ample justice was done . After the cloth was removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , each of the brethren called upon doing his best by song , recitation , and sentiment to cheer and enliven the proceedings and promote the general harmony . A torchlight procession , which was only attended by a few , closed the proceedings of the eveningThe brethren elected to office this are
. year as follows : —Bros . Henry Kerr , re-elected R-AA . IVI . ; Archibald Hossach , D . D . A 1 . ; John Crosby , S . M . ; AVilliam Forsythe , juu ., S . AV . ; James Hogg , jun ., J . AA .,- Joseph AA'ilson , Treas . ; David Scott , Sec . ; Rev . David AVaddell , Chap . ; George 'fait , Bible Bearer ; Sydney Roebuck , S . D . ; AA illiam AA addell , J . D . ; Thos . Anderson , I . G . ; and Thomas Forsythe , Tyler .
GRAND LODGE . A special emergent communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada was held at Montreal , in the room of St . Paul's Lodge , St . Lawrence Hall , commencing on AVednesday , the 1 st day of December , 1869 . Present : —M . AV . Bro . A . A . Stevenson , G . M . ; R . AA . Bros . James Seymour , Dep . G . M . ; peter J . Brown , G . S . AV . ; Daniel
Thomas , G .. T . AV . ; Rev . II . Montgomery , G . Chap . ; James Bain , as G . Treas . ; Siliir B . Fairbanks , G . Meg . ; Thomas B . Harris , G . Sec . ; R . P . Stenheus , G . S . D . ; John E . Harding , as G . J . D . ; AA . Cbatfield , G . Supt . of AA orks ; Charles Sharpe , G . Dir . of Cers . ; T . "White , jun ., as Assist . G . See . ; E . P . Remon , as Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Robert Lewis , G . S . B . ; AVilliam Kivin , as G . Org . ; Robert Robinson , as G . Purs . ; C . Boright , D . McLellun , A . Diamond , C . D . Macdonnell , Allan McLean , and
J . B . Biekell , G . Stewards ; AAllson B . Allan , as Tyler , and numerous District Deputy Grand Masters and Past Grand Officers . A constitutional number of representatives from lodges being present , the Grand Chaplain implored a blessing from the G . A . O . T . U . upon the proceedings , and the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada was opened in ample form at four o ' clock p . m . The Committee on Credentials reported that one hundred and twenty-eight ledges were duly represented by their properly qualified officers , or by regularly appointed proxies , of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . Hr / LTi . —Samber Lodge ( No . 57 ) . —This lodge met at the Masonic Hall , Osborne-street , on Monday the 27 th ult ., to instal the AA orshipful Master and Officers for the ensuing year . Bro . John AA ilson , Prov . G . S . D .. W . M ., in the chair , supported by the following P . M ' s of the lodge : —Bros . John Walker , I . P . M ., Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , Michael Wrangles Clarke ,
P . Prov . G . J . D ., AVilliam Banks Hay , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., John Coatsworth , P . Prov . G . S . D ., AVilliam Day Keyworth , P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Robert Johnson Chaffer , P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., George Hardy , Prov . G . S . D ., and AA . M . of Minerva Lodge , No . 250 , James Todd , AV . M ., Kingston Lodge , No . 1010 , and a large attendance of brethren . The lodge was opened at four o'cloek in due form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last regular lod read and confirmed
ge were . Tbe AA' . M ., Bro . John AA ilson , then stated that he bad that day , according to ancient custom , to install the AA . M . for the ensuing . year , and he had very great pleasure to say that the Dep . Prov . G . M ., Bro . John Pearson Bell , P . M ., had kindly consented to act as installing master . Bro . AA illiam Needier , the AV . M . elect , was then presented in due form and installed according to ancient customthe Dep . G . M . performing the in a
, ceremony very able aud impressive manner . The W . M ., Bro . Noedler , then appointed and invested the following brethren as his officers : —Bros . AVilliam Bee , S . AV . ; Morris Haberland , J . AV . ; Henry Toozer , S . D . ; Alfred AAlieatley Ansell , J . D . ; Jonathan AA est , I . G . ; AVilliam Johnson , Prov . G . Sac , Tyler ; George Gawthorp , Assist . Tyler ; George Dean Storry , Org . ; David Middlemist , Chap . ; John Hudson , Dir . of Cers .: James Walker ,
Henry Preston , and AA illiain Thornton , Stewards ; John Perry Backwcll , Sec . ; John Fountain , P . Prov . G . S . B ., Treas . to the lodge , John Love Seaton , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . S . D ., Treas . to the Benevolent and Pension Fund ; AAllliam Day Keyworth , P . M ., and P . Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , Treas . of the Poor Box Fund , and Almoner . The AV . M . then proposed , and Bro . \\ alker , P . M ., seconded , a vote of thanks to the Dep . Prov . G . M ,, Dr .
Bell , P . M ., for his great kindness in acting as installing master on this occasion . Every one present must have felt the solemn , able , and impressive manner in which he had performed the ecremony , the lodge was deeply indebted to him for his
willingness at all times to serve them . The motion being put was carried by acclamation . Bro . Dr . Bell , in acknowledging the kind reception the lodge had accorded to him , said it was always a pleasure to him to do all he could to forward the interests of Freemasonry iu this province , but especially to assist in promoting the good welfare of his mother lodge , No . 57 . Bro . W . D . Keyworth , P . M ., called the attention of the lodge to the great loss it had sustained in the lamented death of BroBethel
. Jacobs , P . M ., and P . Prov . S . G . AA ., he felt sure the lodge could not part without expressing its sympathy to his family , and be understood the funeral would take place on AA ^ ednesday next , at eleven a . m . No doubt many of the brethren would attend to pay the last mark of respect to one who had , by his life and conduct , won the esteem and regard of all classes of persons in the town , but more especially his brethren in Freemasony . The
Dep . Prov . G . M . also dwelt upon the great loss all had sustained by his death in the prime of life . It was then proposed and seconded that a vote of condolence should be sent from tho lodge to his family , deeply sympathising with them in their sad bereavement—carried unanimously . The lodge was then closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to the London Hotel , Queen-street , where a sumptuous banquet was prepared and served bBroFrederick John WilsonThe
y . . AA . M ., Bro . A \ illiam Needier , presided , he was supported by several P . M . ' s , amongst them was Bros . John Love Seaton , P M , AVilliam Croft , P . M ., John AValker , P . M ., John Wilson , P . M .. G . G Roberts , P . Prov . G . Reg ., G . Hardy , the W . M . of the Minerva Lodge , and a large attendance of brethren . After the cloth was removed , the Chap ' ain , Bro . Middlemist , said grace . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly given and heartily
responded to in a way characteristic of Masons . The past and . present state of the lodge was amply illustrated b y the several speakers b y the zeal and energy of its P . M . ' s and officers . It now stood one of the first Craft lodges in the kingdom , finned for its correct working , on all occasions efficiently rendered . It possessed its own lodge buildings , with every convenience for carrying out Masonic requirements . A large and beautifully furnished lodge room , a banquet hall , library , committee , and preparing rooms , a cooking kitchen , and Tyler ' s residence , freehold property , and last , but not least , a funded property of nearly
£ 4 , 000 invested for the benefit of its members . Immediate P . M . Bro . John AVilson , Prov . G . S . D ., was highly and deservedly complimented for the very able and efficient manner in which he had conducted the affairs of the lodge for the past year , by his perseverance and energy the lodge had been able to- carry out some very important improvements and alterations . The banquet hall had been renovated and decorated ; the lodge had , through his instrumentality , obtained a fine copy in oils of the
full length portrait of her most gracious Majesty the Queen , painted by Bro . John Chapman , from a picture by Sant , in the Trinity House , at Hull . Bro . G . C . Roberts , of the Kingston Lodge , and Bro . John Love Seaton , P . M ., made very eloquent and truly Masonic speeches , exhorting the brethren to pursue and practice the principles of Freemasonry . The past and present officers of the lodge all received their share of approbation . The memory of the " Founders of the Lodge" and its Past
, Masters was forcibly brought before them , for to their untiring industry and perseverance the lodge now owes its proud position , and the brethren were exhorted to follow their glorious example , and by their life and conduct practice the great principles of Freemasonry , brotherly love , relief ; and truth . After a delightful evening the brethren separated at an early hour in peace and harmony .
Scottish Constitution.
EDINBURGH . STOW . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 216 ) . —Monday being the anniversary of this lodge , the brethren celebrated it by their annual festival . They met in the Town Hall at twelve o'elock for business , after transacting which they walked in procession through the village , preceded by an instrumental band . A little past four o'clock the brethren , numbering 53 , sat down to dinner , provided
by Bro . Dickson , of the Railway Hotel . The fare , as usual , was liberal and substantia ] , to which ample justice was done . After the cloth was removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , each of the brethren called upon doing his best by song , recitation , and sentiment to cheer and enliven the proceedings and promote the general harmony . A torchlight procession , which was only attended by a few , closed the proceedings of the eveningThe brethren elected to office this are
. year as follows : —Bros . Henry Kerr , re-elected R-AA . IVI . ; Archibald Hossach , D . D . A 1 . ; John Crosby , S . M . ; AVilliam Forsythe , juu ., S . AV . ; James Hogg , jun ., J . AA .,- Joseph AA'ilson , Treas . ; David Scott , Sec . ; Rev . David AVaddell , Chap . ; George 'fait , Bible Bearer ; Sydney Roebuck , S . D . ; AA illiam AA addell , J . D . ; Thos . Anderson , I . G . ; and Thomas Forsythe , Tyler .
GRAND LODGE . A special emergent communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada was held at Montreal , in the room of St . Paul's Lodge , St . Lawrence Hall , commencing on AVednesday , the 1 st day of December , 1869 . Present : —M . AV . Bro . A . A . Stevenson , G . M . ; R . AA . Bros . James Seymour , Dep . G . M . ; peter J . Brown , G . S . AV . ; Daniel
Thomas , G .. T . AV . ; Rev . II . Montgomery , G . Chap . ; James Bain , as G . Treas . ; Siliir B . Fairbanks , G . Meg . ; Thomas B . Harris , G . Sec . ; R . P . Stenheus , G . S . D . ; John E . Harding , as G . J . D . ; AA . Cbatfield , G . Supt . of AA orks ; Charles Sharpe , G . Dir . of Cers . ; T . "White , jun ., as Assist . G . See . ; E . P . Remon , as Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Robert Lewis , G . S . B . ; AVilliam Kivin , as G . Org . ; Robert Robinson , as G . Purs . ; C . Boright , D . McLellun , A . Diamond , C . D . Macdonnell , Allan McLean , and
J . B . Biekell , G . Stewards ; AAllson B . Allan , as Tyler , and numerous District Deputy Grand Masters and Past Grand Officers . A constitutional number of representatives from lodges being present , the Grand Chaplain implored a blessing from the G . A . O . T . U . upon the proceedings , and the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada was opened in ample form at four o ' clock p . m . The Committee on Credentials reported that one hundred and twenty-eight ledges were duly represented by their properly qualified officers , or by regularly appointed proxies , of