Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Craft Masonry.
eral initiates and joining members were proposed , and the lodg was closed according to ancient custom with solemn prayer-The brethren then adjourned to the banquot , an account of which will he given iu our next , in consequence of our going to press before the proceedings terminated . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Weaver .
HAMPSHIRE . SOUTHAMPTON . —Royal Gloster Lodge ( No . 130 ) . —This lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John on Thursday , tho 30 th ult ., at Freemason's Hall , Southampton , when the AV . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Harper , was installed by the R . AV . the Prov . G . M . of Hampshireand the Isle of Wight , Bro . Beach , M . V . There was a large gathering of the brethren of tho lod whom were
ge , among the following P . M . ' s : —Bro . Deacon , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . Stebbing , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; F . Perkins , P . Prov . S . G . W . ( the Mayor ); and Bros . Abraham , Coxwell , Payne , Booth , Weston , & c . The AV . M . appointed Bros . Pocock , S . AV . ; Jones , J . AV . ; J . AVeston , Sec ; Dr . Aldridge , S . D . ¦ Brown , J . D . ; Bemister , Dir . of Cers . ; Hill , I . G . ; Biggs , Tyler . Bro . Abraham having been unanimously elected Treasurer at the preceding lod was invested bthe
ge y W . M . At six o ' clock the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Dartnall , at which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and responded to by the brethren , the toast of the Prov . G . M . being most heartily welcomed and very ably acknowledged by that RW . Bro .
LANCASHIRE ( FAST ) . . MANCHESTER . —De Greg and Sipon Lodge ( No . 1161 ) . — This lodge , held at the Corporation Hotel , Ardwick , met on Wednesday , the 15 th ult . Present—Bros . AVm . George Turner , AA . M . ; E . T . Plows , S . W . ; S . J . Pliilipson , J . AV . ; R . Macgregov , Treas . ; AA " . Burslem , I . G . ; C . R . Huffiim , S . D . ; Thomas Gi-eenhalhSeeThe visitors present —BrosJohn C
g , . were . . Hind , P . M ., Ncs . 204 , 923 ; Frederick Gutteridge , P . M ., Derby , 1055 ; J . W . Allison , Alexandra , 993 , and J . D . Ynfiesta , Robert Burns . 999 . Bro . Wm . Sadler , was passed to the degree of a F . C . Freemason b y Bro . Frederick Gutteridge , P . M ., of 1055 lodge . Bro . John Alckers was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by Bro . John C . Hind , P . M . of lodges 204 , 923 . After lodge business was concluded the brethren adjourned to the festive board
, when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to with all due honours . The pleasures of the evening were enhanced by some good old songs and recitations , sung and recited by brethren of the lodge .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . ULVERSTONE . —Lodge of Furness ( No . 995 ) . —The lodge met at the Masonic Temple , on Tuesdav , the 4 th inst . Present—Bros . Roper , W . M . ; Dodgson , S . \\' " ; Pearson , J . AV . ; Butcher , Treas . ; James , Sec . ; Thompson , S . D . ; Paxton , I . G . ; Barber , P . M . ; and Podinon , Steward . Bros . AVylie , Prov . G . Reg . of Works , Lancashire ; the AA . M . and AVardens of No . 1225 , ' and several others were present as visitorsThe business included
. Hie installation of Bro . John Case as W . M . for the ensuing year . The W . M . was duly installed and saluted according to ancient custom , and afterwards appointed and invested the following as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Roper , I . P . M . " ; Pearson , S . W . ; Grundy , J . W . / Butcher , Treas . ; James , Sec ; Dodgson , S . D . ; Paxton , J . D . ; Wilson , I . G . ; Crook , S . Steward ; Blacklock , , J . Steward ; Remington , P . M ., Dir . of Cers ., and
Ayre , Chap . The brethren then adjourned to the house of Bro . Clayton , where an excellent banquet had teen prepared , to which upwards of forty brethren sat down . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts the brethren separated at half-past eleven p . m . in peace and harmony . Ftwmon . —Lodge of Unanimity ( No . 113 ) . —This lodge met at the Bull Hotel on the 3 rd instThere present the AA
. were . M ., Bro . Henry Steib , supported by Bros . A . U . H . AVhitohead , S . A \ . j E . "Wade , J . AV . ; FryGr , ' P . M ., Treas . ; Thomas Nevett , Sec ; R . L . Barnes , HA ) . ; A . Simpson , J . D . ; P . G . Hunt , I . G . ; Birrinill , . Johnston , Robinson , and M'Carter , P . M . ' s ; Greaves , and upwards of forty of the brethren of Lodge Unanimity . Bro . AVhitohead , P . M . 950 ; Porter , AV . M . 343 ; Smith , AV . M .
elect 314 ; Rigby , Melling , & c , were present as visitors . Bros . Ishei-wood aud Ellis were passed to the second degree . Bro . Henry Steib , P . M ., then proceeded to instal as AV . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . A . H . I-I . Whitehead , who appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . E . AV . AA ade , S . W . ; T . Nevett , J . AV . ; Fryer , P . M ., Treas . ; R . L . Barnes , Sec . ; J . Sumner , S . D . ; F . G . Hunt , J . D .,- and Robert Gardner , I . G . After the installation of officers , the newly installed AV . M .
presented on behalf of the past officers and brethren of the lodge to Bro . Steib , P . M ., a beautiful gold P . M . 's jewel ; also Bro . Birchall , P . M ., presented to Bro . Johnstone , P . M ., and Bro . Greaves , P . M ., presented to Bro . Fryer , P . M ., similar jewels to the one presented to Bro . Steib , P . M ., to commemorate their several years of office , and to show the great esteem in which they are held by their brethren . The business of the lodge being concluded , the whole of the brethren present sat down to a banquet supplied by Bro . Townsend . The usual Masonic toasts were duly given , and all passed off in a very satisfactory manner .
MONMOUTHSIRE . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 . ) The installation of Bro . the Rev . Samuel Pox , Prov . G . Chap , as AA' . M . of the Silurian Lodge , 471 , for the ensuing year , took plsce at the Masonic-hall , Dock-street , on Monday , 3 rd inst . ( St . John ' s Day ) , before a large assemblage of the craft . The ceremony was most ably performed by Bros . Hellyer and Bartholomew
Thomas , installing masters . The following is the list of appointments : —Bros . H . J . Parnall , I . P . M .: C . H . Oliver , Dir . of Cers . ; Gratte , S . AV . ; Randall , J . W . ; Pickford , Treas . ; AV . AVilliams , Sec . ; AVm . Wade , S . D .: G . Fothergill , J . D . ; C . Rowe , I . G . ; H . J . Groves , Org . ; AA'm . Jones and H . Scott , Stewards ; C . AV . Ingrain , Librarian ; and AV . McFee , Tyler . Tho Secretary has had his collar 20 years iu continuous
succession , the Treasurer has held office since 1862 , and tho Tyler has held his appointment since March , 1854 . The regular business having been disposed of , the W . M . closed the lodge in due form , and the brethren soon after four o ' clock , repaired to the AVcstgate Hotel , where the banquet was held . The chair was taken by the AA . M ., who was supported by about sixty of the brethren , amongst whom were the following : — Bros . V . W . Col . Lyne , D . Prov . G . M . ; G . Homfray Prov . G . J . AV . ;
Pickford , Prov . G . Treas ; Wm . AVilliams , Prov . G . Sec ; B . Thomas , Prov . G . S . D . ; I-I . Parnall , Prov . G . Sup . AVorks ; Oliver , Prov . G . Dir . of Cirs . ; Thos . AVilliams , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Hellyer , Prov . G . Pursuivant ; E . Wells , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; Goombs , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; Griffiths , P . Prov . G . Supt AVorks ; Martin , Prov . G . Treas . East Div . South AA alos ; 0 . Iloinfriiy , J . G . Huxtable , Wm . AVatkins , G . Fothergill , S . T . Halleu , Prov , G . Stewards ; Gratte , S AV . ; Hoskins , as J . AV , ;
Scott and Jones , Stewards 471 ; Ingram , Librarian ; Rowe , I . G . ; H . Griffiths J . AV . 1 , 258 ; Prosser , S . D . 1 , 258 ; AVutldn , I . G . 1 , 258 ; VV . AVood , 1 , 258 ; AA . Dovey 1 , 258 ; Ellis 1 , 258 ; B . Evans 471 , F . Orders 471 , E . Hunt 471 , Perks 471 , D . L . James 471 ,
J . AV . Phillips 471 , H . P . Bolt 471 , J . AV . Bebell 471 , II . L . A \ illiams 471 , Le Grand 471 , C . G . Davies 471 , Villievs 471 , Thomas Phillips 471 ; A org Einlang , and Sandberg , Netherlands ; Scott 233 , Bermuda ; Doty , 333 Glasgow ; Crocker , 923 , AVestford , America ; Elliott , Union , 45 , London ; Simms , Cornwall . The AA . M ., in giving " The Queen and the Craft , " observed that institutions and men were continually changing , but so far as Masonry was concerned loyalty was unalterable . Every mason
to be true to the Craft must be loyal . The next toast ( said the AV . M . ) was "The health of their brother the Prince of AA ales and tho rest of the Royal Family . " The reception of the Prince as a member of the Grand Lodge of England could not fail to bo gratifying to every mason in this country , and it might be in the order of Providence that their illustrious brother would some day he called upon to occupy a very high and distinguished position ' in the Craft . " The M . W . the G . M . the Earl of Zetland
and the Grand Lodgo of England . " Since 1 S 43—20 years ago , on the death of the Duke of Sussex—the noble Earl had held his high office , and lie had proved himself a devoted and thorough , mason . He was now about to retire , but would haven worthy successor in his deputy , Earl do Grey and Ripon . Bro . Hellyer proposed " The Bishop , Clergy , and Ministers of all denominations , " whom they might justly term their brethren , inasmuch as they inculcated in their ministrations the principles of Masonry . The toast was appropriately acknowledged by the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
eral initiates and joining members were proposed , and the lodg was closed according to ancient custom with solemn prayer-The brethren then adjourned to the banquot , an account of which will he given iu our next , in consequence of our going to press before the proceedings terminated . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Weaver .
HAMPSHIRE . SOUTHAMPTON . —Royal Gloster Lodge ( No . 130 ) . —This lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John on Thursday , tho 30 th ult ., at Freemason's Hall , Southampton , when the AV . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Harper , was installed by the R . AV . the Prov . G . M . of Hampshireand the Isle of Wight , Bro . Beach , M . V . There was a large gathering of the brethren of tho lod whom were
ge , among the following P . M . ' s : —Bro . Deacon , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bro . Stebbing , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; F . Perkins , P . Prov . S . G . W . ( the Mayor ); and Bros . Abraham , Coxwell , Payne , Booth , Weston , & c . The AV . M . appointed Bros . Pocock , S . AV . ; Jones , J . AV . ; J . AVeston , Sec ; Dr . Aldridge , S . D . ¦ Brown , J . D . ; Bemister , Dir . of Cers . ; Hill , I . G . ; Biggs , Tyler . Bro . Abraham having been unanimously elected Treasurer at the preceding lod was invested bthe
ge y W . M . At six o ' clock the brethren sat down to a sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Dartnall , at which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly proposed and responded to by the brethren , the toast of the Prov . G . M . being most heartily welcomed and very ably acknowledged by that RW . Bro .
LANCASHIRE ( FAST ) . . MANCHESTER . —De Greg and Sipon Lodge ( No . 1161 ) . — This lodge , held at the Corporation Hotel , Ardwick , met on Wednesday , the 15 th ult . Present—Bros . AVm . George Turner , AA . M . ; E . T . Plows , S . W . ; S . J . Pliilipson , J . AV . ; R . Macgregov , Treas . ; AA " . Burslem , I . G . ; C . R . Huffiim , S . D . ; Thomas Gi-eenhalhSeeThe visitors present —BrosJohn C
g , . were . . Hind , P . M ., Ncs . 204 , 923 ; Frederick Gutteridge , P . M ., Derby , 1055 ; J . W . Allison , Alexandra , 993 , and J . D . Ynfiesta , Robert Burns . 999 . Bro . Wm . Sadler , was passed to the degree of a F . C . Freemason b y Bro . Frederick Gutteridge , P . M ., of 1055 lodge . Bro . John Alckers was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . by Bro . John C . Hind , P . M . of lodges 204 , 923 . After lodge business was concluded the brethren adjourned to the festive board
, when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to with all due honours . The pleasures of the evening were enhanced by some good old songs and recitations , sung and recited by brethren of the lodge .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . ULVERSTONE . —Lodge of Furness ( No . 995 ) . —The lodge met at the Masonic Temple , on Tuesdav , the 4 th inst . Present—Bros . Roper , W . M . ; Dodgson , S . \\' " ; Pearson , J . AV . ; Butcher , Treas . ; James , Sec . ; Thompson , S . D . ; Paxton , I . G . ; Barber , P . M . ; and Podinon , Steward . Bros . AVylie , Prov . G . Reg . of Works , Lancashire ; the AA . M . and AVardens of No . 1225 , ' and several others were present as visitorsThe business included
. Hie installation of Bro . John Case as W . M . for the ensuing year . The W . M . was duly installed and saluted according to ancient custom , and afterwards appointed and invested the following as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Roper , I . P . M . " ; Pearson , S . W . ; Grundy , J . W . / Butcher , Treas . ; James , Sec ; Dodgson , S . D . ; Paxton , J . D . ; Wilson , I . G . ; Crook , S . Steward ; Blacklock , , J . Steward ; Remington , P . M ., Dir . of Cers ., and
Ayre , Chap . The brethren then adjourned to the house of Bro . Clayton , where an excellent banquet had teen prepared , to which upwards of forty brethren sat down . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts the brethren separated at half-past eleven p . m . in peace and harmony . Ftwmon . —Lodge of Unanimity ( No . 113 ) . —This lodge met at the Bull Hotel on the 3 rd instThere present the AA
. were . M ., Bro . Henry Steib , supported by Bros . A . U . H . AVhitohead , S . A \ . j E . "Wade , J . AV . ; FryGr , ' P . M ., Treas . ; Thomas Nevett , Sec ; R . L . Barnes , HA ) . ; A . Simpson , J . D . ; P . G . Hunt , I . G . ; Birrinill , . Johnston , Robinson , and M'Carter , P . M . ' s ; Greaves , and upwards of forty of the brethren of Lodge Unanimity . Bro . AVhitohead , P . M . 950 ; Porter , AV . M . 343 ; Smith , AV . M .
elect 314 ; Rigby , Melling , & c , were present as visitors . Bros . Ishei-wood aud Ellis were passed to the second degree . Bro . Henry Steib , P . M ., then proceeded to instal as AV . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . A . H . I-I . Whitehead , who appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . E . AV . AA ade , S . W . ; T . Nevett , J . AV . ; Fryer , P . M ., Treas . ; R . L . Barnes , Sec . ; J . Sumner , S . D . ; F . G . Hunt , J . D .,- and Robert Gardner , I . G . After the installation of officers , the newly installed AV . M .
presented on behalf of the past officers and brethren of the lodge to Bro . Steib , P . M ., a beautiful gold P . M . 's jewel ; also Bro . Birchall , P . M ., presented to Bro . Johnstone , P . M ., and Bro . Greaves , P . M ., presented to Bro . Fryer , P . M ., similar jewels to the one presented to Bro . Steib , P . M ., to commemorate their several years of office , and to show the great esteem in which they are held by their brethren . The business of the lodge being concluded , the whole of the brethren present sat down to a banquet supplied by Bro . Townsend . The usual Masonic toasts were duly given , and all passed off in a very satisfactory manner .
MONMOUTHSIRE . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 . ) The installation of Bro . the Rev . Samuel Pox , Prov . G . Chap , as AA' . M . of the Silurian Lodge , 471 , for the ensuing year , took plsce at the Masonic-hall , Dock-street , on Monday , 3 rd inst . ( St . John ' s Day ) , before a large assemblage of the craft . The ceremony was most ably performed by Bros . Hellyer and Bartholomew
Thomas , installing masters . The following is the list of appointments : —Bros . H . J . Parnall , I . P . M .: C . H . Oliver , Dir . of Cers . ; Gratte , S . AV . ; Randall , J . W . ; Pickford , Treas . ; AV . AVilliams , Sec . ; AVm . Wade , S . D .: G . Fothergill , J . D . ; C . Rowe , I . G . ; H . J . Groves , Org . ; AA'm . Jones and H . Scott , Stewards ; C . AV . Ingrain , Librarian ; and AV . McFee , Tyler . Tho Secretary has had his collar 20 years iu continuous
succession , the Treasurer has held office since 1862 , and tho Tyler has held his appointment since March , 1854 . The regular business having been disposed of , the W . M . closed the lodge in due form , and the brethren soon after four o ' clock , repaired to the AVcstgate Hotel , where the banquet was held . The chair was taken by the AA . M ., who was supported by about sixty of the brethren , amongst whom were the following : — Bros . V . W . Col . Lyne , D . Prov . G . M . ; G . Homfray Prov . G . J . AV . ;
Pickford , Prov . G . Treas ; Wm . AVilliams , Prov . G . Sec ; B . Thomas , Prov . G . S . D . ; I-I . Parnall , Prov . G . Sup . AVorks ; Oliver , Prov . G . Dir . of Cirs . ; Thos . AVilliams , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Hellyer , Prov . G . Pursuivant ; E . Wells , P . Prov . G . S . AV . ; Goombs , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; Griffiths , P . Prov . G . Supt AVorks ; Martin , Prov . G . Treas . East Div . South AA alos ; 0 . Iloinfriiy , J . G . Huxtable , Wm . AVatkins , G . Fothergill , S . T . Halleu , Prov , G . Stewards ; Gratte , S AV . ; Hoskins , as J . AV , ;
Scott and Jones , Stewards 471 ; Ingram , Librarian ; Rowe , I . G . ; H . Griffiths J . AV . 1 , 258 ; Prosser , S . D . 1 , 258 ; AVutldn , I . G . 1 , 258 ; VV . AVood , 1 , 258 ; AA . Dovey 1 , 258 ; Ellis 1 , 258 ; B . Evans 471 , F . Orders 471 , E . Hunt 471 , Perks 471 , D . L . James 471 ,
J . AV . Phillips 471 , H . P . Bolt 471 , J . AV . Bebell 471 , II . L . A \ illiams 471 , Le Grand 471 , C . G . Davies 471 , Villievs 471 , Thomas Phillips 471 ; A org Einlang , and Sandberg , Netherlands ; Scott 233 , Bermuda ; Doty , 333 Glasgow ; Crocker , 923 , AVestford , America ; Elliott , Union , 45 , London ; Simms , Cornwall . The AA . M ., in giving " The Queen and the Craft , " observed that institutions and men were continually changing , but so far as Masonry was concerned loyalty was unalterable . Every mason
to be true to the Craft must be loyal . The next toast ( said the AV . M . ) was "The health of their brother the Prince of AA ales and tho rest of the Royal Family . " The reception of the Prince as a member of the Grand Lodge of England could not fail to bo gratifying to every mason in this country , and it might be in the order of Providence that their illustrious brother would some day he called upon to occupy a very high and distinguished position ' in the Craft . " The M . W . the G . M . the Earl of Zetland
and the Grand Lodgo of England . " Since 1 S 43—20 years ago , on the death of the Duke of Sussex—the noble Earl had held his high office , and lie had proved himself a devoted and thorough , mason . He was now about to retire , but would haven worthy successor in his deputy , Earl do Grey and Ripon . Bro . Hellyer proposed " The Bishop , Clergy , and Ministers of all denominations , " whom they might justly term their brethren , inasmuch as they inculcated in their ministrations the principles of Masonry . The toast was appropriately acknowledged by the